After four days of being away, B will be home this afternoon YAY! He's been away on a work brainstorming session since Monday. At Pangkor Island too mind you and though I know it's work, I can't help but feel envious at the thought of B enjoying a little RnR on an exotic island! Time for me to plan my own vacation don't you think?

Anyway, my cool find at Blogthings today is really fun. By answering 5 simple questions, I can determine my fast food. Apparently I am a burrito which is great cause I love Mexican food! And what's more, I think this quiz is spot on; no doubts whatsoever about it describing me to perfection!

Ever wondered what's the fast food in you? Take the quiz and share!
You Are a Burrito |
![]() You're not a picky person. You're able to go with the flow and really enjoy life. You have a taste for the exotic, and you're quite adventurous. You're willing to try almost anything. You're very low maintenance. You don't mind getting a bit messy if it means having fun. You aren't superficial or easily impressed. Someone has to be the real deal if they're going to impress you. |


Ooh... while checking Maddie's math & spelling homework
Yay, B home soon... I didn't realize he'd been away so long... with the plumbing incident and all
Maddie says make a mad face >:o
Recent blog post: Never Say Goodbye
WOWIE! U have been stalking here Roxy, great chop ha ha ha! :)
So happy for u Roxy! That’s 2 points on my FCSB woo hoo!
Yeah, that’s why the sink is still not working, waiting for B to come home first lol!
Oh no why mad face Maddie? Hugs!
ohhhh darn my computer's too slow :'( :'(
Oh, no, not more B plumbing... don't forget to give him my Over the Top Plunger Award
Recent blog post: Never Say Goodbye
yummm buritos sounds like you Mariuca.. 8-)
Hugs back from Maddie O:-) and London, too :*
Recent blog post: Never Say Goodbye
Hugsy KIM!! Thanks for comin to chop, cookie for you? :)
oops burritos!!!
checking mine out now =-O
Maddie wants visitors to her blog
Recent blog post: Tana
Ha ha of coz! I will def pass the supercool Over the Top Plunger Award to B ha h ah! :)
YAY thank you Kim, I love burritos! :)
yummy cookies ...taaa Mariuca :* I'm a Smoothie :-P
YAY, can’t wait to find out ur result Kim!
Oh definitely more fluffy hugs for the girls and BEAR-iuca! :)
WOOFIES! Thank you for the link Maddie, I’ll come over with cookies! :)
Wow…smoothie sounds so cool, drop off the description if u can! Would love to read! :)
hi mini mariuca! I'm practicing my typing ;)
Recent blog post: Tana
yummy yummy for the tummy lol
Morning Maddie, oh it’s night time for u sweetie. :)
Morning Bill!
Bath time first, we were too busy chopping to get sudsy
Maddie is a Burrito, too!! =-O
here it is Mariuca ;)
You are fun loving, active, and flexible. You are very open to new experiences.
You are very positive and optimistic. You believe the best is yet to come in life.
You appreciate the simple pleasures, like fresh fruit and a summer day.
You believe less is more. You rather lead a life of leisure than let your things own you.
London is a donut :*
Maddie wants to be good friends... are you REALLY a genie princess? :-$
Ha ha happy to see u guys chopping away with ur mom! Have fun splish-splash!
YAY! Hugs for Maddie, burritos are yummy! Thank you for taking the quiz sweetie!
Wow Kim! Smoothie suits you well, you are indeed positive and optimistic. Hugs for taking the quiz and sharing! :)
Good morning Marzie!! :) :) Yay for B coming home today! Bestnya going to Pangkor for work! Jelesi lah me!
you're welcome Mariuca...taa for the quizz...gtg do my morning walk 8-) 8-)
hi mariuca I'm a donut, BEAR-iuca is sleeping with us in mommy's bed tonite -- London :*
Recent blog post: I'm a Donut!
Oh another sweet food, I love donuts too, London! :)
Marzie!!! I'm a burrito too!!! :) :) :) same same lah we both! birds of a feather flock together! LOL!
Zam Zam ALAKAZAM! Wanna fly with me on my magical flying carpet, Maddie? :)
Morning Shemah! I lag la jelesi but glad he’s coming home today. :)
Have a nice walk Kim, see ya later! :)
Girls are splish-splashing away, trying to talk me into American Idol at 9pm.
Recent blog post: Swine Flu Alert from Kris Harrison, Superintendent of Mendham Township Schools
Yes oh yes oh yes!
Recent blog post: Tana
Morning London! Oh so happy to hear that, BEAR-iuca will keep mommy company tonight yay! :)
Woo hoo to birds of a feather flock together, thanks Shemah. Hope u had fun! :)
Oh u shld watch American Idol!!! I am waiting for 6pm today to find out who’s eliminated and not sooner! Hope Adam is tops woo hoo! :)
Hang on tight Maddies, let’s take a ride while ur mommy stalks my meow blog he he he!
It might be either kris or danny maybe.. Luckily for allison that it was
rock week and she got to duet with adam. Adam gave her that little star
power and edge.. so hopefully she'll be in. But shocking kan last week adam
bottom 2? Macam cannot believe lah..
Of coz la shocking so lucky Adam was safe, better not be any funny business tonight! A little worried for Danny too, he didn do so well last night, to me. :)
London wants Adam, too... should we tell you who is eliminated??!! No spoilers! =-X
Recent blog post: Tana
Mommy missed the chop when we were on the rinse cycle :(
Recent blog post: Tana
Oh nooooo don tell me who’s eliminated shhhh lol! I wanna see for myself tonight woo hoo! Go Adam Go!! :)
Awwww sorry mommy missed the chop, but tell her I’ll be writing more posts later! :)
More posts??!! You've taken over for LJ, nevah evah sleeping
Recent blog post: Bluer Than Blue
Oh no hahhaha not now! I’ll be posting again later after my beauty sleep lolz!
So many burritos... Maddie and I were both burritos. I think it all turns on which condiment you picked: Maddie & I picked salsa, London (donut) picked maple syrup =-O
Recent blog post: Never Say Goodbye
Oh my you’re making me hungry with all this burrito and salsa talk!!!
Can you order fast food delivery anytime day or night? That's one of the few things I miss from our years in NYC. I could totally go for a burrito right now.
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
Mc D’s is 24/7 here Roxy! Oh yummy buritto is keeping me awake, thinking abt it lol!
American Idol is over here, that makes it bedtime I think. I have so much work to do, but I just don't have the energy or coffee you & LJ do...
Recent blog post: Bluer Than Blue
Good night Roxy, it’s been fun keeping each other company while the guys were away, hugs! :)
Oh, I love these Blogthing quizzes! Here is my result and I think it suits me. Well, I do like burgers ;)
You Are a Burger
You are a down to earth person and a straight shooter. You don't fall for fads or trends.
You are stable and a bit old fashioned. Tradition and loyalty are important to you.
You are a good friend and you like to have a good time. You find it easy to kick back.
You're not one to make waves in life. You're happy just to be a part of the fun.
Sorry to bore you Marzie, but alas, I am a burrito too hahahha :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Burritos of a flavour, lump together..
Hey Marzie, I am PIZZA! :)
You are friendly, popular, and outgoing. You find it easy to get along with anyone.
You can be casual and carefree or fancy and upscale. You fit in anywhere.
You are a giving person, and you love to share. Sharing comes naturally to you.
You always liven up a party and attract a big crowd. There's just something about you that people love!
Recent blog post: A Rainy Day
Yay! I love Pizza! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: A Rainy Day
Pizza is a complete meal in itself, you got veggies, meat, cheese and bread, what else can you want?? *DONT_KNOW* :-P :-D :-D
Recent blog post: A Rainy Day
Recent blog post: A Rainy Day
I think my results are somewhat accurate, what do you think Marzie?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-[
Recent blog post: A Rainy Day
Hey Shemah! :)
Recent blog post: A Rainy Day
Aww.. I wanted to be a burrito too! =-O :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: A Rainy Day
You are sooo a pizza!! :-) :-) :-) You are lovable and a very complete meal.
I mean complete person. LOL! Couldn't ask for more! :-) :-)
Aww.. Thanks Shemah! :-D
Happy Birthday Shemah!
Happy Birthday Ane!
GP!! I'm a burger LOL My favourite food....can't get better than that for me hehehe
Cheers! ;)
LOL bem, it's not my birthday.. :-D
Its ok, everyone needs birthday wishes sometimes. Happy Birthday Ane!
LOL oh, okay then Bem! thanks! :-D Happy Birthday Bem! :)
hahah that's the spirit! happy birthday to all!
Happy Birthday Bem!! :-)
Eh how are you, True birthday blogger?
The TBB might be catching Star Trek later on..
Ah dang, bestnye, Shemah, if you are truly a Trekkie, esok tukar la
hairstyle macam Spock.
Hahahah laaa.. dah lah I kena dare to do the Vulcan salute to the dudes
working at the theatre.. LOL! zaman kecik2 dah rambut spock.. okay lah..
Oh you are a yummy burger, Rosidah! Thank you for having fun with the quiz! :)
Bem Bem the burrito, satu geng la kita! :)
Burritos are not good for our BD Shemah! ;)
Oh Pizza is awesome, Ane!!! Thanks for taking the quiz sweetie!
Me too, pizza is so yum!
Ha ha that’s correct Ane, pizza is a complete yummy meal, I’d love a margherita pizza just about now! :)
Pizza YUM YUM indeed! :)
Marzie, do u know how to make burritos? You should lah, for the greater good
Sigh, Pizza is good, I wish I was a Pizza but alas
Great result Ane, I gotta agree on this part based on what I’ve seen from ur blog so far!
You always liven up a party and attract a big crowd.
Pizza is just as yum as burrito Ane lol!
GK!! Ha ha so cute la u got burger! Speaking of which, I do feel like a blue cheese burger right now! ;)
I know a stinky by product of Buritos ... LOL!
Recent blog post: Two Takes
Oh no, dunno how to make la Bem Bem, kena go to las carretas for burritos! :)
Hahahahah BD?? What BD?? LOL!
las carretas? is that a good place to makan burritos?
Burritos probably creates Shotgun Waterfalls
Supposed BD la Shemah ahaks!
Las carettas is a Mexican restaurant, Bem Bem! Mesti la ada burritos kat sana, or not kat mana lagi ye?
kat restoran syed takde burrito ka? i know dorang ada briyani bukhara
U too burritos Nick? Yums what burritos! :)
Briyani bukhara pun mcm best je Bem Bem, lama tak makan briyani! :(
They should make burrito bukhara
Tak best la burrito Bukhara, but that nasi briyani mmg best la YUM! ;)
Ooohhh I am soo gonna have dinner at las carretas for my birthday!! :-) :-)
Eeee.. bem ni kan.. make me want to eat briyani Bukhara lah!! Bem ni kan..
the last time i talk to him he make me go eat at lala chong! >.<
LOL @ burrito Bukhara
I really do need that laptop cooler... I was going to write you one last comment before I went to bed last night, but my computer overheated and crashed. Boo hoo!
Recent blog post: Never Say Goodbye
I'm guessing B is home now... Enjoy! Rex will not get in until very late tonight, but the girls and I are headed over to a friends' house for girls' night.
Recent blog post: Never Say Goodbye
It's such a coincidence Marzie, cause I looove pizza! :)
Aww.. thanks Marzie! :) but I wanted to be a burrito like you and Shemah
too.. :'(
You are a burrito to me then, Ane..YUM!
Great result for u Ane, me too got a fave food of mine!
Enjopy ur weekend with Rex and the kids!
Sounds like u really need the cooler, Roxy! Hurry up and get one!
hehe Thanks Marzie! :) Yay to being a burrito! :)
I love all kinds of food Marzie, as long as it's edible, you can bet I'll
like it.. :) except if it involves innards, then me no likey.. :-P
You wrote so many posts... I was in all day meetings at work and missed the chops... glad to catch up today, but sad to hear Chubbs is in the hospital. Hope B can cheer you up.
Have a nice weekend.
Recent blog post: Wordless Weekend: Happy Mother's Day
I did write so many posts didn’t I? :)
Thank you for thinking of Chubbs, and B and I are doing all we can to stay positive! :(
Ooooh I LOVE BlogThings! :) Lemme try and see my result. 8-)
Best nya B gi Pangkor just to discuss work! I haven't been to Pangkor yet. :) 8-) *DONT_KNOW*
You Are a Burger
You are a down to earth person and a straight shooter. You don't fall for fads or trends.
You are stable and a bit old fashioned. Tradition and loyalty are important to you.
You are a good friend and you like to have a good time. You find it easy to kick back.
You're not one to make waves in life. You're happy just to be a part of the fun.
This sounds so much like me, Marzie. I am a burger yay!!
I don't fall for fads or trends. I LAIK!
Go ahead Debbs, share ur inner fast food!
I oso haven been to Pangkor!
Burger Debbs, so yum! Thanks for taking the quiz dear! You love to kick back yes? Relaxi taxi gitu!
Yay Debbs! U are a yummy burger!
Oh yes to relaxi taxi! yay to me, embracing my inner fast food lol!!
Yay but burritos pun yums!!
I feel like having my inner fast food now Debbs, one burrito for me por favor!
Eh totally forgetting your BD ke today? Hmm Yenny just told me she's getting married next year, kena BD oso la me lol!!!
Yeah totally no bd for me today debbs! Wow congrats to yenny!! When is the wedding?
Not sure yet but she said maybe in March!
Oh lama lagi debbs, plenty of time to bd!
Yay to plenty of time to BD! :):)
Marzie, inner fast food sounds dodgy, cause I have inner fast food output
after breakfast usually
Yay! Debbs, I love a yummy burger! :-D
Ewwww Bem gross lah!
hahahahaha don't put it past bem to say gross stuff.. LOL!
Yay Ane! What was your inner fast food eh? I didn't read through the old comments. What about Shem?
Ane's a pizza!! And I'm a burrito debbs!! LOL!
Oh Ane is her own fave food yay! You oso burrito mcm GP yay! :)
Hahaha mana ada gross hahaha
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!