Jean and Martin tagged me with this Right Now tag. I have been posting like a madwoman this week, so a little fun and distraction is exactly what I need right now. Although 30 questions, it's still easier to do than the 100-question tag waiting for me at Ane's so I will do this one first, thanks Jean!

1. Where is your cellphone - charging.
2. Your hair - too long.
3. Your father - home.
4. Your favorite thing - perfume!
5. Your dream last night - dreamless sleep.
6. Your favorite drink - iced coffee!
7. Your dream goal - Millionaire!
8. The room you are in - my home office.
9. Your fear - losing my loved ones.
10. Where do you want to be in 6 years - travel the world!
11. Muffins - banana walnut.
12. One of your wish list items - duplex penthouse.
13. Where you grew up - PJ.
14. The last thing you did - watched Nip Tuck.
15. What are you wearing - Victoria's Secret.
16. Your TV - Sony
17. Your pets- Chubbs, Benji & Phoebe!
18. Your computer- Pink DELL.
19. Your life - is unpredictable.
20. Your mood - tired!
21. Missing someone - Baby Issy.
22. Your car - Toyota VIOS.
23. Favorite store - Lush!
24. Your summer - dry.
25. Your favorite color - red, lime green & pink.
26. When was the last time you laughed - while watching OIAM with B.
27. When was the last time you cried - last Thursday!
28. Last person who emailed you - Jean.
29. Your favorite food - Nasi Lemak.
30. A place you would rather be right now - New York!
Now who shall I tag? Here we go!
NICK, Mize, Adrian, Bokjae, Kim, Roxy, Lainy, Nessa, Jackie and Beth!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 242 Newer› Newest»:* :* :*
YAY!!! THANKS hun :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
Jean tagged me on this one too :-D
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
:* :* :* Mon!
Ha ha ha finally! See can chop if u're a night owl WOOT!!! ;) ;)
Welcome sweetie, I'll add you to my SB now, hang on! 8-) 8-)
Yeah, I saw u were tagged too, quickly did this one first, easiest among the rest mah LOL! =-X =-X :-[ ;) ;)
i thought new post @ MPG! lol
I tried to add pic but why cannot huh *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
He he no la, this week I wrote many post here, MPG sikit je LOL! ;)
ya I noticed that! GOOD!! 8-)
Ooooh what pic u want to add? He he, sometimes hafta refresh page then should be okay! :)
yay! 1 point for me... :-P :-P
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
And 1 point at MPG oso kan?
And this is a * post too Mon, so ur avatar will be here YAY! ;)
no la 0 point at MPG!
YAY!!! I'm so happy la....hahahhahha :-P :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
ok I'll try again to add the pic ;)
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
Aiya I oso just checked, 0 point la at MPG, how can like dat? Nemind, I feel another post coming at MPG, but crazy la if I do it now right? Oredi wrote 2 posts today ha ha haha! Takpe, wait kay? :)
Ha ha ha indeed!!! I missed CHOP at ur place yesterday kan? Had to cook la dat time! Busy in da kitchen lol! ;)
aiya still cannot
hahaha...yelah how can like dat? :-D maybe becoz of I don't have the twitter thingy? *DONT_KNOW*
Ok wonder what pic Mon!!
wah another post coming? ok I'll wait! :-P
Eh why cannot la, lemme go to my box now and see if I can load a pic!
Dats why, quickly DL la, sekejap je and it’s so cute la Mon! Mine is apple green colour woo hoo, so nice! ;)
oh ya you told me B's coming home for dinner right
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
Eh ha ha ha ha ha so cute la u!!!!!!!! New post at MPG soon for sure one ha ha! But not now la of coz, still haven dropped ec today, you? I dropped on 44 important blogs only for MPG but WOAFS not yet. :(
Testing pic! I can upload Mon and can see my pathetic drawing here too he he!!! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Recent blog post: MPG Returns! **
Yes cause it was raining so he came home straight and I had to rush out of my office to cook! ;)
ok you try and see...
twitter also got colour?? :-D
I dropped on 155 only :-D
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
I can see my pic loud and clear Mon!
Thwirl got color2!! Hurry up la! I followed u on Twitter oredi kan?
haha so cute la your drawing!!
lemme try
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
155 still more than me! I must drop at TUO whatever it is!!
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
hahhahh finally! can you see that? iced coffee for you!!
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
Ha ha can see my drawing??? *blushes*
Okay! Waiting…
Ok cool, so when u finally DL Thwirl later, I can see u! ;)
yeah I can see your drawing.. some more got meow meow :-D
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
awww.. thanks dear! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
Iced latte for me??? Oh yay, so thirsty now, lemme see ha ha!
I see it sweetie!!! Looks so refreshing la!!! Thanks so much, I really need this now! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MPG Returns! **
the pic is there aldy
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
Ha ha ha ha got meow meow of coz!! I dunno how to draw woof woof la! :(
how long it will take to DL Thwirl?
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
I see it Mon, but no cookies kan? LOL!!!
just now u said wanna eat cheese naan mah but i don't have cheese naan for you :-P
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
hey Mariuca
thanks for tagging me.... :) :)
have a lovely Saturday :*
Recent blog post: 'This world is but a canvas to our imagination.'
Hey! MPG is at TUO la today! And Mariuca is at Debbs and Shemah’s woo hoo!!! :)
Less than 2 minutes Mon, sekejap je! ;)
at least you know how to draw meow, i only know how to draw a snake *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
no cookies no banana walnut :(
ROTFLMAO! U don know how to draw meow meow? Eh but mine looks like a funny meow meow right? Ha ha ha! U draw la snake then show us ha ha haha !!!!
Morning Kim! Enjoy ur weekend too, hugs! :)
Ohhh so u replaced with iced latte, how thoughtful! HUGS! :)
wow wearing Victoria's Secret ;) good taste!!!
Ha ha it’s ok Mon! I like la banana walnut muffins, maybe Ill get one from famous amos today! ;)
not funny la at least I can see that's a meow! LOL.. snake easy la; long like a bus :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
He he perfume mah!!! Must have night perfume oso lol!! ;)
yeah i didn't take pic of the cheese naan coz it's white no
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
Ha ha ha ha sure or not easy? I think I oso can draw a snake mah!! But duck for sure cannot, chic oso cannot. Cow forget it la!!! :’(
Last time I used to love this garlic naan at SS2, but the shop closed down oredi… tasted very cheesy like dat! ;)
ahhh I love Famous Amos cookies!
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
wah you have morning/afternoon/night perfume huh
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
Me too Mon! I love butterscotch and pecan, and the no-nuts! The soft cookie oso I like!!!
Of coz have day and nite perfume LOL!!! Wan to buy some more ni, dats why need to do more PB hahha ha!!! ;)
I've never tried garlic naan before...
If u find the right shop, then garlic naan is really yum you know? Can just eat like dat, no need gravy all! ;)
hmmm yummy! and the smell is always tempting me to buy :-P
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
more PB for MPG and WOAFS!!!
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
Tell me abt the smell la, from far away calling out to u right?? :)
hahhahahh yes yes!
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
oh I'll try garlic naan next time! for the cheese naan I have to eat with sweetened condensed milk.
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget? chic cow I lagi cannot..LOL
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
oh yes MPG is @ TUO today!! :* :* woohoo Mariuca is everywhere!
Recent blog post: Forgive and forget?
Dats why la, crazy right how to draw bear I ask you???? Or lion? Bird oso I cannot! :’(
but meow looks like a baby lion la :-D
Ha ha ha ha ha so cute la meow!!! Yes I agree, meow looks like baby lion! U shld see benji when he was a baby OMG! Oh I think u saw right at my catster or something?
yeah I saw! so cute la baby benji!!! so u can draw a lion la...LOL
Ha ha ha ha cannot la!!! Crazeee or what want to draw lion? LOL!!!!! Giraffe oso impossible for me, horsey, what else??
hahahhahahha..... u can draw meow and snake only lo :-D
OMG looks like it la hahahahahha! Eh can draw fish oso!!! Ha hah aha!!! I mean the really biasa one la, nothing fancy like Emila ha ha ha!!!
I’ve never tried cheese naan with condensed milk!!!
oh ya I also can draw a fish la....LOL!!! hehe.. Emila can draw a fancy goldfish!
Fancy goldfish forget it la! Ha ha butterfly oso I can draw!! He he!
Aiya! Miss FC again! :(
Haha! Just read your conversation with Monica. woof woof and meow meow, and snake, duck and cow! Hahaha!! :-D
Lucky I didn't get tagged! 8-) Phew!!!
Thanks marzie for the tag, will do it later this week!
Congrats Mon!!
SSG was sleeping when this post came lah.. SSG very tired!! hehehe
Recent blog post: I Love My Twitter Followers
hahaha.. cute per your
eh you all better or not??
Here I brought hot soup for you :)
Recent blog post: I Love My Twitter Followers
congrates mon for being FC! :)
Recent blog post: Baked Herbal Chicken
yes, i did mon, haha! :-D
Recent blog post: Baked Herbal Chicken
hahaha.. yalar, marzie.. i've also been posting like mad.. but mine is only at AGP... you terror lar, sekali post, kat WOAFS & MPG!! Got power lar like that!! haha! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Baked Herbal Chicken
oh, btw, morning marzie! :) :* :*
Recent blog post: Baked Herbal Chicken
morning coffee for you, woman? i am having one right now! so when u're awake, rem to drink this, k! I'll put it in yr mini fridge kat yr home-office! Enjoy!! :) :*
Recent blog post: Baked Herbal Chicken
yummmm... FA bs pecan best lar, tho i still prefer choco chips. :)
Recent blog post: Baked Herbal Chicken
wah, mon, looks yummy lar this iced latte! is it as good as it looks? ;)
Recent blog post: Baked Herbal Chicken
wah marzie, you use perfume at home too!! so neat lar u got day & night perfume.
I've only got casual and work/ dinner perfume. I am using curve by LC for my casual outings and Subtil by SF for my work or dinner function. :)
Recent blog post: Baked Herbal Chicken
but i am planning to buy one more. Havent decided which to buy. I missed my miracle by Lancome. It brings back lots of cheerful memories to me! :)
Recent blog post: Baked Herbal Chicken
yay!!! i am the last person who emailed u!! ;)
Recent blog post: Baked Herbal Chicken
hahahha.. so cute lar yr drawing, marzie! :)
Recent blog post: Baked Herbal Chicken
Thanks for this tag Marzie, I will do this before I go to bed tonight.. It's Friday evening , that means I am going to stay up until maynbe 1 or 2 am ;)
Recent blog post: Frozen Hand and Fingers
me too LJ, I was getting ready to go to Chakai's school for her graduation today when this post came out... :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Birthday Memes*
Congrats again, Mon! :-D :-D :-D
OMG! =-O =-O i love banna walnut muffins too! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Birthday Memes*
we have so much in common Marzie! :) it's not a wonder we get along! :) great minds think alike! :) :*
Recent blog post: Birthday Memes*
but still posted when i was away, story of my life Marzie, story of my life... :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Birthday Memes*
did you know I missed the CHOP at Shemah's to Debbs by .03 seconds? that's right point 03... it's not even a whole second! =-O :'( >:o
Recent blog post: Birthday Memes*
Posting like a mad woman, lol!
Thanks for tagging me! I´m enjoying doing tags a lot, the worst is who to tag.
Anyways, I´m returning drops and passing by to wish you a good rest of weekend xxx
Ane! Hugs!! Make sure you camp out later at rotp cuz there'll be a * post. I'll announce soon! :) Watching singing competition now.
Ha ha ha morning Mize!!! Yeah, I have been posting daily here this week and sometimes 2 posts in a day! What is up with this madwoman la? Ha ha ha ha!!!! Enjoy the tag Mize. Hugs! :* :* :*
Morning Debbs, I guess I missed your CHOP oredi eh? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Ane, I also don have any points at Shemah's, how like dat? :'( :'(
Ha ha Ane!!!! Don worry! U will back being a night owl starting this weekend right? Then u can definitely CHOP away here LOL! Hugs. :* :* :* :*
YAY! We do we do love the same things Ane, so happy to hear abt the banana walnut, seriously my fave muffin! :* :* :*
Of coz la Jean must use perfume at home or go out or wherever la! If I go travelling kan, for sure B bising cause I'll be bringing at least 5 diff perfumes, yeah la variety mah!!! ROTFLMAO!! =-O =-X :-[ :-[ :* :-D :-D :-D :-D
Morning Foong! Yeah, u never CHOP-ped her before right? Come on Foong!!! :* :*
LOL! Glad u enjoyed our conversation Foong but serious la to the woof woof, duck and esp moo moo!!! Ha ha ha!! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Foong, dat's cause I'm waiting to tag u with the 100 question tag Foong, muahahhahha!!! :* :* ;)
Ok Bokjae, and have a good weekend with Rocky. Hope all is okay with Dawn??? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
LOL! Beth is a night owl on weekends, have fun sweetie! :* :*
YUM to banan walnut muffins Ane, and they gotta be served warm not cold to taste YUM!! :* :* :*
Wow Ane, ur room is lime green? That is the coolest!!! I bet u enjoyed spending time in ur lovely lime green roon, YAY to lime green!!! :* :* :* :*
Jean!! Miracle Lancome is oso in my koleksi woo hoo! I love the colour la, so sweet! But my fave Lancome perfume is still Tresor...mmmmmmmmm delightful!!!! *DONT_KNOW* :* :* :* :-D :-D :-D O:-)
Jean! Apparently I am on an unstoppable roll, posting like mad and nobody can stop me ha ha ha ha!!!! =-O =-X :-[ :* :* :* :*
Mmmmmm what a perfect way to wake up to, coffee from Miss Y waiting for me, thanks sweetie! 8-) 8-) :* :*
Aloha Jean, did u wake up really early today? hope u enjoyed ur DVD night with M. 8-) 8-)
Moooooooorning SSG! You feeling better today LJ? It's the weekend, time to relaxi taxi! :-D :-D :* :*
Congrats to Chakai on her graduation Ane, love and hugs from Aunty Marzie kay? :* :* :-D :-D
LOL, thank you Jean! :-[ :-[ :-[ At least can draw meow meow eh? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Cute ke meow meow I tu LJ? He he he tak nampak mcm any of my cats pun ha ha ha ha!
Oooooh thanks for the soup dearie, I am really in the mood for soup today, I like sup mamak actually. Chic one, and must be hot hot!! :-D :-D :* :*
U were the last person who emailed me Jean and it made me very happy too!!!! ;) ;) 8-)
Wah, cepat nyer you tagged me! I haven't even found one to tag you back for the last one yet! Aiyoo, efficient la you .... LOL! Oh by the way, I'm pretty efficient too. I've done the tag oredi ... hehehe ...
What? Really? Garlic naan is wonderful la ... Go try it quick!
Recent blog post: Right This Minute!
I agree Nick! For that Mon, u better bug R to take u makan garlic naan tonight lol! :* :*
Recent blog post: Tweet with Mariuca! *
Abaden Nick! I am posting like a madwoman this week ha ha, so of course I didn't forget u lol! Thank u, I do feel efficient ha ha ha, even more after I got to chop at AG lol!!! =-O :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Tweet with Mariuca! *
I love la FA cookies Jean, tastes so yummy kan? :)
yummm..... banana walnut!!! :)
wow, what a great color to pick for yr bedroom! lime green walls with white furniture makes a perfect combination for freshness! :)
hi mize!
I agree Jean, memang fresh lime green!
hey, debbss!! buzz buzz me, tau! i want chop!! :)
wat, marzie!! 5 diff perfumes? Salute!!! mmg the perfume queen lar u!! haha!!!
cool, marzie!! tresor huh? i havent try that before. ok, i shall rem that when i go buy my new perfume! :)
hahahaha... that sounds crazy, marzie but i love it! that's means chances to chop here are more!! :) :* :*
hi marzie!! im here!! :)
Hi Jean! Enjoying urself at ur FIL’s?
Marzie, no posts from me yet today lol!!! Been watching OIAM lol!!
Hi Jean! Don't worry, will be announcing on twhirl later ya. ;)
hey Debbs! you posted that * post already?
hehe maybe not tonight though Marzie, I am beat and off to bed early, I woke
up very early today for Chakai's graduation, will be a night owl,
tomorrow... :)
My fave muffin too Marzie! :) and then blue berry muffins take second place!
:) yum!
yes, Marzie, but they're good hot or cold! :)
Oh I still do Marzie, I run home whenever B and I get into nasty fights...
:) It's still my refuge and I stay there some weekends when I sleep over
with the kids to spend some time with my sister when she's in town... :)
Thanks Marzie! :) will pass her your love and hugs! :) :*
Yum indeed Jean! :) I'm going to bake banana walnut muffins this Sunday
because of this! :)
I know Jean and I helped paint it too! :) I think I was about 13 when we
painted it lime green, my uncle and I... :) it's so calming, it always
soothes me when I'm there.. :)
Thanks LJ! hope you're feeling better now :*
Recent blog post: A few caring clicks
Thanks jean! :*
Recent blog post: A few caring clicks
Thanks Debbs! ;)
Recent blog post: A few caring clicks
i pun buat tag ni!!its fun doing this tag!!
wah Mariuca! you're indeed on an unstoppable roll! :-D ;)
Recent blog post: A few caring clicks
What? Really? what nick? LOL!
Recent blog post: A few caring clicks
ok mariuca i'll go bug him :-D :-D
Recent blog post: A few caring clicks
yeah Jean... yum yum la this iced latte! ;)
Recent blog post: A few caring clicks
hahahh Foong was reading our conversation :-P :-D
Recent blog post: A few caring clicks
omg Mariuca... 100 ques?! =-X =-X
Recent blog post: A few caring clicks
Dat’s why! How to do 100 questions right? Ha ha hah ahhaa!!!
Ha ha ha ha help me Mon, I can’t stop posting ha ha ha ha! :)
Foong reading and laughing at our woof woof moo moo story Mon ha ha ha ha!!!
Yeah, Jean oso tagged u kan? I oso terus buat, yg senang or cool for sure I will do first LOL! ;)
hahhaha nvm mariuca! when is your new post coming? lol
yelah I know Foong must be LOL at us!!
Ha ha ha don LOL kay Foong? Wonder if Foong knows how to draw a baby lion hmmmm….. ;)
Ha ha ha ha crazy la wan to do another post so soon? Ha ha ha ha!! Yest I wrote 4, 3 here and 1 MPG ha hahhaa!!!! Today 1 so far here, and more coming! ;)
I know he can play piano...LOL
wow you wrote 4 yesterday?!!!!
Yeah good la the fella, can play piano! I love to hear ppl playing piano! So soothing… :)
That’s why!!!! What is up with me writing 4 posts a day now? ROTFLMAO!!!!
Ane!! I wan some banana walnut muffins sweetie!!!
Ane, I’m allergic to blueberry! So no blueberry muffins for me. ;)
B also can play piano...woot!!!
I used to write 4 posts a day too but depends on my mood also
Ok Debbs, enjoyz ur OIAM! ;)
I'm now trying to drop as many as possible...hehe...
Yeah but he plays sometimes only, must bug him then only he’ll play for me ha ha!!
My connection slow today, it takes ages to drop! But I dropped at TUO oredi of coz, wanna try be ur TD this month woo hoo!!!
both WOAFS and MPG are on the TD list!!! ;-)
YAY!! U mean at TUO right? If I forget to drop, u remind me he he, must try to drop 31 this month!!
yes at TUO! hahhaa ok I remind you ;-)
sjould post 100 question tag now Marzie, I bet it'll stop you from posting
for a while! lol! :)
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Recent blog post: Did Howard K Stern Kill Anna Nicole Smith?
wah, marzie!! an invitation!! congrates, woman!! this is a good exposure for you!! leah is right! you are one talented writer!! im so happy for u, woman! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!