B is home from his Disney Marketing Workshop in Hong Kong so my world is now back to normal and things have once again settled down to a contented, easy laid-back pace for me. I wanna say a special thank you to my adorable sister Mel, who usually keeps me company at home while B is away on a work trip and this last one was no exception.

Whether B ends up staying in gorgeous Lisbon apartments, or someplace nearer like Hong Kong or Bali, my sister always tries her best to keep me company and entertained with her antics if I don’t tag along on B’s trips and I am very appreciative of that. We had a wonderful time catching up and bonding, sister style. Of course B brought home a little something from HK Disneyland for Mel, which I know she will like.

Yesterday night was spent looking at his pictures especially the ones in Disneyland and unwrapping gifts. I will post photos of my gifts later because I like to share good things with my blog buddies. Don’t forget, my blog is also my very own personal space, my own online diary if you will. This means I tend to post stories and photos (including feel-good presents from my Love) I feel would make a great Dear Diary entry for me and my Darling as we go through this thing called life.

Of course I won’t be posting many photos in this post simply because I now have to upload my photos using Photobucket prior to publishing and this takes a lot of time. I am busy today and I don’t have time to spare editing and uploading pictures for now. So be patient my friends and you will be rewarded with some cool photos soon okay?
B showed me pictures of the Hong Kong International Airport last night, which got me reminiscing of my travelling days. It’s been a while since I hopped on a plane to go someplace far away or check out cool apartments in Lisbon or other great vacation locations so I hope we can go on another adventure soon. I’m not sure when this will materialize but when it does, I know I will be one happy camper. I live for vacations and I thank B for always trying his best to bring me places when the time is right.

Meanwhile, I want to share this cool Airport Quiz and some of our airport photos with you. One of the things I enjoy when travelling is being in the airport. Once we're checked-in and our luggage taken care of, then we like to explore the airport and enjoy the shops or little perks that define each airport we’ve ever been to.

Hong Kong International Airport
Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam
Amsterdam Days
John Lennon Airport, Liverpool
Doha International Airport
Subang Airport, Malaysia
Enjoying a massage in Subang Airport
Changi Airport, Singapore
Welcome to Singapore
Narita Airport, Tokyo
Bandung Airport
So what’s your Airport personality?
You Are Compassionate |
![]() You are sympathetic. You naturally have a lot of empathy for everyone around you. You can easily see the beauty in others. You appreciate them, and you never cling too tightly. You are very intuitive. You can always sense when someone close to you is hurting. You are a seeker of harmony, and you are a peacemaker. You don't understand why there is so much conflict in the world. |