So how is your week coming along? It's been a lazy one for me with very odd sleeping hours (even more than usual), the annoying electricity cut yesterday and a whole lot of DVD watching! Through all this, I am somehow keeping up with my daily posting habit, which though still unfamiliar territory, has left me with an even stronger drive to write down my thoughts on a regular basis. I like to think of it as practice writing so when I am not working on a copywriting job, my creative juice continues to flow via my blog writing.
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I have also been working on blog number three. Aside from purchasing a new domain name for my third "baby", I've also been doing a little tweaking of my own. Nothing major; just the simple things I am capable of when it comes to template tweaking on my own. My preferred artist is currently working on a brand new header for my upcoming blog, which I hope will be ready soon for I am hoping to launch my new blog sometime this week. As you can see, Phoebe is already a little restless; waiting to move into her new home!
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Meanwhile, I am vetting through several new social sites, which could be used to promote my new blog and one of them is definitely Acobay. I joined this new program several months back and it looks very promising indeed. Granted it's still fairly new, but Acobay is constantly updated so fresh features and applications are being updated even as I write.
As a registered member, I think Acobay is a really cool way to share and connect with other members based on your interest or stuff you would like to promote. It could be anything that you fancy or a hobby you would like to share with other members. If you're a bookworm, you'd probably be interested to promote your favourite author or latest book review in the Book network. For me, I'd definitely want to include my new blog there, seeing there's a Pet network for me to promote my three fluffy friends and their upcoming cat blog.
Basically, the more stuff you share and promote, the more people you connect with and the better your stuff gets noticed. That is how Acobay works for you. So if you're looking for a new unique way to promote your interests especially your websites, join me at this new upcoming social site today okay? See you there!
![babai babai](
8-) 8-) 8-)
Wow so fast YAY Monica! :)
I can't wait to see yr third blog too mariuca... :)
haha so cute la Phoebe..waiting to move into her new home ;)
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - The highest mountain in South East Asia
Oh no Pheebs looks so cute!!! Tak jadi customary cry! :* :* :* :* :*
Tenkiu sweetie, I can’t wait to write my first post oso, now still testing mode!
Monica you here already =-O
Hi Pheebs! Why la you look so bored? Come to Aunty D's house then can go play at the playground ok? :):):)
Phoebe is so excited, restless edi wan to play in her new home lol!
Marzie, Pheebs wearing scarf ke tu? So cute la! Ni mesti baru balik from grooming kan? :* :*
i'll check out this new program mariuca... thanks for sharing!
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - The highest mountain in South East Asia
YAY mariuca! thanks :* :*
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - The highest mountain in South East Asia
YAY! So nice to see Phoebe deterred ur customary cry with her adorable pic Debbs! :)
LOL! Morning Bill, Monica is still awake and dropping ec ha ha!
Comelnya comelnya comelnya!! Can't wait to see your third blog, Marzie! For sure triple your busy-ness after this. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Congrats Mon! :)
MEOW Aunty D!! How come u not sleeping? Oh I wan to play at the playground but u must make sure I don’t get lost ok? Or not for sure Master will cry! :)
Ha ha ha yeah la cutie, thanks for noticing her scarf and yes baru balik grooming woo hoo! So fluffy after grooming, nice to hug!
Comelnya comelnya comelnya!! :* :* :*
Me too, can't wait for your new blog, Marzie! :):):)
Welcome Mon, think u checked out this one before but not yet join lol! ;)
Welcome Mon, so many points edi la here, congrats and thanks for all the chops! :)
thanks Debbs! :) ;)
He he tenkiu Debbs! Coms la Pheebs esp after grooming, semakin notty her face! :) I oso can’t wait to see my new blog Debbs, now still closed to the public lol! For sure la gonna be triple busy aiyo how to cope? Nemind, try first right?
LOL Bill!!!!!!! yes i'm here... :-D :-D :-D :-D
Tenkiu tenkiu tenkiu Debbs! I love la when my cats kena panggil comel lol!
Hopefully soon Debbs, nanti invite u to my blogwarming okay?
hahaha mariuca! i checked this out before?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
My comment hilang, GP! :'( About the playground but it's weird cuz you replied lol!!
Recent blog post: Trailer - Fighting (2009)
Some more the scarf pinky and ada hearts ke tu? Lol!!! 8-) 8-)
Marzie, how la if send the kids for grooming? They tak takut ke with strangers, kena kasi mandi all? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
for this one u just submit yr blog, that's it right?
Yeah lor….. wrote abt this before ha hahah!
Debbs, the comments sometimes “disappear” but will reappear after refreshing few times, JS la tu! :(
Ha ha ha yeah!!! Can see the hearts eh? I’ve been taking a lot of cat pics, prepare for new blog lol, so happily snapped Phoebe in her scarf! Oh so cute!
Last week got problem with Benji la…. Cause he has a lot of matted furballs on his body, so groomer tried to cut off, but Benj wasn’t in the mood, hissing all. So they couldn’t mandikan Benj poor thing. Will have to wait until he’s in a better mood then send again. They are usually okay with strangers, except maybe Chubbs la kan. :)
Mon, u have to register first, then submit ur blog under websites. U can submit other things oso, for me I’m promoting my catster as well! Make new friends for my meows mah! :)
aiyo..ok i'll write it down and check again later! :-[ :-[ :-[
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - The highest mountain in South East Asia
i saw yr SB... LJ is just behind me... :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - The highest mountain in South East Asia
Ha ha sure thing Mon, can buzz me if u have more questions. :)
Yeah! LJ in second place, if u win, it will be ur lovely new badge featured here in May, Mon! :)
Oh diorg mmg comel la, Marzie! :):):)
Pandai reappear ke the comments? Nasib baik I didn't repeat my comments lol!! 8-) 8-)
Geram tengok si Phoebe ni. I tumpang geram only la hehehe...
Mon! I love the garlic prawns at Fatty watty la!!!!! So yum right? Oh fried rice oso is a must whenever we eat there. So tasty la! :)
So much fun kan taking pet photos? Jgn lupa capture them in videos, that would be so cute lol!!!
Yay!! kena bawak treats for the kids! :)
He he u geram Debbs? Lucky she’s mine so I can geram her anytime I wan, some more she’s small so can trap her and geramkan Pheebs to my heart’s content lol!!!
Then how la wanna mandikan si Chubbs yg super shy tu?
Usually it reappears la unless JS is seriously messed up then MCS! :(
He he he tenkiu Debbs, I heart la my cats MEOW! They keep me company too u know, so clever! :)
ok sure!!! ;-)
I will practice my video skills Debbs, he he then can see the kids in aksi eh?
Oh the kids will love that Debbs, kitty treats! :)
Lol!! Phoebe playing hard to catch with Master. hehehe
Oh it's okay la, MSC pun MSC la hehehe...
Can still mandikan Chubbs cause they’ll be inside their carriers kan, then sampai sana the groomers will handle la lol! Chubbs tak suka strangers but kalau mcm vet and groomer, he’s okay cause dah biasa. :)
Hehehe I can imagine! :):)
my new badge has never been featured here before mariuca!! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - The highest mountain in South East Asia
LOL to playing hard to catch, seriously comel la Pheebs and I’m not just saying that cause she’s my baby girl LOL!!!
Yeah fedup edi with sometimes MCS sometimes okay, just play along je la with JS!
Yup! Syok can see the kids chase each other. :):) And can hear Phoebe purr MEOW!
wahhh I love the garlic prawns too la... now i keep thinking abt it :-D
NEVER Mon, except for * posts that u chop! Go Mon Go! :)
Ohhhh...okay...I'm curious la hehe all my life I've never seen high maintenance cats, so I didn't know lol!!
LOL! U know, Phoebe doesn’t really go MEOW, she goes Eeek instead!!
Mon! Our usual menu when we go fatty watty - chilli crabs, garlic prawns and fried rice!! The roti oso nice to eat with the crab gravy right?? :)
Lol!!! Eeeek Pheebs!
Yeah seriously she goes eeeeek dats why I call her my lil alien, muka pun mcm alien masa kecik LOL!!!
Ala poor thing, makin la sayang, dahla eeekk and then comel pulak! :):) Geram! Squeeze2 baru tau..hehe
yeah we also eat the roti with the crab gravy!!!
He he, mmg kena squeeze2 si Phoebe ni tau, always give me her cute face cause she knows I tak tahan! :)
Must ask for gravy on the side so can happily dip the roti! YUM la!!
Squeeze2 Pheebs! Bangun awal or not she? hehehe
that's why la mariuca.. except for * posts that i chop!
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - The highest mountain in South East Asia
She is sleeping on my desk now Debbs, same spot that u see in the picture, nanti nak kejut dia! :)
Ha ha ha don worry mon, keep up ur hi score and surely ul be featured here in May, for one whole month woot!
Hehehe so comel la, marah or not she kena kejut? :):)
LOL she won marah her master Debbs he he, now in manja mood some more, so can gomoizzzz her and she won do anything one lol!!
Hehe so cute la Pheebs. Should sell her hugs for $1 each, can become billionaire..hehe..ok gonna zzz now. See ya later Marzie! hugsy!!
Nite Debbs! Its zzzzz time for u, me and pheebs!! :)
The cat is cute. One lazy cat.
Recent blog post: Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 and Amanah Saham Malaysia
Thank you CK! Phoebe was bored la that time when I took her pic lol! :)
so adorable la phoebe.. :-D ;) O:-)
Recent blog post: Foolest April Fool Ever *
cant wait to have a cat one day.. hehe
Recent blog post: Foolest April Fool Ever *
cant wait for third blog dear.. tggu header dr kak emi ye? ;)
Recent blog post: Foolest April Fool Ever *
YAY! Tenkiu Diya, pat la Phoebe, dia baik tu! :)
Bila lagi tu Diya, cepat la go buy a cat today ha haha!
Ah tgh tunggu header ni Diya lol! Mesti la kena mintak Emila buatkan yeah? He he he! :)
Gee, you sure post quite a bit these days, don't ya ... LOL! Must be all those assignments you're getting. At this rate, you'll be a millionaire in no time and I can get my free Kancil from you ... hahaha ...
Recent blog post: The More You Shop, The Cheaper It Gets ...
Nicky! Yeah la posting frenzy la me, that’s why cannot sleep yet now LOL! Eh, I saw u oso got lotsa assignments at AG! So maybe ul be a millionaire before me! And better not forget to get me something huge then too ha ha! :)
Wow! Starting a 3rd blog already? I cannot even handle 1 blog! :'(
Recent blog post: My Investments With ASM And ASW 2020
But with your posting frenzy nowadays, ya lah better spread to 3 blogs, otherwise your 2 blogs cannot take it and explode! :-D
Recent blog post: My Investments With ASM And ASW 2020
Oh, btw, congrats for being FC on my blog! 8-)
Recent blog post: My Investments With ASM And ASW 2020
LOL! Yeah la Foong, crazy or what myself? Ha hahahahha! Some more haven slept yet, lagi la crazy hahahaha! Happy Wed! :)
Ha ha ha ha u oso noticed my posting frenzy eh Foong? Yeah, trying to spread things out, wouldn wan my current blogs to explode of course, unless if it’s in a good way LOL!
YAY! FC for me Foong, I rushed over as soon as I saw got new post at ur blog ha haha!
Hola Marzieee and Phoebeeee!! :*
Can't wait to see your 3rd blog... ni mesti Emila yang buat header kan, kan?? ;)
Recent blog post: One In A Million (OIAM) Season 3 ~ Top 4
Acobay is as cute as Phoebe. :)
Hola Nessa!!! Abaden, mesti la mintak Emila buat header, baru la happening! I can’t wait too sweetie and I still can’t believe that I edi bought domain name all ha haha! No turning back now lol!
Thank you Irene! Phoebe sends her love! :)
Hmmm... I jeles la you all got ur own domain ni. Mahal ke nak bayar ni?? How much ah Marzie?
Don be jelesi Nessa, it’s abt time u get ur own, cepat la! I paid $10+ for this new domain Nessa! Ok kan?
Wah, murah jugak :) But, but nanti how la all my paid postings? Nanti I kene deregistered from them, kenot make $$ :'(
Recent blog post: A Bloody Miracle!
Nessa! U don have to deregister la if change own domain, u have to inform them of ur new add change je! Where got need to deregister! Nessa, then surely get more PBs in the long run with ur own domain, so suffer sikit first (like me) then slowly the PBs will come back babe!! Bila ni? Excited for u edi hahahahaha!
Yelah, I read ur explanation je pun I oredi so eksaited!! :-$
Recent blog post: A Bloody Miracle!
aiks, how come i missed this post? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
wow, a third blog, marzie? i can't wait lar!!!
i am making over glossy now, marzie! it's not fair lar if i makeover TGB and not the rest. So hopefully later, i can stay focus on all my 4 blogs. :)
All the best to you on yr third blog! :* :* :*
Tenkiu Jean, excited la me ha ha! :)
Oh u should give Glossy a makeover Jean!!!! Of coz not fair if u makeover the rest and leave her out! YAY! :)
me too, i can't wait lar!! :) :) :)
glad u agreed on this, marzie!! watch out for the new glossy, k! :)
Working on it Jean, now discussing with Emila abt my header yay!!!
eh.. i didn't see this post lah GP!!
Recent blog post: Feels Like Home (How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days OST)
go nessa go!! time to get mumblings a space of her own!! wooohoo!! by the time you get your domain, PB will come in droves.. cuma u'll lose your PR for a while.. but look at marzie here.. she got it back also!!
Recent blog post: Feels Like Home (How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days OST)
Ha ha yeah, Phoebe kasi update sikit! :)
Shemah, but MPG tak regain her PR yet huhuhuhu! Yeah la Nessa, what u waiting for ni? Cepat la buy domain!! ;)
Yayyy.. can't wait.. coming out in april ke may ni marzie?
Oh yeahhh.. how come ah?? Poor MPG!! Mr G tu teruk lah!!
Coming out in April Shemah, very soon! ;)
I dunno Shemah and it’s not like MPG’s stats are bad, some even better than WOAFS but still a big fat 0! :(
Wuaaahhh tak lama lagi tu!! :-)
I dunno lah what Mr. G wants ni!!
Yeah! Finalizing my header and what not and then blog party at mah new blog! YAY!!
I oso dunno, fed up and give up edi Shemah, buat tu salah, buat ni salah, so buat dunno je la!
YAYYYY!! Can't wait for the new blog!! AND the party!!!
Yeah.. just don't focus on that.. just enjoy your blogging! MSE pun tak
pernah dapat PR since start.. LOL! but got great PBs also.. so don't mind it
Thanks dearie, nanti I jemput u to my blog party lol!
But MPG hardly gets great PBs Shemah, pity her la! Yeah not gonan bother abt PR anymore, cause if it doesn wan to come, then it won! Wasting time only wondering when! ;)
Hahahahah yayyy!! More food @ the blog party.. hopefully not only cat
food!!! :-) :-)
Surely la got some kitty treats for mah kids and human food for us ha haha!!
True lah.. it'll come when u least expect it, right?
Hahahah if not.. terpaksa munch on kitty biscuits!! LOL!
I hope so Shemah, hope to maintain WOAFS though, at least satu blog ada PR! :)
Hahahah my NES is pr1.. RM kena minimum pr2 is it??
No la mana ade, apply la for RM Shemah!! MPG is oso on RM but not many opps. ;)
I apply last time for MSE, they didn't accept pun.. they said.. something
about PR..
wow, coming out in april, marzie? taht's mean very soon aldy la! :) :)
wah.. blog party? i cant wait la marzie!! so excited ni!! wonder how will it looks like! :)
Yyeaahh.. can't wait jeanie!! Soon soon we can see the kiddies' blog!!
Hahahaha me too getting excited jean!! LOL! I love blog parties! The last
blog party at debbs.. with bubbly and snacks for her awards gala gave was so
fun and I had a slight virtual hangover from all that bubbly! LOL!
Lol @ Shem for having hangover at my award party lol! :):):)
He he he small blog party only Jean, nanti I invite u he hehe!
Yeah Jean, coming soon!
don't forget abt me too mariuca :-D
Of coz not Monica! U want to give me ec credits remember, even though my cat blog won be on ec just yet LOL!!!
hahahahha ya ya! I wanna give u ec credits for yr meow blog!!!! :-D
He he he my meow blog thanks you Mon for being so kind in advance! :)
u're welcome!!!! ;-)
Ha ha coming really soon Jean! :)
How’s ur glossy makeover coming along Jean?
shemah, now no need to hold our anxiety! marzie's third blog sudah oout kan!! it's so cozy and comfy there with the lime green layout! :) yay to the kids!! :) :)
it's really a job well done, marzie! i love the MEOW DIARIES! :) i did dropped by yesterday and looks like alot of posts already at MD! Well done! Once i am done replying comments, then i'll start visiting & commenting away! wait we, k! :)
haha.. marzie, my glossy makeover has stopped now. I think i'll just have to handle my works here first and when i am more free, i'll do glossy makeover again. :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!