I have never been a Justin Bieber fan. Even when the rest of the world was going crazy over this little dude, I just didn't get the Justin fever. Until recently that is after watching an episode of THS: Justin Bieber on E! where his true story was unraveled; depicting his will and determination to arrive at his current stardom. Only then did I get the fascination with this talented young boy and now, I'm a fan and proud to admit it too!

Anyway, I heard this song on the radio tonight and instantly fell in love with it. I give you now Overboard by Justin Bieber featuring Jessica Jarrell. Happy listening and have a beautiful Music Monday!

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8-) 8-) 8-)
First time listening too.. let me hear..
I think i need to get use to this boy.. lol!!.. have to listen more to appreciate :)
but thanks for sharing dearie.. Happy MM!
=-O =-O =-O =-O
Is Justin Bieber a boy or a girl? I am confused. Haha!!!
OK I'm just kidding there LOL!! I am never a fan of Bieber and will never be a real fan in the same level as a fan of Mariah Carey.
But I have to admit he's really talented and he has a good voice too.
Now I sort of enjoying his songs but pls dun let me hear that Baby baby song again! Ughh!!!
This song is actually not bad but I like his songs "U Smile" and "Somebody To Love" (feat Usher) better : )
Eh, waht happened to my panda avatar?! Musty upload again?!!!
I mean must upload my avatar again?!!
lol Panda!hahaha
You're early today Marzie! :)
..thinking JB is girl!haahhaha!
yayks! i made a choppy! :-P :-P :-P :-P
Justin is my godson's fave.
can i have PMD here GP? terima kasih! :-D :-D :-D :-D
JB is an awesome singer! :-D :-D :-D
i just had him last week in my MM! :-D :-D :-D :-D
i dun have MM yet GP! :( :(
cant think of any songs yet! >:o >:o >:o >:o
happy MM LJ! ;) ;) ;) ;)
happy MM GP! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Happy MM Darling!
happy MM Panda! :-P :-P :-P
Mine will be up in a bit.
the panda got lost in the jungle!hahha..might be eaten by monkeys!LOL! :-P :-P :-P :-P
He is dominating right now. :)
Hi Mariuca! :* :* :*
Yep, his name and songs are all over the airwaves. Regardless if anyone is a fan or not, his will to succeed is very admirable.
Happy MM my friend! :) :) :)
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Great pick and I love the white Bg here too...awesome choice and redo!! ;) :)
Happy MM :) :) :* :*
:* :* :* :*
i'm not a fan of Justin Bieber either :-P :-P
but yeah i think he has a lot of talent 8-) 8-) 8-)
HAppy MM Mariuca! :) ;)
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8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) LJ FC1!
:-D :-D GG FC2!
Thanks for da chop ladies, Happy MM! :* :* :*
Happy listening LJ... :* :*
I hear u dearie, me too last time langsung tak nak dgr this boy sing, keluar TV je terus tukar channel ha ha! =-X =-X ;) ;)
Happy MM LJ! 8-) 8-)
Yes u did GG finally! :* :*
PMD is up Doc GG, thanks! 8-) 8-)
I have to agree GG, he really is a cool dude! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Yay for JB last week then GG, hi-five! :* :*
Happy MM GG! :-D :-D
=-O =-O =-O =-O GG!
Ha ha but now all ur MMs are out and I got all da chops, yay! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Done edi with MM GG, enjoy the rest of ur week! 8-) 8-)
:* :* :* :* Monica!
I never expected to like JB oso, unsangkarable! :-E :-E =-X =-X =-O =-O :-D :-D
He does la, got me impressed after watching his story on E! Hence the change of heart lol! ;) ;)
Happy MM Monica! :* :*
Ha ha why is it his hair Foong?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* 8-) 8-)
Of course la JB not same level as MC!! MC is in a whole different league of her own, love la MC he he he! :-D :-D :* :* :*
You too admit he's got talent and a good voice right? B oso has to agree it seems lol! :-D :-D 8-) 8-)
Ha ha I don like that Baby baby song though! :-P :-P :-P
I must listen to the Usher one then Foong!! Thanks for the heads up! :* :* :* :*
Just have to log in again I think, no need to upload! again :-D :-D
LOL poor Panda! :-E :-E
:-D :-D :-D Just upload again la if u wan to see ur adorable Panda avatar here ha ha! ;) ;)
Chop Liza!
Ha ha I scheduled my post this week Liza, yay for being early! :* :* :*
Yay hi-five! Justin is so energetic, he makes a great watch and listen too! :* :* :*
Happy MM Liza, thanks for coming by! :* :*
Love ur pick this week Liza yay! :* :*
Thanks for the hugs sweetie! :* :* :*
:-D :-D :-D I know right? Da hottest thing apparently! :-P :-P
The boy is everywhere... including in my house :-P :-P
Can you believe it, Evan starts singing Baby lately =-O =-O
Nicely said David, as always! Yeah I was just so impressed with the way he worked his way to the top so I gotta give him credit for that, he deserves his stardom! Happy MM David! :* :* :* :* :*
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)Jackie!
That's his 2nd English song he can fully memorize... the 1st one is Twinkle Twinkle Lil Star btw... and I think I prefer him to stay with Twinkle twinkle :'( :'(
White Background u mean Jackie? LOL it has always been white here sweetie, MPG is da one with the new look ha ha ha! =-O =-O ;) ;) ;) ;)
Happy MM Jackie! :* :* :*
I don't know much about JB but I guess I'll be hearing more from my son :-D :-D
Have a great day dear! :* :*
The boy is everywhere... including in my house :-P :-P
Can you believe it, Evan starts singing Baby lately =-O =-O
Voted edi Tekkaus, all da best and I hope ur okay with the accident and all... take care... O:-) O:-) ;)
Ha ha ha EM! I can imagine JB chilling at ur place on a daily basis, have fun listening Evan! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Ha ha hugs EM! Don't worry, Evan is still ur little boy bur I think that Baby song is just too infectious to ignore! :* :* :* :* :*
I know more than I ever did abt JB now EM, after watching his show on E! Interesting story too I gotta say.. thanks sweetie, have a wonderful week! :* :* :*
I eagree - he didn't just luck into the spotlight. He is talented, but it takes more than talent..it takes spirit and determination. Happy Music Monday.
Hi Marzie. Guess you´re not alone on this one :)
Miriam likes it too, she even has posters of him in her room´s wall.
Cute young guy...Imagine when he grows up lol
Thanks for your supportive words. I did sort things out :)
Good week ahead!
Hi Sweetie! Great pick for this week's MM episode. I have never been a Justin fan either when the world was going gaga over him. I have yet to see all of his music to appreciate him more.
May you have a great week ahead of you! :* :* :* :*
everybody having bieber fever
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!