Hi everybody! How is your Raya holiday coming along? Yesterday morning B and I had an early "morning adventure" where we left home at the break of dawn to have breakfast outside! We hardly ever have a morning adventure with B working on weekdays and me waking up late daily. So yesterday we made a point to get up really early (my system had a shock showering at 7am!) and have breakfast outside! It was fun because after enjoying a hearty breakfast outside, we could go home and resume sleep since it's a holiday and B doesn't have to go to work!

Tomorrow, we're planning to get up early again and drive to SSF to check out the garden decorations there. I hear there is a great rain barrels for sale offer and I 'm planning to get some rain water barrels for MIL and her garden. Since we don't have a garden of our own (living in a condo and all) we take joy in decorating MIL's garden and she doesn't seem to mind.

Nowadays you can find some really cool rain barrels, which many garden owners use to beautify their gardens. I hope to find something like this tomorrow. This pretty white rain barrel comes in one piece with consistent, even wall thickness and will not leak due to a split seam. I think it's perfect because it has a dual function. Besides watering the flowers it displays, you can also attach a drip hose to the shut-off valve connection and water your surrounding flower beds at the same time, which I thought was very cool!

If you like what you see here, please visit Simply Rain Barrels - the ultimate source for all types of rain harvesting barrels and equipment. Offering hundreds of different high quality rain barrels and accessory products, each item comes with a 110% low price guarantee!

So it looks like I will be doing some garden shopping tomorrow. How about you? What are your plans this Raya holiday?

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :* :*
wah GP.. morning person also is ti? lol!!
enjoy your day dearie.. i dah nak tidor ni
nite nite!!
nite nite!!
LJ! FC1! :)
Muahahahhahahahahah no la where got….yest only, gila wan to be morning person every day! Ok LJ, thanks for chopping wahhhhhhh normal ppl sleeping sharp midnite it seems!! ;)
Sweet dreams dearie!
gorgeous flower beds!
good morning marzie!!
how was your weekend? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Answered Prayers
no raya holidays for us but shopping sounds fun anytime :-P
Recent blog:=- Answered Prayers
i hope this week won't be so crazy like last week so i can start chopping here again :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Answered Prayers
Chop about an hour ago...but, my satellite crashed!! :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- The Hummingbird Way A Double Diamond Music Monday
These actually very decorative. They would also make fantastic recycling containers for the states over here that have mandatory recycling laws!! Which btw, are most of them!! ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- The Hummingbird Way A Double Diamond Music Monday
I hope you are having a great day!! :* :*
Recent blog:=- The Hummingbird Way A Double Diamond Music Monday
hi jackie! hopping there in a while! :* :*
Recent blog:=- The Simpsons - Cool Stamps
Morning MArzie. :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Live Blogging : kubur
Speaking of rain, it has been raining heavily for the past few days.
Wah Marzie, syiok tuu bangun awal pergi sarapan tanpa rasa kelam kabut.
Sarapan pagi2 kalau tak da benda nak dikejar memang satu nikmat tu. huhu :) :)
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Live Blogging : kubur
hi.. :)
I am having a great holiday! Driving round PJ/KL is so enjoyable! I purposely woke up early to drive! Haha!
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
You woke up early? Unbelievable! But after ward can go back to sleep, so OK lah! Hehe
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
Actually, it's kinda nice to wake up early and go out for a nioce breakfast, right? Once in a while lah, not everyday! If everyday, cannot tahan! :)
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
Interesting rain barrels! I don't have one in my garden! Oh, btw, I don;t take care of my garden - I just like to look at it and enjoy the flowers and all, but don;t ask me to do gardening! Not for me! Haha
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
Wah! You decorate your MIL's garden for her? Good DIL! Where to find? Haha!
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
Yalah, stay in condo no garden. That's one of the reason why I prefer landed property. Got garden but one condition is must have someone take care of the garden lah!
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
OK, enjoy the rest of the holidays! I hope the time will slow down so I don't have to go back to work so fast! :)
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
I woke up early every morning! So no big deal to me! ;p
Recent blog:=- It is 20-09-2009! Selamat Hari Raya Folks!
Ouh...so you guys wanan do some serious gardening? Don't forget to show us yeah! :) Got koi pond or not?
Recent blog:=- It is 20-09-2009! Selamat Hari Raya Folks!
Anyway have a great holiday yeah! :D
Recent blog:=- It is 20-09-2009! Selamat Hari Raya Folks!
No Hari Raya makanan to drool at!? :P
Recent blog:=- Asia's 1st Life-sized Bread Race Car! - RT/WW
Enjoy your couple time!! :)
Recent blog:=- Asia's 1st Life-sized Bread Race Car! - RT/WW
Thanks for stopping by Recel, hope ul leave ur URL next time yeah? I love the flowers here too, so pretty! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- The BM Tag! **
Ayie FC2! :)
Recent blog:=- The BM Tag! **
And Jackie FC3! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- The BM Tag! **
Thank you ECL!
Nope not this year ECL he he…but I’m sure u enjoyed lotsa Raya goodies this year?
Thanks Tekkaus! :)
Eh no la not serious gardening, little bit only Tekkaus muahahahhaha!
Yeah la I know u wake up damn early Tekkaus lol!
Thanks Foong, hope u enjoyed ur break too. :)
I love staying in a condo Foong but a garden would do nicely for my kids, meow!
Ala little bit only Foong, cause her garden is not huge so easy to decorate mah… :)
So who does ur gardening Foong? He he or u just leave it unattended ha ha!
It is very nice Foong cause u know me, hardly an early bird! ;)
Unbelievable right???? Once a year only I wake up early I guess ROTFLMAO!!!! :)
Oh good to hear that Foong, so nice to drive around when there’s no traffic!
Hi TH!
Best Rizal bangun awal sejuk2 gitu, pas makan nrekkie balik rumah tidur balik in comfy warm bed… :)
Hi Rizal!
Miss u Jackie… :)
Thanks Jackie, do u have one in ur garden??
Ur satellite forever giving u problem Jackie, big hugs! :)
I hope u can start chopping here too Ayie!
I used to celebrate raya in the US too Ayie when we were living there last time….
Good morning Ayie!
Thanks Recel, glad u enjoyed my pics! :)
My weekend was busy Ayie, how abt you?
Hey LJ!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!