One of the things I loved about living with my parents prior to getting hitched was the huge space and lawn our home boasts. Seriously, this has got to be the biggest garden space I've seen around the neighbourhood. I bet my cats would have a field day if I were to let them loose in the garden. I'll let you take a peek of course, to prove my point!
See the expansive space? It's so huge that even the gardener has a hard time mowing the grass. Not to mention watering all the plants and flowers blooming in the garden. I didn't get a chance to take pictures of my mom's flower garden; it started to rain immediately after snapping these shots but believe me when I say that this huge garden needs more than just potted plants and pretty shrubs to keep it looking great. 
Anyway I plan to go shopping with my mom tomorrow and I'm going to suggest window flower boxes or window boxes planters for all the windows at home! Actually, that's the reason I woke up "early "today; need to complete all pending jobs so I can happily spend tomorrow with my parents!

Anyway I plan to go shopping with my mom tomorrow and I'm going to suggest window flower boxes or window boxes planters for all the windows at home! Actually, that's the reason I woke up "early "today; need to complete all pending jobs so I can happily spend tomorrow with my parents!

I think window planters are just awesome and I would love waking up to fresh beautiful flowers right outside my window. Can you imagine the sweet smell of roses wafting into your room every time you open the window? So yeah, even though I no longer live with my parents, I would love to have pretty garden window boxes greet my arrival whenever I visit! What do you think?

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :* :* :*
hey dearie! :-D :-D :-D
weeeeeee, did i make the chop?
nicey nicey!! =-X
:* :* :* :* :* Elai u are here lol FC1!
Hey Part! ;) ;)
i can see im still a very big itlog here. :( :( :( :(
First one here Elai, syabas!
Caroline FC2! 8-) 8-) 8-)
yeah, part! im here. YAY! made the chop!
thankie. itlog no more now. :-D :-D :-D :-D
speaking of FCSB, i really have to update it now!!! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Yay for chopping and yay for no more brownouts! Thanks part! :* :* :*
i can't see the pics, dear! i wanna see your parent's garden. but connection seems so slow nowadays. >:o >:o >:o >:o
Itlog no more!! Am i itlog at ur sites???? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
He he me too, sorry for the delay choppers, will update mine tonight! =-O =-O =-X =-X :-[ :-[ :-[
Oh can't see pics? Hopefully u can see later then, check out my huge garden! Can play football oso! =-O =-O =-O =-O
:-P :-P :-P Woo hoo my FC3 is here, hey Ane!
enjoy your day with your parents tomo ; :-D :-D :-D
Thanks for the chop ladies, i will update my FCSB tonight, by hook or by crook! Hopefully VV4 won distract me he he.... :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Will do sweetie and I'm done with work so YAY! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
so huge indeed eh if can play football. i love huge gardens! mine is medium but full of weeds. LOL
welcome, dearie!! im so glad i made the chop. YAY to no brownouts!
LOL I just noticed BIG itlog here heheheheh, where got big? hehehe.... :-D :-D :-D
welcome, dear! me too, will try to update FSCb, but connection is so slow. so play VV4 while waiting for the page to DL. :-D :-D :-D
Ha ha can get lost in my parents' garden I tell u!! Can jog around the garden oso, sure sweat like mad lol!! :-D :-D :-D
Me too and bye bye brownouts, so leceh (tiresome) dat time right? :-P :-P :-P
hahahaaah me too me too, loving VV4!!! I solved 4 puzzles only so far, u??? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-D :-D :-D
Your parents' lawn is Huuuuuge! and I thought ours were huge! :-P yours is bigger by a quarter! :-D
sorry, marzie, im not certain. LOL. will really update it tonight. :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
I don't like living in a big house Marzie, I dream of living in a small condo.. :-P I love our home now cause Lucas and Chakai can play outside the garden and experience nature, but it is a killer to clean, and we don't have helpers!
=-O =-O :-[ :-[ :-[ LOL it's okay! I will come see later after u update ha ha! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
One huge-ass lawn we have here Ane lol! Lemme see urs!!! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* 8-) 8-) 8-)
I don't garden, I don't have a green thumb, and once I tried but the plants literally died because I over did it.. :-P We hire our neighbors gardener when the grass needs to be mowed and the plants need weeding, which we do like 5-6 times a year only, and mostly during the rainy season only because that's when weeds and the grass grow.. :-D
I know Ane! For my parents it's okay cause they have a maid and what not to help keep the huge house spic and span at all times, dat's why I too prefer living in a smaller condo... but I want to look for a new place with a garden... hopefully a condo too... :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
In as much as I would love to trade our house for a cozy condo, which is easier to clean, B likes to live in a house, so tough luck for me.. :-D
Yay I made it! t took forever to load your page cause I have like 20 tabs open at the same time but it's a good thing I made it.. :-D
Woot! And I think u made the MM one too, I haven checked and updated the older chops, will do so tonight, thanks sweetie! :-D :-D :-D
Having a huge garden will def require outside help to keep things pretty! The only thing I've ever planted was ...hmmm.. watermelon and some chillies hehehe! And they both bore fruits so I was pleased... and then they died and they never bothered planting again lol.... =-X =-X :* :* :*
Condo-living can be super awesome and I am in the market for a new one, hopefully can find a good one within our budget.... :-$ :-$ :-$ *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
:* :*
i just got home!
LOL @ getting lost! waaah i love it! you can jog there!!!! i want to jog but Im ashamed to if others can see me. i can jog on my garden too by circling the house LOL. would feel dizzy afterwards. hahahaha
ive solved 7 edi. i dunno if i can solve the others unless i squeeze my brains some more. LOL :-D :-D :-D
wah this one your parent's house? So HUGE!!! it's a MANSION lah..hehe
:* :* LJ!
Where from dearie? Makan2? Haven had anything to makan yet... =-O =-X =-X
Ha ha ha mmg huge la LJ, and they recently buat renovasi, extended the behind part, now even bigger and Issy has her own living quarter whenever sis comes home from UK! :-D :-D :-D
oh me too, ane, i don't have a green thumb! my garden is def full of weeds. we also hire our neighbors to pull out the weeds since im too lazy to pull it off myself. hahaha
Wow, I wish I have a house like that ;)
I could jog in the garden ... lol
Wah! Your parents house has a garden that could host the World Cup la Marzie! That house looks like a palace la. Makes me feel like I'm living in a shack!
:* :* :*
eh! You parents are living in USJ1 meh? wah. such a huge lawn!
It must cost them a fortune!!
:* :* :*
wah another home-sweet-home! hehe just came frm Haaziq's site :-D :-D :-D
ur parents' lawn is so huge Mariuca! i love the window flower box 8-) 8-) 8-)
i miss my home sweet home!! :'( :'(
Your house looks very nice....and what a vast expanse for your kitty to play around. I love the flower window's so charming.
Hehe.. can I have my own wing also… hahha.. adopt me lah.. lol!
went to client place with A.. they want website.. so i got to citer lah.. hehe..
Oh wow!! The lawn is huge!! I love it.. I can imagine myself planning so many things there.. Ok, I'm so so jealous now.. :-P
Hello Marzie... it's been a long time! You're right you really have to re-landscape the garden area of your mom's home.
Nice idea to have some flowery plants even in window boxes.
Have a nice weekend! :) ;) :)
:* :* :* :*
Great post, I like this post.
I 've added your blog to My Blog Roll at
So would you put my blog too, on you...
you can get healthy traffic from us and our visitors can get relative and useful information form your site.
Hope you would add my blog.
Thanks a lot.Keep blogging....
Nice home. We just moved out and the new place is not that good. :(
Wish a Great Saturday for you, Mariuca ! :* :* :*
Olla Marzie..
aduihhh penat tapi kenyang. Baru lepas makan burger warong "double spesel with cheese" Lebih kurang macam versi BIG MAC la tapi versi Burger Malaysia. Haa makan, meleleh cheese, kalah MC.D hahaha
Haa dah lepas makan, ni kalau kerjakan laman rumah you, sure terbakar kalori. Besarnya Lamannnnnn =-O
Aiyoooooo tuuu rumah ke palace =-O
Can do mini gather-gather, sambil to benji, phoebe, chubs, awan, heejerah all can tukar gossip somemore and umpat about us.. ahaks ahaks
Happy saturday.. penat ni baru balik extra work. so this week saturday, sunday and monday ada kerja sket.. hehehehe :-D :-D :-D
Wah! So big the house! You come from a rich family ah?
I also like house with big big garden! : )
That's why I prefer landed properties compared to condos! But I don't like gardening so someone has to do all those gardening for me! Haha
I saw a landed property here in USJ with a modest lawn but pretty big.. semi-D.. hehehe angan2 lah konon nak beli. Tup tup 1.7 million.. so gotta wait a little bit longer lahh.. tunggu dah jutawan gitu! LMAO!
Because right now, the prices of condos pun dah juta2 might as well get landed.. especially a yard that my children can run round and round on.. LOL! :D But then, if I got the chance, I don't mind getting myself a duplex kat Matahari @ Mont Kiara.. hahahahahaha.. angan2 mat jenin..
But definitely lah got pros and cons of living in any type of property.. but for long term living.. kan best landed, macam ur parents house. At least family can get together buat kenduri everything.. all there. With tons of space..
Here's to hoping we get our dream homes! :D
i can tell you have a great place Marzie!
just look at that garden sapce! wow!
no wonder you miss your place and also your cats really can play around there
:* :* :*
the front view show that it really is a home sweet home. the gate has a lovely character, and then there's the charming flower boxes by the windows. thanks for sharing this. if you want you can try our Summer giveaway: chance to win $50 – just grab our badge.
:* :* :* Monica!
LOL I didn know what u meant until I saw Haaziq's HSH post oso ha ha! :-D :-D
Huge- ass lawn la I tell u ha ha.. I love it!! 8-) 8-)
Hugsy Mon, when u going balik kampung to ur HSH? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-D :-D
LOL no need feel shy Elai, so cute la u!!! :-D :-D :-D
I've completed VV4 Elai.. but I have a confession.. I had to use da cheats oh no hahahaha! So hard la this VV4!! =-X =-X ;) ;) ;) ;)
20 tabs only Ane? Sometimes I have 40..yowzaaaaa! =-X =-X =-X =-X =-X
Good thing I don have to worry abt weeds right now ha ha! :-D :-D
Ohhhh busy working it seems LJ! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
LOL so true Michael, can happily jog away in this huge garden! :* :* :*
ROTFLMAO @ can host World Cup here hahaha! But yeah can play football here, it's HUGE right? ha ha... thanks Nick! :* :* :*
:* :* :* Haaziq!
In USJ but not USJ 1 Haaziq! This is a corner lot some more so mmg huge la.. I have to admit i'm in awe oso sometimes lol! =-O =-O :-D :-D :-D
=-O =-O :-$ :-$ :-$ lol...
Hey Bing Kee, thanks! Yeah I do love the flower boxes, like u said.. charming indeed! This is my parents' place actually sweetie, thanks for visiting ha ha! 8-) 8-) 8-)
LOL! This is an awesome site for parties Cashmere, so much space to accommodate everything, love it too, thanks! :* :* :*
Thank you Feron, I love the flower window boxes too, they will def make a great addition to the house's appearance. Enjoy ur week! :* :* :*
:* :* :* :* Michael!
Hi there, thanks for visiting and welcome to Mariuca's blog. I can't seem to find my link at ur site though but I'm glad to hear u enjoyed this post and my blog. Do come again! :* :* :*
Hi Liezl! Well congrats on ur new home, I am sure it will look great as soon as ur unpacked and all the decorating is done, have fun! :-D :-D :-D
Thanks for dropping by on a Saturday Michael! :* :* :*
Thanks for dropping by on a Sunday Michael! :* :* :*
OMG Shemah... I am so in love with Mont Kiara.... aiyooo da other day went makan HArtamas, lalu Kiara and wow.. so obersea feel Shemah!!! We felt like we were in another country, seriously.. and it's not cause ramai expats there but cause of the buildings, ambience and the international shops there.. all made us feel wow.. bestnye......but of coz la condos/houses here berjuta2 to afford? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Yeah seriously B and I are looking for a new place now..that's what we're currently into.. wan to do up the new place nicely and this time must have opis for B oso... good luck to us indeed sweetie! O:-) O:-) :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Hahaha Rizal!!! Rumah biasa je ni.. but seriously huge-ass lawn kan? Mmg senang buat function cause the tables can stretch a long way into the garden..and then recently my parents buat renovasi.. semakin besar la bahagian belakang rumah. I pun sometimes confused ni bilik mana ha ha!
=-O =-O :* :* :*
Happy working Rizal, just think of the $$ u will get to fund ur need to shop nanti.. work hard first, enjoy sakan later! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
LOL @ you come from a rich family ah hahahaha...huge right this house? If my condo this size, sure I won complain anymore lol... =-X =-X :-[ :-[ :-D :-D :-D
I don mind small garden oso so long as got space for my kitties to run around! :-D :-D :-D
I oso don wan do gardening.. demanding right we all wan gardener it seems hahah! =-O =-O :-D :-D :-D :-D
Thanks for visiting my home Ayie lol! 8-) 8-) 8-)
I love the huge garden space Ayie, can camp out here too LOL! :-D :-D :-D
I do miss my home Ayie.. my brother is occupying my old room now.. he he.. :* :* :*
:* :* :* :* Thanks for dropping by sweetie..
You are welcome Sam and I'm glad u enjoyed visiting my parents' place..come again when ur free ha ha! :* :* :*
Nice to be hear. How's your adgitize. :)
Hey Liezl, thanks for stopping by and my Adgi is doing just fine, I do love Adgi.. how abt you?
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!