Wednesday, November 09, 2011

One More Day *

My Darling is coming home tomorrow with plenty of goodies for me I hope - YAY! Ha ha of course I am hoping he’ll have a safe journey back home and I miss him like crazy too. rindu

Before he left early Monday morning, I actually taught
B how to use Twitter. Unlike Twitterholic me, B hardly ever tweets. In fact, I was the one who opened an account for him, in hopes of getting him to tweet with me sometimes. I guess it took him leaving me behind and travelling abroad to finally get him willing to sit down and listen to my short tutorial on how to tweet.

This was his before-I-leave-you-for-real tweet to me as he was about to board the plane.


Forget the fact that he neglected to censor the phone numbers and names of his colleagues. Forget about the part that my name was wrongly spelled (it’s double n). I just love that he thought of me enough to calm me down a little with his absence by reminding me of his loyalty and love for me. Smiley


How absolutely sweet, thanks Love and ILY too! Now hurry home for I can’t wait to have my gift-opening session with you and our four cats! peluk

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