I've been meaning to redecorate our home for the longest time but I always get uninspired when I start thinking about the many things I’d need to do in order to give our home sweet home a fresh new look! Besides work, which is my main reason for putting this off, I'm also a little lazy. And I am not creative when it comes to decorating but I do my best to keep our home warm and cosy. The keyword here is try, which means I give my all but I don't always succeed!
When we first moved in here many years ago, our house seemed spacious and airy. Everything was new and it was fun decorating a brand new home with my darling. We had minimal furniture and most of them were new purchases like bedside cabinets, coffee tables and TV rack from IKEA.
B and I love shopping in IKEA because it is so close to our home so it only makes sense to shop there. Plus the prices are reasonable and you can find plenty of awesome items including lovely beds for sale at great prices. Oh, there’s also the extra temptation to stop for their famous Swedish meatballs after a full day of shopping!
Nowadays, our home needs more than just a little sprucing up. I’m talking major upheaval and throwing out of old things and furniture to make room for new ones. Our sofa, which was once new and clean is now all scratchy and torn thanks to our three playful cats.
Nowadays, our home needs more than just a little sprucing up. I’m talking major upheaval and throwing out of old things and furniture to make room for new ones. Our sofa, which was once new and clean is now all scratchy and torn thanks to our three playful cats.
The day bed inside my home-office is also ruined, which explains why I’ve been scouring online for new daybeds online. No leather beds or chairs of course but something that can withstand my cats’ scratchy claws! We’re also very keen to trade in our current Queen for a King. A queen size bed is good enough for comfort but imagine the space I'd get to enjoy with a king-size bed!
These next few days will see me resting and rejuvenating from work. All my invoices have been sent, quotations emailed, translations approved and copywriting done. Now that my workload is lighter, there’s no reason to procrastinate any longer. So, besides catching up on much-needed sleep and beauty rest, I also want to get started on redecorating our home, starting with new kitty beds for my cats!
8-) 8-) 8-)
wah your apt so nice and clean lah GP... i love the sofa.. so comfy!
I love white also but since got kitties.. i tak berani and too lazy to maintain also..lol!!
we soo need to refurnish our home also... kalau ada duit.. mmg ku beli rumah sebelah ni.. baru i can have my own office..ahaha
War....nice sofa. :D
Too bad Malacca doesn't have any Ikea for us to shop. :(
i love your dining area GP!!! the whole apartment so cozy! ;) ;) ;)
waaaaaaaaah! the kitties sleeping in your bed! bohoooo! =-O =-O =-O =-O
is that tito B stading by there in Blue? LOL! =-X =-X =-X =-X
morning GP! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
did i make a chop?LOL! can i have my pet blog here GP! thankie! ;) ;) ;) ;)
errr. redecorating is probably one of the most stressing house chores yet very rewarding experience too
oh kitties got new beds huh ... they're so lucky
by the way i love your house a lot...
good morning Marzie :) :) :)
:* :* :*
gd morning sweetie! :-D :-D
wow ur apartment looks so cozy and clean!! :) ;)
i love ikea too cos of their simple and modern furniture! 8-) 8-)
hahahah wakey2 meows!! :-P :-P
Hey GP!! I also need to re-do my home but I'm thinking a fresh coat of paint! I can't do much about the furniture because it's from my mom's house here in Subang. When she sold her house off, most of the things got transported back to KK, but she gave me one of her living room sets and tv stands when we first moved here.
I was glad that I didn't have to spend, but the furniture is now getting on my nerves coz it's a tad bit too big for our small and cozy home. So there's nothing much that can be done if I want to rearrange the house.
I hear you on getting a king bed. Get super king lah, alang2. Our beds in kk are super king and sangat puas hati tidur. the kids can be kicking away in their sleep and it doesn't affect anyone. LOL! :)
But i love your house lah GP! :) So spacious and airy! :) Sangat best!! I love the kitty day bed too!! Ooooh I've got some stuff I've been eyeing over at IKEA too.. but J doesn't like going there. So far he says. :(
Hello Marzie! You've got a pretty home!
Our sofa looks like the one you have. We've purchased ours from IKEA. Just like you, my boyfriend and I love IKEA. They have most of the things that we need for our apartment and the price is always nice.
Those are cute kitty beds! Perfect for your purry friends... :)
Our cats have their own beds but they always end up sleeping right next to us. Cute creations!
Hugs to you Marzie!
8-) 8-) 8-) LJ FC1!
;) GG FC2!
:-D :-D And BD FC3!
Thanks for the chops peeps, Happy Thursday! :* :*
8-) 8-) 8-)
hello hello!!! :* :*
wow love the sofa set!! its huge and comfy!!! =-X =-X =-X
kitty cats also can jump jump there!! wahahaha :-P :-P
yea i like to see all those furnitures, bed sets, kitchen set in IKEA! :-D :-D :-D i also found their prices quite cheap! ;) ;)
but the meatballs not nice one. Eric tried and said... how come liek this already?? not nice already. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
haha kitties all sleeping comfortly at there aye! oh so cute! :* :*
done shopping again?? =-O =-O
i also prefer king size bed than queen!!! :-P :-P :-P ahhh miss my room now!! =-X =-X
that's a cool furniture piece, I would love one too if we have a good space at home
right now our bed is shared with baby since he always transfers from his crib to our bed :-P :-P
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!