It's going to be a very busy day for me today! We'll be celebrating the Aidilfitri celebration tomorrow and as usual, procrastinator me have put off my candy shopping till the very last minute. So now, I have no choice but to brave the expected traffic and last-minute shopping crowd at the mall. There's also the laundry to do, mopping and I still have yet to put up our new curtains. It's time like this I wish for a maid but since that's out of the question for now; I am bracing myself for a hectic day today.

Assorted candies make a great choice for parties and celebrations and I already have several selections in mind. When it comes to candy, my usually fickle mind has no problems whatsoever in choosing the ones I want. It's funny but I figure you can't go wrong with candies; they're all delicious so it's really a matter of buying the right quantity rather than worrying about the flavor!
If you need some candy ideas for your next big event or celebration, drop by Sugar Stand. They have the widest selections of bulk candy, chocolates and sweets I've ever seen. Housing hundreds of popular brands like Jelly Belly, Tootsie, Wrigley, Wonka, and Hersheys, Sugar Stand is your one stop shop for all the sweets, treats and candies you need to satisfy that sweet tooth of yours...and your guests! Happy candy shopping!
If you need some candy ideas for your next big event or celebration, drop by Sugar Stand. They have the widest selections of bulk candy, chocolates and sweets I've ever seen. Housing hundreds of popular brands like Jelly Belly, Tootsie, Wrigley, Wonka, and Hersheys, Sugar Stand is your one stop shop for all the sweets, treats and candies you need to satisfy that sweet tooth of yours...and your guests! Happy candy shopping!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:-D :-D :-D :-D
Baby Issy is coming? =-O =-O :* :*
Recent blog:=- Stretchy & Tangy
enjoy your shopping Mariuca! 8-)
Recent blog:=- Friday Fill-Ins: PH, My bathtub, Shopping!
Mon still up! Morning FC1!
Yeah remember I mentioned she’s coming home soon? Woo hoo!!! Candy for baby Issy! :)
Yay Marvic! Morning FC2! :)
candy....and chocolate...i buy lots of it every time its Christmas..hang it over the Christmas tree..children love it when they found out that the candy is real...hehehe
Thanks Mon, gonna zzzz first of coz then force myself to wake up and shop the day away! :)
Hey Marvic! Candy and children go hand in hand, enjoy ur candy shopping come Christmas sweetie, usually the best candies are on sale then. :)
Nite nite Mariuca! :* :* cya....;)
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Comments <
buzz2 Mariuca! and nite2 :* :* :*
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Monica <> wrote:
8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- I Am Fat?? **
Yeay.. Baby Issy is coming home.. more pictures of her ok!!
Recent blog:=- There Goes the Dough : Motorbike's Wheels Replacement Update
I did my laundry yesterday at 3am.. lol!!! now they are nicely drying away :)
Recent blog:=- I Married A Handyman **
:* :* :* :*
my kids would sure love that! =-O =-O =-O
Hi Dear,
wow I finally found time to browse today after having such a busy work schedule. I can't wait to read what I have missed here :) Hope things are well and that it keeps on getting better :)
Recent blog:=- Food Friday on Empty Streets: Tomato and Herb Linguine
All these sweets is making me hungry huhuh can I have some hehhe :) xoxo
Recent blog:=- Nick Lachey - All in My Head
We have these in Malaysia? :p Anyway have a great raya!
Recent blog:=- My Olympus Camedia C-310 Zoom!
Don't eat too much...if'll be toothless in no time. :p
Recent blog:=- My Olympus Camedia C-310 Zoom!
=-O =-O Baby Issy is coming? oh yay!! i love her cuteness and she's such a darling. hope u take more pics of her and share with us. ;) :) 8-)
i bet any kids would love those candies, great choice.
You can’t go wrong with candy LR, yummy! :)
Hahaha thanks LR! I too love Baby Issy’s cutness, so geram la! I will happily snap away of coz yay! :)
LOL @ toothless in no time, will take note of ur advice Tekkaus he he… :)
I think we can find similar ones of other brands here Tekkaus, you too enjoy ur Raya break! :)
Sure Metz, help yourself to yummy candy here and at Meow Diaries he he! :)
Hi Metz, tomo is Eid Mubarak so I’ve been busy all day, I mean after I woke up earlier lol! Thanks for checking on me, love and hugs! :)
Bring some home for ur kids Elai, he he…enjoy! :)
Hola Elai! :)
Hiya LJ! I just did one load now doing another! Lucky got dryer since raining whole day … :)
Will do my best of coz LJ, love Baby Issy! :)
Hey LJ! :)
Thanks for the buzz2 Mon, already feeling sleepy now… and it’s not even midnite!
See ya later sweetie, have a good day! :)
selamat hari raya marzie! hope u have a lovely celebration with your family
Recent blog:=- Selamat Hari Raya 2009
Thanks so much Soulie, I hope u and King Bem have a terrific Raya too, have fun and eat lotsa goodies! :)
Hi GP!!
Hahahhahahaha wei! Hi LJ!
you are such a sweet tooth marzie, just like my younger sis! :* :*
Recent blog:=- The Simpsons - Cool Stamps
so baby issy's there already? wow you must be very happy! I'm so envious...I can't even hug my cutie elisse :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- The Simpsons - Cool Stamps
i am not much into candies or chocolates, only when I crave
Recent blog:=- The Simpsons - Cool Stamps
Will cutie elisse be coming over to ur side of the world for a visit any time soon Ayie??? :)
What sort of cravings do u get now that ur prego Ayie?? Anything out of the ordinary?
I love sweet stuff oh no….
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!