The union of two hearts in love is always a grand affair. One to be celebrated by friends and loved ones, cherished forever in the hearts of lovers. I was unable to attend the marriage contract ceremony (akad nikah), which was held a few weeks prior to the reception but B snapped some shots of the big day.
Hans looking serious
Kiss of love
Gifts for the bride
Hans and Azrina
Pretty Gift Box
Cookie Love
B without me
At long last, our good friend Hans finally tied the knot with the girl of his dreams and no matter how sick we were on the day of his reception (both B and I were down with the flu), there was no way we could miss this occasion. Moreover, I already missed the first ceremony so this reception was a must-attend for us. 

Cordially invited
We got dressed, prepared our wedding present (decided to go with cash in the end) for the beautiful couple and headed to KGPA to attend the wedding reception of B’s best friend Hans and his lovely bride Azrina, who also happens to be an Assuntarian like yours truly. She’s one year my junior and is also a friend of my younger sister so it was a grand occasion and unity of good friends with the best of beginnings and hope for a wonderful future filled with joy, love and merriment. 
I gotta say the food was delicious and if it wasn't for my snuggly-wuggly outfit, I would have had seconds! The party favour was simple and elegant; a strand of pretty white prayer beads (tasbih) nestled inside a silver box.

In attendance, B and Mariuca
The club was beautifully decorated but my long flowing outfit didn’t allow me to move about as freely as I wished so I settled for taking pictures of the club from my seat hence the blurriness of the wedding dais (pelamin). Nonetheless they seem good enough for me to feature here. 

Wedding Dais
I gotta say the food was delicious and if it wasn't for my snuggly-wuggly outfit, I would have had seconds! The party favour was simple and elegant; a strand of pretty white prayer beads (tasbih) nestled inside a silver box.
Wedding Favour
B and I were seated with our good friend Zeff and we had a wonderful time talking about the past, present and the future. 

Me and Zeff
Arrival of the bride and groom
Flower girls leading the way
Watch your step!
Malay Wedding Dinner
It was also great to catch up with some of our old friends and though I missed out a few photos with several other pals, here are some I’d like to share with you.
Mariuca & Zeff
Me and Hans' sister, Hani
Me and Shahryl (who is still single btw LOL!)
Finally meeting Nizie for the first time
After dinner and the usual speech and blessing (tepung tawar) ceremony, the newlyweds headed down to the cake area to cut the beautiful wedding cake. Fireworks display went off at the same exact time the knife cut into the cake and all the guests were ooh-ing and aah-ing including me.
Newlyweds Hans & Azrina
I was stuck at my table and since B was using our camera to snap photos of the newlyweds, I had to use his iPhone to snap whatever photos I could of the fireworks display. My pictures did not do justice to the sparkling fireworks display that night but at least I managed to capture some shots right? 

Fireworks Display
Enjoying the sparkling view above
Of course there was a picture taking session afterwards and we didn’t miss out on this special moment too.
Zeff, Hans' Dad, Newlyweds and Us
By the end of the night, we were all smiles, elated and happy to have attended and shared in the joy of our friend Hans’ special day and we would like to wish him the best of luck in his new journey of love. Happiness and love, today tomorrow and always … Congratulations Hans and Azrina!