As much as we love travelling abroad together, B’s job does not always permit me to tag along on his many overseas adventures. So far, he has been to a number of places without me. His Sydney, Shanghai, Chiang Mai, Bali, L.A. and Manchester trips saw me being home alone, wracked with envious thoughts of him being in a foreign country and having a grand time without me. Though he tells me all the time that it’s work and not just fun, the mere thought of shortly escaping from life's daily stress is enough to make me feel a little left out whenever I'm left behind.
Apparently, another trip to Japan is in the pipeline for B. Unfortunately, this one is strictly business as well, so my chances of tagging along are somewhat slim. Speaking of Japan, our last Tokyo trip together was simply amazing; both a hectic yet FUN week for us. I felt utterly rejuvenated and inspired that entire month after we got back home. In fact, that was the reason I started blogging! Tokyo was truly fantastic and the vacation made me feel like an entirely new person; one that I simply had to share with my closest friends and eventually the rest of the blogosphere.
Since I have been there and done that at Tokyo, I guess I do not really mind being staying back for this coming trip. Of course, it would be an entirely different story if B were going to New Zealand, a country I have yet to visit and would love to one day! A friend of mine honeymooned in New Zealand and came back with rave reviews of this beautiful country. I hear there is a great wildlife park in Christchurch called Orana Wildlife Park, which is an open range sanctuary for endangered animals, providing them with enclosures that closely resemble their natural habitat. Over 400 animals from 70 different species are displayed. I wonder if it is half as cool as the Melbourne Zoo we went to during our Melbourne Adventure 2002, where we managed to capture some really cool pictures of some of the coolest animals there!
Apparently, another trip to Japan is in the pipeline for B. Unfortunately, this one is strictly business as well, so my chances of tagging along are somewhat slim. Speaking of Japan, our last Tokyo trip together was simply amazing; both a hectic yet FUN week for us. I felt utterly rejuvenated and inspired that entire month after we got back home. In fact, that was the reason I started blogging! Tokyo was truly fantastic and the vacation made me feel like an entirely new person; one that I simply had to share with my closest friends and eventually the rest of the blogosphere.
Since I have been there and done that at Tokyo, I guess I do not really mind being staying back for this coming trip. Of course, it would be an entirely different story if B were going to New Zealand, a country I have yet to visit and would love to one day! A friend of mine honeymooned in New Zealand and came back with rave reviews of this beautiful country. I hear there is a great wildlife park in Christchurch called Orana Wildlife Park, which is an open range sanctuary for endangered animals, providing them with enclosures that closely resemble their natural habitat. Over 400 animals from 70 different species are displayed. I wonder if it is half as cool as the Melbourne Zoo we went to during our Melbourne Adventure 2002, where we managed to capture some really cool pictures of some of the coolest animals there!
Sleeping Koala
Making Friends
The Red Panda
Perhaps I'll end up in New Zealand one fine day but if you are planning a trip to New Zealand sometime soon, don't forget to send me a postcard from one of the many New Zealand Hotels, Auckland Hotels, Wellington Hotels and Christchurch Hotels where you’ll be staying. I’d love to hear all about your little adventure in New Zealand!
The Heritage Hotel, Christchurch NZ

You guys will have the chance to take a trip together before long...I'm sure it'll be fun!
That's a beautiful Koala! I'm not feeling well at all but had to come here for a little brightness! Have a good week Marzie:)
Hola! Ms Genie Princess, I cannot believe that I am actually the first to get to make a comment.
Oh I'm so excited to be the first.
I know all to well about being at home alone. It gets very tiring sometimes and lonely also.
Your hubby's trips sound very exciting. And, my the photos are simply stunning!!
Have a great day Marzie,
I love New Zealand. I'd seriously loved to finally retire there somewhere. Who knows maybe I could one fine day ...
We also have never been to New Zealand. It looks like a peaceful and calm place to visit. We want to go there too someday!
And no worries, u will have your chance. When B has his free time, he would surely bring u there! =)
nice picture here..thanks
Hi Bobby, I hope u feel better real soon, maybe this cute koala can cheer u up! Thanks for coming by Bobby! :):):)
i wondering how many year of work will just take me to marzie must send me the post if you go there..keke
Jackie, so nice to see u here today! Lolz...appreciate ur enthusiasm here and oh yeah, being home alone does suck sometimes. Glad u enjoyed the pics. :):):)
Wow Nick, u've been to NZ before? How lucky! It's a great plan to retire there he he he...then I can tumpang your house when I visit NZ! ;)
Hola NAFA, happy Tuesday to you! OH yay, you too haven't been to NZ huh? How about stewardess NAFA??? Maybe GP and NAFA can go to NZ together one day lolz! :):):)
Thanks Hazel, I do love the pics too. :):):)
LOL!!! Kim're so hardworking maybe ur boss will send u there soon ...then u can make use of your wonderful photography skills to take great pics there and send to me instead he he he...:):):)
Me..not been to NZ before.. but would love to there too one day... whoever goes there first, send postcard ya...
How long is B gonna be gone this time GP?? Lucky got the kids eh!
Urmmm, Marzie, no la, I haven't been to New Zealand before but I wish I did though ... LOL!
I've only seen NZ in pictures and movies and from what I saw, I'm in love with the place ...
LJ, if I go to NZ, for sure u'll be getting more than just a postcard from me he he he... Oh yeah, the kids make great companions when I'm home alone, nasib baik ada 3! :):):)
Awww that is so sweet of you.. eh kalau kids tu tak cukup.. i can loan you some of mine...lolzzz
Nick....ohhhhhh he he he...nevermind....just work really hard with ur paid posts this year and perhaps can go for vakasi there! I wan a fridge magnet if u do get there k! ;)
Wah, thanks la LJ! I can also pinjam my fren/neighbour's 3 cats...all living right above me! That makes 6 oredi! Of course must get something special for LJ, my best fren what he he he... ;)
Wah 6 cats would definitely keep you busy dearie...thehhehe.... you're my best friend too....muahsss!!
LJ, if I had 6 cats, then can really be BFF with u right? Ha ha ha ha....and yay...I am LJ's best fren....GK don be jeles k ha ha ha ha!!!
Lolzz GP.. I love both genies..both also my BFF mah.. no need 6 cats or 6 dogs or 6 anything...loollzzz
Here's to both my BFF!!!
Ha ha ha...yay! The genies love being LJ's BFF cause LJ is so much fun, kind, funny and simply sensational la! Thanks dearie! Hugs and love for u this gloomy Tuesday evening :):):)
LJ loves being loved by the Genies...hehehe... yelah here very wet also lah GP!! Smokey is making noise coz can't play outside at the balcony ...lolz... kelakar dia.. badan jer besau but very small voice he's got...hehe
Eh LJ, last weeekend Benji escaped and ran away from home la, made me panic only!! Nasib baik jumpa balik, he was playing outside at the corridor! Naugthy boy la that Baba! ;)
ish ish ish Baba! Nasib baik tak hilang.. if lost, surely your master would be very upset lah Baba!!
That's right LJ! We didn't realize he was missing until an hour later, last-last B went out to look for him and he was outside, paws all dirty and black lolz!!! So cute, he came running to B the moment B called his name, so clever la Benji! :):):)
Wow so smart lah baba.. he must have regretted his unauthorised walk eh.. so did you give him a bath after that??
Ha ha ha...LJ, tak larat la to mandikan Baba, he's so heavy! Will send him for grooming.. but I did wash his paws and gave him Fancy Feast special treat so he won run away again! Lolz... ;)
Cute Koalas
Thanks Astro and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :):):)
That would be Red Panda, as opposed to Red Kangaroo is it not?
Oh dear, thanks for noticing anonymous! Lolz... you're right, it is a Red Panda and I've made the correction, thanks! :):):)
comel koala tu!
Ish ish ish.. asyik kena tinggal jer kan GP.. nevermind next trip you ikut ok..;)
Mmg comel Emila! Too bad couldn't pat pat the fella lol! :)
LJ, I always try to ikut kalau blh, hopefully the next one is somewhere cool and I can go too! :)
Syoknye can see all those animals! I love it! :):)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!