Three people tagged me with the Penmanship Tag, which means they really wanna see my handwriting! I am so used to typing and I hardly really write using an actual pen any more, that I had a difficult time writing down the really easy words for this tag! Anyway, this is what I managed to scribble for you, so what do you think Nick, Jean and Gagay? Did I pass your penmanship grade?

By the way, I used the lovely notebook Emila sent me to write this tag!
1. Write down who tagged you.
2. Answer these:
- your name / username / pseudo
- right-handed or left-handed?
- your favorite letters to write?
- your least favorite letters to write?
Write “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
3. Tag five persons.
Ane, Sushi, Tina, Foong & Fida! I am also tagging anyone else who would love to show off their handwriting to me! Have fun and happy weekend to all my readers and visitors today.


:-[ :-[ :-[
wait must refresh and see whether got somebody ahead of me or not...*refresh*
:* :* :*
:* :* :* :* lj
am i? :-[
hi lj!! long time no see!
Hi! Will wait for the FCC blogroll! Thanks for replying! :)
:'( :'(
congrats Emila! :*
yay! :-[ :-[ :-[
Hi LJ! :)
Hi MArzie! :* :-D
Hi Emila!!
Yelah .. sibuk ni. mommy is here :)
Marzie! I always like your handwriting; so neat and comel!!! :*
congrats, emil! ;) ;) ;)
Congrats dearie :)
Recent blog post: Another Day Another Makeover *
ok back to work!! Hi GP!!!
Recent blog post: I Love My Twitter Followers
Yeah.. I agree. GP's handwriting is so neat!!!
thank you twinks!
oh ye ke! regards to mommy k!!
thanks elai! :*
didn't make it! :( :( :(
thanks lj!
Nice handwriting Marzie.. neat... :-D :-D :* :*
ok! take care lj!
TGIF marzie! :-D :-D :* :*
Adam was so good looking last night! hahahaha...and Danny as always.. :* :* :-D
i agree... :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Pink Fridays V: Hand-shaped Couch
:* :* Wow Marzie.. I swear your handwriting looks just like my cousin's! LOL! Nanti2 if I need an interim post I take this post ya?? heheeh.. sounds cool!
:* :* :*
I should be on a posting frenzy ni.. got 2 PB to do.. :) :)
Refresh away Emila, it's you! 8-) 8-)
Pestaim u chop pakai smiley Emila ha ha! :-D :-D
congratulations Emila!! :) :) :* :*
Hi LJ, nice to see u today dearie! :* :*
:* :* Twinks!
YAY! Satu poin kat SB, satu avatar kat sini, congrats Emila! :* :* :*
:* :* :* LJ!
How is mommy doin LJ? U busy cookin? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
:'( :'( :'(
Happy working LadyJava! :* :*
Yeah la long taim no see LJ! :'( :'(
Hi Tere, thanks for stopping by! Hope to get the blogroll out soon yeah, keep the members coming meanwhile! :* :*
Hola Twinks! :* :*
nice handwriting Mariuca! ;) :)
YAY! Tenkiu Emila, some ppl think it's too small but I like it this way he he! =-O :-[ 8-) 8-)
:* :* Elai! Another post comin up later today hopefully, come CHOP then kay? :* :*
:-[ :-[ :-[ Thanks Twinks! Love that u think it's neat! :* :*
TGIF Twinks! Any plans this weekend? Aside from chopping away lol! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :*
:-[ :-[ Thanks Elai! Happy weekend. 8-) 8-)
I also hardly really write...lol *DONT_KNOW* :-E
i'll wait for it and hope i can make it this time ... ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: Pink Fridays V: Hand-shaped Couch
i remember in high school, my teacher has a handwriting like that. I tried hard to copy it, but to no avail ... :( :( :(
Recent blog post: Pink Fridays V: Hand-shaped Couch
Eh so cute la u Elai, tried to copy ur teacher’s handwriting it seems! Hugs! :)
Ok Elai, I will tweet my new post later yay! :)
He he what for wan to write when I use my laptop all the time right? LOL! Happy Fri Monica! :)
Thanks sweetie! :)
:):):) Monica!
Hi Shemah!
Oh me too 2 PBs Shemah, asyik2 2 PBs, bila nak habis ni? LOL!!!
Wah wah wah ye ke Shemah? Eh take picture la ha ha hah a! Yes sweetie, this is def a good interim, kan ada 2 PB to write, apalagas? LOL! :)
Adam was cool eh last night? Matt was just amazing, as usual! :)
YAY! Thanks dearie, I laik my handwriting oso he he!
it's hard! LOL! >:o >:o
u know it's a matter of personality thing! :-D :-D :-D
maybe that kind of handwriting doesn't fit my personality, *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-D :-D
LOL!! Have u done this tag Elai? Maybe u can show us ur handwriting! :)
Perhaps Elai, oh now I really wanna see ur handwriting, go for it! :)
haven't done this tag yet =-O =-O =-O
no one tagged me yet, LOl!
Recent blog post: Pink Fridays V: Hand-shaped Couch
Elai, feel free to grab this tag here. I mentioned in my post for anybody interested to show me their handwriting, are welcomed to have fun with this one! :)
very nice ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: A Prayer Out Of Darkness
=-O =-O =-O do i have the guts to show my handwriting? LOL!
Recent blog post: Pink Fridays V: Hand-shaped Couch
I think I'll try ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: Pink Fridays V: Hand-shaped Couch
Sure u do Elai! :)And it’s fun too!
Awesome! Buzz me when ur done yeah, I wanna see ur handwriting too! :)
Thanks Bing, have a great weekend. :)
I would surely buzz. i'll do it later tonight then post it tomorrow :* :* :*
i'm going home anytime soon >:o >:o >:o
Wow GP! You have a lovely penmanship. I really like the strokes of your handwriting.
Is there an award for last chopping? LOL! :-D
Recent blog post: Permanent Hair Removal
so pretty hand writing mine like cakar ayam
This is cool. I'll let you know when I am done doing this tag.
Have great weekend. ;)
Recent blog post: First Book of Amerindo Kitchen in Series
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
nice penmanship GP!!! ;) ;) ;) ;)
congrates emila!! :)
Recent blog post: Best Green Tea Cake
marzie, yr handwriting is really neat! love it!!! :) :* :*
Recent blog post: Best Green Tea Cake
I am so happy to see you scribbled my name. Thanks, woman!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Best Green Tea Cake
hehe, M is your fav letter ye! i love M too!! :)
Recent blog post: Best Green Tea Cake
oh, V def my least fav too! i preferred u than v. hehe. :)
Recent blog post: Best Green Tea Cake
ok, dear, i need to do a post now then continue my makeover.. see u later!! :)
Recent blog post: Best Green Tea Cake
Happy Friday, Marzie & B! Enjoy yr dinner! *HUGZ* :* :*
Recent blog post: Best Green Tea Cake
Tag me again? Hmmmph!! >:o
Abaden Foong! Faster show me ur handwriting LOL!!!
Congrats Kak Emi! :)
Your handwriting is so feminine, Marzie! :* :* :*
I think it suits your personality. 8-)
I'm sad today. C is also sad. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Anyway, someone please tag me with this! I wanna do this tag hehehe... :*
Your handwriting very nice! I like! :) :) :)
Feminine? He he he he, sounds so comel he h ehe, thanks Debbs! :)
Seriously Debbs? That’s good to know woo hoo! When can see ur tulisan eh?
WHY Tears Debbs???? Some more C oso sad…hmmmmmmm!
Eh I tot somebody tagged u oredi Debbs! Do la this one, see I tagged semua yg nak show off their writing here lol!
YAY! Thanks Foong, hope to see ur handwriting soon! :)
Hugs Jean and have a good weekend with M, thanks so much for stopping by! :)
Ok Jean, will be stalking with Phoebe tonight lol! :)
Yeah V doesn sound nice oso he he Veeeeeee! ;)
TGIF Mariuca!!! yay!
He he M is for Mariuca and for Martin, for sure la u love woman! :)
Yahoo!!! Friday’s here Mon, rejoice!!!
Sure Jean, thanks for tagging me, susah tu nak tulis pas tu ambik gambar, pas tu load to laptop LOL!!! But yay, this was a cool fun tag! :)
YAY, thanks so much for the compliment Jean! U know me, like things neat and organized, sampai writing pun terikut2! :)
Why thank you GG! And thanks for tagging me too. :)
hahaha.. ok, marzie! i'll keep my kitchen open for the both of u. I dunno bila nak siap ni coz havent start yet. :-P
Hey GG! Sleeping already?
Hah? Ha ha ha ha! Im stalking and refreshing, for that I rest first LOL! :)
Ok jean, no worries. Just buzz2 when u’re almost ready so can prepare lol!
Sure Fida, have fun with the tag and happy weekend. :)
Really TH? YAY, sukanya saya! Thanks sweetie, have a good one! :)
ALAKAZAM Ruby! Awww thanks so much, it’s been a while since I last used a pen and paper to write, so this was cool. Feel free to grab the tag yeah? Ohhhhh he he he award for last chopping? I’d have to give it to quite a few Mariucans then lol! :)
Night night Elai, hope u get to CHOP next post yeah? :)
Mmg comel pun Marzie! :):)
No one tagged me with this yet lol!
C's cousin's ex-husband passed away yesterday afternoon. C's very sad, I am sad too.
Hehehe...mt handwriting not as nice as yours la, shy la me!
Tenkiu cutie, hugsy!
U can take from me Debbs, kan I cakap at the bottom of my post it’s for anybody who wants to show me their handwriting, tak yah tunggu, buat je! Then I come CHOP ha ah hahahah!!!!
Ohhhhh I see, sorry to hear that Debbs and C! So are u guys going to the funeral ke mcm mana? Sakit ke? :’(
I have a feeling your handwriting will be supercool Debbs, can’t wait to see!
Lol! Okay nanti I buat but not tonight la kot. Need to do some work hehehe
Sure cutie, me too doing some work. Dah habis satu file ni, will start on second file but first nak buat kopi sat! :)
He meninggal sbb kena heart attack masa tgh drive. I've never met him before and I'm really sad because he has always wanted to meet me and now hajat tak sampai. :'( C is going to meet up with family from Kulim and SG later today. They'll be going to the funeral tomorrow. The guy Buddhist, so cremate la kot. He rapat dgn C and family more than the cousin (his ex-wife), and he's like a big brother to C, that's why C terasa sangat walaupun they're not blood-related.
Ah no lah, not supercool at all! Lol!!
Aiyooooo some more heart attack masa driving! :’(:’(:’(
Ok, of course you guys are sad, hugs for the both of you. Maybe u should spend time with C tonight Debbs, make him feel better. Mmg kesian la dgr citer2 mcm ni. My condolences to you and C .
Let me be the judge of that Debbs! Maybe I laik ur writing? ;)
Ambik gambar punya pasal, most probably I use my nicest-looking handwriting kot lol!
Oh C is okay, dia dah tido. He has to get up early later for work sbb nak prepare for the coming F1. Thank you, Marzie. Some more the guy has a son tau, baru masuk college last year. Kesian the boy la. Dah la parents divorced, now daddy dia dah takde pulak. :'( Dia sendiri went and send sms to inform all his dad's contacts tau. I was so tersentuh when I found out.
Aiyooooooooo mmg sedih tu Debbs! I can’t imagine la! Hari tu baru je cakap pasal Shemah’s fren kan, and then the next day my client’s dad passed away so cancel app, and now C’s cuz! Hugs all around! :(
C said, org baik salu pegi cepat sbb God loves them. Tapi sedih la. :'(
C's cousin passed away, Jean. :'(
That’s what they say kan Debbs? Takpe, of coz u guys are sad tonight. More hugs for u and C kay? :)
Thanks so much Marzie. Hugsy for everyone! :)
lovely handwriting Mariuca :) :)
very neat!!!
Recent blog post: Starry Starry Night
Cantiknya your tulisan :) Exactly what I've imagined it would be! :-D
Eheheheheh eh.. maluunyaa!! :-[ heheheheeh.. thank you Nessa!! :-) :-)
Thanks for the tag Marzie! :* you know how much I love tags! :-D
Recent blog post: SpitzTunes--Speak Easy**
tag is up, marzie! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: My Handwriting
i still didn't make it :( :( :(
Recent blog post: My Handwriting
Thanks Kim, I like it neat so YAY! :)
Hola Nessa, thanks sweetie! Bila can see ur writing lak? :)
Welcome Ane! Can’t wait to see ur handwriting, I have a feeling it’s gonna be very neat as well. Have fun! :)
YAY, hope u had fun with this one Elai! :)
Elai, still more posts coming up in March, hang in there! ;)
uw i love your curly g's very cool! thanks for the tag mate. hope your having a great weekend x
I did this tag way back in January :)
Here's the link : http://nessa-mumblings.blogspot.com/2009/01/pen-is-mightier-than-keyboard.html
Ish, beriya-iya pulak I pegi cari my handwriting post! Hahaha
Hahahaha funny lah you Nessa!! I think I did read that handwriting post!
Thanks for the linky.. nak tengok lagiiiii!!
LOL Nessa!!! I saw ur post la wah rajin la u! Siap tulis the questions lagi LOL!!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Our 7-Year Anniversary! ***
He he thanks for noticing the curly wurly gs Tina! Can't wait to see yours, have fun sweetie. 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: MM - Our 7-Year Anniversary! ***
Woof Marzie! It's been a while since I last stopped here for a visit. Thank you so much for this tag, I only saw it today, but unfortunately you can't see my handwriting because I can't grab a pen with my hand, I mean my paw :(
Oh, today I robbed my EC piggy bank to peek out from your 3 cyber homes!I'm so happy I could afford it and I'd like to thank you once again very much for peeking out so often in MPL.Woofies!
Recent blog post: End of Spring/Beginning of Summer in Troy,MI
Woofies!!! Sushi, u can ask Mama to do the writing tag if she’s in the mood yeah? Ohhhh he he so cute la u Sushi, robbing ur ec bank just to advertise at my sites, love and hugs! And sure, I gotta keep my presence at MPL so u won forget me meowies! :):):)
:* :* :* :* emila!
Hugs Emila!
Hi Twinks!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!