It could have been a perfect American Idol season this year. The contestants were equally hot; each one brought refreshing uniqueness in their vocal prowess and performance. Week after week saw us constantly amazed at the talent discovered by our four lovely judges and we were left gripping the edge of our seats; waiting and wondering who will emerge as the chosen American Idol.

Through it all, we witnessed the emergence of a new talent; someone so rare for us to fortunately chance upon just once in a lifetime. Adam Lambert was the main reason many of us tuned in to the best singing show in the world every week. There was none other. No one proved to be as unique or as entertaining. To turn the Idol stage into a weekly concert was no easy feat, but that was precisely what Adam Lambert effortlessly achieved. Hopes were high that he would be crowned this year's American Idol, but when it really came down to it, underdog Kris Allen, from out of nowhere proved he had what it takes in the hearts of almost 100 million voters to represent America as their singing idol.

I was not surprised when Kris Allen was declared champion at the American Idol final showdown last week. After taking in the overwhelming turnout at his homecoming the week before the finale, it dawned upon me that this could be the one season where we'd have an unexpected result. While we can't deny Kris Allen's capability to belt out heartfelt numbers in his own originality and alluring form, there's simply no overlooking the talent and appeal of charismatic Adam.

However, it is what it is; and someone as amazing and talented as Adam is almost unbelievable. Too good to be true, the tendency to forgo voting Adam in view of sympathy or support votes for his opponent could be the reason behind his unexpected but not surprising loss. Week after week, Adam's performance just gets better and better and voters were probably much comforted by the fact that he will surely win even without ensuring that victory with actual votes. That belief did not work in Adam's favour however and after almost 100 million votes, he was declared the runner up as opposed to the champion he rightfully is.

As comforting as it is to know Adam Lambert will definitely sign on with some major recording deal and will eventually make a name for himself, that is really besides the point. Adam did everything possible with and beyond his talent and originality to win that crown. He deserved to win.
What could have been a perfect ending to an exciting American Idol season with the crowning of a superstar with the charisma, charm and talent to accompany the much coveted American Idol title unfortunately dissolved into an anti-climax let down when Adam Lambert came in second place to Kris Allen. As life would have it, that was just how this year's American Idol ended ... almost perfect.
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We haven't heard back on how the encounter went between London and Maddie's niece (hmmm... she needs a secret blogosphere name!!) and everyone's favorite idol Adam... I'll let you know when we hear more!
Recent blog post: Summer Officially Started with an Awesome Memorial Day Weekend
Hey Bem! :) still can't upload freakin pics on blogger! grr..
Hey Ane, that's weird really, I don't use blogger for my pics 90% of the
time so I wouldn't know if its working.
I'm forced to upload my pics to photobucket Bem!
I am forced to upload my pics to photobucket Bem!
Yeah I've been using photobucket all this while. Its probably temporary,
hope you'll get to upload to blogger soon :)
me too Bem! :'(
Hey Ane! Hey Marzie! :)
Hey Debbs!
I use google pages je, last time used photobucket but it took ages to upload pics there, googlepages senang je! :)
I usually use blogger to upload post pics Ane, maybe blogger was down yesterday.
Yay to Adam being everyone’s fave Idol, Roxy woo hoo! :)
Thanks, I'm starting to like googlepages gak. :D
i would have to say that i love Adam lambert's version of this song compare to Kris Allen
Who doesn’t Bluedreamer? Obviously AL did a much better job on the idol song tis year, sigh!
We gave you and award! Have a nice day!
Recent blog post: My Top 5
Yeay... am here today on your EC widget!!! so!
Thank you for the award Reema, have a good one! :)
Thanks for advertising at WOAFS, LJ! Do come again. :)
Equally good but Adam is still better for me Ane. :)
Morning Bem!
Ane! :)
Morning Marzie!
Hugsy Ane! :)
Morning Bem Bem! Dah makan choc kat WOAFS? Takyah BD! ;)
Morning Marzie, tak makan choc kat WOAFS pasal skarang tengah big time BD...
Morning JL! It is the eyeliner that makes Adam dark and mysterious he he, I don mind at all! ;)
Oh me too trying to BD here Bem! Hmmmmm nak makan BD food apa ye today?
For the last time, u no need to BD la BEM!
If I use eyeliner, will i be mysterious?
Thanks for dropping EC here LR, happy Thursday! :)
Makan la sayur je, sampai muka hijau, now that's BD.
For the first time, I do need to BD. Big time!
U pakai eyeliner nampak mcm mat rocker nanti Bem!
I mean yg tak best punya mat rocker, yg Nampak mcm tak mandi gitu ROTFLMAO!
Sure or not u need to BD ni, I saw ur pics edi, nothing to BD about la! :(
Eh pics tu I pandai suh Soulie amik gambar angle NBDI
Takde takde I pakai eyeliner confirm menusuk kalbu.
Wah u pun pandai ada angle eh? NBDI apa?
Oh tidak to masuk kalbu lol! Kenot la u pakai eyeliner Bem!
No BD Illusion
nak pakai jugak eyeliner!
LOL @ Bem nak pakai eyeliner suddenly it seems!
Go Eyeliners!
Go Maybelline!
NBDI it seems lol!
I think they are equally good Marzie, but I do prefer Danny, too bad he
didn't make it, plus looks wise, I so prefer Danny over the 2.. :)
Ane, I prefer Danny myself, he has that seasoned singer look heheh. His tone
of voice is awesome.
I totally agree Bem!! :)
Its good to agree on a Friday! yeehaw!
Me three bem.. I was so bummed that he was booted from the show.
I wonder if Danny's currently making an album. Would like to listen to his
singing. Personally, after listening to Just Once, Just Once's friend and
Danny on the radio, I would say Danny has the best voice.
Hahahaah yeah.. I read that Danny is in the works of making an album.. but
how soon it'll be finished and released is anyone's guess..
I so agree Bem, he's not over the top like Adam and not too goody goddy
looking like Kris.. LOL
Hehehe Ane, it is disappointing that he didn't win or at least got thru to
the final. My bro even said he's the best singer there, and mind you, my bro
doesn't give compliments easily.
Oh I love Danny Gokey! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!