Now that the day is finally over and I can reflect and what has happened, here comes the blues and tears!

Get Well Soon, Love!
B's Bland Food
As some of you may already know, the love of my life is currently in the hospital. I won’t get into details here but do read my FB page if you would like to find out more about his situation. So many wonderful people came to our comfort and assistance during this trying time and there were so many incidents that happened yesterday, which truly made me grateful and thankful to have a wonderful family, true blue friends and great group support during our misery.
My BFF Virgo buddy DD was the first to come to our rescue. She went out of her way to turn her car around from her route to work, to personally pick me up from the hospital to send me home, while stranded in DSH yesterday morning, when she saw my distressed tweets online.
I received many personal messages and phone calls from friends online and offline seeking to offer help and comfort. Thank you to my blog buddies Monica, Bam Bam, Maria, Emila, Nessa, Foong, LJ, Haaziq, Bella, Bill, Lainy and Rizal and to my other friends on FB. Thanks to our family members as well and B’s colleagues and friends for their obvious concern and urgency in visiting B in the hospital.
My parents and sister Mel’s presence in the hospital; staying by B’s side and making sure our needs are cared for during B’s absence from home made me appreciate them even more. Thanks to my sis Intan as well for the pep talk over the phone.
Our good friend Zeffer came all the way to Damansara from a long tiring day of work in Subang to be by our side and cheer B up, making sure things were running smoothly.
Our Cat Lady offered to take care of our fur-kids while I’m away taking care of B, at no cost.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much to everyone who checked in with us today to make sure we are coping well and working our way through B’s revival as he sadly recuperates in the hospital. Your kindness will forever be remembered.
My BFF Virgo buddy DD was the first to come to our rescue. She went out of her way to turn her car around from her route to work, to personally pick me up from the hospital to send me home, while stranded in DSH yesterday morning, when she saw my distressed tweets online.
I received many personal messages and phone calls from friends online and offline seeking to offer help and comfort. Thank you to my blog buddies Monica, Bam Bam, Maria, Emila, Nessa, Foong, LJ, Haaziq, Bella, Bill, Lainy and Rizal and to my other friends on FB. Thanks to our family members as well and B’s colleagues and friends for their obvious concern and urgency in visiting B in the hospital.
My parents and sister Mel’s presence in the hospital; staying by B’s side and making sure our needs are cared for during B’s absence from home made me appreciate them even more. Thanks to my sis Intan as well for the pep talk over the phone.
Our good friend Zeffer came all the way to Damansara from a long tiring day of work in Subang to be by our side and cheer B up, making sure things were running smoothly.
Our Cat Lady offered to take care of our fur-kids while I’m away taking care of B, at no cost.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much to everyone who checked in with us today to make sure we are coping well and working our way through B’s revival as he sadly recuperates in the hospital. Your kindness will forever be remembered.