Thinking of throwing a party or small get-together soon? How about serving some yummy boxed chocolate delights for your guests?
Gertrude Hawk Chocolates provides only the most delicious gourmet chocolates for your every need. From caramel dipped apples and chocolate covered cherries to fresh fudge and sugar-free candy and truffles, you will surely find something sinfully rich to satisfy your choc cravings and your guests' too!
Made from only the best and freshest ingredients, each handmade chocolate is made using the secret recipe of Gertrude Hawk, which she lovingly concocted in the comforts of her very own kitchen.
I've always had a guilty passion for caramel or chocolate dipped apples but looking at the pictures, I have to say the assorted fresh fudge looks more enticing especially the Chocolate Silk Fudge! Which one would you serve your party guests?
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-
:-[ :* :* :* :*
yihaa!! i got one more!!
Chocolate yums nya.. two pieces please.. tenkiu GP!! heheh
I think they wont make it by the time the guest arrive lah.. i would have eaten them!
LJ! :)
Wah tak zzzzzz lagi ke LJ? Morning and yay for 1 more point, so in the lead! ;)
Make that 7 pieces okay, for ur meows and you and A! ;)
He he order la extra LJ, actually price oso reasonable kan this kedai? I am craving for some fudge now LJ! :)
Alakazam!! Did someone say chocolate?!?!! Dark Chocolate?!?!? Yummmmmy GP!! Those tempting pictures in the morning are hard to take!! Making me crave for some chocolatey goodness! :):) hehehe
Cheers GP!
I made it !! lol!
yelah.. chocolates.. good anytime!
hahahahha... eh kitties tek leh eat chocs tau
woke up at midnight tadi
Choppity chop! :* :*
Morning Mariuca! :)
Oh no, not on my BD day! *DONT_KNOW*
Kidding! Beedee schmeedee! I love those!! Gimme gimme gimme! =-O =-O =-O
Dah lama tak makan cokelet. *menulis perkataan "cokelet" dalam senarai perbelanjaan rumah untuk bulan Jun*
I just got up! Slept for a while and now ready to do some farming! :):)
I really wanna try Chocz or however it's called kat Suria KLCC. Hmmmm...
I should go with Yenny one day and take some pics. :)
congrats LJ ;)
Wow... makes me chocolate in bed, though!
Roxy :-D
Recent blog post: Jay McInerney and Me
Alakazam Adrian! He he he tempted with the pics Adrian? Me too craving for some chocs now even though I’m on a so called diet here ha ha! Happy Thursday! :)
You did it dearie, 13 points edi yeeha! ;)
I would love to bite into those caramel apples LJ! Yum! :)
Of coz kitties cannot eat chocs LJ, ni semua virtual chocs for the meows! ;)
Wah baru bangun at midnight ke apa LJ? Anyway, I’m up, early bird it seems. :)
Morning Debbs, long time no see! :)
I oso BD for real Debbs! So no chocs for me por favor! ;)
He he Beedee schmeedee!! Have all u want Debbs, kalau tak BD boleh la enjoy! :)
What kinda chocs ur craving today Debbs? I too need to do some grocery shopping, BD food it seems! ;)
Marzie! Hehehehe morrrrrninggg!
For real, Marzie? You're BD-ing for real?? Bravo! :):)
I baru nak zzzzzz masa u just got up Debbs! Happy farming, I finished playing ice cream craze edi, now playing stand-o-food 2! ;)
CHoppity Chop Debbs! Another point and now you are def at 3rd place woot!
I’ve not tried CHocz yet Debbs, mesti ada obersea chocs! :)
Take la pics and show me! U mean Yenny is here in KL Debbs? Not back in Sarawak?
He he enjoy the yummy chocs here today Roxy, bring the girls over! :)
Oh I'll have some chocs and peanut butter for you okay? Hugsy!! It feels like ages la tak mengomen. I got addicted to 5 games on FB. Hehehe...
Morning Debbs!!!! Dah lunch ke tu?
Hehehhehehheeh BD for real 2 days now oh tidak! ;)
Wah 5 games at FB???? I mmg berzaman tak main FB la Debbs, so out of it! Except for Scramble, that’s the only one I’m still playing. Yay to chocs and peanut butter, lovely kombinasi!
Hi Beth, have some yummy chocs on me! :)
Oh, avoid chocs alley at all cause! Hehehe...hmmm I feel like having Cadbury dairy milk.
Cepatnya you finish playing ice cream craze! :):) Best ke stand-o-food 2?
Oh lucky chop! :):)
I think mesti ada la obersea choc. Choc fondue sounds divine! :)
Oh Yenny org Sabah, Marzie. She's in Pahang now but she'll be back in KL for good. :)
Oh not gonna have lunch today, Marzie. Had a late breakfast. :)
Yup Marzie, it's crazy! :):) Been neglecting comments on RoTP sbb tak sure js-kit dah fix or not, and malas nak check.
Laju nye LJ makan chocolate :D
The other day before my BD for real, I had kit kat la, biasa je…. Not a huge kit kat fan unless it’s kit kat mint or something. Wonder if chocz ada kit kat mint! :)
Hahahahah Marzie wants to feed LJ's kitties with chocolate it seems!
Recent blog post: MM - The Stylistics - You Make Me Feel Brand New
Yeah! I played and played ice cream craze sampai habis woot! Best la stand-o-food 2 challenging oso! Susah nak menang esp the ufo story. Hey, BTP accepted me edi la, as in here but rejected MPG, freaker! ;)
I BD for real for 1 day.. ok ah?
Recent blog post: MM - The Stylistics - You Make Me Feel Brand New
Yeah lucky chop cause end month edi, still got a few more posts to do though…. :)
Dairy Milk Cadbury memang classic kan?
Recent blog post: MM - The Stylistics - You Make Me Feel Brand New
Good for you, Marzie! :) Good lah you BD for real. Hehe...
I also tak minat sangat Kit Kat, but Kit Kat mint sounds yummy. :):)
Choc fondue!!!! I oso wan! Oooopsie, BD GP!
Marzie real BD tu sure ah? No BD justifications?
Oh ok ok, that day u went to visit her pun in Pahang kan? I remember that. Bet u can’t wait for her to return to KL for good. :)
Me too not gonna have lunch, BD maksimum he he!
Kit Kat layan jugak, but when I was a kid I used to be gila Twix.
LJ kan suka makan choc pagi2 Bem lol! ;)
Debbs, fixed edi JS. But they say they’re working on restoring all comments back to our dashboard, but so far takde bende pun. I wrote them and they replied, their engineers still working on it and all the comments won be lost, but tak tahu la… :(
Yummy choc kitty treats mah!
Me too la Bem, BD for real for one day, smlm makan tom yum and bread je ahaks!
Oh good for you for being accepted on BTP. Yay WOAFS! :)
I hope to chop some more yay! :)
Iye Bem, mmg classic. :) I also love the Peppermint one. Yummy!
Tom yam and bread je? Wah well done Marzie.
LJ kalau choc pagi2 laju betul ye Marzie?
Hehehe no choc fondue for GP.
BTP tu apa Debbs?
Cadbury nye choc memang sedap la, tapi enak dimakan begitu saja gak (dairy
Of course, I need a girls day out and so does Yenny. :):)
Memang klasik, semua org suka! :)
It seems la I BD for real Debbs ha ha! Trying at least lolz…
Okay GP! :) Thanks for the info. :):) Will try to write a few posts before the end of the month.
Kit Kat mint is yummy Debbs, don forget to try kalau ada chance. :)
He he see my mood, if ppl make me angry maybe ada BD justifikasi later lol!
Oh I still gila Twix!!!! Esp peanut butter twix, I wan la!
YAY WOAFS!!! Debbs, nak tulis quickie post ni, try and chop away!
Now only replying comments, mmg takde mood to reply kalau MCS kan? :(
BTP = BlogToProfit, Bem. Paid post program.
Ohh ok thanks Debbs.
Yay to more chops for Debbs!
Wahhhhhh Ive never tried peppermint Cadbury milk? Ada is it?
Yeah today oso planning to have something light and soupy and no rice! ;)
He he laju gils LJ tu Bem, that’s why she’s SSG. U know what’s SSG?
YAY, will chop away at ROTP, so far behind there huhuhuhu! :(
No more quadruple Mariuca next month huhuhuhuhuhu!
Peanut Buter Twix kat obersea je Bem! Dats why la, bila nak sampai M’sia ni? Oh so yum!
Hahahhahaha don't be looking hard to get angry ya. BD justifikasi it seems
Ada Marzie, jenis yg peppermint dia gooey but yums!
Adehhh now you got me craving la Marzieeee
I've always wanted to know what SSG is.... apa tu? seksi serigala?
Light and soupy and no rice? OHH lasagna la camtu
Hehehehheheheh justifikasi is important in a BD Bem! ;)
Hahahaha lasagna Bem light and soupy it seems!! Seksi serigala LMAO!!!
Gooey peppermint oh my! :)
Hahahahahha light and soupy lasagna... sedap tu lasagna mmmm... LJ is a
seksi serigala hahahaha
Sedap tu Bem, u ada fren kat US boleh kirim depa! Betul tak I use depa here?
My mom always justifikasi for me when I dont want to eat rice, because she
is a rice enthusiast.
Hahhahahahahhahahh seksi serigala hahahahhahahhahaa! SSG – Sneaky Speedy Gonzales! Bet u didn see that one coming hahahhahaha!
betul la tu depa, penggunaan dalam konteks yang betul. Takde la anyone from
states. haihh.
Oh no lasagna is my fave u know, kenot eat cheesy weezy but oh so yum!
Sneaky Speedy Gonzales? Wow, how la you guys come up with this acronyms.
Seksi SeriGala sama je ngan Sneaky Speedy Gonzales.
Eh hi five! lasagna is my favourite too, but too much and I become garfield
I cant be a rice enthusiast bila nak BD. :)
I kalau frens gi US, then surely kirim peanut butter twix, but sometimes difficult for them to find oso. Can imagine twix yg dah oredi yummy, tambah peanut butter lagi! :)
Hahahhahahahahhaha comel kan SSG? LOL!!!
So cute la Garfield’s fave food is lasagna eh?
i'm a chocoholic. i've a sweet tooth for chocolates Marzie. i'm one of those folks who just can't get enough chocolates. ;)
Ya la, lasagna is his favourite food hehe
Garfield ada good taste. Meow. Comel too cause fat and fluffy.
He he, I love chocs LR, there’s just no saying no eh? Except for the ones with nuts, for me. :)
ala pesan for me gak la.. sedapnye twix peanut butter mmmm
garfield kalau yodel sure takde bunyi pasal malas
Ha ha kiriming peanut butter twix it seems!
Hahahahah yeah la Garf so lazy but oh so cute!
=-O =-O =-O
yummy yummy! I want!! :-P
Wah, so happy Mon.
Yay! Which is your fave Mon? :)
so happy to see chocolate Bem...hahhahahha!
I like Chocolate Silk Fudge and Milk Choc Caramel Apple! :)
I love all except for the ones with nuts! :-D
I oso laik the choc silk fudge Mon and the lemon fudge looks so yum!
Oh me too!!!! I don like nuts in my choc Monica! :)
u oso Mariuca? haha yelah I don like nuts I don't know why :-D
I like nuts to eat on its own, but not with chocs or bownies know what I mean? ;)
hahahah I know what u mean Mariuca ;-)
You must hate nuts most probably
not hate lah....i kinda like cashew nuts :-D
the dark chocolate and chocolate silk fudge are so tempting...i'll go for those! =-O
Recent blog post: Papa's Dinner
Good Morning Marzie! :)
Morning Ane!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!