From Hotel Novotel in Paddington, we made our way to Leicester Square before proceeding to Trafalgar Square. When we arrived, Leicester Square was jam-packed with people and police security and I wondered what major London events were going on that day.

The crowd got louder as we approached the central square and we realized that we had unknowingly walked into the UK Premiere of Zac Efron's new movie Charlie St. Cloud!
Excitement filled the air and the crowd was wild; loudly chanting for Zac Efron with loyal fans (mostly girls) waving banners and screaming his name every few minutes! 

I wanted to wait for Zac Efron to make his appearance but that would have set us back by another hour at least so I settled for a picture of me in the crowd instead.
Our visit to Trafalgar Square was memorable in so many ways. As one of the most famous squares in UK and worldwide; there were plenty of things to see, history to soak and of course pictures to take.
The latest addition to the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square, Nelson's Ship in a Bottle is a replica of Lord Nelson's ship Victory, designed by artist Yinka Shonibare. I've always loved the collectible ship in a bottle so I was in awe at such a gigantic display of magnificence!
Nelson's Column stands tall in the center of Trafalgar Square. This monument was built at a cost of £47,000 in commemoration of Admiral Nelson who died in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Famous for its feral pigeons at one point, Trafalgar Square is now completely void of these birds. Aside from tarnishing the physical appearance of buildings with their droppings, the birds were considered a health hazard and were gradually driven out so there were none around to feed or photograph.
Along the way, we spotted a group of B-Boys getting ready to do their routine. They were friendly and eager to pose for our cameras. While I was busy taking pictures of them; the obvious leader of the group beckoned me to come over for a snapshot, which I willingly obliged of course! 

It was getting colder and I was starting to feel hungry but vacation memories are important so we continued walking and snapping more pictures for our London album!
Around the base of Nelson's Column sit four lions, each 20 feet long and 22 feet high. Several tourists took the trouble to actually climb up to the lion and sit on the mighty king to pose for photographs. The climb up looked pretty steep and since I was wearing my booties, I did not bother to try. Patting the lion from down below was good enough for me! 

This tourist below however had other plans and we watched her climb up to pose for pictures with her girlfriend who had also climbed up after her. Initially, she seemed happy and excited but when it was time to jump down; she was suddenly crippled with fear! 

Her shrieks had gathered quite a crowd and everyone waited to see her next move. Her friends were laughing so hard, it was contagious! Almost in tears, she did look quite funny and despite the small crowd encouraging her to jump, she was truly and utterly stuck! 
In the end, we friendly Malaysians offered her a helping hand .. or two! Her fear was apparent by how tightly she gripped my hand as she slowly made her way down the steep high monument; all the while shrieking, which made us laugh louder!

In the end, we friendly Malaysians offered her a helping hand .. or two! Her fear was apparent by how tightly she gripped my hand as she slowly made her way down the steep high monument; all the while shrieking, which made us laugh louder!

Leaving Trafalgar Square
It felt like we had walked for miles that evening and I was exhausted. However, I didn't want to miss anything worth viewing so I endured the fatigue; stopping for pictures at Tourism Malaysia.
Our next stop was Big Ben, which is actually not the tower itself but refers to the nickname of the great bell of the clock tower, located at the north end of the Palace of Westminster, London.
The rest of the group went ahead with the London Eye ride, scheduled for later that night. B and I were too tired to tag along so we bid the group good night. While the guys continued exploring beautiful London, B and I took a tube back to Leicester Square from Westminster Station. 

At Leicester Square, we had dinner in a restaurant which serves Malaysian local dishes. I was actually hoping to find a restaurant serving Mexican or Spanish food but the ones we did come across were packed and we were too tired to wait for a table to clear. Perhaps I'll satisfy my craving for authentic Spanish food when vacationing in Spain! I hear holidays to Tenerife are having great promos right now, must check them out when we return home.Anyway, I opted for Spicy Chicken with fried rice while B had the Sweet n Sour Chicken. My dish was a tad too sweet for my liking and as expected, not spicy at all. So thank goodness for the red hot chilli oil you see here, which saved my meal and made it tasty and spicy! 

By the time we finally reached Hotel Novotel in Paddington, it was late night; marking the end of another splendid day in London. Next up, Day 5 in Covent Garden! 


:* :* :*
morning Mariuca! hahaha finally ur EE post is out! :-D :-D
:* :*
whoaa Trafalgar Square!! last time i studied bout it back in college time! wish to step there one day! :-D :-D
wow so many pics!! 8-) 8-) lol @ that tourist! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
waaaa Zac Efron la!! but didnt noe he got new movie. tsk tsk!! >:o
whoaaa nice la, u have big lion at there! when wanna bring back to msia?? :-P :-P :-P
omg!!! =-O =-O is dat chili flakes?! damn spicy la wei!!!
love all the pics sweetie...esp the one u and B hugging each other woot!! ;) :)
wahh ur fried rice looked super spicy! :-D :-D
ahahahah so funny la Caroline!! bring big lion back to msia? :-D :-D :-D :-D
woohoo gorgeous la the place.. bila la i wana go there for a trip.. sigh.. love all the photos... n the b-boyz look pretty cool.. never seen a live show before.. always saw videos je..
the photo u two hugging each other bumping cheeks tu so cute la! hehe.. :-D :-D :-D
:* :* :* Monica FC1!
:* :* Caroline FC2!
Thanks for the EE chop ladies, happy weekend! :-D :-D
Love the picture of you with B-The to finish dropping before I have to go in to town....I couldn't do drops for 2 days..hugs!! :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
hahhaha... i also laugh at your story of that i can just imagine her shrieking and laughing..hahah
Wah feeling sicky lah me.. i have my sweater on and just had hot tea with panadol
am loving the pictures and the stories here sweetie.. hai.. bila i nak gi london ni? lol!
lol.. never believe if they say spicy.. i tell you must always bring our own chili flakes to be on the safe side...ahahah
Hi Mariuca! :* :* :*
Wow, I so want to go to London now after seeing these pics. What beautiful pics that were so much better because YOU are in them! :) :) :)
Enjoy the weekend, sweetie! :* :* :*
Huh? No Zac Efron pics but you as substitute? LOL!!
Hey that guy Aidid Marcelo! have I seen him somewhere before?
Wah!! Posing with the B-Boys! At first I thought Backstreet Boys!! Haha!!
Ooh!! I love the lion!!
Haha!! so funny lah the tourist climbed up the lion but don't dare to get down! LOL!! So it's friendly Malaysians to the rescue? I am so proud! Haha!!
Hey!! I like that small "Mariuca In London" photo! Looks like an ad for a thriller movie or something! Haha
Wah!! So lovey dovey in front of Big Ben! ;)
Wow! Your spicy chicken rice looks super spicy!
:* :* :*
I have climbed the lion statue long time ago too :)
But I managed to jump down by myself as even I asked no one will probably come to my rescue :-P
Thanks for bring back my London memory :)
Well I can't just drop and run...have to stop and say hi! :) :)
see you later..It's cloudy and dreary here today and I am soooooo lazy!! I am going to try to visit Bill again. I keep trying and trying but I can't get his comment box to load for me!! Hugs!! :* :* :* :*
Morning Monica! Yeah finally my EE post is out, ooopsie! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
I told ya this one was gonna have many pics but still not as many as my HRC post lol! He he crazy funny that tourist! =-X =-X :-D :-D :-D :-D
Yay thanks sweetie, I do love that pic too! :* :*
Trust me Mon, the fried rice and spicy chicken weren't spicy at all but the chilli oil was super spicy! =-X =-X =-X :-P :-P :-P :-P
History class is it Caroline? Oh I do hope u get to visit London and TS too one day! :-D :-D :-D
I also didn't know that time Caroline so it was a pleasant surprise ha ha! Zac Efron is cute, I ♥ Zac Efron! :* :* :*
4 big lions Caroline and LOL.. bring him home??? RAWR!! :-D :-D
LOL too! Caroline made me laugh! :-D :-D
That is chilli oil Caroline and yes, super spicy but nice to eat with the so-called spicy chicken fried rice cause fried rice langsung tak pedas! >:o >:o ;) ;) ;)
Hi Bella, thanks for coming by! Yeah mmg gorgeous the place and you must sampai here one day, don't forget that honeymoon coming up hopefully soon he he... :* :* :*
Oh me too never seen a live B-B performance, impressed it seems ha ha! :-D :-D
Thanks sweetie, i love that huggy-wuggy pic of us too, YAY! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Hey Jackie, thanks for viewing the pics, love the B-Boys too, cool! And don't stress out too much with dropping kay? :-D :-D :-D
YAY, u oso LOL LJ? Ha ha ha mmg kelakar la dat time, some more Aidid can ask her to jump down and he'll sambut her it seems, lagi la she screamed louder hahahaah! :-D :-D :-D
Oh no poor thing LJ sickish? Get well soon dearie! :* :* :*
Thanks for always loving my EE stories dearie, you're da best! Ha nak pi London ke Amsterdam dulu ni? lol... ;) ;) :* :* :* :*
Of course I was skeptical when I saw spicy chicken on the menu LJ hahhahahah but anyway da chilli oil was spicy, dat one yes! But if don have the chilli oil, sure no appetite one! :-D :-D =-X =-X :) :)
Yay! I enticed you with my pics David, awesome! Thanks and I did have a good weekend, Happy Monday! :* :* :*
LOL not me as substitute but me in the Zac Efron crowd already good enough mah.. ;) ;) ;)
I think so Foong, Aidid used to be Remaja Host on TV3 and currently host for Soccer Kids! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Sure la have to pose with B-Boyz right? Abaden! Wait to pose for one here in M'sia? Muahahahahhaha! =-X =-X :-D :-D :-D
The lion was indeed majestic and kinda scary too up close cause it's huge! =-O =-O ;) ;)
Ha ha so funny right? We had to laugh along cause she was so entertaining ha ha! Yeah we were the first to step up and help, abaden we all peramah and friendly right? Malaysia boleh! :* :* :* :* :*
OMG dat's eerily true, cause I was the only one in the Mariuca in London shot and that's a panoramic shot too so got full view of surrounding area, yowzaaaa! =-O =-O =-X =-X ;) ;) ;)
LOL @ lovey dovey in front of Big Ben! Just feeling da moment Foong hehehehehehe! :-[ :-[ :-[ :* :* :* :* :*
Not spicy at all Foong, serious-merious! But the chilli oil was spicy!! Super spicy, i like! =-X =-X =-X 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
:* :* :* Hi Michael!
Wahhhhh so brave la Michael u climbed da lion! Quite high and steep!!! =-O =-O ;) ;) ;)
Ha ha ha ha Michael! You are courageous Michael, can easily jump down, if I were the girl too, I think I'd have trouble jumping down so thank goodness I didn't climb up ha ha ha! =-X =-X =-X :-[ :-[ :* :*
I'm happy I brought back London memories for u Michael, YAY! :* :*
Thanks so much Jackie and hi back at cha! :-D :-D :-D
Did u manage to visit Bill? I think he's using ID now at his sites so it could take some time to load some days. Have a terrific Monday Jackie! :* :* 8-) 8-)
That looks like a fantastic holiday to me, even without seeing Zac Efron 8-)
i enjoyed reading your post, thanks for sharing it to us.
glad you had such memorable moments in london. nice captures but i particularly love the shot of you with the b-boys. i like how they strike a funky pose with you, how cool. ;)
too bad you didn't manage to catch Zac Efron in action. :(
it's funny how the girl managed to climb up the lion but scared to come down on her own. glad you people were able to rescue her.
it's my off day today, working from home. hope you have a wonderful week.
WOW! Lovely pics, Sweetie. Thanks for sharing them. Nice shot of u and B ;-) I am soooo late here as always, haha. When can I ever come back to blogging in full swing? Sigh.
May you enjoy the rest of the week, Sweetie. Mwah! :* :* :*
I wish I could go to those places you've gone....hehehe
Dropping and stopping to say hi!! :) :) :)
Still running wicked slow on my just special visits today!! :)
Awwww...and I just realized I missed your birthday..and Eid!! :'(
Hapy Belated Birthday and also Happy belated Raya too!! Love and hugs for you dearie!! :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
It looks like you had a wonderful time my friend. :)
hi marzie! I am here! but my connection is sucky...darn! >:o >:o
oh dear I'm really lagging..I'll be back! :( :(
i am back sweetie, I think it's hubs unit which was lappie works just fine!
hey marzie!
wow! i enjoyed reading your day in trafalgar. i wish i could go there someday. hehehe
oh i was quite expecting you'd pose like one of the B-boys. hehehe. like hands on the floor and feet up in the air. hahahahaha. hmmm.
too bad you didnt see zac. hehehe.
but that lady in the lion is sure a good laugh.
and you were great being a good samaritan right there
wah bestnya!!!!! i must visit this square one day!
great views well what else to expect in Europe
gheeeh i really love to be there soon
i love that famous big ben tower its so great nice nice nice
its been a while since the last time i visited blogs its just that i've been sick this past few days
happy to be back in action again
have a great day
:) :) :) :) :) :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!