It's another busy day for me today! Last night, I was supposed to take a cat nap after writing my post. But I ended up sleeping through the night and woke up in a panic this morning. The first thing on my mind was oh no, I overslept and did not do my work! But I was pacified for a moment when I checked my email and my client gave me a few additional days to complete my job so phew!
Since I slept early last night, I was an early bird this morning. This always makes me feel extra productive. I fed my cats, replied important emails and visited important blogs and then I settled down to pay my bills. There was a bunch of them on my desk and I had to open all of them first; sort out the ones that had to be paid in one pile and the not so important ones in another pile. That's just me being organized!
It took me half an hour to sort out my bills, twenty minutes to call up my banks to verify certain things on my bills and another 20 minutes to finish paying off my bills. Mind you all the bills you see above are not solely mine, some of them do belong to B. So I'm still in pretty good shape in the credit department. There's no call for Debt Consolidation or anything drastic just yet!
A little piece of good news for me today is that I called up a bank that I currently have a personal loan with, to check on my outstanding amount. I took a small personal loan several years back and have been suffering paying it every month. The officer in charge told me that I only have less than RM1000 to pay now so YAY! I could have opted to pay the full outstanding amount today so I asked what the rebate was like, for paying in full. It was less than RM100, which I thought was not worth the full payment so I settled another month of my installment instead. This means that I only have one more month to suffer paying off my loan and I'll finally be free starting next month!
It feels wonderful knowing that by this time next month, I will have one less debt to worry about. I'm still in the process of cutting down on my credit card spending though so wish me luck on that mission next!
-FC Scoreboard points await my first THREE commenters-
:* :* :*
:-$ :-$ :-$
Monica! :)
Small PB Mon lol! ;)
oh no I've to settle all my CC bills as well :(
Mariuca! ;) ;)
better than nothing Mariuca! :) :*
Recent blog post: Another Tsunami on 22 July 2009?
I feel so lega la after paying the bills, esp now the banks are so strict, late payment only for sure kena penalty, sometimes RM50! :(
Mon u second place at my SB edi! Tied with Shemah and Debbs at 6 points! ;)
Bills Bills Bills!
Very cool pic of bills there Marzie :D
glad to hear that u'll be free starting next month! woo-hoooo 8-)
Recent blog post: Another Tsunami on 22 July 2009?
yayyyy me oso 6 points...hahhahaha! :-D
Monica! Double chop la u today!
I also need to cut down on my CC spending..wish me luck and wish you luck! :)
Recent blog post: Another Tsunami on 22 July 2009?
Of coz la better than nothing, RM got nothing for me edi this month so sad!
so fast lah u Mariuca! :-D
Recent blog post: Another Tsunami on 22 July 2009?
Woo hoo Bem FC2, congrats!
He he tak leh letak gambar clear sangat kan, since it’s bills, bills, bills! :)
Free from ONE debt only Mon, but still so happy! Took so long to finish paying off this loan yeeha!
Yeah!!! 6 points edi, 1 more and confirmed ur in 2nd place, go Mon go!
Yeehaw FC2 is my number today
U oso eh Mon? Happily swiping my credit cards every time we go out la Monica!! Ok good luck to both of us and no more using our CC this month okay? Wait for June before we swipe again lol!
So fast what Mon?????
:'( :'( watching AI!!
i tot this one is fm RM?
tapi macam stock photo lah
Oh both of you trigger happy with CCs ke? hehehe
FC2 ur number Bem? Hey Bem, mlm ni I makan laksa johor la, sure cannot BD like dat lol!
So fast chop your own post?
Watching AI gak hehehe
Iron-Mon, quite fast you chop today
i mean so fast u prepare this post.. coz just now u said haven't started yet
Wah looks like Mon is on a roll, gonna beat the top FCers
Laksa Johor? Very lemak ke? I am very kodi with laksas don't know the
difference. BD and laksa johor la, can ah? how? hahaha
yelah me too always happily swiping esp go shopping :-D
Recent blog post: Another Tsunami on 22 July 2009?
Oh so fast Marzie prepare this post, I see, I though so fast Marzie chop her
own post.
Yay Shemah FC3! Congrats! Oh AI today ye? Watching 8pm show Shemah!
No this one from 3p, Monica! :)
Mon is on a roll today only Bem! :-D :-D
Mcm stock photo tu apa???
Unfortunately Bem, just love my credit cards lol!
LOL!!! Dunno la so fast do what oso, what eh Mon?
Oh u too? Ok don tell me anything yet, wan to watch repeat 8pm nanti! :)
HHahahah why today only Mon, kamon, you're on the top tier now, its time to
stay on the roll!
oh long time I didn't check 3p edi :-D but Yay for u!
Iron-mon just woke up oso then terus chop kat MD and now here, she is on a roll!
Ohhhh ahhahahah yeah la, took me less than an hour to do this post Mon, cause got something to say so fast la I wrote haha!!
Ala stock photo, photos you can buy to put on flyers ke brochures ke for
marketing or for whatever reason hehehe.
I oso don't know the difference...just eat only as long as it's yummy! :-P
Mon was TFC here last month, trying to maintain her throne!
So fast to post lah Marzie hahahha
Of coz la very the lemak, but I laik, u never tried Bem? Dia kena makan with lotsa sambal belacan baru la best! This one is from a Johor shop in TTDI, they sell yummy laksa johor. :)
Fortunately, you got your kuda osim!
U la chop ur own post Bem lol! Dah la tak reply comments ahaks! ;)
But I want to tell so bad
kamon Bem!!! I'm not on the top tier now lah!
Mon is back in action
But shemah just chopped, so she 7 points edi. So LJ 1, Shemah 2 and Mon and Debbs tied for 3rd place now!
So fast she chop MD and WOAFS, truly an iron lady
I did 3 for 3p this month I think…all small ones la. But they wan own domain, so can take la!
Ala I reply too much on your blog lupa pulak blog sendiri ehhehe
I tried la but I don't eat laksa! I know I know I'm missing out, but then
again, one less favourite for the sake of BD hahahha
Ohhhhhhh hehehhehehe, I’ll take that as a compliment then Bem, yay for stock photos! :)
kamon Mon, its obviyes you are top tier! Marzie said u 2nd soon. Podium
finish for sure Mon. Kamonnn
LOL! My least fave is laksa asam I think…B likes laksa asam. Although I do like the one at one uts, Mark’s Assam Laksa!
Wah podium tied for 3rd place. Kamon Monnnn
so fast to post Bem? Is that a typo I see? ;)
Eh don be spoiler Bem lol!!! Ok lagu apa Adam nyanyi tonight?????
But don tell me how he performed, just the song yeah?
Kamon Bem!!
so fast to post your blog entry? where typoooo?
Lagu AL - one of them sucky Kara's song, but first song is Just Once
Kamon Marzie!
Ha ha ha yeah la truly an Iron lady this Monica!
Ha ha takpe saja wan to tease u cause dat day shemah never reply to ur comments at your blog kan? :)
Oh u don eat laksa? Sayangnya, I love laksa Bem, but only laksa Johor! :)
Ohhhhh I tot u wanted to say so fast YOU post ur blog entry….he he my bad then police typo!!!!!!
LOL @ Mariuca chop her own post! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Another Tsunami on 22 July 2009?
Wah ur song la Bem just once!!!!! Mcm tahu tahu je adam gonna sing that song woo hoo!
Kamon Bem! Apa lagu sucky from Kara tu?
I also haven't replied comments at my blog :-D
Recent blog post: Another Tsunami on 22 July 2009?
Dats why la this Bem, happily saying I chop my own post ha ha!
Kamon Bem!!!
Recent blog post: Another Tsunami on 22 July 2009?
I’m replying comments now Mon! Oh for sure I won sleep la tonight cause I wanna stay up for the Idol result show in the morning! :)
haha.. can't maintain my throne edi Mariuca! :-D
Recent blog post: Another Tsunami on 22 July 2009?
Top 3 gets featured Mon, so aim for any of the top 3 spots! Of coz la first place get bigger ad lol!
hahahah police typo is here!! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Another Tsunami on 22 July 2009?
Yeah police typo is everywhere Mon, at twitter oso lol!
what time eh the Idol result show?
Recent blog post: Another Tsunami on 22 July 2009?
twitter oso got police typo? =-O =-O lol!
I think 8am Monica! So of coz cannot sleep lol! Will stay up to watch the show!
but u got to buzz buzz me Mariuca I don't ve twitter thingy :-P
now i feel thinking of laksa..hahaha!
so early huh 8am! :-D
Yeah at twitterfox Bem is da police typo there oso Mon!
That Kara song was very biased lah. Memang written for Adam lah that.
Because he's the one that can hit high notes. So high lah the notes for that
song.. even if Danny sang it pun memang tak sampai. Very very biased lah I
No lah marzie.. Adam's first song wasn't just once.. it was Mad World.. the
song dedicated to you!! :* :* :-) :-)
Sure will buzz buzz u Monica!
Bem cakap first song was Kara’s pick, not Just once the first song Shemah! Ha ha!
Hmmmmmmm what song ni? Nemind, I will know soon enough, watching the 8pm show Shemah!
Yeah! Cause I don wan ppl to spoil the result for me if I go online tomo you see? For sure someone will announce it at twitter la, blog la so don wan to ruin the surprise for me! :)
Laksa don have la today Mon, so sad, now dunno what to eat edi lol!
No lah.. the first song was the song that the contestants had to choose from
their previous performances from 1st week until now. Adam chose to sing Mad
World again. And then the second one was Simon Fuller's choice for them and
the last one was a brand new song co-written by Kara.
It's a brand new song tak ingat apa ntah nama lagu tu.. no boundaries ke
something like that lah.. you watch lah. another half an hour to go.
Mmg la I nak watch ni Shemah, then staying up whole night to watch results show woo hoo!
Ohhhhhh buat susah u je explain kat I shemah, habis sape yg nyanyi just once????????
Wah! I made it to FC3?? Woohoo!! :-)
WhAT?? I never reply to bem's comments???? UH-OHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Go with JS
please bem and make my whole life a whole lot easier! LOL! okay okay..
fine.. I'll go back and dig up which comment was that, that I never replied
Tak tau lah siapa yang nyanyi just once!! LOL! Bem kot!!! Hahahahaahahahahah
Bawak bertenang Shemah!!!! I think Bem referred to his comments at his blog, not here lol!!!!
Plus u replied edi dat day when he mentioned dat LOL!
Hahahhaah u mean Bem tipu I ye Bem? LOL!!
HAhahah betul la Just Once, hahaha Marzie terkena
Hahahah bawak bertenang Shemah! HAhahahahahah lawak sungguh Marzie
Hahahah tak tipu, white lie jeeee
Shemah, No Boundaries co-created by your favourite judge, Kara.
So you're gonna the one tweeting this time Marzie?
Actually I didn't say first song Kara's pick lahhh, one of them is Kara's
song, a song she co-created hahahah the wonders of miscommunication.
Biased for AL ke Shemah, what about the one for Kris Allen?
twitterfox typo police? ahhaha ya ka?
Marzie, suddenly Mon say you're fast, that's all I can think of, you chop
your own post hahaha
Yes.. I am tenang tengkiu..
Hahaha sengaja rupanyaa. laaaaaaaa..
Kamon Mon, reply la your comments, reply AS at least, Ka-mon
Bukan lagu sucky Kara but sucky Kara aahhahaha
Hahhahah Its so funny la I adam nyanyi Just Once it seems ahhahahahah
Omg!! Did u see her just now like .. urrggh!! Ngedor!!
Hahahahaha marzie speed reading again it seems.. it seems.. LOL!
miscommunication pulak.. it seems it seems!
What do you mean the one for kris allen?
Hhahahah Marzie salah typo police it seems
Yeah I don't eat laksa, but if I do I only eat laksa New York.
Tu la Shemah memang never reply (I dont recall this but going with the flow
Sorry I baru tau its the same song, but yeah, true la Shemah, a bit biased
for AL
Hahahah Marzie speed reading it seems it seems it seems it seems (double
bawak bertendang Shem
Hahahahahahaha you also tak recall ke bem?? Hahahahaha.. I also don't.
Hahahaah I benci Kara but she's stun-ning. Not.
So obvious lah biased. Poor kris. But then again, that last song was just
sucky lah. Even adam nyanyi pun didn't make the song sound good. Sucky song.
But semua still tak nak bagi adam bad reviews on the last one. LOL!
I love your laptop Mariuca, so slim and easy to take around! 8-)
And hurray to zero bills! Next stop - more checks. Lol! :-D
Thank you JL, the laptop was a birthday pressie from hubby last year and I love it too! I still have bills to pay of coz but at least one down now eh? :)
Bawak bertendang it seems Bem! Saje ke tu typo? Mesti cakap saja lol!
I wonder how laksa NY tastes like Bem, mesti ada cheese lol!
Eh mana ada speed reading, speed typing more like it lol!
Kara doesn bug me that much, maybe cause my focus is on AL and nobody else ahaks!
Tu la!!!! Gullible la me percaya AL nyanyi Just Once, u kan Bem!!!!
LOL Mon went out for dinner la, kamon kamon!
GALM down everybody lol!
Apahal lak nak chop my own post Bem hahaahhaha but I can see la why u said dat hahahahhahaha!
But u still mensi Just Once kan? Tricked me it seems Bem Bem!
Hahahahhahah u mean I’m gonna tweet the results tomo ke Bem? I’m staying up all night ni to watch Idola Amerika LIVE woo hoo!
Ok lil white lie takpe, doesn hurt anyone eh Bem?
Saje cakap la bawak bertendang hahah biasa orang pakai
LOL! Bawak bertenang he he, or u prefer GALM down? Muahahhahahha!
FC3 Shemah!!!
Cheesy NY laksa tastes a bit like cheesy wedges kfc
:* :* :* :*
I have tons to pay too.. :(
Did i make fc or not?? lol!!
Phewitt!!! SSG la u LJ!! :)
LJ I think u meant to chop my other post la sweetie!!! But yeah byk kan hutang!!!
No bills for me, hubs does the bills. It's all set in his account. Yipee!!! :-D
Recent blog post: Tempting Oranges
Hi Marzie.
Making a few drops late at night. I´m tired from my job but can´t sleep...
Passing by to send you a big hug and wish you a good weekend :):)
After I pay off my cc bill, am hoping I'd be able to manage without overspending again! LOL
Recent blog post: Scrubs
I want to feel debt free Marzie!
Recent blog post: Scrubs
Ha ha, same here Ane, when will that be I wonder! ;)
It’s hard not to overspend sometimes right Ane? So many things to buy lol!
Thanks for the hug Mize, hope u’re coping well with work. :)
Oh that’s good Ayie, I’m the financial controller apparently lol! ;)
I do finances with grocery shopping and other miscellaneous needs also vacations. He gets the stressful bills and I have the fun bills! :-D
Recent blog post: Papa's Dinner
Hey Ayie! I do all the bills actually except some minor ones, then B does that. I think it’s just I’m the more organized one, that’s why I get to handle the bills lol!
I beg to differ...I'm more organized than him! ahahaha, I'm actually happy it's off my shoulder. I'm more needed for the budgeting. :-D
Recent blog post: Papa's Dinner
Oh ha ha is it Ayie? Well for me, we both agree I should handle the bills, it’s a tedious job sometimes but somebody’s gotta do it lol! ;)
hehe yup yup, the bills are more or less consistent so it's way manageable for him but budgeting is another thing. I handle more or the cash expenses. ;)
Recent blog post: Papa's Dinner
What's up with Kiss sticking out their freaky tongues all throughout the
performance, I liked the song, but not the outfits.. freaky!
Kiss is known for their "image". I'm sure their image makes you sleep better
at night, eh Ane? LOL
Hahahah Ane! Their tongues are what made them iconic Ane!! LOL! Gene
Simmons' tongue could reach his chin!! LOL! And that's what their image is
all about.. very demonic, suggestive and very rock and roll!! LOL!
Gene Simmons' tongue is far out. Shannon Tweed must be happy LOL.
Hahahaha I'm sure she is, bem!!! Hahahaahh
But eww Shemah! it was so freaky!
Hahahhaa is it really that freaky? I enjoyed it!! hahahaha.. they're rock
it's freaky Shemah, and he kept doing it.. I did not enjoy that but I liked
the song.. :)
The song is catchy, besides I play the song sometimes... on Guitar Hero
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!