I can't believe I only now discovered Eva Cassidy. My first listen and I am hooked! Love this classic Cyndi Lauper Time After Time, Eva style. Take a listen and enjoy the Smallville storyline to this sweet, tender totally beautiful version of the big 80s hit Time After Time. I feel mellow...

Happy Music Monday and this post is written in memory of Eva Cassidy, who succumbed to cancer at the age of 33, in 1996. RIP.
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:* :* :*
this is my song!! :-D
listening now dearie
I have heard this version before! I heard every version done on this song because I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song!! :-D
Happy Music Monday MUSIC SISTER! :)
wah .. melllow gils this version.. i like!!!
I also have not heard of her before.. and she's gone? OMG.. so young!
oh yay and I got the chop! :-D wooHoo! :)
So sad how Eva Cassidy died even before she got really famous.. :( and only 33!
and I love Smallville! :)
:* :* :* :*
listening now!! :-D :-D
im feeling mellow yellow! :-P :-P
i love this song too of coz.. 8-) 8-)
happy MM Mariuca!! :* :* :*
Nice song! But I'm not familiar with Eva Cassidy!
:* :* :* LJ FC1!
And Ane FC2! :-D :-D
Thanks for the late MM chop ladies! 8-) 8-)
love the song and smallville too before
i used to watch the first few seasons but now it has gotten so far i can't keep up with the season anymore
nytie Marzie! :* :* :*
I love the song too Ayie, thanks!
I never did follow smallville…
Nite nite Ayie!
She sounds awesome here I think Foong!
Yay hi-five Monica! :)
Happy MM to you Mon!
LOL love dat mellow yellow feeling!
Happy listening! :)
Hey Mon! :* :* :* :*
Woo hoo I too Love this song Ane! And I love the words too… :)
Untimely indeed but she did leave her beautiful legacy behind, RIP Eva.. :(
Ha ha mellow gils right? Thanks for listening LJ!
Me not so much Ane he he….
Indeed u did Ane, thanks for chopping!
Woo hoo, Happy MM Music Sister, love ya!
Yeah dearie apparently she died of cancer, poor thing.. sedih baca all the comments posted on her videos on YT.. her fans really loved her… :)
Happy listening LJ!
Woot! I love it when we feature “my song” on MM ha ha!
:* :* :*
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!