Having a major Triberr (social network) issue right now, which is pissing me off but there’s not much I can do about it. To some, my plight may sound trivial and not worth stressing over. But for perfectionist Virgos like me, we tend to get really restless when something goes awry in our usually smooth-sailing life hence the stress.

Like I told my friend Emila on Twitter, I’m gonna de-stress with comfort food and lots of them! When I am stressed, I tend to pig out (hence the yo-yo dieting and weight) and as bad as that sounds, it does help to calm me down.

I am also stressed with work that is waiting for me this weekend. Annual Report season is back, which I love because I get more opportunity to make moolah but one period that I also hate because these would be my busiest days of the year. I have to work on a 10-page Chairman Statement and if you’ve ever written one, you’d understand the headache this very important piece of document can give!

Stressful Mess
So, apparently, I am stressed about work, keeping up with my MMO blog activities, and now this unnecessary Triberr issue is adding more weight to my burden. What I need right now besides comfort food is another vacation and a really long one at that! A week-long stay in Rome apartments sounds perfect right now, don’t you think?
What do you guys do to de-stress? Do you indulge in sweet delicious comfort like me then feel a little guilty at first before the food warms you up inside and slowly you start regaining composure again?

Or do you plan a nice long getaway like me and travel somewhere far away; leaving all your worries behind luxuriating in beautiful apartments in Rome, and only deal with your problem after your vacation is over?

Do share your de-stress indulgence with me. Who knows I might pick up one or two new ones to help me relax more? Thanks for reading and have a good weekend!