I am taking this week's Music Monday session to give a very special shout out to a really cool friend and blogger who has made my American Idol MM posts more cheery with her comments and presence. Although there are many AI fans out there who love to come by and chit chat with me about American Idol, I would like to single out one blogger tonight.
This blogger seems to be just as caught up with AI as yours truly and she takes it a step further by discussing other singing reality programs here with me. But most of all, I am dedicating this special MM post to her because she doesn't even own a TV set! All her viewing takes place online but despite having to watch the show much later, she still comes back to discuss and dissect every week's happening right here with me at Wishing on a Falling Star!

So to Debbs aka Phatelara, this one's for you! Thank you for all the bitching and swooning session on American Idol and OIAM. I enjoyed every minute and am looking forward to congratulating the new American Idol and OIAM winner at the end of the season with you!

Last week's show left B and me very impressed with Danny and Adam. We give props to Kris Allen as well for always being consistent and current and very, very entertaining, especially his most recent Ain't No Sunshine performance.
PS. You might have to turn up your speaker volume for the first video. Adam ended Don't Stop Believing on an amazing note don't you think? Every bit the superstar, check out the way he strikes his ending pose! Go Adam Go!

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 299 Newer› Newest»cool 8-) 8-) 8-)
;) ;)
:) :) :)
:-D :-D :-D
:'( :'( :'( :'(
congrates pinklady!
congrats pinklady!
marzie, i was waiting at MPG since 11.55pm. i nvr thought u would publish here first! :-P
haha.. silly me! :-[ :-D
im going to bed soon, it has been a long day for me. I woke up at 5.45am today coz we went to nirvana semenyih for Ching Beng. U know what is Ching Beng, rite? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
anyway, back to yr post, i am really happy to see that you're talking about AI here too!! i am so glad Megan was out. Simon was right abt her, about being 'shiok sendiri'! :-E
Ha ha Jean!!!!! I haven even thought of my song for MPG yet, so still got chance to chop there mah! :)
Adam & Danny was great last week. And i agreed wt u on Kris! But i can see that the last one standing will be Adam! haha! :-D :-D :-D
Wats Ching Beng jean?? Wow so early u woke up Jean, better get some rest tonight okay? Thanks for comin to chop Jean! :)
Jean!!!! I never did like Megan la, so was happy to see her go! And then dat time she said she don care abt simon’s opinion, again la syiok sendiri! And Jean what’s with the vulture flying performance when she was eliminated la???????? Boy and me looked at each other speechless like what was she doing???????
haha.. really, im still refreshing non-stop whilst commenting here. lol! :-D :-D
hi bill!
hi mon!
hi GG!
Yahoo!!! Last one standing hopefully is Adam la, who else can beat him right? Oh Kris was so cool last week kan? Me likey!! :)
hey, hv u just changed yr name to gaga? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
:-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
uwaaaaaa!!!! :'( :'(
lambat sudah!!!!
haha.. yay!! so glad you're wt me on this too, marzie!! AL, the next AI!! woohoo!!! :-D :-D
i missed this weeks AI!!!! will head to youtube to see my fave conestants!
i dun really like kris, it's just something abt his look. but i like his performance last week too! good job, kris! 8-)
Kris mcm boyband gitu, but he is really cool, but of coz not as cool as Adam! He he he! ;)
hahaha.. that's right, marzie!! it was like so yucky to watch that vulture flying act!! M & I were speechless too. and what's her meaning by i love u simon but i dun care? That is so rude and def another fact pointing to her shiok sendiri comment. :-E
Recent blog post: 100 Truths
marzie, im not very good in explaining, so i copied this explanation from wiki abt Ching Beng:
For the Chinese, it is a day to remember and honor one's ancestors at grave sites. Young and old pray before the ancestors, sweep the tombs and offer food, tea, wine, chopsticks, (joss) paper accessories, and/or libation to the ancestors. :)
Recent blog post: 100 Truths
marzie, you've got mail! :*
congrats pinklady!
Recent blog post: Rose
i was up at 5am last week to honor my grandparents (dad's side) and my dad. This week is M's side. Ching Beng is a once a year thingy. ;)
Recent blog post: 100 Truths
hi emila! :*
Ha ha ha ha u too speechless Jean??? I think she wanted to cover her panic and she knew she was leaving, but still….aiyoooo so hideously funny la!!!!! And then good oso when Simon said they oso don care and didn wan her to sing again to save her eh? Ha ha ah ahha flying vulture is da best ha ha ha!!!
ok, marzie! im off to bed now! see u tomorrow! Good night and sweet dreams!! :* :* :*
Ok Jean, nite2 sweetie, was fun chatting with u abt AI he he! Come again! :)
hola te jean!
=-O =-O =-O =-O
oh no!!!
>:o >:o >:o >:o
hey marzie, this is fun! ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: A Season's End
I missed AI this week Marzie, but I'll be reading all the other comments from my little corner over here.. :-D
Hi Mariuca!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Hot and Sizzling
Monica!! :):):)
I wan to chop ur MM! ;)
hey Mariuca, i went out just now and i told R i wanna come home before 12!!! LOL!!!!
whose MM?? mine?
Ha ha ha ha so R made sure u got home before 12?
Yeah la your MM ha ha!!! Me thinking of my song for MPG now! :)
hahahahah ya i reached home around 11.30pm!! :-D
oohhhh okok! I still hvn't prepared yet :-D just wrote a new post abt MDG2....
And got the chop at LJL yay Mon!
Oh no I missed the chop Mon?? :(
Hola Marzie! Morning! Listening to our fave boys now. ;) I mean, YOUR fave lol! :* :* :*
I love that Journey song!! :)
Recent blog post: My photoblog update…
I had to wait for the vids to load, Marzie. But now they're not appearing on your page! =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Hot Celebs Wear Scarves
I jusy love AI. This year has been so awesome! I predict Adam and Danny will be the last 2 and that Adam will win. I might cry if he doesn't. LOL
Recent blog post: Go Green with Free Reuseable Totes!
Happy MM! I think Adam Lambert is da best! Already a superstar - don't need AI :)
Recent blog post: Can Lightning Strike The Same Place Or Person Twice?
Wow! EC gave so many paid ads for me to approve. Did you get loads of ads? Are u approving them all? Like that, it'll be long Q before I can advertise on your blog or you on mine! =-O
Recent blog post: Can Lightning Strike The Same Place Or Person Twice?
Thank you for sharing these great AI performances, Marzie :). Hi Debbs, I love to read about you.
Recent blog post: Look At The Beauty of Life
Hi Rosidah! Didn't know you're following my blog. :):)
Listening to Danny now, Marzie! :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday - The APL Song (Black Eyed Peas)
Oh, right, Marzie mentioned me in this post. Lol!! Well, thank you, Rosidah. Hope to you around more. :) :)
OMG! Oh Danny I love you! :* :* :*
*melts over and over and over again*
Ahhhh...lovely voice, lovely song! I mmg like this song by Rascal Flatts so bonus points for Danny Dear!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Fashion Friday #5 - Hilary Duff
Okay gonna listen to Adam now! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Oh I actually love Adam's voice here! I definitely can see both of them making albums. ;);)
Totally dancing to Adam's song here. :* :* :*
Boogie woogie to da funkin' musaaacc! :) :) :)
Oopppss! *tengok kiri kanan depan blkg* Fuhh! No one's around! :-[ :-[ :-[
Okay gonna listen to the group performance now. Not sure if I've heard this song before, GP. 8-) 8-) 8-)
Not sure about the song, but Adam has got the style, GP! I love it that he kangkang wider than others lol!!! :* :* :*
Oh not sure about Allison either. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Can't believe I forgot to thank you for dedicating this extra special post to me! :* :* :* Thank you so much, Marzie!! :):):)
Hey Bing!! Congrats u are my FC and this is ur first time too YAY! :) :) :) :)
Recent blog post: MM - Happy by Surface **
Aloha Jean, I finally got the one at MPG up but too late for u to chop sweetie, look out for my next post. Still have to do my Top 10 Mariucans post at MPG! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MM - Happy by Surface **
:* :* :* Ane!
Recent blog post: MM - Happy by Surface **
:* :* LJ!
Recent blog post: MM - Happy by Surface **
:* :* Bill!
Recent blog post: MM - Happy by Surface **
:* :* :* Monica!
Recent blog post: MM - Happy by Surface **
:* :* :* GG!
Recent blog post: MM - Happy by Surface **
:* :* :* :* :* Emila!
Recent blog post: MM - Happy by Surface **
Hugsy Emila! 8-)
Recent blog post: MM - Happy by Surface **
Lambat sikit je, try chopping next post kay? ;) :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Happy by Surface **
I can't miss my AI Emila he he, or the week will be incomplete lol! =-X :-[ 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: March Top 10 Droppers! *
:-D :-D Got the mail and replide oredi, thanks dear! ;) ;)
Recent blog post: March Top 10 Droppers! *
YAY! Come CHOP on my next post again Bing! I already put up ur avatar here and u now have 1 point on my Scoreboard woo hoo!! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: March Top 10 Droppers! *
Ane, u too missed AI? I love Adam in the group performance, take a peek when u're free! ;) ;) :* :*
Recent blog post: March Top 10 Droppers! *
Ala Debbs tu, Danny tu your boy mah he he heh e! ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: March Top 10 Droppers! *
Now can view oredi kan Debbs? 8-)
Recent blog post: Thank You from Us **
Oh me too Cashmere, love Journey woot! And the idols did a great job too I think! 8-) 8-) :* :*
Recent blog post: Thank You from Us **
LOL WhateverMama!!! I think I will join u in that crying session if Adam doesn't win too ha ha!! Oh I agree, this is an awesome AI season, and Danny is also amazing. I wan to see thse 2 rock the stage in the finale, we'll see! :* :* :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Thank You from Us **
Ha ha ha superstar quality right this Adam? So happy u're following AI too Foong, can discuss lol!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Thank You from Us **
Ahahahaha...manada Danny my boy lol!!
Yes yes, dunno why this morning youtube went berserk on me. :-D
Foong!!!! I rejected about 50 yest, cause I was irritated to see them all lined up at my dashboard!! I only approved 4 so far, but today I noticed some ads that I have rejected, appearing at my blog!!! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: Thank You from Us **
Ala u kan suka dia punya glasses, coms gitu he he he!!!!!
Rosidah, ur here YAY! I hope u enjoyed the videos dear and happy MM to you! I'll come by ur blog nanti eh? :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Thank You from Us **
Lol!!! Ye la, kan C tak pakai glasses lol!!
Lol, happy listening Debbs! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: MM - Our 7-Year Anniversary! ***
Adam Adam... :-[ :-[
Recent blog post: MM - Our 7-Year Anniversary! ***
YAY, thanks for the dance Debbs, best tu my Adam he he he! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Recent blog post: MM - Our 7-Year Anniversary! ***
This year punya group performance semua best2 la Debbs. And this I love!!! It's a Journey song Debbs, and I loooooooove Journey!! :* :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Our 7-Year Anniversary! ***
I'm sure C knows this song he he!!! ;) ;)
Recent blog post: MM - Our 7-Year Anniversary! ***
He he he he Adam jugak la yg paling bergaya posing, oozing with star appeal la my Adam he he he....don care wan to puji AL!!! =-O =-O =-X :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: MM - Our 7-Year Anniversary! ***
Mesti C tau Journey's song. Lol!!
I think so too!
Allison is my fave girl this season Debbs! She's the best la! Loved her performance when she sang my Heart song woo hoo!! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MM - Our 7-Year Anniversary! ***
Ye la AL mmg bergaya in that performance! :):):)
Ohhhhhh tenkiu for the explanasi Jean, so u were busy the whole day la. Hope u got some rest last night then. :* :* :*
Eh baru perasan this omg danny i love you comment from Debbs he hehe!!! :* :* :-[
Ah best kan Danny sing this song? I oso like, very heartfelt gitu, that's his strong point la kan, can touch ppl's heart with his singing, I like! :* :* :*
Wah melting it seems Debbs over Danny boy he he! 8-) 8-)
YAY! Bergaya gitu, how la not to like Adam, he clever to curi ppl's heart too! =-O =-X :-[ :-[ :* :* :*
You're welcome Debbs, thanks for all the AI chit chat here, best tu discuss with u, HUGS! :) :* :* :*
Oh ye ke? Oh cool then si Allison ni. :):):)
Lol!! I love you, Danny!
Oh last week kan Danny just lost his grandfather kan GP?
Oh melted, frozen and melt again lol!
Apa kata u get C a Zenni?? He he 8 dolar je he he!!!
Oh yes, I feel that Adam has lessen his annoying bits la GP. Like not OTT anymore. Me likey Adam!
Some more she’s only 16, the judges love her but kesian kena kutuk dressing last week ha ha ha, cute la she!
Nama pun share same alphabet Debbs LOL!
Hugsy! I know the feeling. I was terharu that you mensi my non-existence tv lol!! Totally didn't expect a dedication at all. Hugsy!!
Eh is it???? I didn know that Debbs! Oh poor thing, dah la takda wifey, am sure lotsa girls dah fall in love with Danny!
Lol! Oh ya, C's telinga senget, tak lawa pakai specs lol!!!!
YAY!!!!!! Debbs likey Adam now, woo hoo! Now can join Jean and Twinks and me in the we love AL group he he!!!! :)
How can C tak lawa pakai specs, sure bertambah C as in coms he he he! ;)
I love Danny, but I have to say, I love Adam's performance this week! :-D
But I also love Danny's performance this week too.. :)
Of coz Debbs, dah la takda TV pas tu can still share my excitement and discuss, love ya Debbs! Of coz must give dedikasi! :)
Hi Emila! :) :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Ghost In You by The Psychedelic Furs*
Hi Jean! :) :) :) :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Ghost In You by The Psychedelic Furs*
Oh she yg 16 tu rupanya....ok la tu, she sounds pretty mature for her age. :):)
YAY! Adam was his usual awesome self Ane lol! ;)
Me too Ane, he sang really well and the recorded version is really great too, very consistent Danny! ;)
Very much so, and I like the fact that she’s a rocker chic, tak yah pretend be somebody else. Love Allison! Hope she makes it to top 5 at least!!
Hehehe...Danny and Debbie...lol!!!
I read somewhere la, mcm they say kebetulan he nyanyi lagu sedih oso. Tu la I think ramai tu will mengofferkan diri to take care of Danny boy lol!!
Hahahaha...suka sangat C if I tell him he's choms! Lol!!
….sitting in a tree…. He he he….
Takpe no need to tell C he he! Dah cukup pujian oredi from me lol!
Thanks again, GP! :):):) Love ya!
Lol @ sitting in a tree lol!!! Can't even climb lol!!
Tu la tau takpe...lol!!!
Dah la my TCM disappeared as usual! :(
congrats Pinklady! :)
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
Hi LJ! :)
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
bill!!!!:) =-O
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
Hi Jean!! :*
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
Hi Mon! :)
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
Elow GG! let's cry together :'( :'(
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
now that i've tried it, i will be waiting out next time. :* :* :*
Hi Emila :)
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
thanks jean ;)
thank you.. just got lucky this time ;) ;) ;)
thank you emila :) :) :)
i am so thrilled MARZIE... so this is what this was all about :-D thank you for the linky love O:-) O:-) O:-)
Ha ha ha Bing!!! Yup, this is what it’s all about and you’re welcomed to join us at the FCC to CHOP on more blogs!! :)
HI Ane :)
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
Hi Mon :)
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
Elow Debbs! :)
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
Hola Marzie! :)
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
yay! another AI entry woot! woot! :D
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
I was not surprised that Megan left last week. I think she deserved it. :-P
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
She was a bit rude when she said " i don't care" to Simon... =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
I agree Marzie, Kris been doing great the last past week.. but still I'm for Danny and Adam! whoa!!! hoping for the two of them left in the finals..yeey! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MM - Shape Of My Heart by BSB
I watched it already Marzie.. :)
Mariuca :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Hot and Sizzling
dropping by before go out makan :-P :) ;)
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Hot and Sizzling
hi Jean! :*
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Hot and Sizzling
hi Twinks! :*
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Hot and Sizzling
hahhah why gaga?? :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Hot and Sizzling
hi Twinks... *again*... LOL!!! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Hot and Sizzling
Mariuca, I approved all the paid ads; abt 40 today *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Hot and Sizzling
wahhh Debbs.. *melts over and over and over again* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Hot and Sizzling
some more frozen and melt again..hahhahaaahh so cute la u Debbs :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Hot and Sizzling
Hehehe...Monica! Don't la...I shy ni! Hehehe...
Lol!! Going to makan what tonight Mon?
Ahem!! 8-)
Thanks for dropping your card dear...
Recent blog post: One In A Million (OIAM) Season 3 ~ Top 6
You know the saying... can't beat them, join them! Hahaha :-D
Recent blog post: One In A Million (OIAM) Season 3 ~ Top 6
Marzie, I've nvr thot I'd join EC you know... tak pasal2 'terjoin' today! LOL!
Tapi macam best jugak, eksaited sgt cos memula tu nak advertise in my blog 2 credits je (buat malu je)... now da lonjak pegi 128 credits.
Recent blog post: One In A Million (OIAM) Season 3 ~ Top 6
Still a lot to learn, but I know whom to turn to when I'm lost ;)
Recent blog post: One In A Million (OIAM) Season 3 ~ Top 6
Talking about AI8, this week's theme is 'Songs from the year they were Born'. Mostly 80's songs la tu... yay!! :-D
Marzie, boringnya AF dis year. Buat penat I nengok konset je... semua hampeh!! :'(
Recent blog post: One In A Million (OIAM) Season 3 ~ Top 6
hahaha don't be shy la Debbs....:-D
I also don't know what to makan tonight Debbs :-D maybe McD ...lol
yes, can discuss but I watch on 8tv not astro!
How can they appear on your blog since you hv rejected them? Must complain lah! >:o
Wow! You approved all 40? I approved only 10 then stopped myself and asked around see what you guys and gals do first. Looks like a lot of you rejected a lot of those ads! But very time consuming to check out those ads! >:o
Eh, how this comment works one? I'm replying to mariuca but this reply appears lower than my reply to monica?
Foong! I rejected ALL 40 la, not approved!
I approved 4 only so far Foong, rest all rejected cause too many la and it’s irritating me to see them all lined up at my dashboard! :(
Sometimes it doesn go directly underneath the comment u responded to, dunno why Foong! ;)
Dunno Foong, but that’s what’s happening at my blog here and several others. I think cause the system just launched so still got glitches here and there. I dunno but I hope they sort this out cause I was shocked to see some ads I did not approve appearing on my widget! :(
Ohhhhhh u watch the repeat show then eh? Ok ok doesn matter so long as can discuss lol! :)
Monica! I had Domino’s tonight la!
OMG serious merious Nessa? Our fave 80s era this week? Yeeha!!! Can’t wait la, mesti best AI Nessa!
As for AF, terpaksa jugak tengok kan, cause dah habit every year tgk AF! Hafiz je la yg boleh harap although he didn’t do that great last week!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!