Oh I love this new quiz I just took! Firstly, good job to Blogthings for always coming up with the coolest quizzes for me and my blog! I always have so much fun doing them and I hope my readers and friends too have been enjoying them as well.

Okay, so today's quiz tells you the colour of your heart. I had a nice time walking down memory lane answering only 5 easy love questions and this is my answer, which I totally agree! Plus, red is my favourite colour too so YAY!

Your Heart Is Red |
![]() You're a passionate lover - you always have a huge fire in your heart. Too bad it's hard for you to be passionate about just one person! Your flirting style: Outgoing and sexy Your lucky first date: Drinks and dancing Your dream lover: Is both stable and intense What you bring to relationships: Honesty |
I am going to add more spice to this post with a special bonus prize. Aside from the usual FC linky love I'm giving to my First Commenter for this * post, I am also giving away 1 FC Scoreboard point each to the first 5 people to take the quiz and leave me their results here! Wait no more, find out the colour of your heart and share with me! 


«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 338 Newer› Newest»:* :*
lemme see what's the colour of my heart :)
Hati ku Ungu kot
Recent blog post: Create Favicon cara mudah.
Mon, congrats FC! :)
:'( :'(
Mariuca!!! check out mine -
"Your Heart Is Red"!!!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Marzie! You're gonna laugh at me!
:* :* :*
Your Heart Is Pink=-O =-O =-O
In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.
Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.
Your flirting style: Coy
Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park
Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant
What you bring to relationships: Romance :-[ :-[ :-[
It's not surprise that you heart is red, Marzie!
I also totally agree wz the answers!!! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
I think you're very loving and caring. You're also very passionate about almost everything! :):):)
Heee My Heart is blue
Love is a doing word for you. You know it's love when you treat each other well.
You are a giving lover, but you don't give too much. You expect something in return.
Your flirting style: Friendly
Your lucky first date: Lunch at an outdoor cafe
Your dream lover: Is both generous and selfish
What you bring to relationships: Loyalty
Recent blog post: Create Favicon cara mudah.
Thanks for the fun quiz! :):):)
YAY Mon! Same la ha ha ha!
YaYYY!!!!! Thanks Mariuca!!!!! :* :* :*
:-D :-D :-D
Debbs, your heart is pink =-O that's my fav color.. but my heart is RED!!! LOL...
my color is purple!!!
For you, love is about establishing and developing a deep connection.
If it's true love, it brings you more wisdom and inner strength.
Your flirting style: Sincere
Your lucky first date: An afternoon at a tea house
Your dream lover: Is both thoughtful and expressive
What you bring to relationships: Understanding
Mon, thanks for taking the quiz! U get linky love and 2 SB points today, awesome!! :)
Why la laugh at u Debbs? OMG!!!! Don tell me PINK!!!!!!!!!
Hugsy LJ, can still get SB point dearie, just take the test and share ur result, hurry! :)
LJ! Do the quiz and can get a point! :* :* :*
Hi Denaihati, share ur answer here and ul get 1 point on my scoreboard! ;)
Welcome Monica! FC FC FC! :)
I enjoy those quizzes on Blogthings but I hardly post it at my blog la.. :-D :-D
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
OMG Debbs!!!!! U do love pink secretly ROTFLMAO!!! Even ur heart is pink hahahahahahhah!!!!!!
omg!! mine sounds so old!! LOL!
i think yours suits you debbs!! :) :) except for the karer..
hahaha really mon? i think pink is one of my least fave colors.. i do like hot pink, though.. LOL! :-D :-D
Debbs, thanks for taking the quiz! 1 point for u sweetie and wah wah…playing hard to get ye Debbs?
Really Debbs? I heart my red heart result la ha ha!
i agree with debbs.. your heart does seem red, marzie!! LOL! I got a purple heart! :)
2 SB points??????
Congratulations Mon!! :-)
HA ha ha we have so many things in common eh Mon? Hugsy!
And here comes bem with the a jambu heart!
Your Heart Is Pink
In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.
Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.
Your flirting style: Coy
Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park
Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant
What you bring to relationships: Romance
hahah can I get my FC point? :-D
Awwwww thanks Debbs, I can’t help but feel passionate abt everything la and sometimes that causes me unnecessary stress ha ha! :)
YAY! Thanks for taking the quiz too Denaihati, first point on my SB here for you! Oh how cool, a blue heart! :)
Welcome Debbs, thanks for taking the quiz, I like this one! :)
Me no likey pinky! Ok except hot pink!
:) Shemah!
Lol!!! Told ya you'd laugh, GP!
Hehehehe maybe I do secretly love PINK, Shem! :* :* :*
You are an old soul, Shem! :* :* :*
YAY to red hearts Mon! :)
C likes purple lol!!!
that's why la mariuca!!! at first I thought my heart is pink...hahaha! after I took the quiz, ta-dah! it's red like yours!!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
Hi shemah, thanks! :)
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
mariuca, our flirting style: Outgoing and sexy.. :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
YAY! 1 point for u too Shemah, thanks for having fun with the quiz! Wah Shemah purple heart, and macam mana sincere flirting style tu eh? :)
Sayang if LJ tak dapat point here, she is currently number 2, where are u LJ?
Yay Shem oso laik hot pink! Got hot pinky fren edi yay!! :):):)
This was fun, GP! Haha I do play hard to get lol!!
Ha ha nemind, u can have fun with mine Mon!
Hi bem bem! Your heart is oso pink? Lol!!! Cute la! :):):)
Ha ha ha so old but u are so young Shemah, so no worries! ;)
yalah shemah...oh you also don't like pink..LOL!
I love hot pink too!!! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
I love Debbs’ heart colour lol!
Pink is one of my fave colours too!
Me oso passionate but apparently not enough lol! That's why I got pinky heart. 8-) 8-) 8-)
Thank you Shemah, I love the idea of my heart being red, my fave colour! :)
purple is so romantic shemah! ;) :)
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
Yeah mon! Now u have 10 points!! See bottom of my post, giving out SB points to the first 5 quiz takers! :)
what to do, a romantic la supposedly.
Ha ha ha Bem Bem!!! U made it, u are the 5th scoreboard point winner here yay! Finally u are on my SB! :)
Wah Bem Bem also got pink heart!! Picnic in the dark sounds so romantic lol! :)
I love hot pink too Debbs!
Hahaha no pretenses no games!! LOL! If I flirt with someone.. you know lah
tu haaahh.
Some more I guessed it was pink before I got ur result in my inbox more LOL!!!!
Meant to be la u and pink Debbs ha ahhaha!
Me too debbs.. I only like hot pink! LOL!
U do secretly love pink Debbs, admit it LOL!
Old soul?? LOL! now THAT really makes me feel old! LOL!
Ask la C to take the test!
Woohoo, I'm taking points one blog at a time. I'm on a roll! hahhaha macam
Hahahaha purple is old! LOL!
Ha ha ha! Good la to have red hot heart Mon!!!
Hahahahaha if young but hati tua.. how?? uwaaaaaaa
He he he he he he outgoing and sexy it seems my flirting style, eh you oso la Mon!!! Ha ha ahha ha!!!
ohh i didn't see that part :-[ :-[ coz i couldn't wait to find out the color of my heart just now..hahha!
Yay 10 points!! :-D
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
Yalah, I'm also wondering about "sincere flirting". I think Shem won't flirt with simply anyone kot. Right or not, Shem?
very mysterious tuuu, closest i had to that was Starlite cinema.
Dats why playing hard to get! How did C get u eh?
Cute kan pink heart for Bem Bem!!!
Hot pink is sizzling hot la, who else loves hot pink here? Bem Bem??
Good la dapat pink, so happy ur heart is pink Debbs, I really had a good laugh just now ha haha!!!
Ha ha ha I love la guys with pink hearts, romantic it seems! :)
Ha ha ha ha thanks for explaining ur flirting style Shemah, I see takyah coy mcm Debbs, straight to the point je lol!!!
Ha ha ha eh lama tak main pacman!!!
No la where got hati tua? But I still wan to be young like you he he he!
Dats why Mon, 10 points!!!! Yesterday only talked abt it and today 10 points edi!!
no hot pink for me, too much sugar, pink will do just fine thanks hahaha
I’ve never been to starlite cinema Bem Bem,best ke?
I think only two of us have red heart here mariuca! :) ;)
Yeahhh.. I only flirt with people that matter.. but I dunno lah. I have a
friendly disposition.. so jangan salah anggap. Last time Rozie told me to
tone down my friendly because she said when I talk it's like I'm a serial
flirter.. LOL! but no lah.. I only flirt with those I really like. No
games.. no pretenses.. no macam2.. LOL!
Happy to hear u’re loving pink Bem Bem! Creative ppl like u surely suka pink! :)
So far la Mon, let’s wait and see who else will join us. Who has a lime green heart? ROTFLMAO! :)
LOL to serial flirter, lucky happily tied down to ur soul mate edi Shemah! :)
heh.. ok. my heart is ..PINK!!!!
Recent blog post: Ning Profile Tweak: 3 - Luxurious Boutique
hahah.. same lah us Debbs..lol!
Recent blog post: Ning Profile Tweak: 2 - LadyJava Personal Page
So old and prim Shemah...heheeh
Recent blog post: Ning Profile Tweak: 2 - LadyJava Personal Page
In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.
Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.
Your flirting style: Coy
Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park
Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant
What you bring to relationships: Romance
Recent blog post: Ning Profile Tweak: 2 - LadyJava Personal Page
And here' a picture of my pink heart..lol!
Did I get it GP??!!!!
Haha.. I don'think my firting is coy.. I think it's subtle..lol!
Hehehe I was like, oh no Marzie sure gelak kuat2 when she reads this lol!!! :-P :-P
Wah wah wah enjoying yourself ya teasing me with pink, Marzie? It's ok la hehehehe... :* :* :*
Ahahaha...when he first met me, he held my hand as we crossed the road? Daring or not the shy2 C? Lol!!! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Hehehe same la LJ! :):):) Play hard to get it seems! :* :* :*
LJ! U number 6 LJ, but since u cried just now here, I will still give u that 1 point ha ha! Hugsy LJ!!
Picture lagi! Tenkiu dearie. :)
Maybe, GP...maybe lol!! O:-) O:-) O:-)
LJ oso jual mahal like Debbs, thanks for playing along LJ! Now got 3 pink hearts here YAY!
No la old soul ni maksudnya full of wisdom. :):) :* :*
LOL to old and prim!
Nanti ya, C is still at work la, GP. :)
Of coz la had to LOL cause the one yg u tak suka is the one yg u dapat Debbs ha ha haha!!!
Lol jahat Marzie! I dunno how to flirt ok? Lol!!! O:-) O:-) O:-)
hahahhahah...lime green heart? or who has a black heart? :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
Of coz have to tease Debbs, so funny la! :)
Wah wah wah holding hands all eh that C? Story la some more!
Marzie, why you said Bem Bem picnic in the dark? Picnic in the park la LMAO!! O:-) O:-) O:-)
Bila ada lagi starlite cinema tu ye Bem Bem? Nak gi jugak! :):)
yeah yesd we talked abt 10 points and today dream comes true...lol!!!!
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
GP, must jual mahal la..hehe.. :-$ :-$ :-$
Of course, selalu dapat yg tak suka lol!! 8-) 8-)
That's all la, some more pestaim jumpa ok? Oredi he held my hand. LMAO!!
Hehehe I am actually not feeling too well ni, GP. Body rasa heaty semacam.
Oh I wouldn wan to have a black heart, but will be jealous of someone with a lime green heart Mon! LOL!!
Ha ha ha everybody knows how to flirt Debbs! :)
Congrats for the 2 points, Mon! 8-) 8-)
Working late tonight C?
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! But picnic in the DARK lagi romantic got candlelight!! Ha ha haha picnic in the park ye? :)
Yeah la Shemah old is wise! Not that u are old la!
Of coz must jual mahal Debbs, I dulu pun jual mahal ngan B hahahahha!
Itu la mcm best picnic in the dark but must have mosquito repellent. Hehehe...
Ala ok la tu HH pestaim dating Debbs, u all pi mana? Movie ke? Don care wan to be busy body tonight! ;)
Ohhhhhh sick is it Debbs? Maybe u should have something hot, like tea or soup!
Ye ke everyone knows how to flirt? Ajar skit! Lol!!O:-) O:-) O:-)
Thanks Debbs!! :)
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
Oh Yenny is like that. She seems to attract everyone, anywhere she goes. We call her gula, semut2 suma suka! Lol!! But she is super friendly. :):) Maybe it's a Sabahan thing, Shem? ;)
why after I refreshed yr page the comment has disappeared eh mariuca? abt the black heart..lol!!
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
Yeah for sure Debbs, flirting comes naturally lol! U playing hard to get tu flirting jugak!
haha LJ with the pic!! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
memang best, but i only experienced it when it was in Sentul Park
yes yes just like my blog color black and pink haha
Did it go to the 2nd page Mon? Anyway I can see ur comment, replied edi the black heart one lol!
drink more water Debbs!!
Recent blog post: One of the best nude fashion picks
hahahah now i just realised! why did marzie say picnic in the dark?
That's why took B so long to get you kan? He had to work and save money to buy, so mahal it seems si Mariuca aka Marzie ni. :):):)
rasa they stopped dah, long time tarak dah, should be quite big if its
hahaha pandai menjawab
Why la? I want something to cool me down. Skin is cold but inside very hot la. :'(
LOL! Made B take the test and he has a PINK heart LOL!!
No la, jumpa kejap je sbb he baru habis work that time. =-X =-X
Mcm jauh je Sentul Park!
Aha! Bem Bem does love pink! Pink and black makes a lovely kombinasi!
I tersalah cakap la Bem Bem, laughing at me it seems hahahahah!
Yup! Got a huge stack of invoice to key-in, he said. Work so much but underpaid la C.
Sabahan thing? hehe...
Oh something to cool u down! How abt a nice tall glass of iced tea Debbs?
Ohhhh jumpa after work gitu, in KL is it Debbs?
Ehehehe GP, you believe me ke I said I dunno how to flirt lol! O:-) O:-) But got la I think a few ppl yg dunno how to flirt kan?
memang jauh, I don't even know how to get there hahahahah I was carpooling
memang jauh, I don't even know how to get there hahahahah I was carpooling
They should have it la kan? Tapi if ada pun, usually middle of the year kalau tak silap. Best nya if can go. 8-) 8-)
Ha ha Bem Bem, I lagi la tak pernah dgr pun Sentul park lol!
yeahhh pink and black for the win! (sebenarnye takde idea dah nak tukar)
Sbb Marzie romantic person la Bem Bem. Candlelight picnic lagi this red-hearted person. :):)
Ada kut, like dat movie Superstar? Have u seen it Debbs? So funny la!
ohhh if in the dark its romantic, i see i see, they should change the quiz answer to Picnic in the Dark kan haha
Poor C, some more u oso not feeling well or not can surprise him with a nice foot massage when he gets home!
tu la i bet you read fast and type sampai berasap keyboard hahaha
Fuh, its a nice place actually, i think KLPAC is there, if I'm not mistaken.
Recent blog post: Anny's Show Your Picture Tag
maybe la, you should check it out if ada, memang a unique "Picnic in the Dark (TM)" experience.
Recent blog post: Anny's Show Your Picture Tag
is it? I can't find yr comment ...hahaha...ok will check again later ;-)
Candlelight picnic in the dark, how cool is dat? :)
Ye la in KL. Hehehe...that was in December 2005.
Ha ha ha ha yay! Tu la shld change it to picnic in the dark LOL!!!!
Hehehe B is so romantic la hehehehe...To B: Hello pink heart! Lol!
Ha hah ahaha Bem Bem! Actually I am a fast reader and typist hmmmmm ;)
cool cool, hahah btw siapa Bem Bem kat SB tu? hahahah
Hehehe tu la, some more he has to accompany his colleague and wait for the girl's bf to come and fetch her at 11pm pulak. :)
Movie apa tu Superstar, Marzie? Tak pernah dengar oso. Superbad ada la. 8-) 8-)
LOL am laughing la at picnic in the dark, but seriously, tak ke romantic gitu? :)
Oh ya you oso Sabahan kan, Mon? friendly what, Sabahan people kan?
oh ye ke, no wonder la, I get my typing skills from chatting, no
professional training :D
Ok sweetie, u not getting them via email?
I oso want la picnic in the dark with C one day. :):):)
Debbs! U, LJ, and Bem Bem all satu geng with B! 4 pink hearts here! :)
Ha ha haha!!! Bem Bem is on Mariuca’s scoreboard YAY, pestaim! :)
Ahahaha bnyknya pink hearts! Can form a club. Lol!!
but my pink heart is specialler because I'm the only guy commenting here
yes Debbs... I'm oso a Sabahan!!! I'd say East M'sian are generally very simple and friendly...:-D
now only I'm replying via email mariuca! haha...
I'm a Sarawakian, Mon. But I have a lot of Sabahan friends. My best friend is a Sabahan too. :)
mariuca, R also got pink heart!!!!! LOL!!
mybf is also a Sarawakian, Debbs! but he's not chinese la :-D good to hear that u've a lot of Sabahan friends :-)
Mon, your bf R is what then? Iban ke? :):) Patutla he knows how to make yummy sambal belacan! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!