Saturday is a great day for awards. Everybody gets up late on weekends and for me later than usual. It's a great day to relax, remember friends and loved ones and spend time with those you cherish most. The sun is shining outside, a nice change from all the rain we've been getting this whole week. I am inside my home-office sipping coffee and what better time than right now for me to show some appreciation for those I love in this big wide world known as the blogosphere.
Thank you to everybody who presented me with these lovely awards. Your love for my blog continues to drive me to be a better blogger and friend. And now, it gives me great pleasure to pass on the following awards to Monica, GG, Jean, LadyJava, Ayie, Rizal, Tekkaus, Debbs, Kim, Foong, Emila, Nessa, Elai, Nick, Metz, Janice, Sandee, Roxy, Lil', Adrian, Shemah, Mize, Ane, LR, Yoon See, Fida, Bill, Liza and Bokjae.
If you don't see your name here and you feel you deserve these beautiful awards, please feel free to pick up one or two here yeah? Happy weekend!
Loyalty Award from Bing
Humane Award from Bill
Sassy Blogger Award from Liza
Butterfly Blogger Award from Sandee
Best Blog Award from Sunshine
=-O =-O =-O
ooohh Awards!! thank you for the lovely awards, marzie!! and you definitely deserve all of them too!! :)
I feel so under-dressed at this awards ceremony!! LOL!
Recent blog:=- So Much Rain!
:* :* :* :* :*
me too shem! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
thanks for the awards, dear!
did i make the chop this time?
hey elai!! :) :)
Wah Shemah SSG!!! * post some more, great chop sweetie! :)
Time for awards Shemah, congrats and don’t forget to decorate MSE with the awards, hugs! :)
He he no need to feel underdressed, dress code casual mah! :)
Elai is here yay! :)
LOL, u too feel underdressed Elai? He he!
yeayyy!! thanks!! Macam eksyen pulak my new p1 modem nak tunjuk laju!! LOL!
haahahah i bookmark my awards but i haven't found the right baju.. later i
put it up!! :) don't worry!! :)
You’re welcome ELai, congrats and many hugs! :)
Hohohohoho this one * post Elai, u ALMOST made the chop. Thanks for always trying sweetie, I’ll give u ur first FCSB point on my SB okay? Hugs!
Wah…I just read Nick complaining again abt p1…seems the situasi not getting better…lucky ur side coast is clear super duper speed! :)
LOL sure u can find the perfect baju now dat ur BD-ing like mad! :)
hahahhaha casual awards ceremony? okay lah.. then me and my rm10 t-shirt and
shorts are accepted ah? hahahaa
Pajamas oso can, make it a slumber party terus he he! ;)
helo, shem! :* :* :* :*
ye ke?? why ah? hhehehe kesian Nick also.. always got something up..
hahahahaah that's the whole point.. to find perfect baju for either xmas or
new years!! LOL!
hahahaha yeayyy!! that sounds like fun!! slumber awards party!!!! :) :) :)
The technician went to his house some more but still cannot rectify the problem tsk tsk tsk…. If I sure angers to da max edi! :( So I guess I am sticking to Screamyx for now…
Ah seeeeeee….new outfit for xmas! I oso need new outfit for NY!
underdressed? my clothes is not even fit for the office.. LOL
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
wooohooo! is that for trying hard? LOL...
Recent blog:=- I Need A Bowl!
U can bring ur choc cake to mah slumber party Shemah! :)
Hey it’s Saturday, u working today Elai??
Ha ha of coz Elai! Hugs and ur first point is finally up! :)
Thanks for the award dearie!! and congrats to you too ya!!
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Sun Comes Up (John Legend)**
You’re welcome dearie, time for awards! Congrats to LJL, hugs! :)
really?? i brought mine to the centre, they help me reset, then they said
modem yang rosak, so can change at HQ. Had i gotten it from them, they would
have given me a new modem right away...
NY?? hahaha NY in New York??? woohoo!! LOL! wishful thinking!! :) :)
hahahahaha still got half.. kalau tak makan, takut tak elok.. kalau makan,
badan tak elok.. how??? the kids ate most of it.. tu yang hyper bukan main
these past few days.
am not working.. hehehe.. i went here to get my stuff and to access their internet.. LOL
Recent blog:=- October Top First Commenters
It seems the problem is on P1’s end…so Nick can’t do much but wait and suffer angrily..poor thing..
I wan to go NY Shemah! I wan to eat at HRC there and go empire state building with B!
LOL @ kalau makan badan tak elok ha ha ha!!! Wah so yummy la choc cake, I dunno where to go for dinner tonight…still thinking although I am in the mood for fried mushroom at TGIF… oh no….
He he okay! Is ur office near ur home Elai?
i want to have my serendipityy... LOL! jom lah marzie!! :) hahaha
really lah.. i think nick should go to the HQ and just change his modem if
he can't connect.. nanti i drop by his blog and let him know..
wuahaahh.. i also felt like going to TGIF.. but on the other hand i feel
like going to delicious. But then tonight i'm all by myself. J working n the
kids are at my MIL's so i'm all alone.. maybe when J is off next tuesday, i
want to go DELIcious and eat.. lama gils tak makan kat luar..
LOL!!! But no money how la to go vakasi? At least u get free tickets bestnye!
He can connect Shemah, but damn slow like siput!! Tu yg tensi…lebih baik tak pakai broadband know what I mean…
Eh just now Delicious was oso on my list… I’ve never been to delicious although B dah pergi few times huhuhuhuhu… oh no home alone sure boring…J balik lambat is it? Or not can go for late supper or something… supper at PJ Hilton oso nice, long taim no go…
hi shemah! i love yr new profile pic! you're looking so pretty la! ;)
Recent blog:=- Friday Fill-Ins #4
aloha marzie! it's been a while since i last reecive any awards. These are really beautiful and they meant alot to me. Thanks for making my presence in this blogosphere still appreciated. Love ya, woman!!! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Friday Fill-Ins #4
tu yang geram tu.. free tickets burn je tiap2 tahun. Ni nak balik kk pun
susah sangat lah si J darling tu dapat leave. >.<
oh is it?? laaaa.. kesiannyaaa.. how come that slow ah?? tu lah. better tak
pakai p1 macam tu. Nasib baik mine okay.. then MT episodes yesterday..quite
fast lah.. but still want to use rapidshare..
ala J tu.. like last nite came back around 2.. then nak makan supper pun
terus go to bed.. wahlauu.. badan pun nanti sehat semacam.. I love the
salads at delicious and the pesto is quite nice. The burger pun sedap but i
prefer TGIF's sebab you can ask them to make rare ke, medium ke, well done.
Kat deli cannot. Seri likes the green curry there but i never tried. Go
there for the choc cake laaaa!! hahahahah quite nice also!!
jeaniiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!!!! how are youuuuuuuu?? alaa.. old picture that
one. the time when i got my haircut before my birthday.. that was back in
MAY!! LOL! but thanks for the compliment... hehehehehe..
Wah Shemah looking pretty and SW ahaks! :)
Congrats Jean, I wanted to welcome u back with these awards, see2 belum sempat send message to you, u arrived edi yay! I hope u love the awards sweetie, hugs! :)
Tu la….. I oso angers if B lama tak cuti he he…. So nice la free tickets..nemind if u don get to go end of the year, can go mid yr or something… :)
Yeah dunno what is up with P1 at his area… modem okay… oh no B is back with kuih-muih!
Jean just got back from Gold Coast, so nice right?? :)
yeah.. we'll see how my mom's condition is first lah.. but i ask J if still
jadi.. he said jadi as long as mom is okay. Because the plan is that we go
together.. and if my mom follows, he will come back to malaysia after a
week, while i can spend longer there.. and go back with my mom and sisters.
J pun cannot cuti like 2 weeks like that.
ooooohhhh kuih muihhhh!! how nice.. no one to have tea time with me. better
exercise lah.. but soooooooo lazyy...
ohhh yeahhh.. Jeanie went to Gold Coast!! OMG!! how fun is thattt!! :) :)
My wedding dat time I cuti 2 weeks, boss oso angers but what to do hahahahha!
LOL! Oh no he brought back nasi lemak bungkus kecik… which I am happily eating now….sure full now don feel like eating at TGIF edi! :)
I sent this message twice but it won go through dunno why, resending…
Aiyoooooo enticing me with the menu it seems SHemah ha ha! If I go to TGIF, I wan to eat the fried mushroom and oso the buffalo wings…yummers!
Fun gila la GC, I oso wan to go GC…wan to go Sea World!!
hahahaha alaaa.. relax lah boss.. hahahaha... nice nya 2 week honeymoon.
oooohhh i love the NL bungkus kecik at SS2!!!
wuaahh.. dah berapa kali go to australi.. never go to GC.. seri je with my
parents dulu.. the rest tinggal. hahaahha
ohhh yeahhh.. buffalo wings please.. i haven't tried the fried mushrooms yet
Hahahaha yeah I found out later when my colleague told me boss tak puas hati…amende ntah hahahhahaha!
Alamak which part of SS2, sure byk org jual NL there….not bad la this new NL B bought…a bit spicy the sambal, and they separate the sambal oso…mmmmmm
I oso never been to GC…def on my vakasi destinasi list, australi oso not dat far from here..
U haven tried the mushrooms at TGIF? Must try cause it comes with a special dip which is plain yummy la! :)
maybe dulu2 your boss tak honeymoon kot!! hahahahaah
it's at the selera jaya food gerai at SS2.. confirm bleh jumpa.. if you go
yalah.. baru kalau you want to bring kids.. memang kesian lah they all if
long haul flights.. i can't imagine my parents dragging all 4 of us halfway
across the world. LOL! i think 2 children nak bawa gi australi pun pikir
hahaahha allie loves TGIF! just give her fries with honey mustard and she'll
be happily eating away not giving two hoots about anyone else!! LOL! Luckily
my children easy to bring to restaurants..
Oh that’s good! Sedapnye French fries and honey mustard…raining edi here!
Australi ok lagi cause 6 hours je kan.. sure they’ll be okay Shemah… plenty of things to keep them entertained on flight! :)
Selera Jaya? Hmmm not sure la nemind I’ll ask B if he knows later.. thanks! :)
He he…lucky working on mah own now woo hoo!
sini not raining but the air is cold.. so best skit exercise..
yeahhh.. hahaha buddy tu dah biasa nak 777.. because J kan works at flight
control.. so he knows kalau pegi taiwan via kk.. then we get big plane,
that's the flight he'll book us on. So if kl-kk or kk-kl via that flight, we
get to watch movie also. hahahahaha..
hahaha.. okay... apparently it's famous in PJ.. got 2 jenis nasi lemak panas
from two vendors. one the sambal dry-er abit.. one more basah.. i prefer the
basah-er one. It's not like sedap gila babas but sedap jugak lah.. lagipun
wah banyaknya award!!!! tenkuim marzie!!! :* :* :* :* :* :*
Thank you so much for the awards Mariuca!! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
also, congrats to u too!! :) ;)
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
Great Awards and a lot of link love - congrats and thanks for sharing!
Happy weekend to you too :-)
Recent blog:=- RennyBA’s Terella fourth Anniversary in Blogsphere
Thanks for the cool awards, GP... you were right that we're trying to have a nice relaxing weekend here in the Roxiticus Valley. I have a nasty cold and I'm not a particularly good patient. Will try to get up the energy to slip into a little black dress (the one Maddie and London love with the feathers at the bottom) and make a gracious acceptance speech.
Thanks again!
Recent blog:=- Remembering My Dad and Honoring My Uncle Joe on Veteran's Day
Yay Roxy in da house, congrats sweetie! I’m sorry to hear ur not feeling well but I am looking forward to seeing you in that little black dress! Bring the girls too if you like he he, hope u feel better soon, hugs! :)
Hi Renny, I see u just had a blog birthday woot! Thanks for all your visits and comments too, have a terrific Sunday! :)
And helllllo Monica!
You’re welcome Monica, enjoy! Long time no award ceremony here lol..
Yay Emila is here too, congrats dear, hope u love all the awards! :)
Thanks Mon, congrats on winning all the awards, pretty right the awards? YAY! :)
LOL @ Shemah describing the NL he he… Seriously have to BD FOR REAL this time, serious ni hahahahahhaahah! But NL my weakness…
Nice la J working with MAS, Shemah…enjoy the perks! :)
Rajin la u Shemah exercising daily…. U put me to shame!
Dear Mariuca,
What wonderful awards! Big thanks to include my name there and made my day when I'm sick. I got swine flu vaccine yesterday & last night my body started giving reaction.
It will take some days to be normal again.
Please, pray for me.
Thank you so much & happy weekend
Recent blog:=- Turning Hurt Into Hope
Adoiii.. banyaknya awards!! :-D :-D Thank you, thank you Marzie.
Recent blog:=- Someone Stole My Clothes Hangers
Haha :D Thanks for the award Mau. I really appreciate it. Tak sangka you gave it to me too. :p
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Most Embarrassing Moment!
I feel so honoured. As if I have strike a lottery. LOL :D Anyway have a great day Mau.:D
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Most Embarrassing Moment!
Very nice indeed. I hope i can get one soon.
Recent blog:=- Victorious Day
Thanks sweetie! I will post them on Wednesday. :)
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Healing
Congratulations on all these awards and thank you so very much Mariuca. You rock. I only took the two that I don't have. I hope you don't mind.
Have a terrific day. :)
Recent blog:=- One Nation Under God
Sure Sandee, no worries and thanks to YOU too for the award here, love and hugs! :)
Congrats Liza, enjoy your awards sweetie! :)
Hey Melandria, thanks for coming over and feel free to pick up an award or two here if u like! :)
Ha ha ha congrats Tekkaus, if only this was a real lottery, then you’d be rich! :)
thank you so much for passing these awards on ....
been so busy lately :) :)
you are very generous :*
Recent blog:=- "Small is the number ..
Thanks so much Kim and congrats to u too of course, hugsy! :)
He he no worries sweetie, it’s time for awards here at Mariuca and u are surely on my list, big hugs! :)
Why la unsangkarable Tekkaus? Ha ha, congrats and enjoy the awards, thanks for ur support here! :)
You’re welcome Nessa, I hope this takes away some of the pain of ur stolen hangers he he, hugs! :)
Hi Fida! Congrats sweetie and I’m glad the awards made ur day. I hope ur feeling better today, get more rest okay? Take care! :)
Hi Marzie,
Thanks for the awards! They are all soooo pretty!
I´ll make an award galore soon :)
Hugs xx
Recent blog:=- Music Monday Nr. 50
Thanks so much marzie for the awards :-[ :-[ :-[
Recent blog:=- Dream, Believe & Survive
all those other awards I got from you and others I haven't posted up to now :'( :'( :'( :'(
I'm about to be off, night time here already and I bet you're just having your sleep now c :-P :-P
Wow! So many awards! Thanks so much!!! :)
No comment luv? How come it is mentioned that URL cannot be seen by commentluv? Any changes to JS Kit?
Do drop me a note at my blog in case I forgot to come back here to check your replies! TQ!
=-O =-O Thanks Marzie your the best :* :*. i will post them soon.
Recent blog:=- Time For A Break
You’re welcome Bill, and hey you’re back from ur mini vacation? :)
Yeah Marzie we just got back last night. i will be posting about it later.
Welcome back Bill! I hope u had a blast! :)
It was great and it was the first time i got to see the show WoW WoW Wee in
person. Good show. Do you watch that show?
I don know that show Bill, but I will def read abt it at Paradise I hope… pics too Bill! :)
Alamak I was just at ur blog Foong, forgot to reply!
You’re welcome Foong, enjoy and congrats! Keep up the great work! :)
Sometimes like dat one Foong, now u see it now u don’t…CL is working fine for me today though!
sorry marzie,
was buzy with IKN's Convo day last week.
Wah! thanks for the awards.
I feel like a celebrity knowing a celebrity blogger too :)
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
congrats to all too.
Memang seronok menjengah diri ke sini.
Tuuuttt tuutttt (bunyi siren lori under ke belakang nak bawak balik piala ke rumah restnrileks) :) :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
Later ya marzie,
tgh menunaikan kewajipan membalas komentar ke blog rakan-rakan yang lain.
:-D :-D
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
Thanks for coming by Ayie, TGIF!
He he take ur time sweetie! :)
You’re welcome Ayie, many congrats! :)
Hi Mariuca,
Believe it or not, I've just noticed that you have invited me to take some of these Awards and today is already 29th Nov'09. Will try to do what I can, I think it is better late than never, rigjht?
Thanks so much, I do not understand why I did not get message from JS Kit with this comments. By right it should send me the notification. :) ;) 8-) :* :*
Hugzzz from me to you and all your Meows
Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!
Ha ha no worries Lil, better late than never and congrats on the awards again! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!