It's truly and officially over! My nightly reality show TV-watching stint has come to an end. If previously I'd be glued to the TV watching entertaining local and US reality singing shows from Monday all the way up to Saturday, it is now back to regular boring old programmes on TV.

We don't have Direct TV yet, so it's all up to regular TV and ASTRO to entertain me. I hear Direct TV System is the coolest thing lately, especially if you love watching TV as much as me. With over 265+ new DirectTV channels and 99.9% signal reliability, Direct TV Service sure sounds perfect for me. But since I don't have it just yet, I am relying on some of my favourite ASTRO channels to keep me entertained while waiting for new reality shows to come back on air.

So lately, aside from watching DVDs, I've been frequenting the entertainment channels on ASTRO, specifically E, which I love! I find many E programs truly fascinating and captivating. It is so cool to venture into the world of celebrities in Hollywood and imagining what it's like living their glamorous and lavish lifestyles.

My current favourites include Keeping Up With the Kardashians and my daily dose of E! News to keep me updated with the latest gossips. It's Good To Be is another personal favourite. This program takes you inside the financial world of celebrities where they share how they make their money, how they spend it, and what kind of lifestyle it affords! I love gawking at all the cool expensive stuff they splurge on. It inspires me to maybe afford that kind of living one fine day!

I've just checked the schedule and apparently there's a Keeping Up With the Kardashians marathon today from 2.40pm - 9.30pm. I already missed so many episodes but I can still catch a few if I hustle! I'll be back later for Music Monday but now it's time to keep up with the Kardashians, see ya!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 242 Newer› Newest»=-O =-O
scared to refresh! =-O =-O
:* :* :*
8-) 8-) 8-)
hmm.. is this an RM opp?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
I love Keeping up with the Kardashians too, am currently awaiting the newest season too Marzie.. and my fave E! show is The Soup, it's kinda like E! entertainment, except it's funnier.. :-D
Now I miss watching tv lol! I love KUWTK! :):) Not because I love The Kardashians but because I just love reality tv shows. 8-) 8-)
Enjoy Marzie! :) See yah later! :)
Recent blog post: Shopping for Baby
Happy Sunday evening, Marzie! :)
:-D :-D Yay! 8-) 8-)
=-O =-O =-O
:-D :-D :-D
1 more point for u sweetie, good job! :)
:) Ane!
And no MCS today too, awesome! :)
:) Debbs! Oso 1 more point! Back to third place now!
Thanks for chopping Debbs, just had dinner while watching Kardashians, now B watching sports!
This is a BV opp Ane, nothing else for me from RM. ;)
This is my last PB too huhuhuh, hope to get more before month is up!
Yeah dat was an awesome marathon Ane, at first the Kardashians were kinda annoying, but now they’re so entertaining! :)
Okay Ane, next must prepare my MM post! :)
He he, can still watch KUWTK online or not Debbs? I oso love reality shows, they’re the best la! ;)
A busy Sunday evening for me Debbs, how abt you? Still packing goodies for CH? :)
YAY Ane, come chop for MM later too! ;)
And last but not least Monica! FC3, woo hoo! :)
Mariuca, am doing PB now...come chop later :)
I'll try to chop Marzie, as long as Lucas will allow me, I hope he sleeps
Monica! 11 points edi, one more then ul be tied with LJ for 1st place woot! :)
Oh no, okay! U buzz2 me Mon, I’ll be here yay!
Ok Ane, what time does Lucas sleep btw? It’s only 9.25pm now. :)
usually around 10 p.m. Marzie, we have the same time.. :) Ooh, i'll be right
back, I have to brush his teeth, now that he has 2, it's an added ritual for
us before I put him to bed.. :)
LOL!!! So cute u brushing his only 2 teeth Ane ha ha okay, see ya later! :)
buzz2 Mariuca! :)
Aiyoooo I was folding my laundry outside Mon, lucky got the chop yay! Thanks sweetie. :)
woo hoo! FC3! Thanks Mariuca :* :* :*
Recent blog post: The glitz and glamour
Yayyyyyy! 8-) 8-) =-X =-X
Recent blog post: The glitz and glamour
Woo hoo! Welcome Mon! :)
Lol, all ur chopping paid off Mon!
hehe...refreshing non-stop eh :-D
Who refreshing non stop? Me? ;)
Oh you will love DirecTV & get the Tivo too! Looks like you still have plenty of time on your hands for all your blogs and Bold & Beautiful stalking. ;)
Recent blog post: Signs Grandy is Ready for a LONG WEEKEND
Eh I watched this Keeping Karshian thing too last night while sitting with Anja.. si Bruce tu.. their step father kan??
LOL Keeping Karshian it seems, so cute LJ! Yeah Bruce Jenner is the step dad, dia pun mcm kenot say anything just have to go with the flow lol! :)
Good morning! A nice start to a new week. :D
Recent blog post: Mensa Singapore 1st Quarterly Lunch - WS
I have no time to watch TV.... dunno what's on. haha....
Recent blog post: Mensa Singapore 1st Quarterly Lunch - WS
Have a great week ahead Marzie. :)
Recent blog post: Mensa Singapore 1st Quarterly Lunch - WS
Tivo would be awesome Grandy but it’s also very expensive right? I am busy busy busy Grandy, working and blogging like a madwoman here ha ha! :)
Ooh, I think I have this on BV too.. :) So it's okay to have other links on
Ane, for BV and RM, you can link back to ur own blog, but not outside ur blog! :)
I felt like that too! i felt they were annoying at first especially Khloe
but then later on they kinda grow on you.. :)
yes Marzie, don't want his new 2 teeth to get cavities.. :) hehehe he loves
it though, so it's fine.. :)
I was most irritated by Kim lol! But now it’s fun to watch them in action eh? Snobbish or not, they make good reality TV!
Is he using those flavoured toothpaste for kids Ane?
Yay! 1 more point for me. :)
No, thank you Marzie! :) Entertaining kan the K family? Hehehe
I don't know if can watch KUWTK online, Marzie. I've never thought of finding out. Maybe I will hehe..
Hehehe it was a lazy Sunday for C and me, Marzie. We slept, woke up and eat, then sleep again! Lol!!
Oh no no Marzie, he can't use that yet, he's using no flouride toothpaste
for infants because he can't spit yet, and flouride can be poisonous for
babies.. :)
me lah Mariuca...refreshing non stop lol!
I know, they are all equally annoying at first, especially the mom! LOL :-D
Debbs! Very close la my Top 3, 12 points, 11 and 9! ;)
No thank you to what eh Debbs? Forgot edi lol…. Mmmm am watching THS the Kardashians now Debbs!
Ah find out la, then can watch together-gether Debbs! :)
Oh I love lazy Sundays Debbs, but it was a busy one for me, and tiring too. Glad u caught up on ur sleep. :)
Oh I see, he he silly me! Yay to Lucas and his 2 front teeth lol!
Oh hahahhahah forever la u refreshing nonstop Mon ha ha!!
Oh I don mind the mom so much Ane ha ha! Bruce is adorable eh?
Marzie, I hope I can chop more hehehe...
Oh I love THS, Marzie! :) I also forgot la no thank you for what hahaha
Hehehe ok I'll find out where to watch. :)
Hehehe not nice la lazy Sunday, got work to do but lazy la...hehe
Am doing some work now Debbs, alih2 je ada urgent job, tu yg busy Sunday for me. :)
Hehe...more jobs, more kaching kan, Marzie? :) One step nearer to your much-needed obersea vakasi yay! :)
Yeah, this is a good client, always pays me on time, so I don mind working over the weekend for him. Yay to more kaching for my obersea vakasi! :)
Ok happy searching Debbs! Can’t wait for the day when u get ur own TV nanti! :)
I oso Love THS, so interesting la kan? And just now I watched a show abt the previous Idol winners, ada Kelly, Fantasia and Carrie! :)
Hope u get to chop my MM post next Debbs!
Oh we love good paymasters woohoo! :)
Hehe...have to move to our own place, baru can afford own tv...hehehe
Oh yes, mmg very interesting la THS. So nice kan to see how the celebs can spend without worrying about anything? :):)
Marzie, I don't even know if your MM dah keluar and for which blog hehehe...
Good paymasters and reliable too, I love loyal clients that pay well! :)
Nanti dah here comes the bride, then can move into ur own place, so nice! I remember looking for my first condo with B masa nak kahwin dat time LOL, so much fun! :)
Me too, Marzie. I hate non-paying customers and those who just won't reply emails. Oh and I despise customers who don't have the courtesy (or common sense) to tell us they've banked in the money.
Haha dunno la if can afford our own place. Hehehe...probably buy own house then here comes the bride lol!! Oh cutenya Marzie, reminiscing the good times hehehe
Debbs, I cannot afford to buy a hse :-(
MPG MM dah keluar Debbs, WOAFS belum lagi. :)
I know, so jelesi to see them spend away without worry, and spend a lot some more!
Make me angry only thinking of non-paying customers Debbs, bila nak mintak tolong so nice then when time to pay, menghilangkan diri! :(
He he! That would be ideal la, for us we rented first then only buy our own home. Nice to own ur own place. Rasa more responsible and mature like dat. :)
Oh, me neither Mon! :) You're not alone. :)
LOL! Later when u get married then can combine income and can afford a house Mon! :)
Oh yay Marzie! I will zoom over to MPG later to listen, comment, drop and click! :)
I know right, Marzie! I wonder how it feels like, spending thousands of dollars on a tote bag lol!!! Kimora too, spending like nobody's business.
Oh blm lagi customers yg overly cerewet, pastu menghilangkan diri. Angers la me! :(
Or as my besti Yenny would say it, can jalan2 naked in the house pun takpe sbb rumah sendiri LMAO!!!
actually I like condo coz i've never stayed in a condo before.....but R
prefers a hse!
I like condo because it's usually safe because there are guards and all, but I also like a house with big compound for my future pets. Big compound is also important for C because we'd like to have friends and family to come over for BBQ. Hehehe...
yeah Debbs...R said the same thing; he likes a house with big compound! one
thing for sure, it's not easy to clean a big hse :-D
I know, Mon! :) And then have to paint inside and outside, the gates too. Lol!!
hahahhaha yes! some more i don't dare to stay alone in a big hse...oh no!
Oh I can imagine, Mon! All alone in a 2-storey house on a stormy night, oh no indeed! Lol!!
Kimora tu mcm kaya gils kan? Kesian her assistant selalu kena marah!
Hopefully u won get customers yg menghilangkan diri. Good to know ur biz is going well Debbs. Slow n steady. :)
Sure Debbs, take a listen later! ;)
LOL but I don la jalan2 naked at home ha ha! But of coz, free to do as u please, and that’s really cool!
Condo living is great Mon, esp if it’s a duplex lol, waiting for my duplex la!
lol! I will cry if i'm alone on a stormy night!!!
Tak jugak Debbs, I used to feel that way, condo lagi safe cause ada guards etc, but last time kat our previous condo, B’s car tire pun boleh kena curi, right in front of the guards! So not 100% dependable. And here oso, ada car theft incident last year…inside job, guards berkomplot! :(
Very true, big house sape nak clean? Dah la no maid. ;)
Thanks sweetie, u have a good one too. :)
hahaha Mariuca u can jalan2 naked at yr own home! :-D
You busy busy woman ECL, must make time to watch TV. That’s my important source of entertainment! :)
Morning ECL, wakey wakey! ;)
duplex condo def sounds great Mariuca! ;-)
Aiyoooo no wan stay home alone in big house on a stormy night! :(
Scary la big house if u think abt it, must have maid for big house!
Lol mmg la kaya gils si Kimora tu. Kesian la whoever yg jadi her assistants tp mesti gaji besar woohoo! Time besday mesti kena kasi expense pressies from Kimora. Best tu! :)
Okay la jugak my biz, Marzie. Nak cakap can pay for the rent, not yet la but at least I'm my own boss yay!
Lol!!! Yenny and her quirky remarks lol!! Ye la, can take a nap at the couch, have pets, best la Marzie.
Best nya duplex condo, Marzie. :):)
my friends said condo not safe coz guard and thief same person!
Aiyo, some more the thunders are so loud nowadays that I always terkejut. There was one afternoon, I was sleeping during a rainstorm and suddenly got a really loud thunder, I terkejut from my sleep and feel like crying! :(
of coz must have maid for big hse, Mariuca! ;-)
Oh no stupid guards la Marzie! :( Ye la cannot rely on anyone nowadays, yes? :(
Eh tapi if can afford a big house, sure can afford a maid. :):)
Mmg scary la big house, some more cannot hear anything that goes on downstairs if we sleep upstairs, right? Get alarm system pun blm tentu selamat.
Oh that happens, right Mon? Terukla the guards.
kesian Debbs; terkejut from her sleep and feel like crying!
hahahahah I agree Debbs! if can afford a big house, sure can afford a maid
lah! :-D
I can but I don! ;)
Sigh…. So cool la duplex condo, just like a real house, two storeys eh? I love!
Kimora oso works hard for her money, must take inspirasi from her!
It’s great to be your own boss! Still have probs of coz, but still great cause we’re not tied down to just one person or boss. :)
it happened to me b4 Debbs!!! thief entered my hse (in sabah) and I was
sleeping upstairs!! OMG!
yeah don't trust the guards Debbs!
He he have pets yay! Then u can have a cat oso Debbs!
Mmg best duplex but price oso best, need to make more money before upgrading ni!
Dats why not too keen on big houses, unless u have a big family. ;)
He he wait and see la nanti when u guys have ur own house, byk expenses to pay. ;)
That’s why and the guards menghilangkan diri right after dat incident okay? Terrible I tell u!
Now oso I feel like having maid Mon!
Some guards can’t be trusted. After that car theft incident, we got a new group of guards, this new batch much better and hormat sikit kat org. The last batch very unprofessional! :(
It was really loud la Mon. I'm normally not a scaredy cat but that was too much! :(
OMG Mon, so scary!!! So what happened then? Did they know u were sleeping upstairs? :(
Duplex condo mcm townhouse izzit, Marzie? With elevator? Hehehe
Yes, Kimora works hard, no doubt. :):)
Yeah marzie, takla kena push for a low wage like C. Poor C...:(
Oh no!! Luckily they didn't hurt you, Mon! :(
Oh I want!! I want a big fat tabby cat! Orange or black with white stripes. :):)
Like buying two units of condos ke the price, GP? Mahalnya!
no one at home except our maid, Mariuca! she suddenly came and woke me
up....some more she was screaming and crying....really shocked the hell out
of me lah!!!
yeah luckily they didn't hurt me, Debbs! ;-)
Eeee now oso bnyk expenses, Marzie lol!!! Balik Kuching and stay at my own house pun ok, since dad and mom plan to go back to kampung after my dad retires. :) kan almost every month tukar guards, dunno why la but all foreigners.
Duplex condo is not like townhouse Debbs! ;-)
Oh good to know la Marzie. :):)
I know Debbs....the thunders here are really really loud compare to the
thunders in sabah & sarawak! :-D
Alamak, no one was hurt, I hope Mon. So scary lah!
u're staying in a condo now, Debbs?
Then what's the difference? Me dunno much about expense houses hehehe but a loft sounds oh-so-cool! :)
Orange tabby cat sounds huggable! :)
so bad huh the guards!
Poor C, dah start cari kerja baru ke tu?
I prefer a duplex condo to a townhouse, tak faham la konsep town house ni, I mean I don see what’s the big deal. ;)
OMG! I feel the same way la Mon. I thought I was the only one who thought the thunders here are louder than what we hear in Sabah Sarawak! Lol!!
Yes, Mon! :)
Aiyooooo and then u saw the robbers or not Mon?
He he something like that la, the one I saw at Surian…aiyooooo…,sayang I deleted the pics edi, so huge la! :( Angers cause cannot buy no money lol!
Ur dad’s kampong where la Debbs? Somewhere in Sarawak oso?
hahahhaha! the thunders here are louder right? of coz u're not the only one
Debbs ...:-D
Hehe bila la I can get a cat ni. :(
Duplex condo mcm condo biasa kita duduk, but dia dua tingkat, so it’s kinda like a house in a way, cause ada tangga and everything. Town house is usually 2-3 tingkat, but they share the downstairs part with the next door person and I don really get it oso. Got separate gate and all. Like my fren stays in a townhouse, but mcm tak best je, mcm sempit je.
But of coz there are some cool town houses la, like the one near my place astaga 500k ada! But so obersea looking and it’s a gated community. :)
Yup, tapi scared also for C la to look for a new job. If can, I want him to do food business like last time. Then only he will be truly happy, I think.
Oh I googled and found out that a duplex can be like a townhouse too, if it has 2 storeys. Duplex can be side-by-side too.
But now oso he’s doing food business kan, but admin side is it?
no la the robbers ran away coz our maid saw him! he entered the master
bedroom mom's jewelry all gone..
Wah, so huge the duplex nanti susah nak kejar Pheebs bawak pegi vet lol!!!
Yep, in Sarawak but not in Kuching, GP. Here kan when ppl say kampung, it's kampung halaman or hometown kan, but for me, home is in Kuching and kampung tu my parents' kampung halaman hehehe...
C won't believe me that the thunders here are louder, Mon. Lol!!!
Debbs, u can see those high-end duplex condos in Damansara Perdana ;-)
Oh, tak best la if townhouse share any part of the house with our jiran. Like Blair's house is what, triplex or quadplex kot hehehehe..
Wah half a million! $$$$$ mesti cantiks tuuuuu...
hahhaha...why la he won't believe? where is C from, Debbs?
Food business but purchasing side. But he's doing almost everything, from purchasing to costing to data entry job. C said, he's be happier selling CKT you know.
Oh in Damansara Perdana? Must be so expensive, right? rental also RM2600!!
Mariuca, I refreshed meows so many times edi but I couldn't see the sidebar
yeah mostly Korean ppl stay there ....RM 3500-4000 p/mth, Debbs!
C is from Kedah, Mon. :)
Crazy la RM4000 per month!! :(
ohhh ok....he has never been to Kucing before Debbs?
mont kiara, RM7000 p/mth Debbs!
C has never been to Kuching yet, Mon. Have you?
Insane or what RM7000 p/mth??? :'(
yeah I've been to Kuching b4 Debbs!....but that time I was still small
lah....hahahahha :-D and also Sibu, Miri.....
some Koreans are crazy! lol
How come cannot see sidebar Mon? :( I just came from meow and can see my sidebar!
Oh okay Mon! :) Must visit Kuching again, it's so much different now. :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!