I love receiving packages from friends especially if it's unexpected and this one here is from my good friend Debbs who is currently vacationing for 10 full days. I do hope she's having fun in Sarawak and I will miss her funny antics online while she's away. 
I won this lovely Keris key-chain as a consolation prize in Debbs' floral bag giveaway held some time back. Though I did not win the main prize, it's still nice to be acknowledged as one of the winners. Thanks so much for the warm gesture Debbs, I love my gift!
Speaking of contests, I know I am terribly late in mailing out the prizes to the winners of my Where is Mariuca contest and I promise to sort them out this weekend. Bear with me peeps while I go through another round of posting frenzy!

I won this lovely Keris key-chain as a consolation prize in Debbs' floral bag giveaway held some time back. Though I did not win the main prize, it's still nice to be acknowledged as one of the winners. Thanks so much for the warm gesture Debbs, I love my gift!

Speaking of contests, I know I am terribly late in mailing out the prizes to the winners of my Where is Mariuca contest and I promise to sort them out this weekend. Bear with me peeps while I go through another round of posting frenzy!


:* :* :* :* :*
OMG! i can't believe i got it?
yiha!!! FC FC FC!!!!
I was having dinner..came back.. saw the tweet and here I am!!
Can I have LJL here sweetie? :* :* :*
Lucky you and how sweet ;-)
Yay!! Debbs is soooo sweet isn't she!! :)
for some weird reason again...i can't log thru friend connect...it's just frozen >:o
that's a cute keychain, I also collect those whenever I go to other countries. ;)
for some weird reason again...i can't log thru friend connect...it's just frozen Yell
that's a cute keychain, I also collect those whenever I go to other countries. Wink
oh...now the emoticons are messed up..... sigh!
=-O =-O =-O
ohh Debbs went back to Sarawak edi! 8-) 8-)
Hi Monica! Still not sleeping like me it seems lol…dropping ec now actually…
Mariuca! just came back lah me...went out for supper just now :-D
I’d love some supper now Mon, seriously need to buy groceries soon, nothing much at home! ;)
Yeah she went back yest afternoon, 10 days in her hometown. Have fun Debbs! :)
Emoticons messed up Ayie? Oh no, hope it’s nothing major, hugs! :)
Oh me too Ayie! I have so many keychains, love collecting the cute unique ones! :)
u feel hungry Mariuca? i had tandoori ;) me too nothing much at home!
GP!!! did i get FC for this one?? hehhe..
wah debbs balik kampung eh??
Sorry to see u having problems commenting and logging in Ayie, hope it clears up soon. :)
Hey SHemah, will miss Debbs for the next 10 days, good she’s taking a break though. :)
LJ! U are here! Yes sweetie, baru nak check comments ni, u FC! :)
Of coz la feel hungry at 4.11am Mon lol!! Would love some scrambled eggs right now. :)
Thanks Renny, I am blessed with terrific blog buddies, love them all! :)
hehe...u don hv eggs at home?
Sure dearie, will put up LJL here! :)
Sure dearie, will put up LJL here! :)
You got the chop LJ, yay another point!
Thanks for chopping sweetie, come chop again nanti! :)
Hugs dearie, you are def getting back ur SSG groove! ;)
Morning LJ! :)
Thanks GP!!
Yeay.. another point for me!! Yihaa!!
Hah.. ada chop lagi?? Wah I baru ingat nak zzz
I'm trying to GP..
Tengah buat makeover ni..hehe
Morning GP!!!
I'm around but watching TV and blog makeover-ing in the process.. lol!
I’m watching dvd and dropping ec, hey ec paid u edi or not??
Yeah 4 points edi LJ!
No news from EC lah. I heard about the takeover.. I wonder what they have in
store for us
Welcome LJ, ur badge is up. :)
Oh go to zzzz LJ, I’ll still buzz buzz, if ur up then can chop!
Ok dearie..
I need to wake up early and bathe Aggie before I go out 2mrw.. she stinks
from the diarrhea. Poor thing.. as she cleans herself.. she dok korek2 the
area surrounding her to cover the stench from her bum
Ok LJ, cian Aggie kena mandi pagi2! Keep warm Aggie and get well soon. Nite2 LJ. :)
joomm join my contest...dah ada 2 pencalonan untuk emilayusof.com
Recent blog post: Contest Weblog Popular 1Malaysia
Nice Website
Keep it up
Arun Sharma
Hi Marzie,
Dropping by to check on what is new over here :) Hope you had a great week and wishing you a great weekend to come :)
That keychain looks great btw :) xoxo
Recent blog post: Food Friday on Empty Streets: Fried Tofu in Peanut Sauce
my kids love collecting keychains as it's one of the coolest fashionable things to do nowadays. :-D
Recent blog post: PhotoHunt - Rock(s)
have a fabulous weekend Mariuca!
Recent blog post: PhotoHunt - Rock(s)
Hi Mariuca, would you be interested to join in another contest? Check this out:
my blog
Thank you for the invitasi DH, and good luck to EMila! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- July Top EC Meows **
Thanks Arun and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Marketing Burst!
I love it too LR, I might not use all of them but still like to collect keychains. =-X :-[ :* :*
Recent blog:=- I'm a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup! ***
Thanks LR! 8-)
Recent blog:=- While Master is Sleeping
Will do JL, thanks for the link. :* :*
Recent blog:=- Time to Snuggle! **
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!