I love contests, don't you? I've organized several of my own and each time was so much fun. It works both ways for me. Participating in contests is fun and having one at my blog is equally entertaining! 
I'm kinda lazy though so an easy simple-to-enter contest is what draws my fancy and participation. And that's why I'm taking part in this cool giveaway being held by my buddy Debbs at her blog. All I gotta do is blog about her contest, link it back to her blog and I'll be in the running to win this cool floral bag! Simple right? No hard-to-follow rules to stress over, just a simple entry post telling my readers about this wonderful giveaway.

I'm kinda lazy though so an easy simple-to-enter contest is what draws my fancy and participation. And that's why I'm taking part in this cool giveaway being held by my buddy Debbs at her blog. All I gotta do is blog about her contest, link it back to her blog and I'll be in the running to win this cool floral bag! Simple right? No hard-to-follow rules to stress over, just a simple entry post telling my readers about this wonderful giveaway.

1) This contest is open to everyone, anywhere around the world.
2) This contest starts today, Friday, 1 May 2009 to Sunday, 31 May 2009.
3) Multiple posts are allowed on single or multiple blogs, as long as you leave the right post links. The more posts you write, the more chances you'll get to win!
4) The winner will be picked using random.org.
5) The winner will be announced on Monday, 1 June 2009 (Malaysian time, +8 GMT).
It's not too late for you to join in the fun too so hurry get your posts out! I hope my entry will be the lucky chosen winner. I do need a new bag, which girl doesn't? Good luck to me!


:* :* :*
Good Luck Mariuca! :* :* :*
Monica! FC1! :)
I tot another Blogthings quiz..hahahahaha!
Recent blog post: Who wants to win a villa?
I haven't joined the contest yet :-P :-P
Recent blog post: Who wants to win a villa?
=-O =-O =-O
missed it!! eh when is closing eh..I also want to enter lah!
Yay Monica, hattrick la you! 3 in a row woo hoo! :)
Yayyy FC1! thanks Mariuca :* :*
Hiya Mon..
gotta run.. makeover lah..lol!
Hi LJ! u FC2...don't :'( :'( ok :)
I tot better do this first before I forget he he, almost ending edi the contest mah! :)
=-O =-O =-O
Thank you Monica, need all the luck I can get!
Thanks for joining, Marzie! :):)
hahahahhha 3 in a row eh! woo hooooooooo :-D
Ok Lj, see ya later, tgh watch American idol ni woo hoo!
Yeay!! FC2 yihaa!!! Can i please have CT here today GP :)
:* :*
Recent blog post: Happy Engagement Pak Man
LJ! FC2 dearie!! :)
LJ sampai end month! And u didn miss the chop la, ** post dearie! :)
Still got time Mon, don forget to join ha ha now can happily remind u since I joined edi!
ohh ok LJ! cya ;-)
WeLcome Monica! Come chop again later he he!
oh yelah almost ending edi!!!
Yay I joined edi Debbs ha ha, no worries, of coz must join! :)
Debbs! Morning!! :)
Yeah but u missed the MPG one huhu! ;)
ok Mariuca... I'll not forget! :-D
Yeeha CT coming up LJ! Wah promoting CT now it seems meow!
chop again later? =-O =-O =-O
One more week left Mon, still got time to join of coz!
Yay! Good luck to you too Mon! :)
yeah I missed the MPG one! >:o
Recent blog post: Who wants to win a villa?
Later later la ha ha…after I wake up lol!
hahahahah ok later later! :-D :-D :-D
Thanks Mariuca! alamak me not yet joined pun...lol
Yeah la I buzzed u but I think u were at ur fren’s house dat time lol!
Yeah now dropping ec for MPG! Done for MD and WOAFS edi!
ohhh yelah...hahahahhah...it's ok Mariuca! :-D
me oso dropping ec now....don know when can i finish :-D
Hehe good luck, Marzie! :)
Morning GP! :)
Early good luck wish ha ha!
I dropped about 100 edi for MPG!
Tenkiu Debbs, come to me bagasi! :)
Morning Debbs, watching Kris in aksi now while dropping ec!
me 141 only....aiyooooo!
Lol!!! I just love the word bagasi! :):)
Hehe best nya watching Kris! :)
Eh me not 100 la Mon, 80 + only!!! Better drop faster!
We wan bagasi, we wan bagasi!!
I hate la the bikini girl aiyoooooo, she oso got it seems!
Marzie, chop at CnS now! :)
Bikini girl? Who? Got what GP?
Oh no coming!!!
U donno bikini girl Debbs? The one that came for AI audisi in a freakin bikini, tak lawa pun saja gedik! :(
Oh THAT bikini girl hehehehehe...mmg gedik kan?
Gedik and perasan lawa! :(
Eeeee...I don't like la gedik and perasan lawa type of ppl! Yucks!
I mean dari lawa terus jadi irritating, too much la bikini girl, some more kenot sing!
Hehehe...kenot sing can blah la hehe...
I know, I know... but I am not going to tell you who won!
Roxy =-X
Recent blog post: Exploring Emotion
Finished watching Idol edi!
Roxy!!! I know too!!! Just finished watching!!! Shhhhhh indeed lol!
finally got into to comment through google chrome =-O IE was playing up ..boo hoo...
hey best of luck in the comp Mariuca..
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you .. ;) ;)
Recent blog post: laketrees has a new URL
I love contests too. Yeah, you've organized quite a few in your time and I did win one from you as well ... hehehe ...
the bag is extremely cute. all the best in the contest Marzie. hope you'll win.
happy Thursday. dropping my EC here.
Happy Thursday LR, I can’t wait la for Fri!!
It’s cute right? I love the colour scheme and hey, u can give it a shot too if u like! Contest ends 31 May! :)
Ha ha and I still think u got one of the best Mariuca Mugs la Nick, Halloween right? Woo hoo, maybe I’ll have another contest soon! :)
You couldn’t comment earlier Kim? Thanks sweetie, with all my friends wishing me luck, hopefully that will give me a better chance at being chosen as the winner woo hoo! :)
So you watched "live" at 8-10am your time? London and Maddie had to go to bed before the end, so they will watch it "on tape" after school today.
Of coz I watched the live show Roxy, wouldn’t miss it for the world! :)
You and Monica are up for the bag! Goodluck to you as well! :)
Recent blog post: Tempting Oranges
Yay! the more the merrier! :) I'm hoping at least one of us wins! :)
Recent blog post: Scrubs
If I don't get the bag, i hope I get one of the 5 consolation prizes! :)
Recent blog post: Scrubs
Good Luck Marzie! :) :* :*
Recent blog post: Scrubs
That would be great yeah Ane? Come on ROTP giveaway! Make us win! :)
Thanks so much Ane and same to you. You have 2 entries in! :)
I wonder what’s the consolation prize! There’s 5 some more woo hoo! :)
I oso wonder what�s the consolation prize Mariuca...hehe!
Ha ha ha and got 5 conso prizes woo hoo! If don get the bag hopefully get conso! :)
Thanks sweetie, all the best to the rest too! :)
Wah so nice the bag! I also want!
Just looking at it makes me wanna sit by the beach and have a cocktail or something, but, but, but...
Recent blog post: Fe, Fi, Fo, FUND!*
the office is calling! Hahahahaha
Recent blog post: Fe, Fi, Fo, FUND!*
Focus on the money, focus on the money! :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: Fe, Fi, Fo, FUND!*
Hayppy Sunday dear!
Recent blog post: Fe, Fi, Fo, FUND!*
Mornign Rozie! Join lah my giveaway. :):)
Mornign Rozie! Join lah my giveaway. :):)
haha me too Marzie hoping to get conso, if I don't get the bag.. :)
Can’t wait to find out the winner Ane! :)
hehe I do hope it's one of us.. :)
Yeah and I hope we all get the conso if we don win Ane LOL!
Am hoping soon Ane, don give up yet, it will happen one day!
Am not giving up Marzie, so long as you ladies are there along with me on my
quest to becoming a millionaire/debt free then it'll be an awesome trip.. :)
Am so happy to be on this millionaire quest with like-minded people, group hug! :)
Amen to that Marzie! :) Hear that Debbs? :)
LOL!! Hopefully Debbs hears us Ane ha ha! :)
Yay group hugs!! :-D
hehe I'm intrigued about what the conso prizes are Marzie.. :)
Hear what, Marzie and Ane? I'm totally lost! Lol!!
Me too, Debbs is being very mysterious lol!
Hear that we are keen to win ur 5 consolation prizes if we don win the bagasi Debbs lol!
Oh no, the consolation prizes are really small compared to the bag.
Hehehe...ala the consolation prizes are just simple things. Nothing big.
Small but meaningful surely, we wan conso!!
Hehehe...okay Marzie, hopefully someone I know will win the bag, if you know what I mean. :)
Ok good luck to all those joining then, esp to GP he he!
Good luck GP! :)
Marzie! Congrats!! You're one of the consolation prize winners for my contest! I'll send the gift to you soon! :)
Konsolasi winner??? Wah dah ada winner ke Debbs? :):):)
Yeah Marzie.. I won! :-D
Hahahahah yay Ane!!!! You won sweetie, good job with all the last minute entries! :):)
I know Marzie, good thing I decided to submit last minute entries!! LOL
Congrats Ane, u deserve to win sweetie! :)
Dah ada winner!! :)
Congrats again, Ane! :)
Thanks Debbs! :* :* :*
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!