Yay Yay! Finally got the oh so awesome iPhone 4, which is also my Valentine's Day gift from B this year. Thank you very much Love and this by far one of the best gifts I've ever received!

B got me this iPhone 4 at retail price from an Apple reseller so the price was kind of exorbitant as compared to an iphone purchased with a Digi/Maxis plan. Impatient me couldn't and refuse to wait for another few weeks or months to finally own the iPhone 4 so we grabbed the first one we found in One Utama shopping mall. I was so excited at the thought of finally having an iPhone 4 for real so I didn't even bother to ask much about the features and what not and immediately rushed home with my new toy after the purchase!

Remember how I was undecided between the iPad or iPhone? I was already swayed towards the iPhone 4 and thanks to all the feedback I received, I finally decided on an iPhone 4, which so far is proving to be everything a Smartphone stands for and more! 

You can read more on the many awesome features of the iPhone4 here but here's a glimpse of what the iPhone4 offers you.
* Video calling with FaceTime
* Retina display with 960-by-640 resolution
* HD video recording and Editing
* 5-megapixel camera with LED flash
* Dual-mic noise suppression
* Multitasking
* Apple A4 chip
* Voice Control
The first thing I did after setting up my iPhone 4 was to check out the Game Apps available and download the most talked-about game currently - Angry Birds!
I'm so happy with my Valentine's gift from my Darling but the big question now is what do I get him for Valentine's Day this year? 


:* :*
Cool phone mi amiga now you can play all your games to your hearts content ;)
:* :* :* Bill FC! Thanks for the chop mi amigo yay!
Ha ha ha ha yeah it is da coolest phone ever Bill, u sticking to ur BB yes? Enjoy ur BB too kay? :* :* :*
:* :* :*
morning dearie! :-D :-D
soooo sweeeet of B! yay for iphone 4! 8-) 8-) 8-) :-$ :-$
can play games! try go dl fruit ninja, dat game very fun too! chopping fruits!! hahahaha :-D :-D :-D
iphone for this yr vday, n ipad for next yr vday. mwahahaha!!! =-X =-X =-X =-X hopefully B dnt see this! :-P :-P :-P :-E
hurm... how about like this... u oso get iPhone 4 for B!! kakakakaka!! =-X =-X eh no. go get HTC Desire HD for him! most winning phone for now!! LOL!
GP!! Nice! Angry birds is my fav game too. It's so addictive and has lots of levels. Cheers!
alamak bestnyeeeeeee!!!~ ^_^
*Angry birds tu ada angry birds seasons edition. mmg best! :)
wish i could have one.. :(
have a great day marzie and happy blogging
WOW! Happy new iphone, Sweetie! That's so sweet of your Darling B :-) So cool
Glad you finally got the iPhone! What a great Valentine's Day gift from B!!
Now your iPhone more advanced than mine cos mine only 3Gs. Thinking of getting iPhone 5 or maybe 6! Haha!
Enjoy your Angry Birds! Btw, you might want to get Rollercaoster, Tiki Premium and Cut The Rope : )
8-) 8-)
wah!!! awesome and bestnya... can't wait for me to get new phone also!!
though still torn between iphone and htc... me loves the feature on that too..hehe.. and me still on budget.. lol!.. so scared what if MF break down again :(
Happy Valentine's Day to you and B dearie... hhahhaha.. think hard what you need to get him.. susah nak top tu iphone.. ;)
wah...seems like everyone will download angry birds to play!! LOL
congrats on getting a smartphone!! woots
ur darling memang banyak manis!! XD
wow, congrats on your new gadget. what a perfect gift for Valentine. you must be on cloud 9 dear.
hehe, how about getting B an Ipad??? it would be a great combo with your new iphone.
have a wonderful Wednesday sweetie. Happy toying with your new gadget. ;)
i was wondering the same thing too - what will u be getting B for VD pulak? :-D What's better than iPhone? :-P
Ahhh so ohsem getting iPhone for VD gift.. Waiting for your blog post on the Angry Birds game or other game you've downloaded ;-)
Ya, I think this is a good idea! You get B the Ipad n u two can swap whenever you want! :-D
Yayers!! :) Wuaahh what an amazing VD gift! :) The iPhone4 really is amazing isn't it? The camera is oh so clear even in low light situations. Went on a date with my gfs yesterday and both also pestering me to get an iPhone4. Hahaha.. I want an iPad more than an iPhone because my bro said he's getting me a BB. So I'm not sure which one I wanna go for actually. As long as it's a gift for me, and I don't have to pay a single cent, I don't mind really. LOL! :D Beggars can't be choosers, yeah?
But yeah, I agree with Bella and LR, that you should get B the iPad so both of you can benefit. Lagipun, nak top iPhone is pretty hard.. :D :D Yay!! iPad it is for B!!! hahahaaha
=-O =-O =-O =-O
yay! iphone for Vday! :-D :-D :-D
:-D :-D :-D :-D AB addict! :-P :-P :-P :-P
:* :* :* :* :*
that's so sweet Tito B! :-D :-D :-D :-D
:* :* :* :* :* :*
Me : Hallo boleh cakap dengan Marzie...
Marzie : Ye ini saya Marzie dari mymariuca..
Me : Ehhh dengar cerita dah ada hp baru ye..?
Marzie : Abaden abaden... yeeee.. terasa cool, hip and phunk ghitu.. :-D :-D
Wah, syabas.. dah ada HP baru. Tahun baru semua gajet pun baru. Hehe, lepas ni sure HP yang sebelum ni tersimpan ajerrr ye.
Bagus, pilihan cun ambil Iphone dari IPad. Berbaloi kan? Haha, sure musti godek2 dan belek2 jer HP tu : )
wow, it's a good valentine's gift :)
syioknye! u got iphone4 already :) i want the angry bird valentine's version too!
=-O =-O =-O
Oh wow! iPhone 4's great!
You deserve it, Marzie! Finally, you've got what you've been longing for1 Thanks to your B!
So happy for you! Hugs!
Cool! :* :* :*
Your B is so nice :* :* :*
I am rewarding myself a iPad coming end of this week but not a Valentine present :) Anyway I am happy too. :* :* :*
what a great gift from B! hehe looks like more games for marzie!
I would love to have the Iphone 4 too but I'm also scared of technology....hehehe...but if somebody gives me one, I won't refuse it. :)
=-O =-O =-O GG!
Yay indeed, Happy! :* :* :*
Not only AB but a whole bunch of other games GG ha ha ha... =-X =-X :-[
Tito B is da best, lurve.... :* :* ;) ;)
:* :* :* Hi Caroline!
Morning to u too! :* :*
So sweet and so sayang he he, yay for iphone 4! :* :* :*
I bought fruit ninja edi Caroline ha ha ha, dat one not free but yay! :* :*
LOL no worries if he sees also, B enjoys reading my friends' comments here ha ha ha! :* :*
Ha ha ha me broke la dis yr sweetie... anyway B also bought one for himself last week so now both happily enjoying iphone 4 together-gether ha ha ha! LJ just bought Desire too, woot! :* :* :*
I am discovering more and more new games daily GK, help!! Enjoy ur games too LOL! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Ahahahah Bain pun main AB ke? I dah DL seasons edisi dah mmg best! :* :* :*
Ha ha i wish one for u too BD! O:-) O:-)
Thanks for dropping by BD! :-D :-D
Thanks for dropping by BD! :-D :-D
Thanks Lainy, I love my gift!! :* :* :*
Ha ha thanks Foong, love my VDay gift too of coz! Thanks B! :* :* :*
Wah wan to upgrade it seems ha ha awesome la iphone! :-D :-D :-D
Wah I have Cut the Rope edi but haven tried the other two thanks for the rekomendasi then ha ha ha, love my games! :-D :-D :-D
8-) 8-) LJ!
LOL thanks so much Eric, love my iphone and love my B! :* :* :*
I am I am sweetie, still not over my phone yet and enjoying it very much! :-D :-D :-D
That's a great idea LR but B is not into the ipad so much ha ha! ;) ;)
You got ur phone edi dearie, yay Desire! Dah explore? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
If sked2 sampai bila nak tukar phone kan? Happy u bought urs edi dearie hi-five! :* :* :*
Happy Valentine's Day to u and A too sweetie... this year my gift low-key sikit sebab takde budget besar ha ha! =-X =-X :-[ :-[
LOL @ swap whenever we want ahahaha! :-D :-D
Thanks for dropping by LR, happy weekend! :* :*
Thanks Amartya and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :* :*
=-O =-O =-O Hi Maxi!
Nothing's better than an iphone Bella hahaha! So love my gift, so thankful too yay! :* :* :*
So many cool Apps and games for me to enjoy every day, everywhere I go Bella, I absolutely love my iphone! :* :* :*
Yay, dah DL AB Valentine's Day Soulie? Happy VDay to u and Bem Bem btw, sure it was romantic! :* :* :*
Wow and great indeed Maxi! :-D :-D :-D
Shemah! LOL B gelak reading ur comment... confirming iPad for him it seems hahahaha! The camera is great and the Apps especially make it all the more fun and entertaining. Like I told B 'with my iphone 4, I am never bored' hahahahah! Seriously the best phone ever for me and now that B has one of his own too, he too agrees that it's such an excellent buy! :* :* :*
I hope u get an iphone but if the BB is free, then by all means.. bring it home and start BB-ing away like Bill lol! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Thanks Ayie and u are so right abt the games, I am having fun non-stop hahaha! :-D :-D :-D
:* :* :* Hi Michael!
I love my B, thanks Michael! :* :* :*
I am all for rewarding oneself with an awesome toy Michael so enjoy ur new iPad, that is great! :-D :-D :-D
I have been itching for a new phone for the longest time, u are right Maxi ha ha, thanks to B too yay! :* :* :*
Hugs and Happy Valentine's Day to u Maxi! :-D :-D :-D
LOL don't be scared Bing Kee ha ha...u must learn to embrace new technology sweetie.. it is so fun and amazing to learn something new, always amazed at what we are capable of today! I hope u get one soon and I am positive you will be wowed too just like me! :* :* :*
ROTFLMAO reading your comment Rizal, sebijik la macam I ahahahaha! So happy with my new toy Rizal, sebab the last phone si G8 tu betul2 menghampakan, so to feel the difference between the iphone and g8 is like so ketara... terasa kelainannya! :* :* :*
Still enjoying my new toy and still discovering more and more things that I love about the iphone, awesome gift for me indeed, thanks B! :* :* :* :*
Ha ha true dat Ayie! Been playing and downloading new games non stop help! :D:D
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!