If I had one wish right now, it would be for a bigger, more comfy new home! That is seriously the one thing both B and I are aiming for in this phase of our married life. Don't get me wrong for we love our current home. It's our first major purchase as husband and wife so naturally we hold it close to our hearts. The location is great; nearby to some of the major shopping attractions in PJ and it's also close to B's office. Furthermore, I also have one of my closest friends as my neighbour; living right above my unit so it's almost perfect!
The one thing missing from our home right now however is a backyard; a garden with real grass growing and flowers in full bloom where our cats are free to roam about and bask in the sun! If you're a regular at my blog, you'd know that B and I are proud owners of three beautiful and fluffy cats. They're so much a part of our small family and we treat them as equals most of the time. Phoebe for instance gets to sleep with me on my pillow almost every night. It's funny how I'd rather squeeze over to B's side of the bed for fear of overcrowding my baby girl!
So when we finally purchase our second home, it will be a proper house and not just a condo. It will have a huge backyard for the kids to enjoy. A new bigger home would also mean a nicer home office for me and perhaps a separate study for B. Right now, his work space consists of a small cosy corner in the living-room, where his piano is also located. Another thing I'd love to have in our new home is a beautiful hobby room, for me to display all my miniature perfumes and B's amazing HRC shot glass collection too!
Owning a second home for us right now however is merely a distant dream. With the current economic scenario looking as gloomy as ever, it is simply beyond our means. Well, at least we already own our current home so that's something to feel good about. But then again, it doesn't hurt to envision how our new home would look like for I am a dreamer after all!
Okay, before this dreamer here bids you goodbye to catch up on her beauty sleep, I will leave you with the link to the beautiful Phoenix New Homes at Cachet Homes. If you're in the market for a new home, this could very well be the only site you need to visit. Established in 1990, Cachet Homes offers semi custom luxury homes of simple elegance and sophistication. Backed by award-winning architects and engineers, each Cachet Home ensures your satisfaction as proud owners of homes that are finely crafted with your comfort and serenity in mind. Character, Craftsmanship and Care - that is the Cachet Commitment. Happy house hunting and I'll see you in a couple of hours!
Boom! FC????
Muahahahah!!! Got it...!!! I can't believe!!!
Btw, it's a nice house! Here in Penang the houses are too pricey :(
Aiya! Miss FC!!! Beaten by Faisal >:o
But not star post! Not too bad lah, Haha! :-D
Eh, why must I insert my avatar again? :(
Wah! looking for a dream home. This time landed property some more! There are some nice houses in Bandar Utama near 1 Utama going for over RM1.5 million. Can check that out. But if looking for big garden, look elsewhere :)
I always prefer landed property to condos, cos I love gardens!! A home without a garden is like not a home to me :)
:'( :'( >:o >:o >:o >:o
:'( :'( :'( :( :( :(
okay, that was me! :) hhahaahah... so sad...
wuahhh faisalll.. congrats!!
I wanna a house with backyard too!! I've lived in one before in Kelang and it was awesome.. each day the "kids" would go out the backyard which the owner had tiled.. and laze around there and watch other pple walk around..
I love it that each morning.. Anja would guide me to the backdoor and vocally expressed her desire to be let our and bask in the sunshine and how each afternoon when it was hot, all of them would rush in and sleep only to go out again when it's late evening
Syiok i tell you!!
aiya... CL is taking forever to load lah!! :(
Anyway!!! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Fuyoo.. RM1.5million!!?? OMG!!!! must be millionaire first like that lah foong!!
what a lovely home! :) :)
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Forbidden City
The different colors and texture combination is so unique and stylish. :) 8-)
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Forbidden City
The lines are so neat. I love the stone. The place seems so bright and airy and fabulous.
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Forbidden City
who says a girl can't dream?:)
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Forbidden City
If i'm missing a backyard.. i'll just go to my mom's house in kk.. but then again, it'll be really nice to own landed property one day. :* :* but need more :-$ :-$ :-$
Hi Shemah! :) How are you today! :) :*
Good Morning Marzie! :) :*
dreaming is a step closer to making it a reality! :)
hey ane! I'm doing fine. Super duper bz.. but i've got to get online to get 2 PBs done. :) :)
Hi Faisal! woot! woot! FC!
Hi SHem:*
Hi Foongpc:*
Hi LJ! :*
Hi Ane! :*
Hi Marzie,
wow..nice adobe. wish I could afford to buy one someday.. well, wishes do come true... wish upon a star! :-D :-D ;) ;)
Hola Faisal, FC indeed! Congrats! :* :*
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Hola Shemah, nice to see u here today dearie! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
:* :* :* Twinks!
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Faisal, first time ever FC here, syabas! You have one point on my SB and a link back to ur blog there! :-D :-D :* :*
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Here oso houses are pricey Faisal! But oh so lawa! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
LOL! Missed FC Foong, nevermind try again next time kay? :* :*
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Eh Foong, not * post but still got point on my SB mah lol! *DONT_KNOW* ;) ;)
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Hi Mariuca! Lovely home indeed.
hi Twinks! :) :*
Wow $$ for Shemah! :)
Sometimes u get logged off I guess Foong, so must insert avatar again, lucky ur avatar is cute he he!! ;) ;)
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Aiyoooooooooo u think I'm a millionaire ke Foong, ha ha ha how la to afford the beautiful houses in BU? My area oso got superb houses oso berjuta-juta sigh!!!!! =-O =-O :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
I loooooove condo living Foong, but a garden would complete my home of coz! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
:* :* :* :* :* :* LJ!
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
:* :* :* :* :* Shemah!
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
I wan a backyard for the kids la LJ, pith them asyik duduk dalam je he he! They oso wan to sunbathe lol! :-D :-D :-D :* :*
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
PitY them that is! =-X :-[ :-[
Recent blog post: MM - Two Occasions by Babyface *
Wah bestnye for ur kids LJ! We tak berani kasi the kids keluar balcony cause for sure they will jump down, so have to stay indoors je la! :'( :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Two Occasions by Babyface *
Mmg la syiok! Takpe2, kena jadi billionaire duly pas tu beli mansion!!! =-O =-O :-$ :-$ :-$ *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: MM - Two Occasions by Babyface *
He he Shemah and her Guest login lol!! :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Two Occasions by Babyface *
It's beautiful LR! I wish to own one just like this one day! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Two Occasions by Babyface *
That's right LR, I loveeeee the texture combination too. Looks very sophisticated, I love!! :* :* :* :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MM - Two Occasions by Babyface *
I love the stone effect too LR, makes it all look so cozy!! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: MM - Two Occasions by Babyface *
I guess B and I are lucky we have a house with a front and back yard eh... *DONT_KNOW* I hope you get to have your dream house too Marzie! :)
YAY for dreamers LR! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Two Occasions by Babyface *
Landed property is always nice Shemah, but I don mind a duplex condo with garden too, mcm Armanee!!! I heart! :* :* :* :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MM - Two Occasions by Babyface *
Morning Ane! How's ur day so far? :* :*
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Ugh! Stressful Marzie! :( Lucas discovered the magic of water and doesn't
want to stop bathing, I had to struggle to get him out... Chakai almost set
out house on fire because she plugged a wire on the wrong voltage and to top
it all off, the whole morning I didn't have internet connection!
Oh no sounds like a terrible day Ane! HUGS!!
I have 3 new jobs to do today Ane, wish me luck! Not sure if I’ll have time to work on a new post! ;)
Good Luck Marzie, and thanks! :) your Hug makes up for it! :) :* I'm working
on a post but I don't know if I'll finish it... :-P
Of coz ur lucky Ane! A cosy little home with a nice backyard sounds perfect! :)
He he me too Ane, gonna have late dinner after this, and then will start burning the midnight oil!!
just gimme a buzz when you're back Marzie, I'm gonna be here till late
late... :) :*
Am always dreaming Ane, and yes one day it'll become reality! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
I'll continue to wishing on a falling star Twinks! I want that beautiful mansion! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :* =-X :-[ :-D
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
*Hands tissue to Emila* :* :* :* :'( :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Hello Jess,
Thanks so much for your interest in my site and I hope you enjoyed your visit. Your offer sounds interesting, please email me the details here - mariuca@mymariuca.com. Thanks again and have a great day! :) :* :*
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Hi Badet, it's nice to see u back. Wish this could be my home now! :* :* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
hi twinks! :)
Oh! Like that oredy now? OK, so it's too bad I missed FC after all. Boo hoo! :'( :'(
Recent blog post: When Lightning Strikes!
It's cute, right? Hehe. I'm cute too :-D
Recent blog post: When Lightning Strikes!
Ya lah, overpriced lah those houses. But I thought you all millionaires already, no? :-P
Recent blog post: When Lightning Strikes!
You look like a million dollars mah, so I thought you sure millionairess lah! Haha! :-P
Recent blog post: When Lightning Strikes!
Condo with garden? Where to find? *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: When Lightning Strikes!
Wah more PBs for Shemah!!! Am finally done with all my PB, no more dah, can rest oredi lol! ;)
LJ! Tu la, gils kea pa nak beli RM1.5 mill house, I wish!!! Come to me $$$$$! ;)
Foong! Armanee duplex got own garden u know? Aiyoooooo when I visited the show unit, I didn’t want to leave la!!!! Kitchen is really small but wow to the garden! :)
ROTFLMAO!!! I wan I wan to be billionaire Foong ha ha!!! Then can happily buy la that expensive home in BU! He he he.. ;)
Very overpriced Foong, how to afford like dat right? The townhouses in my area oso very nice, but yes also very expensive! :(
You are the cutest of them all Foong, eh ur avatar I mean he he he! :)
He he, try again next post kay? FC FC FC! :)
:* :* :*
wow that's such a nice house Mariuca!!!
Morning Monica! :)
Isn’t it Mon? When la can I afford to get one this beautiful? ;)
morning dear! you're here!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Save your feet
I'm sure you can Mariuca!!! ;)
Thanks sweetie, I wan a backyard for my kids and more space for me! :)
actually I kinda like condo maybe becoz of I've never lived in a condo before in my whole life :-P
I love condo living Mon, a duplex condo would be awesome! :)
but R prefers to buy a house *DONT_KNOW*
but R prefers to buy a house *DONT_KNOW*
oh duplex condo.. the one in Damansara Perdana not bad la
B oso prefers a house! ;)
I love Armanee so far Mon! Got garden some more! :)
so nice right a backyard for Chubbs, Benji & Phoebe to play around :)
where's armanee ya?
Ha ha ha ha of coz!!! Now limited space for them to run about, sometimes they even run into me when they’re in a playful mood! :)
hahah.... you didn't bring them out jalan2?
Cannot la, scared they run away Mon!
Somewhere DPerdana side oso I think. There’s 2 Armanees, I went to the showroom, so nice la!
B oso? yeah... since property values are usually higher mah...
LOL... you can put inside your bag mah :-P
ohhh.. very exp la there
Yeah I laik oso house! I lovesurian condo too, went to the showroom as well and again I didn wan to leave cause so lovely and HUGE!!!
Ohhhh put inside my bag can la LOL but can’t take them for walks like woof woof!!!
Very the expense! But oso very the WOW! :)
haha...they're designed to attract people!! :)
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Save your feet
wish that we could have lots and lots and lots of money :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Save your feet
ah you know those ppl who stay nearby my hse always bring their woof woof out and they shit everywhere la! >:o
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Save your feet
I was totally impressed la Mon! Got backyard some more and then maid room lagi!
Yeah me too Mon, don have to worry abt anything right? Just spend away like nobody’s business LOL!
Shit outside your house ke Mon? :(
you mean the condo got backyard? wow!
Yeah and Armanee oso got garden in front!! Like a real house! So nice! :)
yelah Mariuca!!! but how leh.... lol
ya shit near the dustbin outside my hse...lol
Then who cleans the woof woof shit eh Mon? If outside, jauh2 then okay la, but if at ur driveway or something then how!!
wah I like la like that!! got garden in front!
And duplex some more! It was perfect but kitchen was so small!!
if the maids bring the woof woof out, they ll pick it up and throw into the dustbin :-D
yeah normally the kitchen is a very small one!
But surian Kitchen is superb la! Huge and then got pantry room lagi!
Ok la the, but still not nice la to see the shit at ur dustbin eh? LOL! Lucky my meow2 can use litter at home. ;)
Hi Mon! :) :*
that's why la sometimes I stepped on the shit some more!!! ARGH!!!
For sure GP.. one day.. it would be a reality.. believe it!!
I want a home of my own too.. though I have one in SG already lah!! I want
landed property!!
Foong. Buy a duplex unit with a roof top garden lah!!
Hahah.. come to me $$$$
Hhahhaha.. GP and her garden.. I love gardens too.. but I no like
gardening.. so much budget for gardener lah..lol!
Hi Twinks!
:* :* :* :* :* :* GP!
Hhaha.. yihaa.. a backyard for the kids.. woott!!
Eh yelah.. coz your rumah the balcony they all can kluar kan? Better not!!!
Ane.. sounds like a distressing day for you .
Come here for a LJ hug!!
I've lived in flats all my life!!
A also prefers a house! Me .. I like a home :-)
Hahaha.. so cute.. yelah.. they would go onto out laps all kan. When tak
cukup tanah nak run on..lol!
I prefer small kitchen.. but lots of cabinets!!!
thanks for the hug LJ! :) :*
I hope one day your dream comes true to have a very nice home.
Your Friend in PA. :)
Thanks so much Fida, that’s so nice of you. And it’s always nice to hear from Philly woot! :)
Oh, I don't think a Phoenix home is right for you... I think if you're going to move to the U.S. we've got the perfect place for you right here in the Roxiticus Valley...
Just kickin' back with Rex and the girls, watching March Madness basketball and dealing with some nasty computer issues.
Hope you're having a terrific weekend!
Recent blog post: March Madness and a Visit from the Tooth Fairy
marzie, i love yr dream hse!!
Recent blog post: Twitter Wallpaper
got swimming pool somemore!!! hehe 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Twitter Wallpaper
so nice lar to dip into the water on a lazy sunday afternoon like this!!
Recent blog post: Twitter Wallpaper
He he he tenkiu Jean! Need to be OKB so can buy my dream house cash he he he! ;)
Wan to swim-swim mah!!!
Swim away Jean! :)
That sounds lovely Roxy! I wanna go to the US! :):):)
Thanks for stopping by Roxy. Hope ur week is going great! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!