Friday, September 12, 2014

Japanese Garden in Monte-Carlo, Day 3 *

The Japanese Garden in Monte-Carlo is a picturesque spot of lush greenery. For one who’s not overly crazy about back-to-nature outings, I have to admit I was quite enchanted with my surroundings and spent a good hour by myself, walking through the park and snapping photos of anything that caught my fancy! Smiley

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Japanese Garden entrance
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Lake view

Before visiting the garden however, I had breakfast with B at Hotel Novotel. We then walked hand in hand to his workplace at the Grimaldi Forum. It was Day 2 of the Sportel 2013, Monaco convention. Apparently the most influential business convention for the sports media, the conference was already in full swing when we arrived.

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Yummy breakfast!
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Grimaldi Forum
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B at Sportel Monaco 2013
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Cool Eaglecopter
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Busy participants
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Hot Wheels
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Judo Demonstration

Prince Albert II of Monaco was due to make an appearance later that afternoon and B managed to snap some shots of the royalty figure, which he showed me when he got back later that evening. So that was B’s 'celebrity sighting' in Monte-Carlo, which I thought was pretty cool. Smiley
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Royalty in the house
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Prince Albert II of Monaco

After taking some photos together, B went on his merry way whilst I made the short saunter to the nearby Japanese Garden. At the entrance, I spotted a sign, which obviously meant No Dogs. That was a relief considering my fear of dogs and I would not want to be trapped inside a garden with a huge dog happily running beside or after me!Smiley
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Happy working Love!
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Garden maintenance was going on within the park and I spotted some workers going about their jobs. There were a few other visitors in the park as well and walking alongside them through the quiet park was made even lovelier by the beautiful weather we enjoyed that morning.

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The Lake
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Crystal clear stream
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The Stone Lanterns
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Can you spot the bird?
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Koi Fish
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The Tea House looked pretty quaint and cosy from the outside but I did not venture inside. Located within a solitary albeit beautiful spot, the Tea House seemed kind of ghostly to scaredy-cat me! ihikhik

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Tea House
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Stone Fountain
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Desert Landscape

Before I knew it, it was time for a late lunch and I hastily made my way to the seafront to take more scenic shots of other tourist spots and eating places before ending my walk admiring the footprints of the Golden Foot award winners on The Champions Promenade. Smiley 

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Snack Bar
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Dining al-fresco
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I also stopped by a souvenir store to get a new addition to my snow globe collection and that’s when I encountered an elderly tourist couple from Iran, frantically asking me for directions to some eating outlets. Lost and hungry, they seemed extremely grateful when I directed them to several eating spots before they finally decided to walk with me to the nearby Mc Donald’s

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Cute souvenir shop
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The lost and hungry couple
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My lunch

After a late and simple lunch and tired from walking all day, I took a leisure scenic walk back to Novotel Hotel.

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Galerie Sport
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Banque Havilland
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Shopping this way!
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Sandwich Cafe
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Italian Cafe
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Hotel Novotel

Next, I’ll be posting about the delicious pizza dinner B and I enjoyed while enjoying the magnificent view of Port Hercules, Monaco! Smiley

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