No way! My B definitely does NOT like wearing any jewelry at all. In fact he feels restless and more than a little suffocated just by looking at other guys wearing a little sparkle and flashy jewelry. And he tells me so every time he sees it on TV or whenever he sees someone wearing any type of jewelry when we go out.
When we were shopping for our wedding rings, it was so difficult for us to select the perfect pair. I of course wanted something a little fancy but he remained staunch in is belief that guys are not meant to wear flashy jewelry. In the end, we ended up with a minimal design set of wedding bands but of course I had my single diamond solitaire ring as well.
Does your man wear Jewelry and love it too? Does he shop for a little bling bling with you? Today, jewelry is becoming increasingly popular among men, thanks to the wide range of variety in terms of materials and designs available. So even if he does not favor jewelry like B, there are still many other options that make wonderful gifts for your man on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries or simply just to say I love you!

Instead of going for the traditional types of jewelry that some men find uncomfortable to wear, how about expanding your shopping list to include other non-traditional jewelry items like cuff links, watches, tie clips and even money clips. They now come in a wide range of styles and types, with gemstone finish and settings that fall under the category of jewelry. And some of them are so beautiful in design, that even if your man is fussy and adamant about not wearing jewelry, I am certain he will appreciate the gift that you have in mind for him.

I'm always having trouble thinking of the perfect gift for B when his birthday comes around so perhaps this year, he will be receiving a piece of jewelry from me. Nothing too flashy of course. Something in moderation that won't make him feel too out there, but fancy enough to make him feel extra loved on his special day! You hear that B? Like it or not, I'm getting you jewelry this year!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»:* :* :* :* :*
I'm so sorry to hear that. :(
Oh C would love some bling-bling. He even went through that 80s phase, wearing a dangling earring on on ear like Sir Elton John! Lol!! O:-) O:-)
Morning Debbs, yay! :)
Hi Wiehanne, I think u meant this comment for my previous post yeah? Thanks sweetie, LJ will be glad to see u here too. :)
Wow really? C suka bling2? Unsangkarable la si C ni! Uwah dangling earring lagi? Tunjuk gambar sikit lol! :)
You haven't sleep izzit, GP? Had your brekkie? I haven't, C is still guling2 in bed lol!!
Hahahaha...the pics ada kot somewhere here but have to selongkar first la hehe! I think he was 19 or 20 kot that time lol!! Pastu he always wore this white pants. I salu usik him about it lol!!
LOL guling2 ye C? Wakey wakey!!! Haven slept yet, too hot to sleep la, might as well buat PB ha haha!
Oh Debbs, congrats 1 more point! I might just give recognition to my top 3 FCSB winners instead of just one, we’ll see! U number 3 right now! :)
Hahahahahah white pants some more? Oh it would be great to see gambar C masa muda dulu! 19/20 teenager tu! Selongkar kay nanti! :)
Oh ye lah mmg still very hot kan? I thought you have air-cond, Marzie? Sejuk sikit...I only have a fan hehe...
Oh I am number 3 on your FCSB? Yay!!
Ala...C said takde pics pakai white pants, time tu he was working at Dave's Deli kat Jaya lol!!
I got ac in the master bedroom, so I actually have it on and lepak there when it gets too hot! Baru je bukak freezer to get some breeze, ridiculous this heat!
Yes u are dearie, thanks for all the chops! And I checked, mmg ada 1 poin kat MPG! Notice how panjang my FCSB is here????
I like the pies at DD! And Jaya my hang out zaman dulu lol! Eh, C sekolah mana dulu?
I always do that, GP! Open the freezer and stuck my head in it lol!! Back home la, not here...hehe...oh so panas until air cond also almost cannot feel, yes? Ishhhh...I think it's because the earth is rotating and our country is too near to the sun la.
Yes mmg terpanjang among all la your SB lol!! That shows how much people wanna chop just to be in your SB la, you're pemes! Hehe
C said, the pies mmg sedap, with their magic sauce hahaha...C skolah kat Kulim hehe...
U think Debbs? Dah seminggu tak hujan kan? Mmg panas, mandi oso sekejap je hilang panas, then datang balik. Have to wash my hair again today, cause so hot! Debbs, did u apply for EC cashout???
LOL to pemes!!! I counted 19 peeps on my FCSB ha ha!! Last month pun tak panjang mcm ni lol!
Hey!!! Jom Heboh this time kat Kulim!! So B is at C’s kampong la now ha ha, he said very panas there! :(
Mmg, aiyo some more you have long hair kan, mmg panas! Speaking about EC, yes I did apply for cashout but only for CnS. Takde news pun kan??
wah wah 19 ppl on your Sb? mmg pemes tu!! Semua org wanna chop here hehe..
Oh yalah because bnyk factories there la in Kulim...mmg panas...welcome to Kulim, B! :):)
Exactmanundo, ni pun ikat rambut cause mmg HOT HOT HOT!! Now drinking diet coke, icy cold! Debbs, I oso applied but until now takde response. Some ppl dah approve and dah cash out you know?
Surprisingly Emila has 0 chops here this month! :)
Ha ha ha, oh ye, I tak pernah pi Kulim and I think this is B’s first taim too. :)
Hey, am I among the first 3?
YAY!! Foong u are and that makes 20 choppers on my FCSB so far this month, congrats! :)
I am a guy and I don't wear any bling blings. But I don't mind receiving one as a gift. haha!
I think B will appreciate whatever you get for him. Even if he does not wear it. :)
I see some guys wearing ear rings or is it ear studs? And they look quite good wearing them! So I guess it's all personal preference and whether it suits your personality. :)
Foong! Hopefully ur GF gets u bling bling this birthday ha ha! :)
He’d better! He he but seriously I think he won mind a watch bling bling! ;)
Earring/studs is def a no no for B ha haha! Some guys can pull it off though Foong, I agree! :)
Ha? Ye ke some ppl dah cash out? I oso want la ish!! $1 for 1000 credits, right?
Oh Kak Emi seems so busy kan? Your kitty blog header dah siap? Mesti lawa tu..can't wait!
Oh kat mana Sure Heboh tu? I mean the venue, you know ke?
Yeah, I baca kat forum, the private forum it seems. And dah ada org approved and cashed out edi! Yes, a buck for 1000 credits. But mine dah lama apply tak approve pun, whats up with that la? :(
Hi foong! I received the voucher yesterday? Thanks!! Gonna write a post about it soon. :)
Some kem tentera or something Debbs, pestaim there and very hard to find that lokasi it seems.
Yeah!!! She busy bumbles and yes to my cat blog coming out soon, just waiting for the best taim to launch! ;)
I happen to like guys wearing ear studs. ;)
Oh GP, I think B would dazzle with his bling-bling watch a la P. Diddy. ;);)
Wah u won ke Debbs??????
I don mind oso, mcm Adam kan? *blushes furiously*
Ha ha ha tu la susah tul nak pujuk dia pakai razzle dazzle stuff and I don mean the really flashy one, simple one pun dia tak suka, he eh cute la B!
Puluhan ribu is more like it Debbs, dats why la eager to cashout ni, but they don wan to approve me it seems or saja melambat-lambatkan! Don make me angers! ;)
Oh awesome, GP! :):) I'll bring some kitty treats yay!
Fish-shaped kitty treats eh? MEOW!
Oh yippie I did win Foong's contest. ;) Yg teka lagu ke played on piano tu. :)
Hehehe yup mcm Adam Lambert the rockstar hehehe...
Then buy fountain pen with bling bling...mesti ada kan? ;)
Wow congrats! I couldn guess the song, lagu apa ye???
AL mmg rockstar, no denying that heheheheheheheheheh! ;)
Hmmm good idea but he doesn use fountain pen. Tak kan ball pen ada bling2? Ha ha!
Wah bnyknya puluhan ribu! $$$$$ mmg they takutla wanna approve all, Marzie. Takut they cannot pay.
Cute kan the fish-shaped kitty biscuits? Yumm!! Lol!
But it’s not like we are gonna cash out all terus, am sure they will set a limit, but so far no news and the blog pun dah 2 minggu tak update, many ppl getting angrier and angrier!
Oh I got it after he gave out some clues. The song is called River Flows In You, a piano instrumental by Korean pianist, Yiruma. Apparently it was fan-picked for Twilight, but it wasn't in the actual soundtrack la. Thanks to wiki, I got it! Lol!!
I'd be happy for AL if he wins. He deserves it! :):)
Hehe hmmm...he can use the bling-bling fountain pen to sign documents la. Got gaya gitu! Hehehe...ataupun neck tie clip with bling-bling? Lol!!
Debbs u cakap yum mcm kita pulak makan the kitty biscuits LOL!!!
Ye lah, I've read some complaints also about their paid ads system. I don't think they made enough money to pay everyone la. Mesti depa tgh pening tu.
Ye la the kitties dunno how to say yumm! Lol!
He does deserve it Debbs! It’s not like he senang2 je kat the kompetisi, AL works hard to maintain his top spot. Every week can see his kesungguhan! Go ADAM Go! :)
Lagi la neck tie clip, I know for sure he will laugh if I suggest that. So far watch still the best but I do like the fountain pen idea! Nanti nak Tanya dia he he! :)
Debbs first week the amt allocated for cashout was around 1760… so come on man, either u approve or not, but don string ppl along! Esp when I have so many credits to cash in ni! :(
Ohhhhh so u yum kan on behalf of the kitties, oh so cute! :)
Oh go Adam go!! *waves red pom-pom*
Haih, EC is getting on everyone's nerves kan? Cmon la!
LOL!!!! Surprise him with a bling bling tie clip and then paksa dia pakai eh? Ha ha!
For me I am irritated cause Im a loyal ec fan, so of course la tak puas hati when they ketepikan ppl like me and leave us hanging without a word hmmmmmm….
hahahahaha J doesn't wear any bling.. not even a wedding ring.. his finger rashes.. doesn't matter lah gold ke white gold ke.. platinum ke.. LOL! He just doesn't use any.
Oops.. I left comment at wrong post. It was meant for previous post. *slap forehead* how can I be so careless. :P
Recent blog post: Two hours in Melaka town
FINALLY, my third commenter is here, yay Shemah!! Sat, update FCSB! :)
Oh ye ke Shemah? So masa kahwin pun tak pakai ring ke? :)
YAY for notifikasi! Slow and steady Debbs. :)
He he no worries Wiehanne, am sure LJ will read ur comment too, hugs! :)
hahahah if J suddenly nak ber ear studs.. memang konpirm buang tebiat mid life crisis tu!!
Recent blog post: Yummy Green Tea Cake!
i feel only certain guys can get away with wearing ear studs.. :) What i like about AL is that he didn't bangga2 like if he kena puji.. i felt like David Cook last time so action. konon macam original sangat lah dia tu.. padahal sebiji2 nyanyi macam chris cornell..
Recent blog post: Yummy Green Tea Cake!
Yup!! Why not kan? Then the bling bling on the tie clip can match B's sweet smile! :) Sparkling, berseri gitu.
Hmmm let's hope the EC ppl do something about it this week kan?
LOL Shemah, tak kan la dah mid life crisis J tu! ;)
Eh yeke?? Dah berpages ni.. takkan lah I'm 3rd??
Shem, J allergic to metals kot. :):)
Umm masa kahwin je.. then he put it away and just keeps it.. hahahah action
lah J tu! LOL!
Shemah very true. AL tu mcm modest je kalau kena puji and always says thank you mcm like rally grateful, and I oso like that he’s not defensive, can take it as a joke and tak yah nak show belang like Lil rounds defending herself it seems!
LOL to sparkling berseri he he he! ;)
Hahahaha.. J does wear tie pins or cuff links though..
Why?? Who's having problems with EC?
Yeahh.. I think so too.. but eksyen lah dia.. orang ingat dia single.
Everything works fine now, GP. Worried la something wrong with js-kit then susah la. Sayang the precious comments.
I doubt it Debbs, cause I baca forum, ramai dah Tanya bila nak finalize etc and takde jawapan pun! :(
Lol @ J buang tebiat lol!! C still wears his ear stud on his left ear, faux diamond lagi. Lol!!
Iya!!! Tu la lama tunggu ni sape nak jadi third commenter, congrats TG! Later come chop for MM he he hehe! ;)
Hahahahahahaha.. he's having a mid midlife crisis! LOL!
Husband and wife ada allergies kan?
Tak ke mana oso si David Cook tu. And yes Adam seems so humble, dahla choms, kan Marzie?
Ok time for lunch! Brb peeps!
B oso doesn wear cuff links!
Hahaahhaha yeah.. but I kesian jugak lil rounds tu.. the judges never give
her a break tau. I don't think she sings bad at all.. she reminds me of
syesha ntah season berapa. The judges never give her a break. Week to week
kata buruk. AL is modest.. and macam the judges puji dia original.. dia
bagi credit to who helped him out. Dulu si David cook tu.. lehhh.. kena puji
original.. terus nak bangga! Porrrdaahh.. And I like that he doesn't macam
leka with his performance even though he knows he's good.. Oh but I love
Kris Allen!! LOL! and Danny Gokey.. Cuma danny macam quite stagnant kan..
macam tak up his power.. the dude can sing.. but his performance.. too
Takde Shemah, now wondering what is going on with the so called cashout, bila nak approve tu? Dah berzaman menunggu ni! :(
Of coz! So glad everything is okay now debbs, but what was the problem, did JS tell you or did u fix it on ur own?
Yaaa.. I also sayang my comments if they go missing!! :-( :-(
Oh C still pakai stud Debbs? We wan picture!! LOL!
Hahahahaaha J memang tu suka buang tebiat debbs!! LOL! Kadang I think his
PMS is worse than mine.. hari tu, we went out for dinner.. and he was
laughing and smiling.. terus bad mood. Ntah apa pekena with him. Then I took
his picture. Just to show him how masam his face.. then he laughed again..
tak buang tebiat namanya tu????
He he he he exactly, dah la choms Debbs! I’m still in denial abt him being gay btw LOL!
David Cook tu paling I tak suka. He's so arrogant. And plus, I read in some
sites that he snubbed some fans who were waiting for him soooo long during
Happy Lunching Debbs!! :-)
Ok debbs, have a nice lunch. I oso nak zzzzz ni! Shemah, u know I blm zzzz lagi ni? :)
Hahahahah thank you marzie!!! :-) :-)
Yup.. the allergic family!! LOL!
J wears it only when he's meeting with the GMs. LOL!
Ooohhh.. tu lah.. nak announce and all that.. nak open people to paid ads..
tapi tak konpem cashout.. how to maju like that?
Hahahaa oh yaa.a. I never see C's picture.. kecuali his hand.. LOL! macam
rozie lah you all this.. mysterioso!! LOL!
Hahahahahah.. it doesn't matter lah if he's gay kan.. at least he's
Ohhhh really marzie??? Tak zzzz lagi?? Ok lah you better go zzzzzz now.
My B also doesn't wear any jewelry Marzie, except for our wedding ring, which is not flashy as well, it's just a two toned white and yellow gold band.. :)
Recent blog post: Women+Shopping=Perfection
Aiya, blm lagi midlife la J kan? Still young kan Shem?
B doesn't wear cuff links? Then must la get some for spesial okasi! ;)
Oh Danny Gokey!! *melts* But it's really good that AL is modest. I laik!! Takyah eksyen ok? Boleh blah.
My wedding ring is also two toned, Ane!! The sides are gold and the middle
is platinum.. very simple..
I fixed the js-kit on my own la, GP! Redundant gitu sbb tukar domain name. Also heartpain waiting for sucky customer service. So lucky I'm a smart ass lol!!!
ooh Wow, platinum! very rich you ha! :-D ours is white gold in the middle
and yellow gold the sides.. :)
Hahaha pulak dah, wanna see C pakai stud? Lol!!!
LMAO @ J buang tebiat! Hahaha mmg buang tebiat tu. Apsal ehh PMS? Misteri tu..hehehe
Hehehe talented and choms to boot! Ye la, maybe he isn't gay, just adventurous and curious? Hmmm...
Oh yes, I read about David Cook telling his fans off. He said he cannot tahan being followed everywhere. Cmon la, why be a celeb then???
Thanks Shem! Dah kenyang dah. :):)
Good night Marzie!! :)
Well he's getting there, debbs! manada yang.. he's like a dozen years older
than I am! LOL!
Lol @ J eksyen..hehehe
Yaaa.. eksyen eksyen contestants boleh blaahh.. Katharine mcphee last time
pun eksyen also!!
I think Al dah biasa kan deal with all sorts of people, that's why he tak over sensitive and tak show off? Hmm...
Hahahahaha yes.. wanna see C pakai studs!! LOL!
He's so stressed with work debbs.. like I told you the other day.. dah lah
of all months, this month kena renew road tax. Stupid lah the secretary in
their dept tu debbs..
Yeahh.. Adventurous je lah maybe kan debbs?
Hahaha manada mysterious...nanti la I put C's pic ok? hehehe
Tu lah!! Mengada-ngada lah si DC.. never liked him anyways..
David Cook did that???
Hahaha.. that's the only thing we splurged on ane. LOL! Because I didn't
have a big reception and stuff like that.. I just had a solemnisation and a
small family gathering.. nothing fancy..
We're the same Shemah, just close family and really close friends, and we
had it in our garden.. :-D
Oh C's age la tu wow!! O.O
Oh I don't like Katherine McPhee.
Stupid secretary indeed!! So inefficient! Dunno why this kind of ppl can get a job. C gets stressed about work too, but he told me he doesn't wanna waste time talking about it. Kesian kan our men? Work so hard, underpaid and unappreciated.
Yup, I think AL was just being adventurous. Just because he wore makeup, doesn't mean he's gay. But then, if he is gay, that's okay too. It's his choice kan?
Did you see his pics on si haaziq's blog of AL debbs??
Yalah.. stupid secretary!! Pas tu cakap macam sorryyy la. i "teroverlook"!!
she no children ah?? No rent to pay kah?? Sorry sorry.. that's rm900 we're
talking about.. not short by rm50 or something. Stupid yang teramat
sangat!!!!! And my birthday coming up mid may.. :-( :-( :-(
Tak suka kat mcphee kan??
Hahahaa.. yaaaa. at least C tak midlife crisis lagi! LOL!
Ooohhh how nice.. garden wedding.. but that became the issue of why lucas
can't be baptized at church right?? That's soooo weird. It shouldn't
Okayy.. can't wait to C see.. eh see C!! LOL!
Yaaa.. he's not kebaruan with fame that much kan si AL tu..
Hahahahah J tu is like a strutting peacock sometimes Debbs! LOL!
What did you have for lunch debbs?
Yeahhh.. DC is not my idol..
Not yet! Oh I must go see AL's pic at Haaziq's. :) Thanks for reminding me, Shem.
Teruk owh, so incompetent that stupid secretary. Never mind la Shem, can celebrate early July. Tapi ndak syok la kan kalau sudah limpas.
Ish did I say early July? Astaga I mean early May. Ish!
Yalah, she's not that successful also that McPhee.
Ala Shem, C perasan forever 18 hahaha
Yeah.. don't judge AL, though.. I think it's harmless.
Wuahhh so long have to wait!! Mid may then celebrate in July.. bangas my
birthday!! :-( :-( :-(
Hahaha C see see C indeed Shem! Lol!!
Same also.. early may pun cannot celebrasi.. :-( :-( got rent, buddy's
school and all the other bills to pay.. hopefully I get more PB to be able
to celebrate my bday!!
It's so good that AL is not bothered by the fame kan hehehe...
Haha lol!! Funny la J tu..hehehe peacock yg dowan to get photographed.
Yalah!! Kat mcphee is gorgeous but there's just an air about her that I
don't like..
C went out and tapau rice and lauk. Nice la Indon food, somewhere at Brickfields. We used to buy from the stall. :)
Hahahahaha okay lah tu! Geng ngan si J.. forever young!! J pun kaki purple
hedgehogs jugak!! LOL!
Hahahahah!! LOL! SEE C!
Yeahhh.. peacock buang tebiat! LOL! I always say he buang tebiat.. then he
says "memanglah!!" I'm like, what do you MEAN by memang??
Oooooooo. I love like jawa food or indon food! Sedap oh kan?? But I'm still
craving my ribs.. now because of that stupid secretary.. cannot go!!
Oh I've seen those pics! I geli lah but if he is gay kan, suka hati la kan? :):)
Alamak poor thing you Shem...I'm sure there'll be a blessing or two in disguise, even though you might not be able to celebrate.
Me too, Shem! McPhee looks like someone who'd laugh at fat ppl. Lol jahat owh me, judging her lol!!
Lol @ purple hedgehogs lol!!!
Lol yalah J, what do you mean by memang? Lol!!!
Oh shucks! Stupid secretary! :(
Hahahaha.. suka hati lah!! LOL!
Yeahh.. maybe I need to regroup. and do something fun that does not require
me to spend.. hmmm.
Hahahahahaha yeah but actually she does look like that mean girl type! She
was anorexic tu dulu kan debbs???
Hahahah that's why lah.. Memang have to buang tebiat is it??? LOL!
Or minimal spending la... :) Can do makan2 at home also.. :)
Yalah I read that she had eating disorder..
Every year I do makan2 at home, debbs! LOL! tu lah tu yang this year I
wanted to do something different! LOL!
Hahahah true lah tu debbs.. maybe she doesn't like F people.. sampai she got
eating disorder. you said she sucked in house bunny kan?
Haha midlife crisis betul la lol!! Saja want our attention la, sama mcm C. :)
Owh...hmmm how la, in KL kan semua mahal2...susah tu wanna save kalau mau selebrasi..
Oh in house bunny her role pun so small. I think she was just being herself in that movie. It didn't look like she was acting.
Itu lah.. hmmm.. maybe I'll do a party at home! LOL!
Hahahahaha she was effortless in acting eksyen ke??
No, she was acting like a clueless nerd. Lol!
i dont like bling blings too haha..
hello there hehe my brother loves bling bling too
Wow! That's cool! My lucky day today. Haha!
But I forgot, what do you do with the points exactly?
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!