Hola! Just a short and sweet post to thank my BFF Jean who is currently MIA, for this awesome red hot Over The Top Award she presented me recently. Thank you very much for this lovely award Jean. You always have me in mind when it comes to awards and I love you for that!
To receive this award your blog must be exceptional in design and content; presenting us with new knowledge, a sense of style, or at times just giving us a smile!
Each recipient of the award will acknowledge the person who honored them with the award and then go to http://overthetopaprons.blogspot.com to copy/paste the award : Your Blog is Over The Top. (located on the right sidebar, scroll down)
It is an honour for me to pass on this lovely award to some of my favourite bloggers I've encountered and befriended over my blogging years and they are in no particular order: Kim, Liza, Monica, Lainy, Twinks, Fida, Ane, Jean & Martin, Janice, Elai, Bing, LR, Grandy, Nessa, Star, Shemah, Emila, LJ, Debbie, ECL, Kimberly, Roxy, Mize, Rozella, Tina, Ruby & Erisha!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 352 of 352 Newer› Newest»I don wan be dropping machine! :(
Saje tau nak stone fire I lol!!
YEAH! 200+ only for Meow ha ha ha, tak larat la Bem Bem!
I graciously accept your Over the Top award, and now have a lil sumpin' up on my blog for you... though the "recent blog post" widget is hiding it...
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
You're over the top, Debbs! And if you've tried your hand at plumbing, drop by my blog to see the Over the Top Plunger award I've created just for Marzie!
Recent blog post: Cinco de Mayo Haiku
kamon, you need to do 900 drops, you can do it, you're Marzie
What's this about a birthday? I thought Marzie's birthday month was August.
But you are, but u can be the perfect dropping machine once you get 300 for
LOL! Debbs is asleep Roxy, comin over to check out this plunger award!!!
I have no idea, she has two birthdays perhaps
Aiyo so notty la besday boy today! I dropped 900 that day edi, he he… so now trying to get into the momentum, MEOW!
Oh it is YOUR sweet sixteen, Bem Bem! Happy birthday to you.
LOL! Bem Bem is celebrating my birthday early this year ha ha ha!
800 drops... wow, I mean meow
I thought it was MY birthday?
Hahahahahah yeah happy birthday Bem Bem!!!
Did anyone say my naaame???????
Thanks Roxy, you rox! In two years, I'm a legal adult yeehaw.
Meow indeed Roxy, 819 drops to be exact! :)
Or rather... mewow
900 drops je? try la 1000 drops
Thank you thank you!
Awalnya dah wish yourself Happy Birthday, Bem. If like that, Happy Birthday
to me too!! :-) :-)
Great, Shemah is here! would u agree to disagree that today is Marzie sweet
17th birthday?
Meriahnye ur besday Bem Bem!
Hahahahaha actually, I was more like reading all your comments.. nak cari
opening to menyampuk.. then I saw my name being mentioned.. and yeah!! Time
to menyampuk! LOL!
Ehhh potong queue nak sambut besday cepat lak... hahaha
Itu lah, its like more meriah than my actual besday!
Hahahahha pandai carik ruang ye, dah habis baca buku?
Marzie.. you tak dapat open the link eh that I gave you? Anyways, it's the
Must Have 7 EDP gift box that you wrote about dulu tu. It's only $30.99..
and shipping pun is just $14.70.. yang lain2 I see all like $40 and shipping
pun nak $30..
Yeah! Hahaaha.. marzie's sweet 17? Yeah.. I agree to disagree.. :-) :-)
And with that, I must get to sleep... see you all in a few hours
Recent blog post: Over the Top Plunger Award
LOL at "recent blog post" :*
Recent blog post: Over the Top Plunger Award
Hahahaha Yalah!! Habiss.. semua orang nak birthday cepat2 ni.. I also don't
want to wait so long for my bday! :-P
Hahaha not done reading, yet!!
Nite Roxy, great plunger award!
Shemah, why do you have shemah and Shemah? Its like a bit magical.
I'm just magical like that, bem!! My name's so nice, gotta see it twice!!
kamon Shemah, explain lahhhh
LOL padahal the true besday blogger this month is Shemah hahahha! Hepi Besday Shemah!!!!
itu la pasal, happy besday Shemah, you are the true besday blogger!
Hahahah actually Bem punya besday is much more closer eh bem?? In 3 days
Hahahahaha.. this JS thing lah.. auto login but still my name is like
sometimes Shemah or shemah. So yeah. magical gitu!
Hhahahah adakah such a thing as true besday blogger?? LOL!
ohhh u must be hiding something ni, shemah Shemah... you must be ganging up
on us
eh shhh you're the only one celebrating on May. me and marzie fake besdays
adaaa, the plumber la coin that term..
LOL Happy Birthday to the true birthday blogger, SHEMAH!
Ehhh aku pulak kena sshh.. okay lah.. yalah2.. I'm the only birthday person
around!! YAY ME! LOL!
LOL to fake besdays, so Bem Bem I know u 79, so how abt the month? ;)
Hahahah who's the plumber again??
Not this month for sure!
hahahahah shhh shhh u are the champion for this month Shemah!
The plumber? Why its Marzie of course.
Oowwhh.. bem 79 eh?? I tot 69! LOL!
Bem Bem is so the plumber!
Not this month tapi dah besday mood this Bem Bem lol!
congrats mariuca you deserve that award
just dropping by have a great day and happy blogging mariuca
Congrats on the award, Marzie!
Thanks for the award!
Ha hahahha see, Shemah oso tot Bem Bem 69 lol!!!
Hahahaha good lah!! Let me celebrate my birthday and have the spotlight on
me!! LOL!
Not this month? Hahahahaahha yeah.. this month is just for me!! Shoo shoo
dan lain2..
I couldn't comment here nor drop EC due to the long long time waiting for your blog to load. I cannot see the sidebar, EC Widget and even posts. :(
Not just your blog but several others who host project wonderful ads.
bestnyerrrr suddenly i feel 10 years younger, thanks marzie and shemah
On Wednesday, May 6, 2009, JS-Kit.com Comments
Hahahaha but bem looks too young lah.. cannot be 69..
Apa pun.. kalau terlepas ke terbelum bem, Happy Birthday in advance!! LOL!
Suka la Bem Bem kena puji young! ;)
Thanks for letting me know, ECL. Hope nothing’s wrong with PW. :)
Now u can see my widget and what not? Dunno what went wrong then ECL but hope all is back to normal now. :)
congrats Marzie!
thanks a lot for thinking of me. i appreciate your thoughtfulness. *hugs*
thanks sweetie! will be back later to grab it :)
Morrrrrning GP? How was your sweet 17th besday?
Poor thing GP kena suruh jadi dropping machine. Lol!!
LMAO @ Bem jadi stone fire hehehe..
mana ada stone fire, baik ni, penyambut hari jadi heheh
Roxy! I saw your OTT Plunger Award LMAO!! :):)
Shem!! :)
Bem the flint stone..
Hahahaha hepi besday Bem Bem!
thank you thank you :D
:* :* :*
Recent blog post: "The First Encounter"
you definitely deserve this award sweetie! :* :*
Recent blog post: "The First Encounter"
jean always gave me this award.. yay! thanks sweetie! from one sweet lady (jean) to another sweet lady (you) and to another sweet lady..ME! yay! hahahaha :-D :-D
Recent blog post: "The First Encounter"
hi =D
thank you. it's so sweet of u to pass me this award. i'm so touched. =)
plus u deserve it no doubt too
Recent blog post: "no guys want me coz I'm too fat & short"
HI Marzie,
yayy am so happy that you liked this award hehehe :) wahhh LJ is FC again heheheh I think getting to your FC is like playing Bingo heheheh :) I get lucky one of these days heheheh :) Keep cool always :) xoxo
I'm back Marzie!
I posted the award here. Thanks again!
Chop Liza!!
Welcome back sweetie!
And yay, saw the post Liza! Many congrats! :)
Hi Erisha, you’re very welcome and I hope u love this one too! Hugs and love sweetie! :)
Ha ha Twinks! Congrats dear, the more same award you receive from diff people, the sweeter you are, so enjoy! :)
Thanks dear and now I’m passin it on to you! :)
Thanks for dropping by Bluedreamer, have a good one!
Thank you ECL and congrats to you too dear! :)
You’re welcome Liza, love and hugs! :)
Sure Liza, congrats!
Thanks for all your support Bluedreamer yay! :)
Happy Birthday Marzie!
See ya later Roxy, gonna be a busy day for me!
Oh I couldn’t open that link Shemah, tried more than 5 times, dunno why! 30.99, dat time I kirim my friend, it was cheaper u know? But thanks for the link yeah, maybe try again later! :)
Thank you Bem Bem, besday girl feels much love today ha ha!
Wah, seems like its your birthday everyday
Ha ha sebab u celebrasi my besday early Bem Bem!
Aww!!!! Thank you so much Marzie!!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Finally!
Aww.. I miss you too Roxy
Have not been dropping too much dearie!
Awww. LJ miss everyone too!!!
Hahha.. that's right GP..
Very LOW profile..loL!
LJ is always awake.lol.. only not dropping and not commenting too much
either :-(
YAY LJ is here! :)
Yeah LJ is here.. just finished one makeover and resting lah.. ingat nak
tidor but tak sleepy lak
I can’t sleep yet LJ!!! Cause I have to wait for the postman! Ada courier redelivery today! Dunno what time coming. :(
Oohhh.I dah nak tido ni.. but macam sakit perut pulak.lol!
We miss you too LJ!!!
Hahahahahaha LMAO!! Hardly melting into anything!! Syura was telling me. you
lazy to exercise because you don't see the results right away. In a month,
for sure you'll see. Same goes for eating also. You eat because you don't
see the results right away. Try keep on eating like that.. for sure in one
month also you will see the results. LOL! terus bangun, EXERCISE!!
Sigh, such an inspiring pep talk from Syura, no wonder la u exercising now! True, kalau one week we don see the difference in our F situasi, for sure discouraged to continue BD kan? Must have willpower!
Tu lah!! LOL!! then she said, if you BD only, memang lah slow.. nak cepat..
kenalah exercise!
Ok, I'll bite. What is BD!!!!?!?!
Aiyooooo must buy new exercise machine like dis LOL! Ok ok will figure out how to exercise while BD, bagus la Syura, no wonder she’s SW!
Arghhhh BD! SW! ARghhh Happy Birthday Marzie :D
Yeahh.. syura tu dah lah SW!! Now, want to become even more SW oredi!
BD=blockbuster diet
Happy birthday bem!!! SW= skinny winny!! LOL!!
OOOOOooooooooo thanks Shemah, you're a life saver! bila nak bukhara?
Hahahahaha don't tempt me, you!! Dah skali i screw up my BD because u talk
about la la chong okay.. LOL!
The true birthday blogger needs to focus okayyy!! Cannot NOT BD.. crucial
time gitu!! So you. and your Bukhara, and your la la chong can wait until
AFTER May.. thank youuuuuuu.. LOL!
Ok lah, then Burritos only, I heard YellowCab Pizza supposed to be good,
have you tried that?
LOL! Tu la Bem Bem doesn understand BD ni Shemah ha ha!
Where is this yellow cab pizza? Mcm interesting je Bem Bem!
Oh gosh no!!! Stop it!! you know how close I am to yellowcab pizza???!!
hahahaahah oops i should have put NSFBD
Hahahahahahaha ohh dia pun tak nak kalah.. Okay fine.. what's NSFBD?
Not Safe For Blockbuster Diet la hahahahahha
Hahahahahahahhahahaha ohhh okay!! NSFBD for ALL your suggestions! :-(
Thanks so much for the award Marzie! :) :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Somebody thinks I'm Friendly and Smart and wants to know me more!*
I will post this soon Marzie! :) Ooh, and I think you are Over the Top too! :) :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Somebody thinks I'm Friendly and Smart and wants to know me more!*
Thanks sweetie, love and hugs!
You’re welcome Ane, congrats! :)
You’re welcome Emila, congrats! :)
I'll be by today to claim my award Marzie.. :)
hahaha... you're so cheeky la marzie!! writing a post on me when i am MIA! haha :-D :-D
but i love it! thanks for still remembering me, lovely!! i was just talking about u with M the other day, saying how long i've not been online. ANd M said maybe marzie hv forgotten abut u. but i said of coz she would not! :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday #19: Little Susie
Sure la Jean, miss u mah! ;)
im so happy to know that I am right! and best of all to know that you remember me!! yay!!! thanks, lovely!! you're da best!!! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday #19: Little Susie
Of coz not woman, I drop my cards every day at AGP and TGB, except when I don’t drop ec la! Hugsy Jean!!!
YAY! Long time never chit chat with u Jean, say hello to M for me too! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!