It must be the sizzling hot weather we've been experiencing lately that's giving me all sorts of weird dreams every time I close my eyes. Yesterday, upon hitting my head on my fluffy pillow with lil' Pheebs by my side, I had another weird dream. But this time it's weird in a good way and I can remember this dream very well when I awoke, unlike those that I know I dreamt but for the life of me, could not recall what it was all about.
![soal soal](
I dreamt that I moved to KL (Kuala Lumpur), which is very weird considering the fact that I've always been a PJ (Petaling Jaya) gal! So there I was in this really huge duplex condo with the whole works included. I remember being amazed at my "new home" running in and out of every room like a little girl. B was in my dream too and apparently in the dream, he was busy checking out our new Home Security system, which came fully installed with our new home. It wasn't one of those cheap low quality security systems too. Instead, our new home was fully equipped with the most advanced computerized surveillance security system, complete with digital controller and voice recognition!
![tepuktangan tepuktangan](
The best part about this dream home of mine was that it was overlooking the beach! And I remember looking out the window; marvelling at the scenery that greeted me. And then I called LJ on the phone to tell her that hey, I am finally living in her territory (KL), which is something that would never happen in real life seeing that B and I have our hearts set on living in PJ forever...and then I woke up! What does this mean?? You think I'm finally going to make my millionaire dream a reality? Hence the new duplex overlooking the beach, fully equipped with home security and all? Oh let me hear your thoughts people!
![fikir fikir](
PS. I am giving away FC Scoreboard points to the first three commenters, go for it!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 365 Newer› Newest»:'( :'( :'( :'(
SSG in the house! :-D :-D
:'( :'( :'( :'(
hiya Ane :)
how are you dearie..??
LJ! FC1! :)
Ane! FC2! :)
And Mon! FC3! :)
Thank you ladies, all of u will get 1 more point each on my SB!! Looking for my top 3 FCSB winners! :)
I had a similar dream where B and I and the kids moved to Malaysia where I met Debbs and Shemah.. and saw you at a hospital! Weird! I remember telling Debbs and Shemah I dreamed about them but I didn't tell them about the dream cause I said I was gonna blog about it, but forgot.. :-D
FC3!? YAY!!! lol..
Wah.. a condo overlooking the sea in KL?? kat mana ni?? lol!! usually water mean rezeki and wealth tau!! so Kaching for you dearie!! :-$ :-$
It's hard to know what dreams mean, there are a lot of theories about dreams.. Freud said that dreams were our way of fulfilling our frustrations.. Some say that dreams are an extension of our thoughts of the day.. and so on and so forth, you know in Psychology when I was in college, we had like a whole subject dedicated to the study of dreams, cause I'm a psychology grad.. :)
Yeeha! Mon still in the lead, wow 16 POINTS EDI!!!!!! New record here at WOAFS!
FC4 Meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :D
Hey LJ, am good.. :) You? how are you doing?
WOW u dreamt u moved to Malaysia Ane? Must be all the hanging out u’ve been doing with us Malaysian gals!!! And u saw me at the hospital? What was I wearing? Hahhahhaha! :)
Tu la LJ!!! Tu yg weird tu, ada beach in KL pas tu I call u on HP lagi to inform u on the good news hahahahha! :)
Yay! Finally! WooHoo! :-D :-D :-D
I doubt I can be in the top 3 Marzie.. :) but will try! :)
HAHAHHAHAA Big HUG for my FC4! Muahhhhs! :)
You majored in psychology Ane? I majored in international business lol! Thanks for your thoughts dear, I just hope this dream will be more kaching, one way or another ha ha! :)
Good job CQ! Now wait for my new meow blog, surely will kick off with a *** post! ;)
Funny funny dream, especially on that part overlooking the beach. Ye arr kat KL ada pantai.. huhu.
I have a dreammmmmm.. ehh ternyanyi ABBA pulak..
Semenjak akhir2 ni, owner rnr asyik ter daydreaming la fikir goyang kaki tak yah kerja. lol Laughing
Rizal!!! Rindu tak terhingga kat Rizal and Blacky!!! Ah tu la Rizal, dah la panas gila, pas tu mimpi yang menarik but very weird lol!!! :)
Sure u can Ane, u’re the CQ remember, razzle dazzle! ;)
LJ!!! :* :* :*
U dah tak busy ke Rizal? Welcome back to the blogworld!! :)
plus this one 16 points, Mariuca? shhhhhh... :-D :-D :-D
No FC4? See, FC3 is so close to FC4, just a difference of 1, might as well give award to FC4 too... *puts on cutest smile*
Hahhahahah u oso shhhhh Mon? So cute and yeah!!! 16 points edi!!!
LOL Sandman, for u sure, esp since u’re givinv me ur cutest smile here! YAY 1 point for Sandman too woo hoo! Feeling generous today peeps, who else wants points here? Muahahahahha!
Blacky tgh sakit.. Air liur meleleh sebab gusi luka berdarah.. Busuk bila dia jilat badan.. lol. Lepas tuu nak tidur rapat2 atas katil. Tiap2 kali bagi makan, letak gel gamat. lol. Semakin okay. whuhu :-D
haha, busy tuu kalau nak kira memang takkan habis memanjang kan..
Ni dah nak mula kayuh pelan-pelan kat blogworld ni. Pening nak kejar balik. lol.
Blacky pun sakit Rizal? Ala cian dia tu, masih berouting jalan2 cari makan ke si Blacky? Food poisoning kut!
Kayuh slow and steady Rizal, it’s good to have u back, dah lama dah u MIA! :)
hahah.. whatever it is.. will be awesome lah living by the beach!!
hahah.. wah .. no LJ in the dream Ane? :'( :'(
Yeah, even tho can’t swim2 but can collect seashell and enjoy breeze!!! :)
LOL to no LJ in Ane’s dream! ;)
dear, which site of KL got beach? hehe..
neway, mungkin betul the duplex is coming in short while.. ;) :-D :* O:-) 8-) may ur dream come true.. zam zam ala kazam! hehe
I don't know how to interpret dreams.. :-D :-D but a home overlooking the beach is best la!!
or maybe becoz of u missed LJ so much :-D :-D *DONT_KNOW*
Tu la namanya mimpi yang weird Diya! I think ada beach in my dream cause I’ve been complaining abt the hot weather, so beach ada breeze to menyejukkan my hati in my dream haa ahha! :)
Me too have no idea what this dream means Monica, but yay to house overlooking the beach! Then u all can come and hang out at the beach he ehhehe! Each one with own lappy, dropping ec by the beach ROTFLMAO!!!!
Ha ha good one Mon! I missed LJ so much sampai termimpi moving to KL to be near her LOL!!!
hahahahhahah.....dropping ec by the beach sounds good Mariuca!! I want :-D
it was weird Marzie, yes, I think it was cause I was hanging out with you ladies.. :) It was so weird, oh you were wearing a white blouse and a vest and denim jeans and red lipstick, with your hair down.. :) Debbie was wearing a black shirt and jeans and Shemah was in a floral print summer dress.. :-D
I met Debbs at a race track first then she took me to a resto to see Shemah, but before we got there we saw you walking near a hospital.. :)
Weird right? but at least I met you ladies in my dreams now.. :-D
Oh I love my outfit in ur dream Ane!!!! LOL!!!!!
He he he, relaxi taxi by the beach while dropping ec, dream come true! Oh got refreshments oso by the beach, I’ll have one Lotsa Lava please Mon! :)
Hahahahha me walking near a hospital, I wonder which hospital!!! And what’s up with meeting Debbs at the race track LOL!!!!
That’s right Ane, now I hope to meet YOU in my dreams next lol!
oh yes marzie!! you will definitely get your billion dollars!! I'm sure of it!!
Yes Marzie.. :) but I haven't taken the test so I can be a shrink yet.. LOL
Yes to more kaching though! :-D
congrats SSGSGSG!! :) :)
ooh, I can't wait for your meow blog!! :-D
congratulations ANE!!! :)
wuaahahh Mon OKB FC pointss!!! LOL!
hahaha razzle dazzle indeed Marzie! :-D
congratulations monica!! :)
waaah! 16 points for Mon? how to catch up on something like that?!
oh yeah Ane!! I also forgot to remind you about your dream post ane! LOL!
oh so that's what happened eh???
wahhh I hope yr dream come true Mariuca!! Lotsa Lava for us...hehe ;-)
Oh LJ, in my dream, Marzie was talking to you on the HP! :-D LOL
hahahahahha so smart ah sandman to earn points!! gotta learn lah!! :) :)
Hahahah my sister also had to take psychology.. but it wasn't her course..
she just had to take it for her elective course or something like that
Ooh I love the beach Marzie! :-D I am so gonna be there in your condo
overlooking the beach with my red lappie and red swimsuit chatting the day
and night away with you ladies!! :-D
I knowwww!! :-) Monica is smokin' her rubber tyres at us!! LOL!
I can't wait for it too, ane!! :-) :-) So excited!!
LOL glad my dream was in synch with today's fashion, right.. LOL :-D
I don't know why I met Debbs in the racing track.. weird! :-D
I always dream of being rich and on vacations.. but always with my late dad... and when i wake up.. i feel so disappointed..
LOL no doubt you'll see me in your dreams one of these days Marzie.. :)
:* :* :* Thanks Shemah! :-D
LOL Shemah! I will have to make that dream post after I do another PB.. :-D
I took psychology Shemah, and majored on child and adolescent/teen
psychology.. :-D I can be a guidance counselor.. or a pre school teacher..
which is ironic, cause I have 0 patience! :-D
Yay to being excited! :-D
Ooh, I feel yah Shemah..
Marzie was talking with LJ on the way to the hosp??
Woot woot to red vaio and red bikini! LOL!
Hahahaha F1 season has passed. hmmm
Hahahaha good good more posts more chances to chop!! LOL!
Hahahaha maybe you think you have 0 patience but when u start working with
teens and children, you will be a really great counsellor/teacher..
No, Marzie was talking on the phone with LJ when Debbs and I ran into her
near the hospital.. :)
LOL! :-D
I don't think so Shem, I lose my patience with my own kids and my cousins,
especially evil Joey, and they are my relatives, what more with other kids..
Oohhh ahahahaaha.. that's such a weird dream.. but fun!!
yeah, weird but fun.. :) LOL
I think because they're other people's children and not relatives that you'd
treat them with more patience.. I don't know but I'm like that! LOL! I lose
my patience so easily with buddy and allie.. but if I'm taking care of
another baby at a relative's house.. I'm always super patient! LOL!
Hi Mariuca, I've just installed JS in my blog. Could you test the comment system for me and see if it's ok? Any suggestions to improve JS in my blog is most welcome :-D
I'd help test it out JL if I knew your blog URL! :-) :-) :-)
thanks Shemah. It's at
Be right there, JL! :-)
Inikah yang dinamakan PB? anyway how do you use adgitize? peningggg
Have you received my comments over at your place, JL? It seems like you have
2 separate comments.. the old ones on blogger and the comments on JS..
You dah sign up for your adgi, bem?
sign up dah, skang confused, ad clicks only works if its from your own page?
i believe that dreams always have meanings
Just start by going over to your friends' blogs and click on their adgi
ads.. until all advertising spots are complete.. i.e. there will be no more
ads showing on the adgi widget
Umm.. I don't know lah bem.. all I know, you login to adgitize.. then start
clicking on adgi ads.. just click ONE ad.. then it brings you to the next ad
and so forth.. you can check how many blogs you've clicked on at the Reports
tab - then go to Publishers - clicks earned for today
Ohhh, like that, ok ok thanks Shemah :)
hello mariuca! sorry if i wasn't able to visit your blog for the past few weeks. i have been really busy with school and everything. really making me so stressed!
have a great day! i'll be back whenever i can! see you!
maxi of and :-D
Recent blog post: Liposinol™
Yeah Ane, I'm waiting for the dream post lol!! But it's okay. dreamt about Shem and me? I tell you if we could meet, we could paint the town red! ;)
Hi Rizal!! Kimsalam kat Blacky ye..
Oh I also want a duplex condo..hehehe..Hola Marzie!!
But I prefer living in the mountain areas where there are many trees and the water is icy cold...brrrrr...:) :* 8-)
Be careful! What you dreamt about may just come true! LOL!
Recent blog post: My First Day In KK
But in KL but overlooking the sea? Where got such place?
Recent blog post: My First Day In KK
So I think your dream is mainly symbolic. Let's see. KL means a new beginning, since you are always a PJ resident at heart. But that does not mean you will be having a new home in KL. And the home security could mean you have financial security. And the sea simply means lots of water, lots of money! Wah, looks like you are going to strike it rich!! Haha! Just my crappy analysis! 8-)
Recent blog post: My First Day In KK
Btw, I hope you really see the beach and the sea in your dream, not the Gombak River or something. Haha!
Recent blog post: My First Day In KK
Hey Debbs, I’m back, so sleepy terzzzzzz just now, did I miss ur chop? :(
Sorry I’m late JL, hopping over to your blog now! :)
Hey Marzie, no one chopped yet! I think everyone lupa la. :):)
LOL Ane! So LJ was in ur dream after all , talking to me on the phone ha ha!
Guidance counsellor sounds cool Ane!
Ha ha ha Ane! I hope to see u in my dreams, but not the way you were when you tried to take revenge on B, crouching in the corner with ur hair in ur face oh no?! ;)
I hardly dream abt me being rich and vacationing away Shemah!
Debbs kaki kuda ye, pi race track all LOL!
Exactly Ane!!! Your dream was totally in synch with today’s fashion, I love it! :)
Kat mana Debbs, takde pun kat rotp!!
Lol!! Bila plak I go race track?
Takde? Ada la..dah publish dah..
Dalam mimpi Ane! She met u at the race track it seems LOL!!!!
Silly me, I was refreshing ur MM post!!!! I see it now!
LOL to Gombak River, oh tidak! ;)
Ha ha ha ha ha Foong!!! I like ur crappy analysis the best la, so detailed like dat and I hope some parts are true esp me striking it rich!!!! Woo hooo!!!! :)
Foong, that’s why it’s a dream, not real mah lol!
Oh I prefer a snowy mountain area to live in now too Debbs, cause so hot here. :)
Hey Maxi! You’ve been busy studying sweetie? Thanks for dropping by yeah? Ill hope over to ur site too, have a good one! :)
Speaking of Adgi, I haven clicked or dropped ec at all today!!! :(
I just wish I know what mine is trying to tell me Bluedreamer lol! :)
Bem Bem, congrats on joining Adgi! Now I will click on your adgi every time I drop EC woot! :)
Lol poor thing, refreshing the freaky froggy post lagi..hehehe
Bem bem, baca la FAQ dia, Adgi is very easy to comprehend, straightforward and takde udang sebalik mee! ;)
Ahahaha I didn't notice that bit lol!!!
Oh Ane lives in the mountains..not snowy la of course but still cold...
Jgn pening dengan Adgi, Bem Bem! Adgi is my number 1 choice now, I am a big fan of Adgi! :)
Tu la, 3 kali refresh, freaky froggy jugak yg keluar LOL!
Ane lives in the mountains? Ooooooh sejuk pijuk tu! :)
Tu la Debbs main kuda it seems in Ane’s dream!
I oso cant wait for my meow blog even though I’ve not written my first post yet ahaks!
Ha ha ha h red lappie and red swimsuit chatting away with us Ane? Oh so cute! :)
Sandman knows how to ambik my hati Shemah, he he he! ;)
Thanks Monica! I hope so too, I can’t wait la to move into my new “dream home” LOL! :)
I'm clicking on Adgi and EC as we apeak. :)
Lol @ greaky froggy! Hehehehe
Ye lah, the water must be so cold!!
Oh kuda Osim kot lol!!
I tulis greaky froggy ke Debbs??? LOL!
Ahhhhhh hahahha that makes sense kuda osim cause hari tu cakap pasal kuda osim kan dengan TG! :)
Takde pun, I ke tulis greaky froggy just now lol!!
Tapi didn't talk to Ane about kuda osim lol!!
Ah u tulis greaky froggy hahahhaha!
Ane terbawak2 our conversation without realizing it kut Debbs, in her dreams that is!
Hahaha jahat la this G, duduk sebelah F lol!!
Maybe kan? Her subconscious mind working OT.
Starting my adgi and ec round now only Debbs! :(
You still have time, Marzie. :):)
Mariuca.. I also haven't finished ec and Adgi...just came back :-D
YAY! Then we can drop together-gether Mon, just at Alright now lol!
Almost done with Adgi Debbs, clicked rotp and cns edi!
Thanks Marzie...phat-photo and wallet also got Adgi. ;) Silly Mr. G, now PW got his PR back. Lol!!
Oh that’s good news Debbs, congrats!!! $$ :)
at least u're better than me still at Go! Go!
I dropped on my important blogs for MPG edi, now dropping on important blogs for WOAFS!
Hehehe luckily I didnt' cry over it lol!! Hi Monica!!
Yeah la, maybe that day was a technical glitch or something, janji dapat balik PR woot!
Hi Debbs! are u done with yr post on CMarket?
ohh...btw the connection is ok today hopfully can finish fast la! :-D
Yeah connection is okay today, now dropping for WOAFS first!
Where did u go just now Mon? Supper?
�we went to sea park for nasi lemak, Mariuca ;-)
Wah nice ke the NL at seapark? We had secret recipe for dinner. :)
fascinating Mariuca...
I hope your dream comes true one day :) :)
Recent blog post: Anzac Day 2009 - my Artwork published!
have a lovely Tuesday and stay cool 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Anzac Day 2009 - my Artwork published!
gosh I just received this msg! >.<
the NL very nice Mariuca...a lot of ppl even late at night!
ohhh u had secret recipe... yum! yum!
Oh my how come not sleeping yet Mon? Still not done dropping???? Me too! :(
Hey Kim! I have the AC on practically 24/7 nowadays to help me keep cool in this ultra hot weather, you have a great one today! :)
Awwww thanks Kim and if my dream comes true, I wish to see u hanging out in my duplex and enjoying the beach here with me! Hugs! :)
Mariuca i dropped 300 aldy!!!!!
Wah!!! Am stuck here la Mon, connection suddenly sucky, done with WOAFS but struggling with MPG! :(
Woo hoo, thanks for your vote of confidence Shemah, don forget my billionaire promise to you LOL! :)
awww.....i hate sucky connection!!! :(
Yeah la Mon, still at Alright, tension! :(
Bnyk glitch la Mr G. Hari tu masa baru move to phat-woman, dia letak PR5. If only that's reality kan?
Morning Debbs! WOW kalau PR5, confirm la u OKB next month, hopefully soon yeah? :)
Morning Marzie! Hehehe right now what I do is keep my expectations low, so that I won't be disappointed. :):):)
Like me, debbs!! I think MSE is meant to be 0.. so I never expect anything..
funny how I expect JPP to have higher PR! LOL!
That’s a good way to psyche yourself Debbs, hopefully Mr. G concurs! :)
Shemah, tak kan la MSE never enjoyed a PR, langsung tak pernah ke?
Go MSE go! No PR oso still getting lotsa kaching! :)
Mr. G, even God is merciful! ;)
Hahahaha that's why I love my MSE so much.. byk rezeki dia.. LOL!
In January 2009.. it had pr1 from the 7th until the 15th I think. But that
seems like a glitch too. so no.. tak pernah!! LOL!
ROTFLMAO @ even God is merciful! hahahahaahahaha
Wuaahh.. bestnya kalau confirm pr5 debbs!! woohoo!!
Tu la, I tak pernah pun dpat 20 bucks PB for MPG now that she’s a 0! :(
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!