My friend G thinks he's jinxed and that everything bad happens to him. I am inclined to believe his repeated claims especially since his last unfortunate incident. You see, his car recently got stolen and to make matters worse, it took place outside my condo premises. It all happened on Valentine's Day too, which further reaffirmed G's belief that he will forever remain single thanks to his unlucky streak in love!

My initial Valentine's plan was to enjoy a nice home cooked meal with B. Last minute however, G dropped by our place. As usual we ended up listening to him whine about his "miserable" life. There were good moments too like his new promotion and plans to move into his new apartment. But he was still having trouble in the love department, which explained his coming over to celebrate Valentine's eve with us and not with a significant other!

The only love G had in his life was his car, which he adored and constantly doted on. In fact, he recently purchased a new set of hre wheels and tires for his car, so despite not having a Valentine's date, he was still upbeat about his new buy. Engineered and handcrafted to precision, hre wheels are not only beautiful but also come with many custom finishing options to further personalize your wheels to perfection. They serve to enhance the look and feel of your car instantly. With hre wheels, it's not just about looking good but it's also about making a statement; which is what G is all about!

G spent the night at our place as it was too late for him to drive home. The next day we woke up late and continued our coffee chat session. It was only later when we decided to go out for dinner instead of cooking, that G's nightmare started. We drove out to where G parked his car, down the road from our condo. The thing with our condo is that the visitor car park is always full. More often than not, visitors tend to park their cars anywhere available; even at no parking zones. I was busy thinking where to have our Valentine's dinner when my reverie was suddenly jolted by G exclaiming in loud disbelief that his car was missing!

We drove around the area thrice to make sure his car wasn't wrongly parked as where he claimed but unfortunately, it was sadly and truly gone. By then, G was completely dumbfounded by the possibility his car was either stolen or towed for parking at a no parking zone. We were all hoping for the latter but since it was Sunday, there was no way to check until the following morning.

In the end, his car was confirmed stolen! His expensive newly-added wheels and valuables inside the car were also gone, which naturally added fuel to the fire. Needless to say our friend G was extremely depressed with what happened. To date, there has been no update on his stolen car and he's currently depending on friends and family to get around. We are of course very supportive of his temporary immobility and try to help out whenever possible.

We don't know if G will ever see his car again or if he'll end up buying new wheels in the near future. We're not sure when he'll get compensated from his insurance company and we doubt truth will ever surface on what actually happened. What we do know for sure is the devastation in his eyes when he finally realized the loss of his one true "love", that fateful Valentine's Day.

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 236 Newer› Newest»:( :( :( :(
:* :* :* :*
:'( :'( :'(
hahaha serves me right for missing this chop, marzie! hahaha i was sibuk reading up on Angelina jolie's movie Salt for JPP! LOL!
Oh no, poor G! Tell G he's not jinxed! It's just not the time yet! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
:'( :'( :'(
aww.. poor G losing his car like that..
Best ke the movie Salt tu, you think, Shem?
Don't you think that what you resist, persists, marzie? It's almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy.. that if you believe only bad things happen to you, they will.
But I truly am sorry for your friend G for all his misfortunes.. losing a car is definitely depressing. J also lost his car once.. it was stolen from in front of his home..
Hugsy Ane!
Yay Debbs, chopping everywhere before she goes on vacation.. :)
:) Debbs!
Yay last minute chop and FCSB point for u dearie! :)
Here comes Shemah! :)
alaa.. biasalah wayang angelina jolie.. bad ass!! :) :)
Hah haha ok Angelina Jolie pulak kena blame ha ha! :)
okay.. off to watch american idol now! :)
He he will do, but he give up edi Debbs lol! Poor thing!
Ane! :)
Tell me abt it Ane! :(
I dunno Shemah… he’s adamant that anything bad, mesti kena dia, which I gotta say is somewhat true! And now this..
Wah! J oso kena curi kereta? OUCH! :(
Oh yeah! Enjoy Shemah! Can’t wait to see my Adam oso! :)
Ha ha good tactic Debbs, chop everywhere before ur vakasi!
Yeah.. exactly.. if you believe in it so much, don't you think it will
eventually happen? I don't know lah.. poor thing G! But that's what I
believe.. the power of your mind and thinking is much powerful than people
Oh I agree with you, Shem. Good thing comes to those who wait, but why wait (and whine) when you can do something about it?
G, open your eyes and your heart. She might just be in front of you right now. ;-)
Lol Ane! Don't topple me while I'm gone, okay lol!!
Yay for points!
Oh I wanna watch! I love Wanted and what's the other movie? Oh Changeling!
Ala poor thing. He shouldn't give up. Continue to have faith and let HER find him. Yah?
Aiyo, just being lucky la hehehe...
Yalah, same thing la with us women, if we believe that we're F or ugly, eventually it will show kan in our personality, like lack of confidence and whatnot? That's why I don't hang out with people who make me feel fugly. :(
She was sooooooo good in changeling lah! I absolutely loved her there.. but
I love her like in Girl Interrupted and dark2 movies like that. I didn't
watch Tomb Raider, though..
I kinda agree with Shemah on this. I'm sorry about what has happened to G, but I don't think he should always be so pessimistic about things. I'm sure something positive will happen to you so long as you're willing to give it a try and believe. :)
Recent blog post: 25 Things About Me
Tomb Raider was okay la for me. She was awesome in Changeling kan? I went out of the cinema feeling depressed after watching, but depressed GOOD! Lol!!
Talking abt Angie it seems lol!
Yeah JL? I think it’s easier said than done. We always give him a pep talk at the end of the day, and always rooting for his success of course. Meanwhile, it’s just listening to him vent. :)
Who la makes u feel fugly Debbs, as in what type of ppl lol! I hang out with whoever I feel comfy with of coz. :)
Lucky lucky Debbs, good job!
Ah susah nak cakap Debbs, but eventually we hope he finds the love of his life of coz. :)
2 so far, congrats Debbie aka Phatelara!
It’s okay Debbs, he’s “given up” for now and is spending more quality time with himself, doing things for him and concentrating on enjoying life, which I agree. Tak yah cari love, it will come to u one day! :)
I think maybe G will have to discover the good things about himself by himself. Anyway please don't take offence, it's just my personal opinion. :-)
I get ur point of view Shemah, but when you’ve gone through one too many disappointment, it does get the better of you! ;)
Hehehe let's not talk about those unworthy ppl, of course, GP! You ladies make me feel good about myself. :):)
Thanks GP! :) I thought you were going for a catnap?
Poor thing G, lucky for him for having you and B! :):)
Yay for 2 points of WOAFS!
I agree, he needs to appreciate himself more, which is why it’s good he’s spending more time enjoying life rather than worrying! And no worries JL, nobody’s taking offense! ;)
Ada unworthy ppl it seems in Debbs’ life h ehe, okay! Glad we click then! :)
I wanted to cat nap then watched Idol for a while but will catch the repeat at 8pm. Unless if I terzzzz, then will catch the 12.30 show! :)
I kan bes pren G lol!!! Actually, B’s bes pren la! ;)
YAY! And yay for holding strong at TCO! Blm buat post lagi!
Yay! It's good that G is focusing on himself. :):)
It's good to start small, I'm sure G will find something better in life after this 8-)
Wah bestnye jadi Allison dapat hugsy wugsy Adam!
Oh definitely ada GP! Like some ppl who talks about me behind my back when i told them I'm not going for our college reunion. Sapa nak pegi if it brings back bad memories?? I don't wanna get stuck in college la puhlease..I'm living my life, tak kacau org pun and still ppl wanna kacau me. Some more the reunion is in July. My dad's 50th birthday is in July ok? I won't give up my family for anything as lame as a college reunion. I just don't want to menyesal seumur hidup for not celebrating my dad's special year. Ish!!
Sorry for the long comment, Marzie. Meluahkan perasaan it seems hehehe...
I so agree with this one! I told him forget abt all this gf nonsense and enjoy being with himself, buat things that he likes and stay home! Instead of going out je lol!!!
You should go and zzz la GP and can wake up fresh as a daisy at midnight! :)
Thank you JL, we still believe in our G and we know he will make it, sooner or later! :)
Oh G's B's best fwen..hehehe..
I pun blm buat post for my TCO and TCM!
Amende la those ppl, org tak nak gi reunion, suka hati la! Oh silly billy la but so cute u cakap tak kacau org, but still ppl kacau you, sounds like something I would say ha ha! :)
I dunno, wan to zzzzz but got some things to do here first! And amazingly, am not dat sleepy. ;)
Lol @ hugsy wugsy Adam! Mesti Adam smells nice kan? *blush*
Oh he likes to go out ke? Cakap kat dia, nice girls usually like homey types, like B kan? weehehehehe...
LOL, bes fren since small!
U got no time to post edi Debbs, hafta pack and get ready!
He he he he heh ehehheh e hheheh Adam smells nice hehehehhheheh! OOPSIE! Wah Adam was simply I-don’t-know-what-to-say la tonight! Can’t wait for repeat ni! Go ADAM Go!
Eh dulu pun masa single mana B homely lol! Me too LOL! For sure wan to go out if ur single, only when dah settle down, then lazy to go out edi ha ha!
Itu la kan? Sibuk jer. :):) Kan, we all tak kacau org kan GP? Living our own fab life a la Kimora gitu lol!! Pastu, I notice kan, since I have Crafty Heart, tetiba ada ni old friends yg contact I balik thru FB hahaha...
Oh okay. :):) I'm waiting for C now, tak balik lagi the fella.
Ha ha don worry abt those insignificant ticks! Yang penting OKB ha ha! I spend my worries or happiness with those yg meaningful to me je. No time to worry abt other unimportant stuff/ppl. ;)
U leaving at 10.30pm right? How many hours travelling?
So cute! Dulu main guli together-gether I imagine hehehe...
I am ready and I've packed. Now trying to make sure I don't forget anything, GP. :)
Ye ke, he was THAT good ke? Hehehehehe...giggling non-stop si GP ni hehehe...
Oh ye ke? I cannot imagine B clubbing hehehe...
Oh kelakar gila la their stories, remember that time when I suddenly ROTFLMAO at TF and u asked me why? Ha hahaha dat time was laughing at G la! :)
LMAO @ insignificant ticks! Hehehe...okay point taken, GP. :):)
Uhm probably 5 to 6 hours sbb naik bas kan? Sleep in the bus yay!
OK! Camera don forget, HP and wallet! :)
Hey I'm back!! LOL! had to shower the kids, then I remembered that I dah
shower them at 5 kolok just now!! LOL! What laaa.. nyanyok oredi..
hahahaha.. but allie suka lah kalau mandi.. si abang tu lazy to mandi!
Yaaa!! Go debbs!! Chop everywhere.. my chopping luck macam dah pudar2 skit!!
Hahahahah yeahhh sorry GP! I know you don't like angie.. but in changeling
she really was amazing! :-) So feel.. tapi betul tu debbs.. lepas tgk the
wayang, terus depressed smcm!! LOL!
Yeah! Simon said nobody can beat him woo hoo!
Hahahaahhahaha actually it was more to teman me clubbing la LOL! But of coz not clubbing all the time lol!
Oh yah I remember la GP! Tetiba you ROTFLMAO on twitter lol!!!
All packed, GP! :)
Good girl! Enjoy ur vakasi and eat lotsa yummy stuff for me since I am still on BD! :(
Ok, have a safe trip Debbs! Wah bestnye gi vakasi after vakasi with C lolz!
LMAO! How la can lupa they bathe edi? mesti si Buddy pun mcm blur kan why la mommy kasi mandi again? Lol!!
Ha ha kids kena shower twice for no reason lol!
Sure or not pudar2 Shemah! I lagi la not leading anywhere! :(
No worries Shemah! Tak suka dia je but watch also her movies ha ha!
Ha tu la! Those two making me ROTFLMAO dat time u know, siap re-enactment lagi, how not to laugh hahahhahah!
YAY! So cute that C berkobar2 pack 3 days before!
Lepas ni you can chop like a madwoman, okay Shem?
Hehehe my friend and I were like so depressed. Sudahla after that wayang, we were going back, then she gaduh with one girl because the girl pushed her masa nak masuk lift. Pastu they gaduh dlm lift, but verbally la. That girl marah her, pakai tudung tapi mulut mcm babi. Adakah like that? Ish!
Oh yay! Go Adam go!
Hehehe..things our men do for us kan GP? B blm balik ke tu?
True true.. it's definitely easier said than done. when my dad passed away,
I felt soooo negative all the time.. it seems like everything bad happens to
me. Then soon after my grandma passed away.. and I never looked at things in
a good way.. my ex was a jerk all through that and I felt sooo down. But my
family and friends made me realize that I have to be grateful for everything
else that did not happen.. like being in good health and all that.. So you
and B being there for him is definitely the best. :-) :-) Hugsy G! Things
will turn around for the better.. slowly but surely! :-)
Love will come on it's own time.. cannot di cari.. cannot di paksa.. kan GP?
And it will catch you by surprise when it finally comes! :-)
Hehehehe of course I will eat, some besday selebrasi, got MUFC cake some more blergghh!
Yeah, I believe that.. having gone through a lot of sorrow and
disappointments does get the better of you. Just gotta see the beauty in the
ugly and look for that silver lining.. :-)
It's good that G is focusing on himself now.. there's no better way to start
than start loving and appreciating one's self! :-)
Hehe vakasi dlm negara only..hehehe..don't forget I'm going off again in July woohoo. Next month have to get something for dad. >.< That's gonna be a hunt!
LMAO!! Men kalau bcerita, mmg always ada re-enactment kan? Oh I can't wait for lotsa laughs in Kulim. Syioknya lepak with the kids!
True GP! Can't be bothered by others who try to bring you down.. just do
what makes you happy and surround the people who you love and love you
sincerely.. as for those "insignificant ticks" (LOL!) cut your losses right
C mmg like that, nak balik Kulim jer mmg pack 3 days early.
Tu lah GP!! Apaa lah.. terover parenting kejap!! LOL!
Alaa.. you tu selalu shy shy cat like that awal bulan! LOL! Mid month when
orang dah tengah snoozing.. hahhh.. situ lah GP muncul with her magic
I'm sorry you had to go through such a tough time, with a jerk lagi. :(:( Hugsy Shem!
I must agree with love cannot dicari yay!! Cuz when I met C, I had nothing in mind but to have fun, something like a fling lol!!
Not yet Debbs! C dah balik?
Wah gaduh dalam lif mcm mana Debbs? Busybody alert lol!
Thank you Shemah! Sometimes I oso feel bad for pushing and pushing the fella, but the thing is we must oso understand that he’s da one going through it, so rather than push him away , must make him feel good abt himself. Hugs for u too Shemah on your dad’s leaving. :)
I wish I can cut off those ticks from my FB friends list. I just don't want to give them anything to talk about anymore but my business, wedding (soon!) and my happy life without them lol!!
I know love caught ME by surprise, mana ada sangka rekindle with B after 6 years apart lol! Woo hoo! GP loves B ahaks! ;)
MUFC cake tu apa?
Hahahahah kesian debbs! People start reconnecting with her because of crafty
heart! Say thanks but no thanks to people who kedekut credit!! LOL!
Adam was in his zone lah tonight! Definitely no one can beat..
Sometimes, I oso cannot find any silver lining, when the situation seems hopeless, but eventually it will appear. Meanwhile just gotta endure the tough moments yeah? :)
I totally agree Shemah! Best to discover your inner self! :)
Not yet, Marzie! C is supposed to come back with dinner. Now hungers and munching on a biscuit.
Wah, u watch me go for vakasi oso soon Debbs ha ha!
No lah.. for small ppl who dah mandi at 5, they look so unbathed and comot!
I think it's allie's hair! As for buddy, he can always use an extra bath!
Yay for lotsa laughs in Kulim!
Hahahaha.. I'm not so sure about chopping like a madwoman but I'll try.. but
I feel so distracted with the thought of my giveaway coming up!!
LMAO @ Mulut macam babs!!!!
Verbally, GP! The girl was with her bf la. She maki2 mt friend cuz my friend pakai tudung and maki her balik hahaha...I was so scared la they're go physical tp luckily they didn't. As we went out of the lift, the girl turned around and called my friend babi. Adakah like that?? Ish!!
Woohoo!! Love is in the air! ;););)
Oops pardon me with my ayat2 pendek, GP. Uhmm it's besday cake with logo Man. Utd. Hehehe..
Yes.. I ingat lagi one time debbs, I was feeling so down, my dad belum pun
sampai like 30 days, I called him up dah tgh malam, crying and he said,
eeee.. sudahlah tu. bising lah!!
Itu satu hal, yg kedekut credit tu. No way Jose la wanna meet him. Ish!!
Ohhhh yeke.. mesti best your cerits with C ni!! LOL! fling2 tgk tgk melarat
pegi ring2.. LOL!
YAY! I used to worry abt insignificant ticks until I realized life is short and I need to stop being bothered by them! :)
Kalau vakasi obersea, I wonder how many days in advance C will pack lol!
LOL to terover parenting! Gollibuds pun mesti surprised!
Oh for me kan, I believe that I've to go through tough times because I need to be closer to God. You know, kdg2 forgot about Him masa senang, and masa susah baru nak ingat. :):) It's like His way of keeping us near to Him gitu.
But I think a little push here and there is good for ppl feeling down.. I
feel utterly grateful for ppl being brutally honest to me.. you can't get
that with anyone else but friends and family. Orang lain, they hear you out,
konon bagi simpati and then talk behind your back.. so even though it hurts,
it's good to hear the ugly truth from the people most closest to you. Thanks
marzie for the hugs!! :-)
Bestnya, mesti pergi luar negara ni hehehehe...Gold Coast welcoming GP and B! Lol!!
Ooohhh you and B plak rekindle schmindle is it?? AWWWW soooo romantis.. LOL!
You 2 were meant to be together!!
Oh thanks Shemah!!! Now I’m inspired to chop the night away woo hoo!!!!
Love yg tak dicari la love yg paling best yay!
Why la they wan to talk abt you kan Debbs? Some more lama tak jumpa!
Hehehe..but then, syok la mandi hehehe..
Yeahhh gotta be strong enough to endure all that.. masa J hilang his car
that time, he also kena transfer department and his allowance was lowered
and all, and he was sooo down but I reminded him at least he had us.. and
buddy baru lahir that time. So be thankful lah for that.. and soon buddy pun
bawa rezeki and J got promoted!! :-)
Yay to no one can beat ADAM!!!!!!!!!!
Shem, discuss la with Marzie yg dah selalu ada huge giveaway. :)
Wah GP!! Where you going?? All leaving me to go on vakasi!! :'( :'( :'(
I had salad la people ha ha ha, BD-ing it seems today lol!
True.. insignificant ticks are like pebbles in one's shoes! LOL!
I'll be like debbs.. asal packing.. def last minute. Most of my stuff pun
still in KK. I moved to KL with 2 suitcases only! LOL!
Astaga!! So jahat him!!! I hate la those kinda people! So insensitive! he tiada bapak kah? Ish!!! Hugsy Shem!!
He he distracted it seems Shemah! When is ur contest? And where? MSE?
Tak lah best our story but pjg la jugak. Almost 4 years la already but mcm baru kenal.
Oh no, I don't know, GP! But we plan to go to SG this year. Obersea also tu hehehehe..
Yaaa.. I also wasn't looking for J!! He just came to me as a friend when i
was in the midst of the breakup with jerko werko! LOL! and look how it
turned out!! LOL!
Wah what type of bf la like dat Shemah? Nasib baik dah ex!
Ah tu la I nak teka tadi Manchester United Fan Club ke, then I tot ada ke such cake, dah la I guessed a silly guess at Ane’s video post just now! ROTFLMAO!
Ah sometimes I tell myself the same thing, when going through tough times, it’s to remind me about the higher power. :)
Hahahaha I can't believe he sooo kedekut credit and asked for your email
instead!! So classic! Bakhil bin kedekut!! LMAO!
I'm here Shemah, am not going anywhere.. :)
Yeah tu la every time he comes over, for sure ada pep talk sesi ha ha! Hugs Shemah!
Shem, I totally agree with you. Even though sometimes I feel like Yenny is being insensitive, but she only wants me to get a grip! I do that to her too, like be frank with her when she whines on and on. Lol!!
He he he heh wow to Gold Coast!! Come to me GC!
True debbs!! Tough times brings us closer to God in a way that we weren't
before.. that, in itself is my silver lining! :-) :-) :-)
Ha ha ha that’s why la I like thinking of us as the magical couple, lost love reunited gitu he he !
GP and B going to Gold Coast?? Wuaahhh bestnya!! I asked J what he's doing
for my birthday.. and he said surprise.. I asked him will I like it? and he
said definitely! Then I said is it wrappable or not? Then he said wrappable!
Trus I said DARN kuat2!! LOL! Ingatkan dia nak ajak vakasi!! LMAO!!
Yeah yeah!! U know how sometimes one bad thing will escalate into a whole bunch of misery??? That’s the most trying time, we went through it too early this year, but things are looking up so yay!
I dunno la GP, cannot see org senang. I was the outcast back in college, couldn't fit in because I have strong opinion about things. You know la, some ppl would rather keep their opinion to themselves just to fit in? Maybe that's why kot. Or maybe I was one of the least likely to succeed kot lol!!
Yay to J getting promoted yay!!
Yaa.. in this hot weather, I think the kids pun din really mind masa mandi..
lagi2 I make them bubbles! LOL!
LOL to huge giveaway! And speaking of which, thinking of one oso but kena plan properly dulu!
He he he dunno yet if jadi go or not, that’s why hafta BD ni Shemah muahahahhaha, just in case lol!
I'm to frank and all my whiny friends left me cause they think I have a
perfect life and somehow being around me seems so depressing, so they
stopped being my friends..:'(
I want to spray away those ticks, or wash them off into the sewage. Lol!!
Biarlah dia.. long time ago.. tak baik do that to people kan debbs.. nanti
satu hari, karma!
* i mean too
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Nadezna Joanne Fallarme <> wrote:
Me too last minute packing unless it’s an obersea trip, then 3 days before!
I love packing back to Kuching because I don't need to bring towels and stuff like that. :):) Gotta pack light to make room for goodies from Sarawak ma..hehehe
Ooohhh poor G!! I feel for him
GP.. I baru bangun.. long Ipoh drive yesterday..hehe
Recent blog post: Happy Birthday to You
Same here Shemah, God has never let me down, and even when I am swamped with
problem I just lift it all up to him and somehow it doesn't seem so bad at
all.. :)
A big WOOHOO to GP for makan-ing salad!! I don't have selera lah today..
good thing. Whenever I get my crimson wave, I lose my appetite! :-)
* I mean problems.. What is up with me and all the typos lately?!!
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 8:02 PM, Nadezna Joanne Fallarme <> wrote:
Ooh! J getting promoted Shem? Yay!! :)
Nope.. on TAF! :-) :-) hope to get a really enticing prize to give away!!
:-) :-)
Sape ni kedekut credit and what credit la?
Trueee.. nasib baik dah ex.. Then that time lah jugak he wanted to tell me
he no longer felt the sparks lah and what not.. crazy lah..
Ooh, I hope I win all your give aways ladies!! :-D Yay! :-D
Hahaha Shem!! he's cute but too bad kedekut!! And to remember how he bolayan me last time, geram jer. BIKIN PANAS! Lol!!! Itu la lelaki Melayu Sarawak. Ish!!!
LOL to GP and B going to GC hahahhahahhaha! Bestnye kalau I gi GC! Yay for Shemah’s wrappable pressie!
too hot weather gives Chakai nose bleeds so she has to take two baths to
cool her down..
Shemah!! I love Angie!! :-D I love her in Original Sin, she was sooo sexy
there, I love love looove her!! :)
jut dropping by here
have a great day and happy blogging
I'll try Debbs.. :-D LOL Why? Am I closing in on you?
Hey Marzie! :)
Ooooohhh super duper smokin' hot in Original Sin!! I loved her there, too!
Original Sin is like one of my fave movies ever Shemah! What a love story,
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!