Good morning! My favourite day of the week is finally here and I am free to sigh in relief. It's time for a little RnR after a hectic week so let's forget about work for a moment and enjoy a simple but delightful breakfast with me - Ice Cold Black Coffee and Gardenia Butterscotch bread!

Have you tried this latest variety from Gardenia? I daresay it's the best one yet. It is so yummy that after having one piece, it's very hard to stop! I love butterscotch, so this was an excellent find. Thanks to my friend Sher for recommending it to B, who in turn bought home a loaf for me. The sweet butterscotch goes so well with my favourite Black Roast Nescafe too, which has to be chilled to perfection prior consuming of course.
I hope you enjoyed your early breakfast here because now it's time to get back to work! Thank you to everyone who dropped by and commented here this week, have a great weekend!


«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 266 Newer› Newest»:( :(
yay! :-D :-D
did I make it? *DONT_KNOW*
I MADE IT!!! :-D :-D :-D
I AM FC!!! :-D :-D :-D YEAH!!! :-D :-D :-D
You are Ane, you are FINALLY! Yeeehaw!!!!
At last 1 point for u Ane ha ha ha!!! :)
Awesome Ane, early bird gets the worm! ;)
:):):) Ane!
Dance CQ dance! ;)
I can't believe it's already Friday! =-O
I love Gardenia's butterscotch bread, goes so well with brewed coffee! :-D :-D I love it! ;)
I can't believe I'm your FC!!! =-O :-D ;) 8-) :*
Yeehaw Marzie! :) Doing my dance now!!! :) :*
yay! 1 point for me!!! ;)
LOL! :) good thing I woke up early today! was planning of sleeping in, but
good thing B woke me up! :)
Wait, am having a cam whoring session to commemorate this once in a life
time opp! :) :) LOL!
8-) 8-) *smiling for the photo opp* lol! :-D
Recent blog post: Another Daymare*
TGIF Ane! :)
Woo hoo! Then I hope u liked ur breakfast here Ane, so yum eh the butterscotch bread!
Believe it sweetie, so happy u got to CHOP, it’s a looooooong time coming! ;)
He he go Ane Go! Dance with Lucas since u’re home alone with him right now lol! :)
I have not slept Ane, lucky u caught me early in the day, chop chop chop! :)
Ha ha ha we don call u CQ for nothing right? Snap away! :)
I haven't realized it was already Friday! Whoa! I have so much to do and I
haven't even started!! :) LOL
Weekend is here Ane, let’s rejoice! Hurry up and finish ur work so u can enjoy later! That’s what I’m doing now, finishing off my work asap. ;)
coincidentally, I am having breakfast while viewing this! I actually had a
cheese sandwhich stuffed in my mouth praying that I am your FC!!! lol! :-D
I know Marzie! it's a surprise no one is here yet!
You haven't slept since last night Marzie?
I know, I'm home alone, and his playing with this big box, when he gets
quiet I get nervous! lol!
Ooooh I also like cheese Ane! Now u can enjoy ur day after this chop kay? Hugs!
Right! :) CQ indeed! :) :) :* :*
Everyone is not expecting me to post this early lol!
I am still working on my translation Ane, busy busy busy! So no sleep! :(
Is he near your work station Ane? Then u can keep an eye on him easier eh?
I put off doing my job so I can chat away on JS Marzie... lol!
Absolutely Marzie! :) *hugs*
Oh you are like LJ, working working always!
now he is, like a few feet away from me, that way I can see him clearly, but
he doesn't want me to bug him, very independent this little boy... :)
He he totally understandable, JS is too much of a distraction sometimes yeah?
yes yes Marzie, so distracting JS! ;)
No la Ane, last minute work from client and tight deadline too! :(
Oh so cute that he feels like a big boy enough to not want his mommy bugging him lol! Hugs for Lucas!
Ok Ane, am gonna put up ur avatar now, hang on! ;)
I know right? lol! he's sooo cute! :) but sometimes he just wants me to
carry him... :)
Okay Marzie! :) :)
Ok done! Also added u to the SB woo hoo! :)
WooHoo!! :) Thanks Marzie! :)
It must feel great to hug Lucas! Where’s Chakai?
Oh, I hope you finish your work soon, so you can chat away, or maybe get some sleep, I'll leave you to your work now Marzie, but just buzz me whenever, my TF is always on... :) :) :* 8-)
Recent blog post: Another Daymare*
Yes it does Marzie, since he's a bit chubby... :) Chakai went out with my
MIL Marzie... :)
Ok Ane, nice having u here this morning. Am so sleepy now but need to get this one out of the way first. See ya later! :)
I love chubby wubby babies Ane! :)
WooHoo!!! For real Marzie? Is this for real? :0
2009/3/20 JS-Kit.com Comments <
Okay Marzie! :) :*
Who doesn't, right? :) :*
Wow! Looks like a yummy combination for me.
Recent blog post: Excited to See Them *
:* :* :* congratulations Ane!! :) :) :) good morning ladies! that butterscotch and coffee makes me tummy grumble!! :-[ :-[
Wow, butterscotch flavored bread?? Reali?? =-O
This I have to taste la. Definitely ngam with Nescafe coffee or Dutch Lady Belgian coffee ya... yummy!
Have a great weekend Marzie :-D
Recent blog post: Drops Of Jupiter
Hiya Shemah! :) :*
Sound likes a yummy breakfast!
I hope we have the same flavor here in the Phils. :)
Hey Badet, but we do have butterscotch Gardenia here in the Phils, I buy
mine in a local grocery store here in Baguio... :)
congrats Ane!
morning Mariuca! :* :*
I haven't tried Butterscotch from gardenia yet :-P
my line got disconnected while chatting with you this morning >:o >:o
Thanks Mon! :) :*
coffee & butterscotch sounds like a good breakfast. ;) :)
Recent blog post: Like Mother Like Daughter
Really? Thanks for letting me know. I've seen the chocolate flavors and carrot varieties but not the Butterscotch. Will look for it, :)
Recent blog post: My kind of mix: Chicago Mix of Chicago Popcorn Shops
It's hard to find Badet, it's always out of stock, but it's available here
already... :) just have to be lucky... :) :*
hebat! Saya belum selasai, awak sudah chop! Quick-Chop Mariuca!!! hehe....
This is a new flavour from Gardenia!? I don't see it in Sg.
Recent blog post: Yellow, Yellow Dirty Fellow - PH
Congrats Ane! Yay!! :* :*
I like Butterscotch candy, so I'm curious to try this bread.
Recent blog post: Yellow, Yellow Dirty Fellow - PH
Wow! I love butterscotch candy, so this must be really good! Yum!! :* :* :*
Time to tidur for Mariuca, since you have been up for so long.
Busy is Good at such times
Recent blog post: Yellow, Yellow Dirty Fellow - PH
Have a great weekend - catching on your beauty sleep! :P
Recent blog post: Yellow, Yellow Dirty Fellow - PH
You mean I got the CHOP ECL???? YEEHA!!!!! That is good news for me today woo hoo! :):):)
New flavour ECL and so yummy!!!! Hope u get to try it too. :)
Oh me too ECL, I just loooooove butterscotch, and this bread is really good la! Cannot eat just one slice u know, at least 2 ! :)
I love anything butterscotch Debbs, u dah try this? Ask C to buy today! :)
I have a few more pages left ECL and then I will call it a night! Maybe even be an early bird tomo morn! ;)
You have a terrific weekend too ECL. I know I will after that super speedy CHOP at ur site woot! ;)
Thanks Debbs! :) :*
I haven't tried it, but I will, GP! :):)
Heheh.. sigh indeed!
Hi Mariuca,
My family love Delicia butterscotch too. Have you tried the Delicia Choco Raisin? That's nice too and I like it more than Butterscotch.
Wishing you a happy weekend.
Maybe its high time I stop being polite like a gentleman and become FC again. I was giving you ladies a chance at FC but as they say, chivalry is now dead, so from now onwards I'm gonna hog all the FCs! Bwahahaha!!! :D
Recent blog post: Chp 231. Tea isn’t my cup of tea!
congrates ANe! :*
marzie i simply adores gardenia new breads, both the chocolate & butterscotch! yummm..!! u know, i can finish the whole loaf by myself!! haha
Jean!!! Choc one I haven tried, nice ah???? Oh must buy tomo!!! U skinny winny can la finish one whole loaf woman he he!
sweet dreams, marzie. :)
i've haven't tried the latest range of gardenia.i should give it a try someday.
Recent blog post: Photo Hunt - Yellow
try not to overstrain yourself with work. rest well.
Recent blog post: Photo Hunt - Yellow
wah!! new bread eh??? I haven't try this butterscotch yet!!!
congrat ane!!
marzie! i got 2 new posts; come and chopachop!
congrats te ane!!!
GP!!! you've been tagged!!!
Thanks Gagay! :)
Lama betul tak visit sini... :-D
Thanks Emila! :) :*
Need to find this butterscotch..
never knew about it until I read your post
Recent blog post: Skywatch Friday #16
Thanks Jean! :) :* it was a great start to my morning... :)
oh yes marzie, got choc one. My fav compared to butterscotch. It has choc chips and raisin, marzie! sedap!! and the bread is soft, just like butterscotch! Try la, im sure u'll love it! :)
GP!! I've never had this load yet.. and it sounds so delish.. will surely try it now..
I was wondering why no new comments was coming in for Mariuca folder. now I know.. got new post it seems.. lol!!
And everyone is commenting here!! lol!!
Recent blog post: Another Day Another Makeover *
Time for latest score: TCM
1. LadyJava (164)
2. Phatelara (72)
3. Ane (63)
4. Jean (41)
5. Monica (30)
6. eastcoastlife (5)
7. emila (4)
8. life ramblings (3)
9. Sarah (3)
10. Badet (2)
Recent blog post: Another Day Another Makeover *
1. Phatelara (430)
2. LadyJava (422)
3. Shemah (398)
4. Monica (382)
5. Jean (331)
6. Ane (316)
7. gagay (205)
8. emila (204)
9. Twinks (129)
10. Jackie (37)
Recent blog post: Another Day Another Makeover *
Not bad for someone who's been MIA last week eh.. lol!!
Recent blog post: Get Your First Commenter Club Score Board here *
NGD is leading here.. but not for long!! lol!
Recent blog post: March Many Matters!
thanks for the update, LJ! :)
wah, not bad lar me! 4th place in overall. Good job, jean! ;)
like wise here, LJ! ;)
no prob, Ane! :*
Lol! I thought no one remembers my nickname lol!! Hugsy LJ!
WoW, Marzie, this looks really really good! I wish I could buy a loaf here in the states. i did have Monkey Bread for breakfast....
Me like Gardenia butterscotch!
Recent blog post: Learning Should Be Fun!
Hehe.. Seriously. I eat them with my Skippy Peanut Butter! Oooooh.. Heaven!
Recent blog post: Learning Should Be Fun!
alamak.. I am not there. Hehe.. Sorry guys. Being busy. I will be having 4 tests next week! Crappp~
Recent blog post: Learning Should Be Fun!
haaziq, hv u tried the choco one? it's nice also!! :)
wah!! good combination, haaziq!! Skippy PB the best!! yay!! :)
Chakai loves the chocolate one Jean! :)
haha.. smart chakai! choco one is yumm!! :)
Good luck Blue, hope u pass with flying colours! :)
Dah lama tak makan skippy peanut butter! :)
YAY butterscotch is the way to go, mmg YUM la this bread! :)
All the best, blue!!
I almost forgot abt NG debbs!! Go NG Go! He he!
LJ, I tot sape la NGD tu he he! Now dah tahu! ;)
Thanks for the score update LJ! :)
Yeah lor, new post here LJ! Posting frenzy la katakan!
It’s really best la LJ! Cepat la gi beli today, kat 7-E, then tell me u laik or not this butterscotch loaf! :)
haha, marzie, i just had skippy yesterday. :)
Jean! I bought the choc one today, but got raisins! Now I remember why I didn buy it the same time I bought the butterscotch… anyway tried it and I still prefer the butterscotch although the choc raisin is not bad! ;)
Hugs NGD!
Apalagas Bintang? Pi beli mlm ni kay? Mesti u suka! :)
Blue. You and your peanut butter!!!
haha.. NGD is debbs! apa maksud?
Yest I had famous amos yum!
LJ, try choco wan also.. hehe
Congrats NG for being top TCO!
U oso haven tried Emila? Bila lagi tu? Enjoy the butterscotch Emila, pasti YUM! :)
i see, marzie! M also prefer the BS. but me, i laik anything choco lar! :)
Thank you LR, I caught up on some sleep yesterday. Will zzzzzzzz more today. Hugs! :)
NGD = Ninja Girl Debbs!
Alamak, missed it la dear, but thanks so much for inviting me, next one kay? :)
Sandman! Always a pleasure. :)
I’ve been on a posting frenzy this month and you still didn’t get 1 point in Sandman! Are u ever gonna get on my scoreboard? I’ll be waiting… he he ! :)
I love anything choco Jean, but not with raisins or nuts esp! just good old choco he he!!! Jean, still no news la NN or AV! :(
I like peanut butter and strawberry jam Jean! My fave, lama tak makan oso ni! Hmmmmmm…..
Ah ah lama betul tak Nampak u Bintang! Busy ke balik kampong tu? Happy weekend! :)
wah i laik FA cookies, marzie!!!
Not bad at all LJ! :)
hahaha.. ninja girl! so cute!!!
Please try the butterscotch Gardenia LR! Am sure ur kids will love it too! :)
I love la FA Jean, so different from all the other choc chip cookies kan?
hi sandman! :)
no wonder lar, marzie! u dun like raisin..haha.. i love raisin. M oso dun like raisin, that's why he prefer bs. now i un! :)
Hola Zunnur, so nice to see you today. How are you?
Oh I just tried it today, the choc raisin one that is. But I’m still with the butterscotch one la ha ha! Have a great weekend to you and thanks so much for stopping by. :)
I mean I like raisin on its own or the hawaiian raisin bun, but not with choc la, he he!
She loves chocolates Jean, that's why... :)
yes LR! guaranteed yumm!
Yay! :) 3rd place is not so bad! :)
oh, I don't like raisins Marzie, have you tried the one without raisins?
Ane, u mean just choc gardenia??? I was hoping for that, but the one here is only this one I think, with raisins! :(
Yay Ane! Not bad of course!
I like my PB smooth and chunky, both! :)
All the best for your exams, BCD! :):)
Lol GP! Had enough sleep? I had more than enough sleep, but so panas la today, I wish it rained.
Ala, forgot to ask C to buy me a loaf today when he went to the shop. Boohoo! And when I told him about it, he said he dah penah try! :'(
In here we have the plain chocolate one Marzie, Chakai loves it! :)
I oso laik anything choco! :):) What news from NN and AV you're waiting for la GP?
Boleh??? Ish C ni kan! Some more dah pernah try!! Better make him get for u tomo then Debbs! First thing in the morning! ;)
Oooooh I think I would love the plain choc one Ane! No wonder Chakai loves it. :)
Hiya Debbs, I think I need more zzzz still no mood to blog or drop ni! ;)
Debbs, I wan to become gliteratti member at NN and Titan at AV, so now only NN here at Mariuca and only AV at MPG. Still waiting for them to approve me, nothing oso! :(
Hehehe...C said, "Yes boss." Lol!!
Get some more zzz la...I need to prepare some post drafts ni hehe....
Oh, lambat la NN tu, sabar ok? By next week sure approve tu. :):)
He he he ahhhh like dat la C baru blh satu geng! Enjoy ur bread then Debbs! :)
Yeah cause Jean got hers approved the next day, so tak sabar la me! And AV said it take sup to 48 hours, so I’ll check again tomo then. U Glitterati kan?
I'm sure I will! Lama tak makan butterscotch candy. :P
Yes my NN status is Glitteratti. :):) Hmmm blm ada la OAIM top 8, maybe next week baru ada kot.
Yummy combination indeed Ruby, thanks for having breakfast with me dear! :)
I pun lama tak makan butterscotch candy Debbs! I love la BS! Mmg yum! :)
SO best ke jadi gliteratti Debbs? What are the perks that u’ve been enjoying so far??
Glitteratti members get more ads and higher rates than non-Glitterati members. Oh can get invites to exclusive NN activities such as blogger meets, parties, movie premiers, contests and etc. But I've never joined them la hehehe...
PB oso u guys get kan Debbs? Ok ok want to see what Glitter can do for WOAFS! :)
Ane, the choco gardenia got the one without raisin eh?
hehe.. good choice, marzie!! i like my PB chunky!! like to bite on those chunks lar. hehe
haha, twinks! Here's a nice iced lemonade for u! Enjoy! :)
That's right, show C who's boss Debbs! LOL! :)
how do you become active in glitterati anyway? i'm a glitterati member but
haven't explored it really... :-P
yup, just plain chocolate Jean, it's super yummy! :)
hahaha, debbs, i thought u were glitter member since u know so much.. tehn at the end u said you're not.. lol!
U oso glitter Ane? Wah, I’m so behind! :(
I can imagine Ane, plain choc is always da best YUM! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!