This is a long overdue post and I hope all First Commenter Club (FCC) members will take note!
I noticed that many members who claim to be in the FCC are NOT keeping up with the rules and ways of the club. And I've been meaning to weed out the inactive players for a while now. I can't wait any longer and I know you can't too so here is the new list of APPROVED FCC members, which I know for a fact are playing by the rules and are actively keeping the FCC running. Thank you very much by the way!

I don't have the time to go through all those on my list currently so if you would like to join the FCC, please leave me a comment here. But first, here are the rules and I am going to be super strict about them so please read.

The First Commenter Club is all about appreciating your commenters and by that, I am referring to the first commenter/s who comments on your post/s. If you appreciate your commenters, you will be happy to reward them with a link back to their respective blog/s.
The FCC will house all members under one roof. This will make it easier for us bloggers to visit and get to know one another better. Furthermore, all members will be aware of which blogs are giving away free linky love to their first commenters, thus encouraging other FCC members to visit your blog!

Here is the badge to display in your sidebar.

1. Your blog gives away FREE linky love to your FIRST COMMENTERS.
* Please link back to your First Commenter's blog URL on your post. See sample here and here at the bottom of my posts where first commenters names/badges are shown and properly linked.
2. Your blog is active and kept updated.
3. Your blog DOES NOT HATE OR BASH other blogs and your blog is NOT in association with BLOG haters.
4. Display the FCC badge in your sidebar.
5. Your blog is not political or strictly SEO-based.
* Personal blogs, pet blogs, mommy blogs, freelancer blogs, women blogs, food blogs, celebrity blogs and the likes are welcomed!
6. At the end of the day, this club was started with the intention of appreciating our commenters. As club founder, I have the right to reject, ignore, or discard any application I feel unsuitable or not in harmony with the rest of the current members. I will NOT entertain any emails, comments or messages regarding rejection and this is FINAL!
1. Your blog gives away FREE linky love to your FIRST COMMENTERS.
* Please link back to your First Commenter's blog URL on your post. See sample here and here at the bottom of my posts where first commenters names/badges are shown and properly linked.
2. Your blog is active and kept updated.
3. Your blog DOES NOT HATE OR BASH other blogs and your blog is NOT in association with BLOG haters.
4. Display the FCC badge in your sidebar.
5. Your blog is not political or strictly SEO-based.
* Personal blogs, pet blogs, mommy blogs, freelancer blogs, women blogs, food blogs, celebrity blogs and the likes are welcomed!
6. At the end of the day, this club was started with the intention of appreciating our commenters. As club founder, I have the right to reject, ignore, or discard any application I feel unsuitable or not in harmony with the rest of the current members. I will NOT entertain any emails, comments or messages regarding rejection and this is FINAL!


1. Mariuca - Wishing on a Falling Star
2. Mariuca's Perfume Gallery
3. Meow Diaries
4. Makan-Makan @ Mariuca
5. LadyJava's Lounge
6. Turn-U-Off
7. Life According To Me
8. A Network of Entertainment
9. LadyJava's Life Pages
10. Blogger Cats
11. LadyJava Creations
12. Being Woman
13. Shopping Galore
14. LadyJava's Food Paradise
15. LadyJava - Online Money Chat
16. The Love Den
17. Confessions of a Not So Willing Workaholic
18. My Stories
19. My Very First Blog
20. I am ... but Gagay
21. Pinoy, MD
22. The Latest Buzzzz
23. My Piece of Paradise
24. Inside Hollywood
25. Beautiful Celebrity Women
26. Basic Bloganomics
27. Rest n Rileks
28. Elai's Haven
29. Elai's Precious Angels
31. Therapy Home
32. Bluedreamer's Top 5
33. Mommy's Little Corner
34. Anna's Adornments
35. Grampy's World
36. Everyday Fish Phil
37. Yummy-licious


:* :* :*
:* :* :*
Yeay for the new FCC rules and list!! well done dearie!
:-D :-D :-D
now we can get rid of unwanted pple!! lol!
yay for the new rules! :) ;)
hmm but i noticed some of the FCC members on ur new list didnt link back to their FC's blog url on their posts... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
hooray for the new rules n glad u taking this step sweetie! :-D
:* :* :* Monica FC1!
:* :* :* LJ FC2!
:-D :-D :-D And BD FC3!
Thanks for the *** chop, love n hugs~! :* :*
>:o >:o >:o >:o
was late.. >:o >:o >:o
great rules! :-D
and thankie for updating me and approving my blogs to be members still of FCC GP! ;)
huggs sweetie! ;)
:* :* :*
yippee yayay!!! 8-) 8-) 8-)
i love la this one! wohooo!! :-D :-D :-D
i can see me in the list!! n other FCC dearies tooo!! :* :* :*
Thanks for adding me on to your list. Now I have to get my act together.
I don't think I can be included in this new FCC. :p
Anyway I hope those who are in will enjoy it. :)
I have one question about FCC... should i only include FCC members on my FCSB? I mean how if someone ade a chop but not yet a member of FCC... does his or her comment counts?
anyway... i am so happy to be a part of this group yippeee
have a great day Marzie and happy blogging to you
Hi Mariuca! :*
Well, this is YOUR idea and YOUR rules, so you are doing what you feel you need to do. It's very understandable why you're revamping this like you are.
I definitely have my times where I'm inactive, but that's how it goes. I'm glad to see I'm still there on the list.
See ya later sweetie!
Hello dear,
Yes! well done I second to what our dearest LJ commented. Kesian me, dok stealing time to come to you. See you guys around always... 8-) :) ;) :* :* :*
I posted this links at my FB's profile to advertise your blog to my friends there. :) ;) :* :* :* :* :*
Hi BD! Good question! Actually it depends on u, currently I am giving links to non members as well but am leaning towards giving linky to members only from now on, more exclusive don't u think? :* :* :*
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
GP! sent u twitter not working well now. :(
GP am not sure if u received all my DMs.huhu! hope u do :D
GP am not sure if u received all my DMs.huhu! hope u do :D
GP am not sure if u received all my DMs.huhu! hope u do :D
GP am not sure if u received all my DMs.huhu! hope u do :D
Ha ha and ur DMs too, I was offline then GG.. thanks again!
Thank you very much Lil, love ya and hope u are okay! :)
Got ur email GG, thanks!
Thanks for being one of the FCC members Lil.. mmg pity u not time for blogging but same here lately… ni baru nak reply seberapa byk comment yg boleh, happy weekend! :D
Thanks for reading the update David and of course you are on the list, have a great weekend! :)
Happy blogging to you too BD! :)
We are happy to have you in the group too BD, yay! :)
Thanks Tekkaus! :)
No worries Tekkaus, can always return when u’re ready, happy weekend! :)
No worries and here’s an official welcome into the club, have a good one Russ! :D
LOL @ FCC dearies, so cute Caroline! :)
:* :* :* Caroline!
Me too, feels and looks lighter, easier to keep track as well, thanks Caroline! :D
Woot, thanks Doc GG! :D
Lambat la GG ha ha! ;)
You are welcome GG, thanks for being such an active player, hugs! :)
Hugsy for GG too! :)
Thanks for ur help LJ! :* :*
Unwanted ppl, out you go!! Ha ha! :-D :-D
Thanks Monica, hugs! :* :*
All out edi Mon, thanks for the heads up! :* :* ;)
:) Bella!
I am glad too and thanks for the support Bella! :* :*
>:o >:o >:o >:o GG!
I agree... Hmmm lemme implement that one in my blog... also will post about this too
Hi Mariuca,
thanks for the details, I got it now :-D, thanks again
HAhahaha loling at blog haters rules! but yeah!! Betul tu kena firm with them. So sorry lah I have to drop out of the FCC... I appreciate all my commentors cuma slalu unfair to them sbb after 3-4 months baru nak update FCSB! So unorganized lah me when it comes to blogging. Anyways, had a great run with FCC last time and had fun giving out prizes as well. Takpe lah now I jadi FCC cheerleaders and just support you all! hahahaha ;)
Yay! Im on the list now, Thanks Mariuca!!! More Power! ;)
I ususally givean extra link (with their photo) to the first commenter. Can I be a part of this club?
Best wishes,
hi marzie! yummy~licious is in! Pls add her, k!
i've added all the FCC members in my blog. how come anna's adornments appeared twice in your list, #34 and #37. =-O
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!