Saturday, September 21, 2013

Yummy TV!

Football season is back and thanks to our newly-installed UNIFI and the IPTV sports channels we enjoy on Hypp TV, B is definitely on football frenzy! Smiley

In case you’re wondering, Hypp TV is a broadband TV service for couch potatoes like me to enjoy a variety of movies, sports, TV serials, documentaries, entertainment and news on-demand. Delivered via high-speed broadband network, Hypp TV brings me High Definition channels and crystal clear transmission even when it rains unlike ASTRO! Smiley 

This bit of info on Hypp TV is of course meant for local viewers like me but if you’re reading my blog from the UK, you may want to check out BT TV for similar packages on the best rates for your TV, Broadband & Phone needs. 

Who doesn’t need faster Internet speed, better call rates and more TV channels these days? And With BT you view, which is one of BT’s more popular services; you will gain access to over 70 Freeview channels for both radio and television, including 4 HD channels too so do check them out for immediate sign-up! 

As for B, there are plenty of sports channel on Hypp TV for him to enjoy during this football frenzy  including the newly-added Astro SuperSport HD and Astro SuperSport2 HD as well as MU TV. And since he was the one who was most gung-ho about our switching to UNIFI, I have given him free reign over the TV remote for now. Smiley 

It’s all good however because none of my favourite TV programs like American Idol, X-Factor and The Voice are currently showing. Plus I’m mostly watching stuff I got off the Internet lately namely Bold & Beautiful and Masterchef Australia and US.

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Happily catching up with Ridge & Caroline on B&B

Speaking of Masterchef, I have been so inspired to cook these last few months! Every time I watch an episode, I’d not only end up feeling damn ravenous, I’d also be so excited to cook one of the many yummy recipes I’ve been learning from the Masterclass!Smiley 

Some of my dishes have been failures but some have turned out oh so scrumptiously beautiful, even I was impressed with my ‘cooking skills’! Yup, cooking and trying out new recipes is definitely one of my new things thanks to my TV-watching days! Smiley 

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Garlic Prawns with Butter Glazed Asparagus, Sweet Corn & Mashed Potato
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Grilled Steak with Garlic Herb Butter (which I made from scratch!)
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Delicious Glazed Carrots

So how about you? What are you up to lately and is it as deliciously interesting as my new hobby? ihikhik


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