Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Monaco Revisited

October saw B and I back in Monaco and since it was my third time visiting, I did a little research online on what to do in Monaco before our arrival. I’ve pretty much covered most of the main touristy areas over the last two trips namely the beautiful Japanese Garden, La Condamine, Port Hercules and Adam and Eve so frankly, I was at a loss on how to fill up my itinerary during the day while B was at work. Smiley

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Hotel de Paris
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Cooling view
There’s always the ritzy Casino of Monte-Carlo to visit, which almost always find busy traffic right in front. Rain or shine, night or day, tourists seem to love this spot and it’s hard to get a clear shot of just the casino since it’s usually jam-packed with visitors and party-goers looking for a little thrill in this classy casino. Smiley

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Rainy day in Monaco
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Super hot day in Monaco!
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Tour group caught in the rain
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Happy to see other curious photo-taking tourists!
By the way, did you know that the citizens of Monaco are not allowed to gamble or even enter a casino? All visitors to this casino comprise tourists from other nationalities. I wonder if the Monaco people are allowed to play online games using the many no deposit casino bonus codes or no deposit bonus that you can find online. Would that be going against the rules too? Smiley

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Valet service for the posh at Casino Monte-Carlo
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More Casino Fun

In the end, I did visit the casinos of course LOL! I mean I was on vacation after all so why not stop by a casino or two for a little thrill yes? No, I did NOT win but I did manage to check out the inside of the casinos we visited, which were all gorgeous! Of course, no photos allowed inside so we settled for photos outside … after sadly losing!Smiley
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Better luck next time!

Now that I’m home and no longer on a casino holiday, it’s back to using no deposit bonus codes to keep me entertained when bored. No money needed to play, so I don’t have to worry about losing! ihikhik

Until next time, I’m leaving you with a few more Monaco moments on our last Monaco visit. Have a good week people! Smiley

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Mariuca's News Van

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Les Pavillons
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Just window-shopping!
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