The initial plan was for me to have my Music Monday selection out early, so as to avoid being in the bottom three on the MM list. That didn't happen when I discovered I had some sort of failure on my end, which refused to allow me to view any videos online. I waited it out until yesterday and finally resorted to restoring my laptop to an earlier date, which finally got rid of the missing video problem!

Seeing that it's already Wednesday, I will have to forgo MM this week and instead, I'm going to do a very interesting tag. It's been so long since we had some fun with a new tag and this one came from the lovely Bing where you are required to take a simple personality test that defines your personality so you can get to know yourself better.
Before you start worrying about how long this is gonna take you, let me assure you that the questions are interesting and there's only 9. And after you get your results, you might just find it as amazing and interesting as I did. I took the test and I have to say that my results were pretty much spot-on!

The rules are:
1. Open this website :
2. Take the Personality Quiz (it's VERY short and easy, really)
3. Copy Paste the result to your blog.
4. Tag as many friends as you can and link to the friend who tagged you.
My Personality
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
I am tagging LJ, Emila, Nick, Liza, Rozie, Metz, LR, Monica, JL, Foong, Bem Bem, Nessa, Kim, Ane, Debbs, Shemah, Jean, Janice, Haaziq, Mize and anyone else who feels like getting to know me better. Have fun!


«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»:-D :-D
>:o >:o
MAriuca!! :* :*
Recent blog post: $1000 contest!
Thanks for tagging me sweetie! :*
Recent blog post: $1000 contest!
VERY short and easy? really? :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog post: $1000 contest!
Monica! :)
FC Mon! :)
LOL ur here Mon!
yes, u're down-to-earth and I like you too! :* :*
Recent blog post: $1000 contest!
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice - I agree! ;) :)
Recent blog post: $1000 contest!
Yayy thanks Mariuca! :*
very slow lah my connection today >:o
Welcome Mon, have fun with this one, pretty cool la!
I just came back from a late lunch Mariuca! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: $1000 contest!
There's nobody here? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: $1000 contest!
The questions Mon, the ones u have to answer…simple only!
Yay for liking me and yay for being down-to-earth ha ha! HUGS! :)
LOL! I try la to give honest advice and of coz have to be reasonable yeah? :)
Oh will put up ur badge oso after this! :)
Hey Marzie!!! :) :) I was around but busy doing my "research" for my feature artist on JPP! :) :) Bz bz bz!!! :) :)
Thanks for tagging me .. this looks really cool.. i'll come to read later k?? So much to do so little time!!!
Same here Mon, so annoying screamyx! Wan to leave comment oso it takes ages! :(
Ohhhh how nice! I am waiting for B to come home with dinner lol! :)
Welcome Mon, now u are in the lead here with 2 points ha ha! :)
I always miss your chop cause whenever you post I am not around! LOL :-D
Everybody having a quiet Wed Mon, whole day quiet as a mouse lol!
Me love Marzie! I will do this as soon as I can I promise! :)
Hey Shemah! Oh happy researching dearie, just abt to start my day here! :)
Thanks for tagging me Marzie, I can't wait for my results.. :) I'll keep you posted! :)
Hey Ane! Try again next post okay? I always give warning CHOP msg at TF Ane he he! :)
Ha ha! I know just how much u love tags Ane, and this one is too good to miss out, have fun! :)
suddenly my got disconnected! >:o >:o >:o
Yay Ane! Looking forward to ur results and wan to chop too he he! :)
Welcome Shemah, have fun! Sure can read when ur free, me too rushing to finish some stuff before B comes home! :)
same blogs take ages to mood to drop lah! >:o
sure..take yr time Mariuca! :)
Yeah me too unstable here Mon!!! Something is def up with Screamyx today! Better not disrupt my dropping later he he!! :-D :-D
And then when the pages appear, cannot see the widget, me too no mood to drop! :(
ohhh ok I'll check out the Qs later ;)
hahahhah....whole day quiet as a mouse! :-D :-D
enjoy yr dinner wz B later! :*
It's been awhile since you last tagged me. I thought you'd forgotten about tagging me ... LOL!
This looks like an easy and cool tag :D Thanks, it will be out soon ...
Recent blog post: And The Reason Is You ...
Hi Mariuca,
I was doing the test and I was very surprised because I got some very interesting results. Will share them with you this Friday. :) :) 8-)
Ok ok shhhhh he he ! Later come chop again, gonna be on posting frenzy!
Hey Marzie-pan, I will do the tag nanti ya. Thanks for tagging the KING hahahahaha
He he ok have fun and this would also make a nice interim for u Mon. :)
Yeah! Whole day everybody quietly minding their own business Mon! I slept of coz ha ha!
Sure Mon, u going out for dinner I assume?
I know right Nick? It’s been MONTHS since I tagged u, some more this one is easy and cool, so remember that the next time you tag me pulak LOL! :)
Your badge and point up edi Mon, thanks for chopping! :)
Interesting right this test JL? Ok have fun and share ur results with me later! :)
The almighty King Bem makes an appearance woot! Sure Bem Bem, very easy la this one, close one eye oso can do he he! :)
The king has been sick lah. hahahaha
Ohhhhh kesian sick it seems, uve not been going to work Bem? Take care. :)
Babe! I actually did this quiz before, but never posted it up only. Hehehe
A friend posted it on his blog and I did it too...and hmmm, my answers and his almost the same and now yours too! Tsk, tsk, tsk. Dunno true or not! Hehehe *DONT_KNOW* :-D 8-)
Yeah, today cuti off keja....
Then easier for u Rozie, just post the results, take it again so u can share ur results with me! :)
hohohoho...u're on posting frenzy! ;-)
yeah but not now la Mariuca i just came back frm late lunch mah...hahhahhah
how to eat again? :-)
The king has been sick? poor king!
Ha ha! Try again la Rozie, I’m quite agreeable with my results, the good and the bad! ;)
Thanks Mon, poor king :(
Oh best la cuti, and then wifey manjakan lagi, sure will feel better soon! :)
how are u Bem?
Hi Marzie! OK, nanti I buat the tag ya :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: The Tale Of Tuhau, MoneyPlants, ScrewPine Leaves And Sleeping Kids...
King oso can fall sick, kesian…janji dapat throne pestaim ever here! :)
Oh dat means ul be going out for supper then Mon, dim sum again?
Yeah have to be on posting frenzy Mon no choice ha ha!
Mon, ok ok lah, still recuperating.
Not bad la to get to sit on the throne for a month hehehehe
Wifey tak balik lagi ni. Nak manja pun kat mouse ni je. :(
haha no dim sum...feel like wanna eat thai food :-D
Sure Nessa, have fun and keep me posted on ur results! :)
rest more Bem!
He he double win some more Bem, lama I takde double win ever since LJ tertopple few months back! :)
Oh wifey still at work, nemind later she comes home can bermanja to da max with here he he! Makan la BS sementara. :)
Mmmmmm thai food oso nice, enjoy ur late dinner/supper later. :)
Thanks Mon. Rested already, but how to rest if i'm restless... so boring la
all this resting lol
Double win last time LJ ka?
Haven't got spare BS to eat, my only snack is Uphamol which I haven't
bought. LOL
i just finished eating 20 cherry tomatoes Mariuca :-[
why boring? can sleep, eat, sleep the whole day! :-D
ohhh coz yr wifey isn't around huh? hehe....
hehehe Mon that must be it
Double win for so long this LJ, she was my reigning Queen forever!
Oh poor thing, then later have something soupy la, mesti feel better. :)
Wow 20 cherry tomatoes Mon? I can only take 3 or 4 in one serving!
Hi Marzie,
am done with the tag heheh kinda scary cause it is sooooooo true wahhhh hehehe :) wonder what crazy quiz you'll have us on next hehehe :) xoxo
here is my link to this tag:
Recent blog post: Wellness Wednesday on Empty Streets: Best Diet Pills and How They Work
Soupy soup for the win :)
huh? only take 3 or 4 Mariuca? oh no i am a big
Enjoy ur soup King Bem, I tgh drop and click ni…slo mosi screamyx tonite…
Yeah cause don really like tomatoes, but don mind cherry tomatoes!
Hi Metz, you’re so speedy, I love that! Will drop by and check out ur results too woot! :)
ic...i don't eat tomatoes oso last time! :-D
it's raining nice lah! ;-)
Oh it’s not raining here Mon! I hope ur rain will make its way over to my side soon. :)
I don like la tomatoes actually, can never just eat it on its own you know?
I didn't have soup, instead I had a 6 inch sub pulak hahahah
Thanks for tagging me! Will do it when I'm free! I still have one tag from you I haven't done yet! :-P
Or is it two? Gosh! So many from others too, I have a whole collection of tags waiting for me! haha!
i can see that you had fun doing this. i'm sure everyone in your list will also enjoy getting to know themselves better. take care, marzie O:-) O:-) O:-)
Recent blog post: The Birds And The Bees In The News
only 3-4 pieces of cherry tomatoes Marzie?? Really? I can eat 20 like Mon
too! but don't like big tomatoes..
hahhahah same here Ane! I don't like big tomatoes...:-D
did the rain make its way over to yr side Mariuca? :-D
I need to eat more fruits and vege ladies!
Not a single drop Mon, still hot as usual here. ;)
u hardly eat fruits and vege Mariuca?
make some ice coffee Mariuca! ;-)
haha me too Mariuca!! :)
Not enuff Mon, it’s like I don make it a point to have fruits/vege often! :(
Oh ha ha, am actually having hot tea now believe it or not!
U too Ane? He he, I just watched Glow on E and it says we shld take more fruits and vege for our skin, I’ve not been taking care of my poor skin! :(
ohhh.....i am more a meat person :-)
Ladies, I am working on a post at MPG if anybody wants to chop… ;)
yes we shld take more fruits and vege for our skin Mariuca!! eat more k ;-)
I enjoyed reading your tag mariuca, nice to know your personality. ;)
Goodnight dearie!
Recent blog post: Sneaking to the apple tree...
Yeah me too Marzie, and I break out when my period is coming or when I get
stressed out.. I need some vitamins too.. :)
I like vege actually, but don cook them well so every time go out, for sure I’ll order yummy vege! Now must learn to eat more fruits hmmmm…..
u're having hot tea now? it seems a bit unbelievable...hahahha!
Mariuca, can i hv the recipe for mud cake please? ;-)
asparagus is my fav! ;-)
You finally making mug cakes Mon? Here u go!
of coz we wanna chop! get ready Ane! :-D
I love asparagus belacan!
I hope I get to chop before I sleep Marzie, sure you gonna post in a few
Ooh, we had deep fried vegie spring rolls for dinner, does that count as
vegies in my diet??
Yay! Monica is going to make mug cake! WooHoo! Prepare for the addiction
Mon! :)
hahaha Mariuca....finally i wanna try to make mug cakes :-D
Yes Ane, posting in 1 min!
asparagus belacan! yum! yum!!!
I love asparagus too Marzie, have you tried asparagus wrapped in bacon?? Oh
so yum!! What's asparagus belacan?
don't sleep first Ane....chop first! hahahahahahah :-D
hahaha! oh no! my connection slow!! :(
I can’t wait to see ur mug cake Mon! :)
hahahah Ane...i'm not sure if I can make it or not! :-D
i'll show u my mug cake ok Mariuca!
hahaha Mon, I don't think I made it though! :) but that's okay.. :) Enjoy
your mug cake Mon, and prepare to be addicted! LOL I haven't stopped eating
mug cakes since I had them in April! :-D
you can make it Mon, trust me, Chakai can make her own now! :-D
Chakai can make mug cakes? =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
i love chocolate cakes Ane! ;-)
eating more fruits is great but please, don't eat the vege ladies, Marzie
you cannibal you.
same with me and my wife lah, we both anti vege, and fruits pun tak
seriously makan
LOL @ Marzie you cannibal you.. LOL
Everybody loves a good chocolate cake Mon, and you will love mug cakes cause
you can make it in 5 minutes! :-D
Yes Mon, Chakai can make mug cakes on her own, I taught her, so that when
she's hungry and Mommy is busy "working" then she can just whip up her own
mug cake and all I have to do is plug in the microwave and she does the
rest.. :-D
thanks for tagging me Mariuca...this profile sounds just like you!!!
I've just read your are taking a vacation :-P
lucky you :) though you deserve it ;)
I wonder if your destination might be downunder *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
now if you do visit Oz..I know of a lovely penthouse you can visit...hint hint :* :*
Yay Marzie! :)
Ane, u missed the chop sweetie! :(
I did Marzie! :(
LOL Kim!! U offering me ur penthouse? How sweet and just lovely! Hugs! :)
He he he I’ll keep u guessing for a little while longer Kim! :)
Thanks Kim, I do need a vacation badly woo hoo!
You’re welcome Kim and yeah, it does sound like me this profile! Have fun with the test okay? :)
Chakai is so clever to make her own mug cake Ane! :)
Why la u call me cannibal Bem? :(
I tak anti vege Bem, love vege Cuma kurang masak vege, but if we go out for sure we’ll order vege! :)
Thanks for stopping by Davud! :)
Yeah Mon, surely u too can make mug cake!
U got microwave oven right?
Ane, asparagus belacan is asparagus fried in shrimp paste, yum! :)
It’s okay Ane, after this another post coming up okay?
Mug cake is yummy Mon, really hope ul make some tonight he he!
I like spring rolls with beef inside Ane, not so much the vege rolls! :)
Oh it's really yum Marzie, it has a little bit of ground beef on it, monggo
sprouts, carrots, beans and sweet potato, you stir fry the vegies first,
season with salt and pepper, wrap in spring roll wrap and then deep fry..
Then must have vinegar with salt pepper and chili as dip and oh sooo yum
Marzie!! Must try it! We had some last night and it was what I had for lunch
today, me loves it!
I am going to make me some mug cake now Marzie! :) be back in a few
minutes.. :)
He he will try my best Mon, more fruits and vege for me pls!
Oh I know I need vitamin C Ane, apparently my friend has been taking the 1000 mg Vitamin C daily and her sinus prob is almost completely gone!
Thanks Ayie and feel free to join the tag if u like, it’s a cool one! :)
Yeah Ane, I’m not a tomato fan so 3-4 cherry tomatoes is fine with me but just a few slices of the big tomatoes at one sitting. I don really like the big tomatoes he he!
Wow Ane, did u make the spring rolls yourself? Maybe can share recipe at LATM later? It does sound yummy Ane! :)
And mug cake too? Wow, enjoy Ane!!
Yeaahhh marzie.. my kid sister's sinus problem was the worst among all of us
siblings but since she's the only one being forces to take vits by my mom,
now she's not having much problems with her sinuses anymore!! Better take
your supplements, marzie! LOL! pandai cakap orang.. sendiri tak makan..
I sure did Bing, thanks again for tagging me! Have a good one dear. :)
No worries Foong, can always do the tags when ur free yeah? :)
That’s why I nak beli vitamin C hari ni jugak kalau boleh Shemah! Rushing here, so many things to do , so little time!
beli la vitamin C!
Oh u like vege... thats good, unlike me... i'm vege-lant
cannibal? ait? did i?
Yeah la humble huy!! :’(
I laik the very vege, Cuma kureng masak vege je he he!
Nak beli la ni Bem, u oso better buy to ward off the cold and flu! :)
OHHH i get it, i called u cannibal because you wanted to eat the "vege
ladies" heheheh
really Marzie? hmm.. must tell my sister to take 1000 mg Vit C coz I think
she only takes 500 mg..
yes Marzie, i did.. :) Hmm.. maybe, I forgot to take picture again! LOL okay
okay, next week I'll make again and will post recipe.. :)
I enjoyed my mug cake Marzie! :)
Ooh, I haven't tried asparagus fried in shrimp paste, I must try that
Marzie!! :-D
I know Marzie, am happy she's a fast learner! :)
I am going to do this now Marzie, and hopefully post it tonight on LATM so,
come chop later okay! :)
hihihi, i will try to do that when I snap out of the tag laziness. It's a cool one I agree. Actually most of the descriptions you wrote match mine too if I were to answer it. :)
Sure Ayie, join in the fun, looking forward to ur response dear.. :)
Ok then, I'll find time to do it together with foong's....he told me not to be lazy and do the tag! hahaha
Recent blog post: Sneaking to the apple tree...
Have fun with the tag Ayie! :)
Can I have NES please?? :-) Thanks!! :-)
Sure Shemah, NES coming right up! :)
Ok, I did my personality test. Thanks for tagging me Marzie :)
Hey Marzie. I've done this oredi :D Come check it out. Watch out for my revenge tag ... hahaha ...
Recent blog post: Multiple Personalities
Btw Bem, I tagged you with this too ... hahaha!
Recent blog post: Multiple Personalities
i'm doing the test now Mariuca and gonna post the results! ;-)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!