I can't wait for the day when I'm finally debt-free! Imagine not having to pay any more bills be it credit cards, housing loan or even an installment plan. Surely I'd live a more relaxed, less stressful life and I can add a bigger chunk to my savings too!

Everyone has debts and big or small; they undeniably play a major role in our lives. If you're like my friend Shyam who's very particular about her finances and promptly pays all her bills in full every month, you need not worry too much. But if you're like me who owns quite a few credit cards and am not sufficiently disciplined to make prompt payment every month, you might need to pay more attention to your finances.
I am actually dreading receiving my credit card bills this month. After my recent vacation and massive spending on perfumes and what not, the moment of truth has arrived and the total amount of our expenses will reach me soon. It's not like we overspent but we did spend a little more than our usual monthly budget and now we have to fork up extra cash to pay for what we enjoyed last month; payback time if you will!

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Thanks for reading and have a great Wednesday!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

=-O =-O
ahaks...its me 1st... =-O =-O ;) ;)
hahaha speedy2 si marvic today!!
i wish to be free of debt too, marzie.. then i can take all the annual vacation i want!! LOL!
:-$ :-$ :-$
But i'm sure with all your kaching from PB.. you'll have more extra2 to pay for your extra2!! LOL!
owh..debts..debts..debts..i am looking forward for the day that i am debt free...wonder when it will be..sigh
Recent blog post: Seeing Through My Eyes 2 *
:* :* :*
Yay! Marvic FC1 today! :)
Morning Shemah! FC2! :)
It is u Marvic, yay for Twitter, chop some more later! :)
Marvic nowadays quite SSG it seems Shemah! ;)
speedy gonzales... :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Seeing Through My Eyes 2 *
Recent blog post: Seeing Through My Eyes 2 *
ahaks....me too shemah... ;)
Recent blog post: Seeing Through My Eyes 2 *
Oh that is the dream Shemah! Forever don wan to worry abt bills, bills, bills like right now! Good luck to us and yay for annual vakasi! :)
And yay Debbs! FC3!! :)
Thank you for chopping ladies, love ya! :)
>:o >:o
I need more PBs to pay for my extra2 Shemah! Come to me RM PBs! :)
heres to more Kaching kaching LOL 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Ali Landry beach time with Daughter
I'm still in debt. Ptptn. hahaha :)
:-$ :-$ :-$
I love a clean credit and lots of money too! :* :* :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: Lovely Flowers
Will check out the credit cowboy lol!!! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Lovely Flowers
thats interesting! =D
I can always check my creditcard account from my mobile phone :-)
Recent blog post: Love Hate Food from Norway and RennyBA Achievement
I don't use my credit card that much, in fact i haven't used it for a year already =)
Recent blog post: Air Show, Vintage Display & Air Museum - 2
=-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: My passion for Art
Morning Mariuca!! :* :*
Recent blog post: My passion for Art
:-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: My passion for Art
Monica! :)
Morning sweetie, u slept edi? I haven slept, still dropping here…
Yay for PBs! $$$
Good Morning Marzie! :)
Mariuca!! I tot u zzzzz edi :-D
i can log in edi!! hahaha :-D
i missed this PB!
This one from LW, Mon. And then they sent me a reminder even tho got 10 days to do kan? So I quickly did it yesterday before they cancel the job. :)
Oh yeah me too can log in…. am dropping for WOAFS now. :)
I haven zzzzzzz!! You??
Morning Ane! Coffee ladies? :)
LW? just now SS sent me email oso abt this topic i think....
yeah they ll send reminder even tho got 10 days to do!!!
me too dropping now!!! :-D
same here haven zzzzzzz!!
am having freshly brewed coffee Marzie! and some brownies for breakfast!
here, have some! :-D
LOL! U talking abt the intherooms SS PB or this LW credit one Mon?
Oh u too haven zzzz Mon??? I’m dropping for meows now!
Ohhhhh haven zzzzzz oso hahahhahha! Awesome, we can zzzz later and then wake up late LOL!
Yum! Thanks for the brownies Ane, they’re delish! :)
opps! diff topic kah?? LOL!!
yeah a bit sleepy edi :-D
yalor haven zzzzzz oso! LOL!! MUST wake up late :-D
LW? I want to join LW!
hehehe glad you like it! :-D
Ha ha different one la Monica! Wakey wakey, sure blur edi cause haven zzzzz! ;)
I’m still not sleepy, can continue drop till finish I hope. :)
ohhhh diff one! hahahahahah def blur blur edi!!! :-D
i dropped 200 edi...
I tot u joined edi Ane? Just in case..for u or anyone else who wants to join LW! http://www.linkworth.com/?a=21941
Brownies are my fave, of coz I love it Ane! No nuts inside I hope he he! :)
Wah… I dropped for WOAFS and MPG edi, now at Wicked for MD! Meow meow!
Nope, was waiting for someone to refer me.. :-D will sign up! :)
No nuts Marzie! I didn't have nuts to put in.. LOL
Marzie, I sign up as a partner in LW?
Is there another choice besides Partner Ane?
Yay for no nuts brownies then Ane, my favourite type! :)
Sign up then Ane! Yay! Only recently LW started giving me PBs. :)
there is advertiser, partner and combo Marzie..
hehe why you don't like nuts Marzie? Me depends on my mood, sometimes I like
walnuts in it.. :)
any particular reason why LW now only giving you PBs?
Oh okay, partner then Debbs. That’s what I signed up for. :)
I love nuts…on its own Ane, but not with cookies or brownies etc…. :)
Oh and esp not with chocs!!
No particular reason Ane, just that it took several months of me waiting before I finally got jobs at LW! ;)
Can you send me again your referral id at LW Marzie.. :)
Oooops sorry I meant partner, ANE!!!!!
Ane! My referral id at LW is Mariuca. :)
hehe it's okay Marzie! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!