Hello everyone! I just found the ultimate quiz to satisfy my passion for music, specifically the 80s! By now, you should know that I am such a fan of the weird clothes big hairdo era of the 80s. Lots of my Music Monday picks date back to the wonderful 80s. So when I saw this quiz at Blogthings, it was just too good for me to resist. I took the quiz and confirmed my passion for the 80s by scoring 100%!

Any 80s music fans out there who would like to take this quiz? Let me know your score and don't forget to tune in to my next MM pick tomorrow. Will it be another 80s number?

You Scored 100% Correct |
![]() You are an 80s expert, You never confuse New Order with the Pet Shop Boys. You know which classical musician Falco rocked. When it comes to 80s music, you Just Can't Get Enough! |


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Shemah! :)
congrats... Again Shemah (tapi congrats yang kurang ceria.. hehe)
YAY u are truly speedy gonzales to da max dearie, FC!
LJ! :)
Oh Rizal pun datang chop, so cute! :)
LOL @ congrats yg kurang ceria ha ha, susah la nak beat Wimax! ;)
wahhhh 100% correct.. syabas.. I am still trying to figure out.. ramlah ram, francisca peter.. which songs go to whom.. lol..
jom nyanyi Fran..Sekadar di Pinggiran.. Aha!
My results was 86% correct! hahaha..
You are an 80s expert,
You never confuse New Order with the Pet Shop Boys.
You know which classical musician Falco rocked.
When it comes to 80s music, you Just Can't Get Enough!
Recent blog post: Friday Fill-ins #5*
hshahahI only got 57% correct.. lol!
You are a solid child of the 80s.
You'd never confuse Tiffany from Debbie Gibson!
And while you may not know Prince's first #1 hit...
You know every word to Little Red Corvette.
slow lah internet.. and I want to sleep already.. any more post coming out GP?? hahehe
Recent blog post: I'm Over the Top! **
Hahaha rizal rizal.. hahaha be happy for me laaahh! Hahaha
hahahah speedy with lady luck on my side! :) Can i have JPP here today, marzie?
He he tenkiu Rizal! Alamak I kenal jugak la Fran, ramlah ram semua tu hahhahaha! Sekadar di Pinggiranpun tahu haha!
86% Shemah! I wonder which question u got wrong! ;)
Which blog today Shemah? :)
i only managed to secure 71%..
hehe.. ok laa tuu.. lebih laa jugak dari Madam BlogMaker too. hehe I guess, if they put Ramlah Ram or Fran.. I have a higher chance of getting 100% lol :-D
Recent blog post: Ahhh...I am cONfused!!
OMG 57% LJ? Ha ha so cute la! Takpe masih solid 80s child of the 80s woot! :)
Got LJ, but u sleepy edi how? Meow!
Sure JPP it is Shemah and this new point safely puts u at my number 3 FCSB spot here! LJ 1, Mon 2 and Shemah 3! :)
i am happy for you what shemahh.. hehe.. i am counting for days.. bila rizal will be the 1st.. lepas tuu shemah no.2.. ahak ahak .. :-D
Recent blog post: Ahhh...I am cONfused!!
Hahahhahahahha Madam blogmaker so cute! LOL! Best jugak kalau ada local Blogthings kan Rizal? :)
Hahahahhaha for sure ada those days nanti Rizal! Kalau tak sini, kat MPG or MD! ;)
MAcam rizal cakap kat debs, lepas nii tak boleh sebut CHOP lagi..
Mungkin new announcement kat twitter like "Ahem2x!" "Yuuhuu" "Pheweeettt.." sbg hints.. lol :-D
Recent blog post: Ahhh...I am cONfused!!
Hahahhaahah alaaa.. I always also number 2, 3 or the last to chop! Hahaha
but if it's not me, ramai lagi tu kena fight rizal.. LJ lah.. Monica lah..
Debbie lah.. hahaha
Hahahhahah tapi I selalu tweet dulu…writing new post at woafs… that means tengah add smileys tu, pas tu terus publish! :)
Hahahahah I think it must've been.. the Madonna song. I wasn't sure about
Haha.. That Madam Blogmaker tuu ada Crystall Ball bila client submit oldblogs kat dia. Madam can see future tweak or makeover for her clients la. hehe
Recent blog post: Ahhh...I am cONfused!!
Speaking of choppers, I think Debbs and Mon are sleeping now… Am working on a new post at MD next, come chop shortly! :)
But I didn't get the "writing new post at woafs" tweet tu marzie.. I just
checked my twitter webpage then nampak dah ada your tweet to chop and rushed
on over! Hahaha but on my TF tak appear lagi.. so lagging!!
Is it Shemah? Ok now am gonna tweet another chop warning, see if u get!
I can imagine Madam blogmaker busy peering into her crystal ball Rizal, pas tu kira duit OKB!!! $$$
Ohhhh he hehe ok ok! I know that one, big Madonna fan la last time! :)
Mariuca dearie! I just woke up lah :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
I slept 10 hours wei...so tired! :-P
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
wahh u're an 80s expert!! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
Morning Monica! :)
Yest I slept 12 hours Mon, so tired too lol!
Morning Mariuca! ;-)
I am thrilled to be an 80s expert Mon ha ha! ;)
wow u slept 12 hours! haha tonight we can become night owls edi :-D :-D
eh why the comment that I replied fm inbox is not here? >:o
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
Busy la me today Mon! Cannot relaxi taxi, how abt you?
Ooops sorry day before I meant 12 hours, yest 6 hours only! But still can be night owl lol! ;)
Not there Mon? If not there after several refresh, then stupid MCS at work la Mon! :(
I oso cannot relaxi taxi...yesd didn't do my works at all..haha! some more didn't drop/click/write :-P
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
yelah I refreshed yr page and i couldn't find the comment :(
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
LOL u busy sightseeing at BB yest Mon? I dropped 900 yest! :)
Oh no sorry Mon looks like MCS is at it again! :(
haha.. busy sightseeing & shopping at yest, Mariuca! woot u dropped 900!!! 8-)
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
OMG! Monica, you slept 10 hrs! You are the Queen of Sleep! =-O
Recent blog post: Will You Still Watch American Idol Without Simon Cowell?
Did u buy anything cool yest? Yeah 900 freaking drops yest Monica! Tiring la! :(
that's why i'm here at yr page to reply commets :)
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
Wow, you got 100% correct? 100% 80's music fan lah you! Me only 86%, not too bad lah, right? Hehe. Actually, prefer 90's music. :)
Recent blog post: Will You Still Watch American Idol Without Simon Cowell?
Hi Foong! haha tired mah...some more not enough zzz, how can! :-D
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
Here’s a coffee for u while u reply comments Mon, enjoy! :)
YAY me for getting 100% correct Foong! Hey, I oso like 90s! Thanks for playing Foong. :)
i just bought a dress and 6 bottles of nail polish..R bought a few shirts and games :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
yelah must be very tire lah; 900 freaking drops! :-D
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
hehe thanks for the coffee sweetie! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
LOL @ how can to not enuff zzzzz, true true! :)
Wah so nice la nail polish! 6 diff colors some more! R bought PC games eh?
he bought pc games and oso ps2 games...some more he said wanna buy ps3, i said buy pink laptop first lah...hahahhahha!
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
Welcome, me too drinking coffee 2-in-1 now! :)
Dats why, always no semangat wan to drop ec nowadays, thinking hafta drop 900 sigh…
Today 95 adgi ads Mon!
yelah we girls need our beauty sleep to make us grow prettier right Mariuca! lol! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
i know Mariuca..some more they didn't approve yr cashout thingy, lagi no semangat right?
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
Ha ha ha pink lappy sounds good! I forgot, now u using what? Yest I played PC games oso lol…
Exactamundo Mon! Of coz need beauty sleep, some more work so hard at night so during the day must zzzzzz la ha ha ha!
now am using Acer...I like the latest pink laptop from Sony lah! :-D u played with B is it? :)
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
Oh so true Monica! Work hard, drop 900 oso they still haven approved my cashout, of coz la sakit hati to da max! :(
wah 95 adgi ads edi! so many huh :)
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
I need to get my laundry done oso today...aiyoo :-D
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
Oh Acer, is it a pink Acer? I played my own games and B played his football manager game! :)
And I just finished clicking on all 95 yay! :)
I am washing one load as we speak Mon, ha ha!
acer got pink lappy kah? mine of coz not pink lah :'( :'( i bought this 2 yrs ago..
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
I dunno, takkan la Acer got no pink lappy, so common nowadays! Ohhhh maybe R will surprise u with a lappy for Christmas or something! ;)
R is playing football with friends at downstairs but i'm not sure football manager or what...hahahahahh!
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
oh i don't like this kinda surprise...what if he choose the wrong pink? hahahahha!
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
He he must be football manager, B playing 2009 now! ;)
hahaha I'm oso washing the mountain of clothes I have now!
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
so fast lah u; finished clicking edi ;)
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
I don't know anything abt football :-[ :-[ I could hear they're shouting while playing...hahhaha!
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
Hahahah like for my birthday “surprise”, this pinky Dell I’m using, of coz B told me earlier la that he wants to get for me, so I happily chose the color! U can do that oso, once R says how abt a new laptop for Christmas, then u can start thinking what colour edi ROTFLMAO! :)
I am done with Adgi Mon, yay, one thing out of the way. :)
Here's my result Marzie!
You Scored 86% Correct
You are an 80s expert,
You never confuse New Order with the Pet Shop Boys.
You know which classical musician Falco rocked.
When it comes to 80s music, you Just Can't Get Enough!
Recent blog post: Shopping for Baby
not bad right? :-D
Recent blog post: Shopping for Baby
I have to do 2 loads u know? Now still on the first load! Neverending la housework! :(
I do love the 80's music but me no likey the fashion.. LOL :-D
Recent blog post: Shopping for Baby
:'( :'( :'( missed the chop again! >:o
Recent blog post: Shopping for Baby
dropped and clicked Marzie.. :) be back later, on my adgi rounds.. :)
Recent blog post: Shopping for Baby
so nice of B to get u a pinky Dell! so troublesome right, choose the wrong pink also cannot! haahaha..
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
Wah shouting some more, ha ha! Must be fun football game, me too dunno how to play football pc games! ;)
Yay Ane! You’re an 80’s expert woo hoo! But that’s not surprising since u too love the 80s, hugs! :)
Mariuca, i go makan first...cya! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Ramblings of The Phat May Giveaway
Not bad at all Ane! Which ones were u unsure of?
At that time the fashion was cool, now not so much Ane LOL!
U missed the one at MD too Ane, hugs! :)
Okay Ane, thanks for the drop and click, am done with my Adgi round edi. :)
Hahhahahah of coz la cannot choose the wrong pink, it makes a big difference eh? :)
Okay Mon, enjoy ur dinner! :)
Enjoy your weekend, Marzie :)
Recent blog post: Amos unique sleeping position ...
ahh, good for you Marzie, you can relaxi taxi now! :)
I know Marzie! :'(
ah, the number 2 question about who the rock me amadeus was about, I
answered Mozart.. number 6, the one where Prince wanted to party like, I
answered 1999.. :-D ooh, and number 7, she blinded me with her, I answered
her love.. :-D
Enjoy ur weekend too Janice, Monday is almost here! ;)
Relaxi taxi? Ooooh I got some work to do tonight Ane! :)
You got the latest chop Ane, sorry no linky though! :)
She blinded me with Science Ane lol! ;)
Zazzz!! I'm here to take the 80's quiz... hehe
Aisemen... I got 71% only la. Dang! >:o
But it still said I'm a solid child of the 80's so OK la :-D
Recent blog post: Shakin' It With Dr. Oetker!
Woo hoo Nessa! 71% kira okay la, u’re still an 80s fan like me, so YAY! Thanks for taking the quiz sweetie. :)
Marzie, here's my result:
You Scored 71% Correct
You are a solid child of the 80s.
You'd never confuse Tiffany from Debbie Gibson!
And while you may not know Prince's first #1 hit...
You know every word to Little Red Corvette.
Funny la Marzie, I know stuff from the 80s bukan sbb minat lol!! :):)
Wah 71% for someone yg tak berapa minat 80s is great Debbs!
Mesti u know stuff from 80s from C!
Hehehe ok la tu 71% for me hehehe...
Tak jugak la Marzie, senang tu some of the questions hehehe I know them from reading. :):)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!