The last time B went abroad for work and I was left behind, I spent a huge portion of my alone time cleaning up our home. I had a little help then so it was easier to get everything done. By the time B arrived home, he was most impressed by the new curtains covering our balcony sliding door and the new location of our massage chair, which was previously in the bedroom. I had to drag and pull and push with all my might before the very heavy massage chair was nicely placed in its new location, inside our living-room.

I even moved our furniture around, re-arranging stuff to add more space and comfort to our lovely but sometimes messy home. Our Area Rugs were freshly-cleaned and the floor was gleaming after a good mop. I laid out a new table-cloth on the day he arrived home and of course a special meal was cooking in the kitchen. It was a wonderful home-coming for B if I do say so myself and though I was exhausted after all the cleaning, shopping and cooking, I was still happy to have my darling come home to a nice clean house.

Now that B has left me behind once again, I am suddenly inspired to decorate our home - starting with new Rugs. I hear Superior Rugs offers really beautiful Cheap Rugs that are excellent in quality, which is exactly what I'm looking for.

The best thing about Superior Rugs is their unique awesome feature called Deal of the Day. Basically a special rug deal is offered every day and by special I mean really low prices! And once the deal of the day is over, the same rug will not be offered at the special low price again.
Are you looking for a new rug for your home too? Snap up these great bargains before somebody else does, hurry!
Are you looking for a new rug for your home too? Snap up these great bargains before somebody else does, hurry!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :*
wah isteri mithali ni.. hehehhe
:* :* :*
Clean GP clean.. nowadays our apt not to messy with fur coz the kids dah ada room sendiri.. yihaa!!
ok.. am off to bed now dearie.. soo sleepy...hehhehe.. nite nite!!
ehh why Guest?? =-O =-O
LJ FC1! Not sleeping yet LJ? :)
Recent blog:=- The Big Fat Duck Cookbook
very confused now..
Recent blog:=- The Big Fat Duck Cookbook
LOL, sebab nak kill time kan LJ hahhahah kemas la apa yg patut, which is like everything!
Guest Monica? FC2! :)
So good la u all got cat room now..of coz house will be so much cleaner then kan? :)
Nite nite LJ, thanks for chopping sweetie! :)
But now back to Monica… no more Guest, just the first comment….
Morning Monica, thanks for chopping too!
Hmmmm why confused? Now back to Monica edi what…
yeah Guest Monica :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- The Big Fat Duck Cookbook
haha coz i ve to fill up everyting dat's why confused :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- The Big Fat Duck Cookbook
He he welcome to WOAFS Guest Monica! :)
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
GP! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Hahaha :D Hard to chop here o. :p
Recent blog:=- Kelly Clarkson's Empathizing Because of You!
..was late! :(
Oh no need to be confused, it’s all good now that u can reply by email using Monica, yay!
That goes to show you really love your B! :p
Recent blog:=- Kelly Clarkson's Empathizing Because of You!
And GG! FC3! :)
Thanks for chopping ladies and happy Tuesday! :)
Morning GG, still not asleep eh?
GG! Hehehehhhe! Thanks for chopping!
Morning Mariuca! wah got candlelight dinner ;) :)
Recent blog:=- The Big Fat Duck Cookbook
Guest Tekkaus! Morning!
U made FC3 sweetie, cheer up!
haha so many Guests!!
yalor finally!!!!! LOL!!!
He he sure la love my B! :)
wooooooooooh! i made it!
NP GP! ;)
just woke up GP! ;)
am FC 3! woooooooooohoooooooooooo!
you too GP!
Recent blog:=- 2009 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine
u too te mon, guest? =-O
Recent blog:=- 2009 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine
NP GP! ;)
Recent blog:=- 2009 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine
i made it!!!! =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- 2009 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine
He he, cute kan this smiley, sure la got candelight dinner after being apart for so long hahahaha!
halu halu ate guest! LOL! :-D
Recent blog:=- Maya Angelou: A Quote for Medical Students
hahahahah so romantic nya ;)
Ha ha dats why… lucky I remembered Tekkaus’ latest post so I knew it was him lol…
And u didn do anything different oso suddenly can reply by email…magic! ;)
Yup, 2 points edi here this month GG!
no, i restored only after that can reply by email hahahahah so funny
Just woke up? I haven zzzzz yet lol…
Yay GG, posting again soon he he….
LOL @ Ate Guest hahahahha!
He he… must plan special meal oso this time… :)
Before this u never restore??
got but i think dat was like a few mths ago :-D
yeah plan sthing special!! ;)
Ohhh ha ha ha I restore after every new post!
Will start cleaning slowly….start with the living room…now so messy he he :)
oh i didn't do that lah :-P
Ok just remember to restore often, hopefully no more problem then…
OK! and hopefully when i switch on my lappy 2moro, i still can reply by
email hahahahha!!
:* :* :* :* :* :*
i love that rug, marzie!
Hi Elai!
LOL hopefully Mon, u done dropping edi? I haven..
i haven't!! still dropping now :-D
Headache edi here hope can finish dropping soon…
Great colour combination right Elai? :)
me too quite sleepy edi.....
oh I would love a rug, but my house is not rug friendly due to my kitties!
Afternoon Marzie.
Heh, Rizal pun suka mengemas rumah bila tiada orang.
Lepas tuu yang syiok bile dah kemas bersih, baru puas rehat.
Memang nikmati sungguh la. Hendak-hendak berehat dengan pekena secawan kopi yang kaw. Fuhhh! chaiyok!! :-D
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Live Blogging Tutorial
Semakin tinggi saingan di sini hendak mengeCHOP ni.
Hendak-hendaknya ada pula pemain baru. Tee Hee. Tapi tu yang best.
Okay singgah lain kali. Kelas nak mula dah ni. hehehe
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Blogger's Name Card : Should You Have One?
I love the rug Mariuca!!!
Recent blog:=- a New York dialogue...
don't wear yourself out with the cleaning chores....... =-O :-D
Recent blog:=- a New York dialogue...
I love the little smilies ..they always make my day Mariuca they are soooo cute ...just like you :* :*
Recent blog:=- a New York dialogue...
Why must B be gone before you start cleaning up your home? :)
Recent blog:=- What I Ate During Mooncake Festival
Hahahahha.. oklah tu. When B comes home.. he'll be so happy
Yeap.. don't think I can do without a kitty room now.. hehehe.. much cleaner
dearie.. vacumn also now once in two days only..hehhe
Not yet.. but slept right after I chop.. lol
Maybe you can get the Scooba and Roomba (whatever the names are!) to help you clean your floor? You know, those round irobots that sweep and mop? :)
Hi Marzie, I am here now too! and you got the last link on that post for guessing!! :* :*
Recent blog:=- MM:Cooler Season Warm Colors-Jonah
The last thing I do when Walter is away is clean!! I use to clean all of the time. but, now, as I am older and here alone a lot..who cares? =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- MM:Cooler Season Warm Colors-Jonah
We have storms moving through again right now and I can't run my adgi's yet. It was like this yesterday too!! I am hoping it clears soon. I need to get it done!!
Recent blog:=- MM:Cooler Season Warm Colors-Jonah
Glad to know my new ad is working! ;)Got run. Love and hugs always!! :* :*
Recent blog:=- MM:Cooler Season Warm Colors-Jonah
i like my surroundings to be always clean and pleasing to the eye. i do it everyday here.
Happy spring cleaning dear. but try not to overstrain yourself with the cleaning chores, ok?
Good morning to you Marzie and hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.
btw, i love that rug. it's extremely gorgeous.
coming visiting your homepage, reading some interesting post and dropping EC & Adgitize. if you have time, visit my page too
hi marzie, finally back here! :* :*
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday: Windsurfers
i also tend to do things around home when hubs is away though he never really leaves me for a long time..
any new rugs you got?
Cleanliness is next to godliness, so being clean you can declare yourself as a goddess, LOL
Recent blog:=- Oes Tsetnoc: How to Make your PC Perform Faster
LOL a cleanliness goddess sounds ultra cool he he!
Hi Selina, show la ur kitties! :)
Morning Rizal, I dah kemas dah on Sunday, sampai sekarang terasa kepenatannya muahahahha! I am drinking coffee now, have some pls.. :)
Have a good class today Rizal, cikgu dah minum kopi pagi ke tu? ;)
Rajin LJ vacuum once in two days hehhehehe, come vacuum here!
B is home edi LJ and he said the place looks clean yeeeha!
I meant spring cleaning Foong, not the biasa daily chores mah….
Hehehheheheh thanks Kim, I love my smileys too, it’s so fun to search for the right smileys to go with my post! :)
I was dead tired after all my cleaning Kim but B is back and so I can rest now hahahahha!
Still looking Ayie! He he!
Don’t u just hate it when our hubbs have to go away Ayie? :(
Welcome back Ayie!
Woo hoo, thanks for the linky Jackie! :)
Hi Guest…Jackie?? Robots that sweep and mop???? Wow I want! :)
Hey Madong! Thank you for visiting and dropping EC and Adgi, I am visiting ur site now..and welcome to Mariuca’s blog! :)
Ohhhh hope everything is fixed now Jackie…u been doing ur Adgi? :)
LOL @ now that I’m older, who cares! Hahahhahaha, I’m lazy to clean sometimes Jackie but no choice since I ain’t got a maid! :(
Yay, thanks for loving my choice Kim, I think it’s really cool too! :)
Yay for gorgeous rugs, thanks LR! :)
Thanks for coming by LR, I wish u a terrific week too!
Yes it is Jackie and badge looks superb!
Ur so rajin LR, want to come clean my place? Hahahahhaa!
I was sneezing away while cleaning LR…achooo! ;)
I used to vacumn twice a day GP!! Lol!!
Wah. mesti B lagi saying kan..heheh
Gils ke apa vacuum twice a day!
Hahhaha.. yelah.. I used to have 6 kids remember.. and lots of fur!!
I hope so LJ lol..
LOL @ 6 kids and lots of fur hahahahahahhaha…now 5 but still lot of fur right?
Yeap.. still lots.. only now got own room so much better controlled lah
I just cleaned up the kitty condo LJ, dust bunny all over!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!