Hola! Just a short and sweet post to thank my BFF Jean who is currently MIA, for this awesome red hot Over The Top Award she presented me recently. Thank you very much for this lovely award Jean. You always have me in mind when it comes to awards and I love you for that!

To receive this award your blog must be exceptional in design and content; presenting us with new knowledge, a sense of style, or at times just giving us a smile!
Each recipient of the award will acknowledge the person who honored them with the award and then go to http://overthetopaprons.blogspot.com to copy/paste the award : Your Blog is Over The Top. (located on the right sidebar, scroll down)
It is an honour for me to pass on this lovely award to some of my favourite bloggers I've encountered and befriended over my blogging years and they are in no particular order: Kim, Liza, Monica, Lainy, Twinks, Fida, Ane, Jean & Martin, Janice, Elai, Bing, LR, Grandy, Nessa, Star, Shemah, Emila, LJ, Debbie, ECL, Kimberly, Roxy, Mize, Rozella, Tina, Ruby & Erisha!


«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 352 Newer› Newest»:-[ :-[
Thanks dearie... We are Over the Top!! lol!!
and congrats to you and the rest as well for receiving it!!
yihaa.. and after refreshing.. confirm I am FC..lol!!.. doing my dance now.. !!!
Can pls link to LJL dearie.. muahs!!!
:'( :'( :'(
good morning! :)
Yay! Thanks for the award Mariuca! :* :* :*
LJ! :* :* :*
i love it! 8-) 8-)
i think Jean also presented me this award or someone else *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-D
:) LJ!
FC LJ! Back to being SSG woo hoo! Congrats LLP! :)
Confirmed FC dearie yay and will link to LJL! :)
YAY! You’re welcome Monica, congrats! :)
Good morning Tere! Thanks for comin over to chop! :)
:) Monica!
I love it too Mon, red karer woo hoo! And wonderful interim award post for us he he! :)
I think so too Mon! U can check out Jean’s award link here at my post. :)
hahaha yeah! wonderful interim award post for us!!! :-D
ok Mariuca! i'll check it out! :-)
He he Mon!! I chopped 2 PBs at RM today yay! :)
I step away for a minute and no chop for Roxy!
Okies, say hello to Jean for me lol!
But wait, that's not being gracious... Thank you for the award... let me just slip into something fancy for my acceptance speech!
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
Mariuca, guess how many PBs I chopped at RM? :-D
YAY congrats sweetie, am loving that fancy award dress! ;)
LOL! Good morning Roxy! :)
Wah 5 PBs Mon???? So many u chopped!!!
7 Mariuca!!! lol....but i don't think sempat to do all la :-D
congratulations Mariuca :) :)
what a wonderful award and thank you so much for including me in your recipients :* :*
WOW!!!!!! U got so many offers from RM edi Mon!!!! How la to finish, better be on posting frenzy asap!! :)
have a wonderful Wednesday :* :*
lol....4 days only how to finish la!! :-D
Thank you Kim and congrats to you too of course! Hugs! :)
I am already looking forward to Fri, Kim ha ha! ;)
4 or 5 days Monica? Wah OKB!!!!
DL is 05/09, Mariuca. :-D
Can, still got time but must start soon eh Monica? Wah so many Pbs lol!! I think if 5 oso, I worried edi cannot finish, how la to do 7 ha ha ha!
yeah must start soon but I haven't started yet...hahaha!
I’m going to start on mine oso, then chop some more ROTFLMAO! :)
u've done with yr ec round edi Mariuca?
Not yet, now at Awesome for MPG, but still have to drop for WOAFS after this. You?
I dropped 300 edi! :-D
Good morning Marzie!
Oh, now I'm over the top eh? (of cos in a good way kan) :-D Thank you dear!
I'm so hepi RM approved my blog (after the name change). Getting pretty good offers too. Mati la nak buat PB :-$
Abt to start WOAFS now, dropped 51 so far! :(
Morning Nessa and congrats! :)
YAY! RM approved ur new domain, that’s superb! Keep the ka-ching coming in dearie, nak OKB cepat ni lol! :)
Go WOAFS Go!!!
Thanks Mon! Trying to finish asap!
Morning Marzie! :) I just got up! :)
Congrats to you, for the award, GP! Congrats to everyone too, and thanks for thinking of me! :):)
C and I are leaving at 10.30pm today and I haven't packed yet! As usual, C has packed his bags 2 days earlier lol!! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Oh tonight?? How many days Debbs? Have fun yeah and eat away for me he he! :)
Morning Debbs early bird! :)
thanks for thinking of me again MARZIE!!!
Bing (",) :) :) :)
=-O =-O =-O
Thanks Marzie for the award :)
I wonder where Jean is too....??? =-O =-O
Good morning Marzie!! :) :) Thanks for the award!! :) :) Hmm.. looks like i've really got to get the award ceremonies going...
oh, my! thanks so much, dear! :* :* :*
You’re welcome Bing, congrats and keep on blogging! :)
:) Elai!
Congrats Janice, enjoy ur award! :)
I think Jean is busy, Jan! Aloha Jean!! :)
Yup, I'm the early bird today...I have tonnes of things to do but here I am, still commenting away. :):)
Morning Shemah, congrats! Cepat la buat award ceremony and have fun! :)
About 5 days, GP! C ambik cuti kaw2. We'll be back on Monday. :):) Oh no, eat away lagi hehehe...
You’re welcome Elai and congrats! :)
where are u going Debbs? ;-)
Going back to C's hometown in Kulim, Mon. :)
congrats! you're certainly over the top! 8-) 8-) 8-)
MONDAY???? So lonnnnnnnnngggggg debbs???
Yep yep! Have to! Got so many awards to give people!!
Yup Shem! Alamak, don't la miss me.
Hahahahaha well, ane is virtually hugging one leg while I hold the other
one! LOL!
ohhhhic.... have a safe journey ya Debbs & C! :-)
Lol @ virtually hugging legs! :):) You ladies won't feel it la, the week will fly by very quickly! :)
Thank you, Mon! :)
Better start running your errands Debbs, have a good day!
Wah 5 days, lama jugak tu! Enjoy yourself and have fun taking pics, hanging out and eating of course! :)
Lol!! Just finished wrapping birthday present for the birthday boy. :):) Now I think I'm gonna do a PB yay!!
Of course, I will, Marzie. :) Don't miss me too much! Lol!!
Lonely Roxy dropping in on Tuesday night... no Rex, and the girls are fast asleep...
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
Uau Marzie. Such an honour!
You always remember me :)
Congrats for all!
Will sure post it soon.
Good week :):)
Morning OTT folks, how's your day today? =-O
I can't wait until Friday!! Rex will be home Thursday night, and then it's Mother's Day weekend!
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
Rex and the girls are taking me to see Alvin Ailey at NJPAC on Sunday... our new Mother's Day tradition!
Recent blog post: Spring Is In the Air at NJPAC in Newark, NJ
Morning Bem! :)
Thanks for the lovely award GP! By the way, you are my first commenter at my post yesterday.
Thanks and with LOTS of LOVE!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Unique Hotels *
Morning Debbs, how's it going?
Thanks sweetie, it’s been fun hanging out with you too! :)
Have pun planning ur award ceremony Shemah!
Have fun Debbs, don miss us too much! :)
Oh PB! From where Debbs, SS is it?
Yikes! I baru je comment don’t miss me too much and here you are saying the same thing LOL!!!
I’m here Roxy, put away the lonely blues! :)
YAY, congrats Mize! Of course I remember, you are one of my faves! Hugs! :)
Hey Bem Bem, another busy day for me, baru je sweep my place achoooo!!
Roxy, me too looking forward to Fri, B will be around at home dat day so yay! :)
Morning, all! It's actually coming up on bedtime here on the other side of the world. If there are any BlogExplosion voters in the house, I'd sure appreciate your support...
Recent blog post: Spring Is In the Air at NJPAC in Newark, NJ
Oh I see, sweeping the place? That's good, any plumbing?
Busy morning for me. Trying to publish some posts and then nak pack sbb going back to Kulim tonight yay! :)
Lol!! Of course I'll feel uneasy sbb cannot go online for almost a week! :):) Missing you guys already, Marzie!
Oh I baru dapat PB from RM yay! :) Ada jugak rezeki si phat-woman hehehe...
Did Genie Princess go night-night just when I need her? All that Over the Top partying??
Recent blog post: Gardens On The Bay Coming to Bay Head and Mantoloking on Wednesday, June 17th
Lol!!! Great minds think alike? ;)
There you are! I'm in a tiny yet important BOTB... big winning streak!
Oh have a wonderful Mother’s Day celebration, Roxy. At least Rex will be back by then! :)
It really does make me feel better to have your company. It's funny, either you never ever sleep or the 12 hour time difference works out well, you're awake when my work day is (mostly) done.
Going over to BE to vote for you, Roxy! :)
I've got two computers going tonight, and could use two of those cooler thingies... one commenting here and dropping mad EC and the other installing all those Microsoft updates 8-)
I like that smiley with the sunglasses.
I am Ruby???? YAY, I didn’t even realize that hahaha! FC FC FC!!! Enjoy ur award sweetie and congrats! :)
Are u on another BOTB Roxy? Hang on lemme check!
LOL! Terpaksa buang air from the baldi dalam bilik air adalah Bem Bem! ;)
Uwah I know dat feeling Debbs, but take this time to rekindle with C and enjoy life! :)
Uhoh... Bill Gates' dog is barking on my other computer, "preparing Microsoft Outlook for first use??!!"
Yay for Phat Woman! Hey, Phat woman same dgn PW (phat wallet)!
I was cleaning up my place just now Roxy, am back!
Thank you... you're Over the Top!
Definitely, hugs Debbs!
Thanks, GP! It's a regular party going on here at your blog! Over the top, I tell you.
Ok Roxy, am voting for u now! Good luck. :)
LOL to me never ever sleeping hahah!
Wow u back to dropping like a madwoman, Roxy? :)
He he my fave is the shocked smiley with the mouth wide open lol!
Ala apasal tak plumbing, at least B can get back at you for doing the
opposite of plumbing miahahahaha
Voted for you, Roxy! Good luck. :)
Hehehe I'm so gonna ignore C and hang out with his nephews instead lol!!
Welcome Roxy, hugs!
Dear Mariuca,
What a very lovely award!! I am very honoured to receive it. Really. Thank you very much.
Because how busy I am till next 2 weeks, I am not sure to post it before it but I woulf do it after that.
Once again, thank you from deep of my heart.
Recent blog post: Sharing The Miracles and My Joy
Yup, but phat-woman is still rotp ;)
He he come join the party anytime u want Roxy, coffee is always available 24/7!
Hugsy hugsy! :)
He he he gils kea pa nak suruh I plumbing Bem Bem? Takpe, kita tunggu for my sink to be functioning again!
LOL!!! Kesian abang C kita kena ignore he he!
YAY, morning Fida! And congrats on this awesome award. Take your time sweetie, do what u gotta do first and then enjoy ur award okay? Love and hugs! :)
Yes ROTP = Phat Woman!
gils kea pa sounds like a foreign language. Ala kamon Marzie, buat la
plumbing sikit
Hehehe...you know GP, C has already planned our food adventure at Kulim nanti. Habis la I become super F when I come back. Oh no!!
I can't wait... I think this is the longest Rex has been away since I've known him. Before we had the girls, we used to always travel together on business, pleasure, or both.
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
EH Bem Bem, dah la I wish u hepi besday even though it’s not ur besday, some more wan me to do plumbing ROTFLMAO!
lmao @ Bem wanting GP to do some plumbing lol!!!
Oh no! But how to avoid eating when on vakasi right? ;)
Eh, doing plumbing is a given, its not an option hahahahhaha but thanks for
the "besday" wish
She's quite a good plumber, she just needs to realise that hahahahah
Easy, do plumbing.
Oh yes so the hell with BD during vakasi hehehe...not that I'm BD-ing lol!!
How long will Rex be away Roxy? 1 week??? For me, I think it was a week, longest B away from me. :)
Hepi besday Bem Bem!!! Woo hoo! Kita celebrasi today ha ha ha!
Lol!!! GP, kamon la do plumbing. Lol! Kidding!!
Yeehawww, lets get the party started!
LOL to me being quite a good plumber!!
Yeah forget abt BD masa vakasi! Remember, feast first BD later LOL!
Yay, got support now hahaha
It’s Bem Bem’s besday today peeps!!! Muahahahhahaha! Nak sangat besday mood LOL!
Hahahha u oso wan me to do plumbing Debbs? Funny la everybody this morning!
I have no idea what BD is but you should do plumbing in vakasi.
It used to be LJ who always seemed to be awake, but lately I think you're out-not-sleeping her.
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
Only 4 nights, he left Sunday and gets home late Thursday night. Though he was also away last week, so it feels like even longer.
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
Happy birthday to me!!!
Thank you. I don't want to jinx it, but RBO is actually undefeated (5-0) since BE approved my blog.
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
I think BlogExplosion has improved a lot over the past month or so, particularly as EntreCard has lost a lot of its members. I see a lot of new blogs in BOTB, not just the same old bunch of us every time. And so nice to see you got Meow Diaries approved in record time!
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
Hahaha so awal la Bem besday. Pre-birthday party ke? :):)
LMAO sapa wanna do plumbing during vakasi oh puhlease. Lol!!!
Hello Roxy, do you know its Marzie's sweet 17 birthday today? Well, that's
what she says.
Apparently, Marzie does.
Hope you didn't have to clean up after more of B's plumbing... =-O
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
Pre-birthday party to prepare for the real one ya ya ya hahaha
Ha ha ha ha kes teruk tu plumbing while vakasi!
LJ is still up and about Roxy, just that she’s busy with workstuff so keeping a lo profile he he!
YAY to RBO being undefeated! Hope she wins again this round. :)
Oh everybody wants GP to get on the plumbing... that's what you get for making fun of B
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
I'm going to give you the Over the Top Plunger Award if you don't watch out... you're lucky I'm not a designer
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
I agree Roxy! Ever since Jeff from BE started taking over admin duties, BE has been really speedy and accommodating, love BE! I’ve been on the rocket daily too! :)
Just to keep me busy while Rex is away. =-O
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
Hahahhaah that's a good one! Marzie should get that award!
Thanks for the vote Debbs! On a winning streak :-P
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
I don't think I've gotten to 300 for either blog in months, but I got 150 on RDH and 150 on RBO so far today... only 6 mins left though
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
Oh yay Roxy! Win win win! I always vote for you each time I see you on BOTB, actually. :-D
You need a dropping machine.
OK, here it is, the Over the Top Plunger Award for Genie Princess!
Recent blog post: Gardens On The Bay Coming to Bay Head and Mantoloking on Wednesday, June 17th
I sure know that feeling. I miss LJ, though... think I'll head over there for a latte
Recent blog post: Gardens On The Bay Coming to Bay Head and Mantoloking on Wednesday, June 17th
Cuba kita suruh Bem Bem plumbing on vakasi, best tak? LOL!!!!
LOL Bem Bem!!!!!! Yeah it’s my sweet 17th birthday, who’s to say it’s not? Muahahhahha!
He he no more plumbing mess Roxy, was sweeping ealier! ;)
LOL!!! Yeah la Roxy, they want me to do some plumbing work on my own boo hoo hoo! ;)
LOL sure Roxy! So long as it’s cute, I don mind ha ha!
I takde any vakasi planned yet, but I will jump at the chance! Plumbing is
the new thang.
Hmm, speaking of who's to say... where's Shemah?
Cool la, you got over the top plunger award.
Is there a bot that would do my dropping for me? I guess I enjoy it too much to turn it over to a machine.
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
We all miss LJ! :(
I’d buy a dropping machine Bem Bem!
I got my usual 600 in Roxy and 200+ for Meow! :)
Bem Bem, and when I get that award, I am so going to pass it to you! Don care! LOL!
I hope to go for vakasi soon Bem Bem! Can’t wait!
Shemah baca buku kat rumah lol!
no no no, give it to B
When I said dropping machine, I meant you Marzie. You're the dropping
Yes the bot is Marzie.
200+ only for Meow? Is this really Marzie?
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!