I promised several people that I will get my MM post out before the end of today and I plan to keep that promise so here goes!

Last week was definitely Adam Lambert's week and Allison's too actually. I think both of them did leaps and bounds better than the other 2 contestants, Danny Gokey and Kris Allen. Unfortunately, Allison's powerful vocal was insufficient to garner her more votes than the other three and as the last girl standing, she left the show with head held high. Not once did she disappoint me with her solid rockin' performances throughout her AI stint so congrats Allison!

My American Idol Music Monday pick last rock theme week was Adam and Allison. I can't wait to watch this week's show too where we'll get to see the Top 3 returning home for their homecoming. I'm eager to see who has more fans - Adam or Danny! Meanwhile, I am leaving you with Adam Lambert performing a Led Zeppelin for the first time ever on American Idol and doing it extremely well too! Now that it's down to the bottom three, my vote definitely goes to ADAM. I hope my American friends and readers will help keep ADAM in the competition - VOTE FOR ADAM LAMBERT this week peeps, for me!

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be DELETED without prejudice.

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 603 Newer› Newest»Sad that Allison was eliminated!
Recent blog post: Edu Manzano’s LBC Commercial: “Misleading and Improper”
:* :*
FC2? hehe.. i just came back and on Miss Fly and saw the twit...hehe
ok.. nak shower...
guess what.. Anja pulak tak sihat.. she's has snuffy nose lah.. can hear her hard breathing.. so another trip to the vet tomorrow :(
Oh i must've missed the tweet while i was vacuuming! LOL! The kids were doing artwork just now and there were scraps of rubbish all around! LOL!
Anyways, I think it's pretty clear cut right now that Adam would win, right?
8-) 8-) 8-)
yeayyyy I missed out again! there should be points for missing out FCs. I'd be the winner! Bem Baoleh! =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Time to go into Spock mode
I think tomok will win again
Adam's really strong to begin with, it's amazing he's even better in this one. :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Anastasia OST: At the Beginning
Not even close to the chop... I was in a meeting. Maddie liked Allison... I'll share your MM with the girls when I get home.
Recent blog post: Music Monday Prom Night: Can I Have This Dance?
Just joined a lil battle if ya know what I mean... haven't seen your kitties out there yet!
Recent blog post: Music Monday Prom Night: Can I Have This Dance?
:* :* :*
i'm here Mariuca...but late! :-D :-D :-D
wow Mariuca...this is very rock and roll...
I hope your favourite wins ...
have a wonderful Tuesday :*
Recent blog post: Made with Love
Tere FC1! YAY congrats dear! :)
Oh me too Tere, love Allison!!! :)
:) LJ! FC2 congrats!
LJL is oso up dearie and you are so in the lead on my FCSB, woot!
Lucky u got back in time to chop dearie, congrats! :)
Sorry to hear about Anja sweetie, really hope all will be okay. Buzz buzz and let me know what happens at the vet later yeah? Hugs for Anja! :)
I guess u did Shemah and hey, I oso vacuumed just now! Dunno Shemah, anything can happen, sekali AL tak masuk finale…oh tidak!! :’(
:) Debbs! Welcome back.
U betul2 mcm Spock la in that pic Bem2! ;)
I hope tomok will win again too Bem2! ;)
oh no!! MCS lah pulak!!! >:o >:o >:o
Anyways, as i was saying Marzie, i just noticed that you wrote Kris Lambert instead of Kris Allen! LOL! hahahha ni memang dah sah AL fever lah you!
Recent blog post: My Travel Horoscope*
oh i'm sure he'll be in the finals.. he gets as much publicity as Lindsay Lohan nowadays.. in a good way of course! LOL!
Recent blog post: My Travel Horoscope*
Too bad Allison is out! I hope Adam will win the title!
it was shocking that Allison was booted out of AI. Her performance that nite was definitely better than Kris and Danny. :(
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Dazu Stone Carvings, China
as always, Adam looked like a rock star, performed like one and if he doesn't win the title, i bet there will be whole lot of tears out there.
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Dazu Stone Carvings, China
Dropping my EC here and happy Tuesday, Mariuca. :) :)
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Dazu Stone Carvings, China
I can't wait to see AI on television here! Your MM posts are a great sneak peek. Have a wonderful day, Marzie :)
Morning Shemah!!!! Ye ke??????? I wrote KRIS LAMBERT? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahhahahahah ok ok will fix it now astaga! :)
Yeah stupid MCS! So tensi last night cause all my messages disappeared!
He he he he he AL sama dgn Lilo he he he, so cute la that comparison Shemah! Some more I laik oso Lilo!!! ;)
Yay, thanks so much Rosidah! U always seem to appreciate my Idol MM posts here, hope u enjoy your sneak peek yeah? :)
Good morning LR, thanks for dropping EC here today!
He he he he he did look like a rock star last week LR oh so cute hehehehehe! I really want Adam to win this year, no one else! :):):)
Yeah!!! I think the voters just didn’t like her personality much cause she’s a small kid and pretty quiet too, but I love Allison! She totally rocks LR! :)
Me too Foong, go Adam Go!!! :)
Oh my comment here for u last night disappeared Bem! Tak suka la inefficiency mcm ni, sekejap hilang comments sekejap ada! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Hey JL! Adam is just the best la, seriously it's hard to beat Adam but I won't rest easy until he's crowned the American Idol this year woo hoo!!! :* :* :* :* :*
Yay Maddie! I love Allison too, now let's hope Adam will win the title yeah? >:o >:o :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - After the Love Has Gone by Princess *
I managed to vote for u last night before I went to sleep Roxy, will be on BOTB later today meow! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: How Rude! *
:* :* :* :* Monica!
Recent blog post: April Top 10 EC Droppers! *
Better late than never eh Mon? Have a lovely day! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Lip Gloss for Me Please! *
Kim! It was rock n roll week he he and I really hope my Adam wins of course, he's the best!!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Girl by K-Ci and JoJo **
Hi Mariuca! :* :* :* :*
me quite busy nowadays...:-D :-D
Hey Mon!!! Am at TUO now actually! :)
Oh busy with work eh? Just got up Monica!!!! ;)
yeah busy with work Mariuca ;-) oh I just came back fm lunch..u makan aldy?
I haven't started dropping or clicking or replying comments yet
Mariuca, u're at TUO now? hehe...
No makan yet monica! Having coffee now and replying emails and what not. Hope u had a good lunch! :)
I clicked on ur adgi edi! And dropped off MD, always start my ec with MD first nowadays lol!
I had McD just now :-D am also having coffee now haha!
Yeah dropping EC and clicking adgi, but no new post for me to chop yet at TUO he he!
thanks dear....will do the same later ;-) oh now u start yr ec with MD first
huh... :-D
I've 4 PBs now Mariuca ...will buzz buzz u later ok ;-)
Coffee is the best la right? My fave drink in the whole world ha ha! Eh u know my KFC musical box is rosak! As in I put in coins now, but got no music!!!! :(
Yeah! I drop adgi and ec with MD first, then drop on important blogs for MPG and WOAFS and later only try to finish the rest of the 900 drops!! ;)
4 Pbs!!! I got 4 oso actually but had to decline 2 from BV cause I did for them edi within the last 3 months. Now got 2 more PBs yay! :)
Ok buzz buzz me!!! I’ve not been able to chop anywhere Monica, so sad! Must try to maintain my throne at TUO then! :):)
put ringgit notes it becomes 1110GB drive
what was the comment about?
hahahah buat lagi.... marzie baoleh!
yeah coffee is the best la!!! haha... also my fave drink! :-D
huh? why rosak? I guess no battery?
I buat lagi ke Bem Bem? Baoleh??? ;)
Morning Monica!
so nowadays u managed to drop 900?
hello there mariuca i just taged you here
have a great day
i think adam ad danny will compete to the finals
last week I've more PBs but tak sempat....haha.....
Maybe got no battery la, will buy new one today then. Miss my KFC jingles heheheheh!
Morning Bem, just dropped ec and clicked adgi at ur blog! :)
u're leading at TUO Mariuca ;-)
I think past 5 days I managed to drop 900 Monica! YAY Mariuca! :):):)
baoleh macam bao kan.. yang pau tu
Hi Bluedreamer, thanks for the tag! I’ll come by your blog yay! :)
Marzie, can you tell me whats your step for adgi clicking, like click satu
ad then bukak window baru, tutup the one before? Shemah ada cakap her steps,
but just wanna know how you adgi click everyday
I am hoping for a ADAM-DANNY showdown too Bluedreamer! Awesome!!!
Ohhhh like me la last month, missed out on that car PB eh? And I never got it back after that Mon! Dats why I try not to chop too many at once, maybe 3 maximum lol! Now got one from RM and one from BV. Yours all from RM eh?
Good Afternoon Bem! ;-)
YAY!!!!!!!!! So happy to know I’m leading at TUO, Monica! Woo hoo, will try my best to chop some more okay?
He he he mcm bao it seems! U dah makan lunch ke tu?
they still have the musical box kah?
Ohhhh I see…. Sure can no worries. I click on one, and then it will take me to another adgi site kan? So I continue clicking from there, on to the next one and so on. Once dah click, I close the window of coz! Also, I have a list of important blogs that I drop daily and click daily. So I oso click on those. You click sampai habis tak every day Bem? I just finished my adgi round too btw yeeha!
yeah baru je abis ni while replying here
Wow..... Yay Mariuca! well done! ;-)
I dunno, long time haven been to KFC, but the commercial no longer on tv yeah?
So lucky we got our KFC musical box edi Mon hahahhaha!
YAY! Now I wanna drop on important blogs for WOAFS and MPG, about 50 or so, then later at night continue dropping he he!
Thanks Monica! Trying la to drop 900 as many days as I can in a month. But sometimes too tired so tak complete 900. :)
yeah now i also don't wanna chop too many at once Mariuca! actually I 've 7
offers but wait la...lol.. yeah all from RM!
Thanks Marzie, thing is, I always cant find new ads, its always the same ad,
same ads don't count right?
okay will buzz buzz u later! hehe......;-)
Yeah good, cause scared they’ll blacklist us if we chop and then never do, know what I mean? I oso got 2 more PBs for chop at RM but wait first, will chop later he he!
I guess the commercial no longer on tv....but u can try la ;-)
I’ll be waiting Mon! Buzz buzz! :)
Ah tu la, that’s why u need to have ur own list oso like me, cause when u face that same ad problem, then u can go to ur list and click from there. Same ads don count. Dia one point for every different ad u click on. :)
yelah so lucky we got our KFC musical box edi Mariuca....lol!
oh u know what yesd i went to the airport and fetch my sis.. i think one of
my readers saw me lah...OMG! :-D
B will think Im crazy right, asking him to buy me another coin box from KFC!!!! Hahahahhahahaha! Nemind I change battery first then hopefully it’s okay lol!
Mon, you didn't reply him ka? Macam stalker la the reply, I was like puji u
so maybe can get free FC (hahha). FC so hard to get these days haihhh
I saw that comment Mon!!!!!! He was too scared to approach u eh? ROTFLMAO! Maybe can show pics of ur sis too! Younger sister is it?
Monica!!!! Somebody just took my BOTB challenge, vote for my meows if u can!! :)
You too Bem Bem! Thanks peeps! :)
Monica happening lah, somemore that guy quoted me pulak, ish, suddenly kena
happy nye dia! baling 1110GB drive kanggg hahahah ok I'll vote
I saw that guy quoted u Bem, saja je nak tumpang glamour you tu hahahahhahaha!
Happy but sedih dgn EC cashout bodoh ni! Dah kena bodoh! ;)
Hahahah tu lah.. I was wondering also.. apa yang nampak pelik ni. then
rupanya it was Kris Lambert! LOL! Hhahahahaha..
Hahahaha you like LiLo eh? I just wish she'd buck up and not seem so
desperado over her gf.
Morning Shemah!
Email la support, lembab betul la depa ni...
siot je, dia nak shy shy ngan Monica jangan la quote me hahahahah
So funny la me Kris Lambert and I tak perasan langsung, some more u know la me very careful always read my posts over and over again and still tak notice! Thanks Shemah he he!
I like la Lilo, she’s so pretty!
i can imagine that Mariuca....phew 900!!! takes how long huh
oh no they�ll blacklist us if we chop and then never do?!!!
Lembap and scared, then tak payah la have cashout to begin with, don make ppl keep their hopes up only to disappoint later! :( And don forget I’ve been approving the stupid paid ads! FOR NOTHING!!!!!!!!
hhahahahahha then u go try change battery first!
Hahahhahahahahahah tu la Bem, dia shy2 cat dgn Monica, then saw got baik punya opening with ur comment so apalagas! Tumpang sekaki la muahahahhahaha!
How come ah Bem always same ad?
Takes one whole day and night Mon, cause I do it sikit2 throughout the day and night! Pity me right dropping like a madwoman every day and EC don wan to approve my cashout, fed up edi la! Seriously fed up!
Am glad it was Allison that was eliminated and not Danny.. :-D
We shouldn't worry about Allison, with her talent, I bet she has an album already in the works.. :)
No la, they MIGHT blacklist if we continue chopping and then never do right? So after that one incident, I stopped over-chopping at RM edi ha ha!
Adam did do a great job this week didn't he Marzie? *DONT_KNOW*
Bem, u saw the msg too? haha.... I haven't replied the comments yet :-D
lol @ free FC!
I can admit that Adam was great, but am still not a fan.. :) Still prefer Danny.. :-D
Oh, and am here to drop and click your adgi.. :)
same ad for?
Hahahahah pandai betul si James ni
Shopwiki punya la I kena reject Shemah, cause just did. They offered me 2 shopwiki, both I had to decline!
I saw! of course I saw because your airport guy quoted me pulak! hahahha
Sad to see Allison leave Ane! :(
Of coz Adam did a great job last week Ane, he totally rocks mah world! ;)
haha but scary la like that Mariuca!
yeah my younger sis....I showed her pics before la....lol.....
Adam!!!! Danny is my number 2! ;)
Thanks Ane!
Who quoted bem?? Saying what?? Yerrrr. poser!!
Hahhahahah nama dia James is it? ROTFLMAO, I tak remember!
OK!!! I'll vote for meows NOW! ;-)
Morning bem!! Ohhhh.. time I sleep, situ u sedap2 nak start comment ye???
Mariuca, can give me the link to vote? lol....
Okay.. I understand what depa is bem.. Yay for me!! LOL!
hahahhahah how do u know he's a guy, Bem? maybe gay? lol!!!!
Yeah scary stalker on the loose at TUO he he! Poor guy, ur admirer mah!
Same ad for adgi? then maybe you can go to the leaderboard and click the
adgi ads one by one from their bem?
YAY! Thanks Monica! MEOW MEOW MEOW!!! Don forget to vote for MD and not castaway ROTFLMAO!!!!
lol Bem!
You have to sign in first Mon!
Hahahahhahahhaha kesian la Monica’s admirer kena here hahhaha!
awat hang loklak la ni
Hey Mon! :)
Hahahah garangnya queen mariucan ni hahahha
See la, Mon's secret admirer.
Mon, how would you have responded if he said hi?
Hhahahahha ya la, tapi he quoted me why why why?
Oh is that the way? I was like clicking and clicking suddenly I become top
mariucan pulak, sangat lari
Me too ane!! I was so glad that it wasn't danny that was eliminated..
I oso dunno, but usually Shemah is an expert in these matters
Memang la garang kalau org make me angers Bem! Don play2!
Me too ane!! I have no problem giving credit where credit is due.. but I am
not a fan of adam's. He's great and everyone knows that.. but he can't seem
to pull me in! LOL!
Tu la Bem, I dah cakap dah cause dia nak tumpang glamour!!! LOL!!!
Bem!! You lost me at loklak!! LOL!
Someone tell me what mon's juicy gossip secret admirer is!!
Bem at one point u were also my TCM at MPG woo hoo! King kat sana jugak ke?
hehe Yay to Danny! :)
Throwing tantrums ye?
So sad Adam can’t pull u in Shemah, he pulled me in since audisi days edi ROTFLMAO! :)
no lah, nanti kene marah ngan Shemah and shemah, the dynamic duo
hahahah i had assistance from my wife for that one!
Dia carik ruang je tu ahhaha
they still haven't approved your cashout Mariuca???!!!
Assistance for what eh Bem Bem?
ohhhh ok I'll take note of that; stop over-chopping at RM! lol
Shemah is an expert in what matters?
hahhahahah....airport guy! :-D
assistance for talking penang
In knowing whether Monica's admirer is a guy or girl.
Hahahahahaha my name's so nice gotta see it twice, remember!!
ok...i'm at BE now! ;-)
hahahhaah I didn't vote castaway la....lol
They haven Mon and I don think they will! I fed up edi with ec like dis Mon!
Hi Ane! ;-)
He he! I chopped one last night Mon woo hoo! U got ur first payment edi right? How abt the al-rajhi card? Got edi?
Monica, are you sure???? not castaway? ahahahahha
Monica’s admirer is a guy la of coz! Kan he said oh Monica so sexy so pretty, so scared wan to approach her muahahahhahahaha!
That's right, you're the dynamic duo
YAY, thanks for voting Monica! Hugs! :)
haha Bem....hmmm...if he says hi, I will also say hi lah! abuden?
He he he he come on MD, beat castaway this time!
haha Shemah!
I've voted for MD already, Marzie!! Meowie!!
what if he says, "did you vote for Castaway?"
I just withdrew this april's earnings! Today just gave me my 3rd payout!
Yay!! :-)
I'm sure la Bem!!! not castaway!! I didn't vote castaway lah! lol....
See Mon, Marzie knows he's a guy, she knows these things
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!