Last post, I discussed my fantasy to move into a bigger better home, which unfortunately is simply not feasible at the moment. Finances are tight especially of late and with so many things to be fixed and purchased around the house, not to mention insurance renewals and bills; my fantasy move has to be put on hold for a while.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of other, cheaper things I can add to my home to make it more beautiful and comfy. Have you heard of drywall arch? I think this is a fantastic D-I-Y idea, one you can easily do with professional results! After reading about it, even I am convinced about pulling off this mini renovation on my own!

With 4 easy steps, you can now add more class and style to your home. Starting at $54.95 per opening, start by choosing from 4 architectural styles of pre-formed corner inserts available at Creative Corners. These pre-formed inserts will transform any ordinary square doorway into a beautiful arched doorway without framing or drywall. All you have to do is Attach Insert, Apply Tape and Compound, Sand, Paint or Wallpaper and voilà - you now have new beautiful interior arches just like that!

Have a terrific weekend everybody, thanks for reading and check out the before and after pictures before leaving!
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :*
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Nice place are you redecorating your house. :* :*
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
GP! be backhere to read lah post! still have an exam! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
:-P :-P :-P
8-) 8-) 8-)
Love the kitchen GP... cantiknya... i want a kitchen like that!!
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Sun Comes Up (John Legend)**
Did i get the chop??
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Sun Comes Up (John Legend)**
:* :* :* :* Yay Bill FC1! And first chop this month woot!
Recent blog:=- Who Wants to Win $5000?
Yeah Bill, I oso want to paint my home-office, thinking of the perfect colour... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- MM - Live and Learn by Joe Public **
Yay GG u got this one, FC2! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- My Lil' Bears Arrived **
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O Morning GG!
Recent blog:=- Friday Fill-Ins (8) **
Exam after exam GG, poor thing...happy studying! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- MM - Breakout by Swing Out Sister **
thankie GP! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Taylor Swift dominates the CMAs
:-P :-P :-P :-P Thanks for the RT Bill, I just saw it on TF! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- MM - Breakout by Swing Out Sister **
And LJ long time no chop here FC3! Yay! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Shark Straps Anyone?
Thanks for the lunch time chop peeps, TGIF! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- September Top 10 Mariucans *
Welcome sweetie, what exam today yeah? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
thankie GP! we always have exam..owmost everyday! huhu! that's medlyf in Phils. >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Sugarland Will Perform at Grammy Nominations Concert
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Sun Comes Up (John Legend)**
Physiology GP.. >:o >:o >:o >:o
yesterday we had Physical Diagnosis and Biochemistry.. >:o
Recent blog:=- Sugarland Will Perform at Grammy Nominations Concert
morning GP! ;)
Recent blog:=- Stissing Mountain High School Principal Hostage
Ah best kan sebab ada kitchen bar, my SIL place got bar, nice it seems! :* :* :* :*
welcome GP! :*
Recent blog:=- Stissing Mountain High School Principal Hostage
U got the last chop LJ woo hoo!! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Almost every day...tsk tsk wonder u need to relax and tagay on weekends GG ROTFLMAO! :-D :-D =-O =-O =-X =-X =-X
Recent blog:=- MM - You're My One & Only (True Love) by Seduction **
GP! i wan those smileys! how can i have those? jealous! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- Is there a Carrie Prejean SexTape Video for Free?
LOL @ GG's angry face at having exam today, Physiology some more...studied edi or not? Sure can pass, u seem to be doing well in school Doc GG! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- October Top 10 EC Droppers *
Fuyoooooo Biochem la, physical diagnosis la... how many more years before u finish studying GG??? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Shark Straps Anyone?
TGIF LJ, I hope all goes well with MF today yeah? Cian u lama takda MF! :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- My Lil' Bears Arrived **
Morning GG, me hungry la now! :-E :-E :-E :-E
Recent blog:=- MM - Live and Learn by Joe Public **
U mean at my post here? Hahahhaha sure can...wait ah lemme get the link for u! :-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Who Wants to Win $5000?
GG! Here u go!
Recent blog:=- Who Wants to Win $5000?
4 more years GP! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Is there a Carrie Prejean SexTape Video for Free?
yeah! those smileys! :-D
Recent blog:=- Is there a Carrie Prejean SexTape Video for Free?
can't tagay tonight! hav to prctice swimming!
Recent blog:=- Is there a Carrie Prejean SexTape Video for Free?
GP! need to go now! be back here later! TGIF! :) last exam later! :*
U can swim or not GG? Wah practice swimming tonight, have fun sweetie!
Got the link??
Ok GG see ya later, enjoy ur books lol…
Wahhhhhhh 4 long years… ok ok hang in there GG, sure will pass with flying colours, hugs!
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
:'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
i'm late! y didn't you wait for me? :( :( :( :(
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
=-O =-O =-O =-O
Morning Mariuca! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- October's Top Commenters
nice kitchen! but kitchen's not my fav place...oh well... :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- My Top 5 Treat List
Morning Elai!
LOL, try again next post Elai, good luck! :)
Morning Mon, u just woke up?
Why not ur fave room in da house Mon? Cause u don masak is it? He he.. :)
Mariuca! ;)
yeah i just woke up!! u haven't zzzz kah?
hahhahaah yeah coz i don masak!! :-D
Ho ho ho still up and about la me!
I haven zzzz cause yest slept early remember then woke up early?
He he! Tonight me no masak oso Mon, I feel like R…craving for udang penyet he he! :)
lol i didn't drop 300 sleepy la this morning :-D
oh yeah i remember! :-D
ahuhuhuhuh! ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
heheh... i don't know why this area no udang penyet lah! :(
I am dropping now Mon! Just finished dropping for meows, now dropping for MPG wooo hooo!!
He he! So now fresh and wide awake…sure won sleep now..
grrrr. you make me hungry, ladies! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
me too start dropping now!! :)
Elai! :)
me still sleepy! :(
U mean at ur rest, no udang penyet? Only chic? Hmmmmm..cause dunno what to edi…so udang penyet it is! :)
hey Elai! haha go grab sthing and eat first :* :* :* :*
no i mean around ss2 or damansara, no udang penyet!
He he hungry hippo la me now Elai!!
Wah Monica dropping early today yay! Can drop together-gether ha ha!
Still sleepy?? How many hours u slept and why woke up so early today?
Ohhhhh but my rest the one at WOAFS, dat one got udang penyet Mon! :)
haven bought something :( :( :(
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
Am having coffee now Elai…
hahahah yeah we drop together-gether today!!!
coffee is a no no for me :( :( :(...canteen is so far... i'm too lazy to walk.. :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
i slept for 6 hours only :( coz R lah asked me go makan with him!!!!
Yay, posting soon at MPG ladies, ready or not…come and chop… I mean soon! ;)
ohhh the one at sunway oso got udang penyet :-D
me too having coffee now!!
U still at work Elai? When do u start ur maternity leave?
LOL ok la 6 hours, after finish dropping then can take cat nap…can borrow Benji to hug..if u dare la ha ha ha!
I’ve tried one at SJ, but not so nice… haven tried sunway one…
Me having coffee while waiting for the rain to come down ha ha…
im still at work, marzie! on monday no more elai at the office :( :( :(
im imagining here what kind of food is udang penyet *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
Today ur last day then Elai? Good luck at the hospital yeah! :)
LOL… Elai, can see udang penyet here!
yez, mah last day! can't drop like a mad panda anymor :( :( :( :(
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
We are dropping now Elai! :) I edi dropped at ur blog yay!
i want to drop 300 today :-D every time say the same thing but tak jadi
i'd love to hug Benji but i don dare how lah :* :* :*
doesn't look like it's gonna rain here leh....
hohohoh, marzie! u made me hungry even more! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
if i'll go to malaysia, i'd definitely eat that! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
thanks, am dropping now too! don't know when i can drop again... usb modem at the house is soooooo slow!
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
Oh the sun just came out here, from behind the clouds… I think it will rain here later tho…
Hahahaha hug la Benj poor thing he he.. he won bite or scratch or anything Mon, very manja la Benji,and friendly.. meow! :)
LOL! Enjoy the pics Elai, do u guys have something like dat at ur side?
YAY! It’s spicy though Elai, very spicy…
I dropped MD and MPG at ur blog edi Elai, will drop WOAFS after dis..
thanks, thanks! i think im done with all 3 of yours :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
very spicy? i can take spicy but not very... thanks for the warning, now i'm doubting if i want to eat it ..LOL
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
U dropped 300 edi Elai? I’m still halfway through MPG…
no like this in here, thats why i wanna try this when i go there someday...
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
I mean the chilli is very spicy but some restaurants not so spicy I guess… this one here, fuyooooooo so spicy! Anyway I’m having it tonight for dinner lol!
It’s actually very yummy Elai…and if u like, u don have to take too much chilli, like me I like it spicy, so I take extra chilli…yowzaa!! :)
really ah he won bite or scratch or anything? :* :* hugsy Benji!! ;)
Really he he…Benji most friendly, everybody says so! :)
hi marzie!! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- My Brother, The Savior!
i like the idea but dear don't underestimate the task, it's still sometimes painstakingly hard ;) ;)
happy weekend!
happy weekend sweetie!! :* :* :* :-D
Recent blog:=- My Brother, The Savior!
buzz2 Mariuca:)
I missed the buzz2!!!!! :(
Happy weekend Ayie! :)
Happy weekend to you sweetie, thanks so much for coming by! :)
Oh yeah…. I guess u have to really pick and choose the tasks that suit you well. .. :)
Morning Ayie!! :)
Sounds like a great idea to improve homes right? But...first we have to get a big home to do so first. :p
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Most Embarrassing Moment!
Not necessarily Tekkaus, small homes oso got doorways to put these arches in! :)
but i love DIY things =) that's my line of work aside from designning, I enjoy those. my comments always get doubled. hehe
I like DIY stuff too Ayie, esp the ones that are easy to assemble. Don worry abt the double comments sweetie, it’s just JS acting up…once in a while! ;)
That's a beautiful kitchen.
Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!
Why thank you Toronto Contractors! I need a brand new home first before I can worry about having a brand new kitchen LOL! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!