It's Monday and I am going to keep this post short and sweet and let Adam Lambert and Danny Gokey do the talking for me this week. To my Music Monday friends from the USA, come on guys! Vote for Adam and vote for Danny! I wanna see these two battle it out at the finale, so help make that wish come true for Mariuca with your votes!

Happy listening and have a great Monday.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

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:( :( :(
I love AL's rendition of If I can't Have you! No kris allen here marzie?? :( :(
:) Monica!
:) LJ!
Shemah!!!! :(
No Kris Allen today sweetie, sebab nak pancing votes for Adam and Danny ha aha!!
yay Danny for singing my birthday song! wooHoo! :-D :-D
I'm sure they're both gonna be on the top 3 Marzie! :)
LOL! Yay Danny! I love this song too Ane! :)
I hope so Ane, u never know with AI! ;)
congratulations Monica!! :)
Hi LJ!! :) :) Congrats FC2!!! :)
Missed it.. I was too bz editing my post! LOL!
hahaha I love Danny!! Only thing, he needs to up his performance style! but he did a great job singing this one! :)
Recent blog post: There You'll Be (Faith Hill)***
I'm pretty sure they will. I think Allison is a great singer but people just seem to not want to vote for her.. poor girl..
Recent blog post: There You'll Be (Faith Hill)***
Ha ha tu la Shemah!!!! Some more ** post lagi! Hugs dear!
I agree Shemah, he is excellent but kena la add star quality sikit mcm MY ADAM he heheh! :)
Uwaaaa!!! But nevermind.. Got danny gokey to sing my blues away!! :-) And
AL's version of this song is beautiful!
Oh I looooooooove la AL here, he just makes me swoon more and more, notty boy! ;)
I love Allison la Shemah and me too tak puas hati ni why ppl don wan to vote for her, she is amazing! :)
Hahahah YOUR adam eh?? LOL! hahahaha..
Hi Shemah...thanks! ;)
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Four Weddings and A Funeral
Hahahahaha I like his face clean like that and his hair sleeked away from
his face.. and pakai suit. Tak suka sangat dia pakai his leather knuckle
gloves tu!! Geram I tgk.
She's excellent.. consider lah how young she is! Why lah people don't vote
for her?? Her personality not likeable is it?
Wuah.. you bangun just in time for MM eh?? LOL! When are you posting yours??
lol! yeah shemah...i bangun just in time for MM! hahhahaha... wait ya i'm still blur blur now :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Four Weddings and A Funeral
Mon had a long day today yeah mon? Will link u and LJ now Mon, hang on!
Tu la, she was my fave girl from the start, last week bottom 3 lagi! :(
I prefer him scruffy la Shemah, last week pun Paula mensi Adam macam Dean Cain yeah? Me no likey la Dean cain lol!
ROTFLMAO! Mah Adam is so cool! ;)
Itu lah marzie.. heran why she's always getting the bottom 3 position..
But he doesn't look like dean cain I think..
I reached home around 9pm Mariuca... managed to write one post before i fell asleep... hahaha.. ok, thanks for the linky love dear ;-)
Dia org ni jeles of Alison la, always ketepikan her despite the judges’ raving comments on her performances each week!
Oh I think he does la Shemah, esp when he cleans himself up like this, I hope he goes back scruffy this week lol! :)
Oh so u slept for a little while only then. Tonight u night owl or what then? ;)
Tu lah.. cian Allison...
Hahahah fine go back to scruffy but lose those knuckle gloves.. tak suka!!
Randy esp selalu puji Allison, I like Randy! :)
Ok knuckle gloves to I can do without oso he he, I miss la Adam rocking the stage, really like his black or white performance masa MJ week, sexy gitu Adam dance dance! ;)
Hahahaha I can't remember his black and white performance.. that time adam
hasn't wowed me yet. He wowed me only masa play that funky music, mad world
and If I can't have you.. LOL!
yah tonight night owl all the
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Four Weddings and A Funeral
Oh coms la AL masa black n white, terus terfall in like! *blush blush blush*
Fuyooooo night owl all the way!! Ok I teman you la Mon, if I tak ter zzzzzz he he! :) Some more haven dropped ec yet. :)
u haven dropped ec yet Mariuca? I thought u finished edi :-D
I dropped on important blogs only, so still got about 400 drops left! ;)
oh long as the connection is good, 400 drops no prob right? ;-)
Congrats Mon! :):)
Congrats LJ! Hugsies!! :-D :-D
Lol @ Marzie swoon and over the moon with AL lol!! 8-) 8-)
So cute Marzie blushing lol!!
Cmon YouTube!! Load faster la haih! >:o >:o >:o
Wah wah, baru listen a lil bit, sedap la si AL sing If I Can't Have You! I LOVE this song!! :):) :* :*
Go AL go! :) O:-) 8-) :*
Thanks Debbs! ;-)
Wah the arrangements romantic ala2 Richard Marx gitu. <3 <3 <3
Oh Danny Boy! (Ngam kan my new avatar, dreaming bout Danny Boy woohoo!) :-[ :-[ :-[
You're welcome, Mon! :)
Feel like boogieing la listening to Danny. ;);)
Boogie woogie with Danny! :)
Boogie woogie! :):)
Happy Danny thoughts tonight Debbs, although I gotta say Adam looks so choms in this pic here! :)
Cool Debbs, Adam buat arrangement himself together with another guy I terforgot who! :)
Definitely Go AL Go! :)
Oh Adam DOES look extra choms in that pic. :):):)
Oh cool, I must say Adam's brave for changing the song arrangements into something new. :):):)
Boogie woogie the night away Debbs! :)
As usual he received terrific comments from the judges Debbs! I think he did a wonderful job with this song too, clever la my AL! :)
Of coz must blush, as it is still in denial abt AL but true what u said Debbs, just cause he wears make up and all doesn mean he’s gay muahahahahahah!
Too hot la wanna boogie woogie! :):)
Wow, Adam has never gotten any negative comments, has he?
Swoon sekali seminggu je Debbs ahaks!
Yeah it's okay, the truth is I still get nervous whenever anyone comments on my AL post at HC tau. You know la these Americans, too straight-forward for my liking. Lol!!
Tonight connection okay only me not so okay lol! Anyway edi at Yeehah! :)
i wanna see Debbs boogie woogie! ;)
u woke up early is it today??
He he come on Debbs, don be shy! Boogie woogie for us, keep my eyes open!
Ada la negative, but not overly negative…more like joke2 je! And always the fella will just smile and laugh it off, tak yah nak tunjuk belang defensive all! :)
Ha ha tu la, have some ribena lemon Debbs, so refreshing!
Lol to swoon sekali!!
Lmao!! Me boogie woogie for real? Once a year maybe, or maybe if I get really!!
Did Danny boy boogie woogie ke when he perform the song, Marzie? Mesti tak kan??
Kan? It was a risk and he too was happy that he pulled it off, cayala Adam! Ni baru la creative! :)
Ahaha so cute, I can imagine Adam smile2 all...I think he's shy in person, as in not the loud type. So understandable la if he OTT ke whatever on stage kan? Best tu, konfiden on stage and you know millions of people love you. Wow!!
Kan? Love la his smile here! Smile for GP Adam! He he he!
yeah don't be shy Debbs :D
Oh sedap nya ribena lemon, reminds me of the funny Bollywood advertisement lol!!
Who me? I slept late and woke up late Mon, where got wake up early? ROTFLMAO! ;)
Ohhhhh apa dia org komen Debbs????? I mean pasal my Adam, bad stuff ke? :(
Hehehehe Marzie is blushing again! Okay big smile for Adam! Lol!!
Hehe ada yg komen bad la but most mcm tak kisah pun if he's really gay. And most of them puji him. It's just that I sometimes get slammed because I wrote the post. Ish!! I was like so neutral la. Takde pun cakap he really is gay and whatnot.
oh u woke up late u can sleep late
Is it Debbs? Kena slam?? On a neutral post lagi! Ada lagi new post on HC ke, I mean on AL? Takpe, just take it with a pinch of salt, buat dunno je to the comments yg tak berapa menarik tu. :)
Hehe...mmg buat tak tau lol!! Hmm takde la new post on AL. I really don't know what to write that people hasn't written yet about him. Maybe I'll do a fashion friday on him. Anyway, this week I wanna put Hunter Tylo tu. Find la a nice pic for me Marzie. I don't know la this Hunter Tylo, takut tak kena afters her fashion hehehe...
U mean my Taylor is gonna be featured? Woo hoooo!!!! She’s so pretty la, she’s my idola dari dulu, whatever she wears pun nice Debbs sigh…so jelesi for real ni dgn taylor! Kalau I jumpa gambar menarik, then I pass to u eh? :)
I don think AL is OTT actually, he’s just a lil’ flamboyant in a cute, sexy, appealing way hehehehhehehheheheheh! :)
Danny biasa la, boogie woogie in his own “clumsy” yet adorable way, still good Cuma kureng umph!
So when u gonna get drunk and boogie woogie ni Debbs? Encouraging u to get tipsy it seems LOL!
haha Mariuca....u want Debbs to get drunk and boogie woogie huh :D
Yeah! I wan Debbs to entertain me!!
Hehehe okies...I agree she is very pretty kan? :):) Okay I'll wait for that photo. Nanti I'll link to WOAFS from the FF post.
And super confident on stage, Marzie. Lol!!
Aiyo cannot la if kurang umph tu..hmmm..
Hahaha no reason to get tipsy now la hehehe...
Yeah mmg konpiden la my Adam tu, mcm the world is his oyster, eeeeee bestnye AL! :)
Debbs, can I send u the links to the photos? :)
Yup, links pun can. One or two similar styles should be enough. ;)
Debbs, I mailed u some pic links to Taylor! :)
I sent u 5, my fave is the first 2… what u think? Tapi semua tak full length.
this season, I'm rooting for Adam and Kris.
Recent blog post: Black Fashion
i love their own rendition of the songs and they received enthusiastic thumbs up from all four judges, how cool. they really grabbed me this week.
Recent blog post: Black Fashion
I’m not a Danny fan, but I thought he did a fine job last night.
Recent blog post: Black Fashion
congrats for being my FC again. i'm here to grab your code dear.
Recent blog post: Black Fashion
Hi Marzie i have change my FCC on current affair and replaced it to the global newspaper. The reason is my domain is ending in about a week on current affair and dont want to renew it. So can we switch it please. :)
Recent blog post: Cuba Is It Time
Marzie, I got the pics! :):) What kind of shoes does she wear ya in Boldie? >.<
I tried finding full length photos of her tp mmg susah kan?
Hey, vote for Allison too la ... she's not bad, what? And don't forget Tomok, we must all remember to vote for him too ... LOL!
Recent blog post: Scorching! Blistering! Blazing!
This is my first Music Monday and I'm going to dedicate a song to you and B. :-)
Recent blog post: Chp 237. My birthday Prayer
I was never a big Adam fan, but I really did like his performance last week. He chose one of my fave songs ever. Hehehehe Big fan of disco music!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - This Woman's Work*
Marzie, what's the procedure to be part of Music Monday? =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Hi bem.. procedure is .. choose a song and post it on my blog!! LOL!
Haha.. no seriously.. just choose a song clip, and share it on your blog,
get the code from <>
for the linky love box and enter your url there so we can all come visit!
ahhaha tak guna, what do you mean on your blog ishhh
so you post first then edit later to include the links?
Lol @ Bem joining MM and posting a song on Shem's blog. :):)
Wah Bem marah lol!!
tak marahhh, friendly gesture ni hahaha
Hahaha.. you can just go and include the links skali.. no need to edit
later.. :-)
but but how do i include the links if I have to put my link, and I haven't
posted anything yet? its like which one came first, chicken or egg? hahahah
Oohhh.. sorry what I meant was include the code FOR the link first. then you
post.. then get your url and post your link up on the mr. linky's form! :-)
ohhhhhhhhhh thank you shemah, you the hero!
Thundercats-HO!!! LOL!
Oh ya bem!! Hubs and I enjoyed La La Chong!!
hahah shemah, are you implying you're the Eye of Thundera? fuhhh
hahaha ingat tak pegi? how did you come across the dodgy u-turn? hahah
ambience not that good but food good kan?
Oh my, I love Thundercats! Meow!
eh apasal ada how did, i mean did you come across
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Najeeb <> wrote:
LOL Whatever happened to the Thundercats?
Fuhhhhh indeed, bem!! LOL!
Morning Bill! Can you leave me the link to the blogs, the one that u want removed and the one that u want added, thanks Bill! :)
"eh apasal ada how did, i mean did you come across
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Najeeb <> wrote:"
I'm clueless!
ahhaha did you come across the dodgy u-turn? tried the butter prawn?
Morning Bem Bem! Good to see u’re on board with MM, thanks to Shemah for explaining so well. Lagu apa ye Bem Bem? ;)
Apa ni Bem Bem, org baru bangun ada citer pasal butter prawns dah ha ha ah ha! Citer la pasal breakfast sikit lol! :)
We went malam tu jugak, bem!! LOL! Ambience biasa je like the seafood
restaurants in kk!! So I'm used to that.. the food not bad lah.. I'm not
gonna compare it to kk.. but it's THE place I'm going to when I need my
seafood fix!! LOL! Oh and tak lah dodgy sangat.. we could still find it..
And good morning to Rozie the disco fan! Glad to hear u were into Adam’s performance last week, I am such a huge AL fan it makes me laugh sometimes ha ha! :)
Morning? hahahahaha baru bangun ka? Lagu AL... AL green - lets stay together :D
Yeahhh.. tried the butter prawn alright!! Not baadd!! :-)
Sandman!!! I can’t believe you’re joining MM!!! You and your no meme policy but this one is the coolest so YAY! And a dedication for little old me and B? Oh so happy! Cominover Sandman! :)
Wah, bukan 3 pagi la now, its 3 petang! Wah tadi hujan sekejap je.
ahhah of course KK is better but the price is not bad la kan, great for your
seafood fix hakhak
Morning Nick! I heart Allison but there can only be two in the finale! How la like dis? Ha ha ha ha u and ur TOmok Nick, confirmed edi the fella gonna be a millionaire! ;)
did you try the buttered u-turn?
Yeah Debbs, in fact takde pun full length and kalau ada pun tak lawa, nanti I try cari lagi kalau ada ye?
Alamak Debbs, mana ada dia org focus on her shoes at Boldie, tak pernah perasan pun besides I’m too busy gawking at her beauty, so always see her face only ha ha!
YAY me! Thanks LR, love being ur FC! :)
Oh u not likey Danny LR? Hope he will sway your vote his way with his next performance! ;)
Last week was pretty awesome eh LR? The judges sure seemed pleased with almost everyone, yay! :)
Go Adam and Kris! Happy to see Kris is gaining more fans by the week, he rocks too!
Ye ke hujan? I was tossing and turning in the heat, seriously need some snow right now in Malaysia! ;)
Al Green, lama tak dengar lol!
As much as I'd like snow in Malaysia, I do NOT want snow in Malaysia. That
means somethings wrong hahah.
Hahahahah lucky I oredi had lunch!! LOL!
Taylor is super beautiful!! :-) I love her.. not that old hag, brooke!
I nak snow la Bem Bem, then can build snowman! And throw snowball at you he he he!
i had Al Green on MM couple of weeks ago marzie.. but on JPP lah! LOL!
Yeahh.. the hujan macam malu pulak.. skejap only here at my place..
Yeahhh.. price is not bad. can go again!! :-)
Hahahahah buttered u-turn??? LOL! I leave that to you lah! LOL!
throw snowball? boleh boleh, can I throw the snowman at you? Hahahahhahaa
haaa kantoi Marzie tak tengok MM Shemah...
Mmg old hag la that Brooke, blah la Brooke, and Steffy and Rick, the whole family lol. But I like Hope, she’s adorable!
Speaking of JPP, surely missed the chop there edi Shemah? ;)
I takde hujan pun at my place! :(
Hahahhahahha kuatnya Bem Bem boleh angkat snowman and wan to throw at me lagi!!!!!
Oh it's okay, Marzie...I can do a feature using 2 pics yg lawa...:)
JPP = Jangan Pandang Pelakang?
Lol! Okay takpe, I think she's the the type yg pakai sexy heels phewitt!
ada hujan tapi you were asleep
oh snowman to crafted from a snowball. artistic.
Hahahahaha Marzie memang usually tak pegi my JPP blog.. slow loading..
Hahahaha true bem.. no snow please.. just gimme the money to go enjoy snow
someplace else! LOL!
Sure or not ada hujan kat PJ Bem Bem? U in KL right? :)
i'm sure ada hujan tadi, you sure you're not in Perlis?
Hahaha yep.. but got one more at TAF.. I haven't posted my MM yet.. LOL!
Hahaha hope should just stay the way she is.. I hope they don't make her a
mini brooke when she grows older! LOL!
Hahahaha good guess.. but nope.. Just Press Play - <> LOL! siap
promote lagi!!
LOL to Jangan Pandang Pelakang !!!
YAY!!!! Indeed u can Debbs, I really like the first 2 yg I hantar tu, she looks like a goddess la, some more she’s 46 years old!
Oh Just Press Play... just found it. But Jangan Pandang Pelakang is catchy
too, Marzie, for your new blog la haha
True true, JPP tu today blog kan Shemah, always confused la with ur other fashionista, that one oso today kan? Of coz la my fave is MSE cause blogger he he he!
Ha hahahahahha hey, I tak pernah pi Perlis u know? :)
I pity Hope cause her dad is deacon and the mom brooke, lethal kombinasi in a very bad way! ;)
Heh he hehe, speaking of my new blog, tengah fikir bila nak launch ni! ;)
neither have I, thats why I asked you if you are in Perlis hahahahah
launch now la, first blog commenter wins a car
He he mana lagi u haven visited? How abt Kedah? LOL!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!