As usual, we could not decide where to have dinner tonight. I wasn't in the mood for seafood, Chinese or Malay food. We just had fast food last night so that was off the list as well. And then I remembered Steven's Corner at Uptown Damansara. I suggested the location to B and we instantly agreed to pay trusty Steven a dinner visit!
It rained the whole day so it was rather chilly outside. I grabbed my comfy light jacket, said good-bye to the kids and out the door we went. There was no traffic this late into the night so the drive was breezy and speedy. We headed straight for Steven's Corner and I ordered my usual Black Pepper Steak.

For RM13 a plate, this menu is not only worth the price, but oh so yummy too! Whenever I feel like having black pepper steak, I don't have to go to an expensive fancy restaurant to satisfy my craving. All we gotta do is visit good old Steven for the best steak in town! 
Served with coleslaw, sunny side up and fries, the secret to this great-tasting steak lies in the thick, tasty black pepper sauce, which as seen in the picture, is always served generously. Give it a try; you'll definitely be back for more!
PS. This is a special ** post! I am giving away linky love to the first 2 commenters instead of the usual 1, go for it!

Served with coleslaw, sunny side up and fries, the secret to this great-tasting steak lies in the thick, tasty black pepper sauce, which as seen in the picture, is always served generously. Give it a try; you'll definitely be back for more!



PS. This is a special ** post! I am giving away linky love to the first 2 commenters instead of the usual 1, go for it!


«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 235 Newer› Newest»yum yum!!!
;) :) ;)
Recent blog post: Sears Does It Again!!!
Been there and it the same thing...
I mean eat the same thing..
:'( :'( :'( did i just miss out on the 2nd commenter or are there missing comments???
eeee.. lamanya tak makan kat Steven's corner!!!
It's been a long time since I ate a steak.. *sluuurp*
Wah, now THAT looks delish! Morning GP! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Nicole Richie & House of Harlow 1960 - More is More!
I slept early last night and now am up! Fresh as a daisy, like you always say. :):) :) :)
Recent blog post: Danny Gokey, The Specky Hottie
Good morning Debbie!!! :-) :-) I slept early as well. buddy needs to go to
school so mommy also cannot sleep in.. hehehehe
Good morning Shem! Looks like we're the only early birds today hehehe...
Yaaa.. early birds.. tweet tweet!! I'm kelamkabuting to update my today
blogs before allie wakes up. No mood to do it yesterday.. hehe
I hope you're feeling alright today, Shem..:):)
Looks like this is so yummy! drooling :)
Feeling better today, debbs.. must realize that there's a lot of room for
love even in grief and sadness.. :-) :-)
Yeah, I think we feel awful and sad when unfortunate things happen because we have lots of love to give. :):):)
Aaahhh lookin' so good! It makes me drool...
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Jay Chou - Qing Hua Ci
Wow that look great. Did you save any i am hungry LOL :) :) :)
Recent blog post: Chuck
wah, marzie, all the comments yesterday were gone! ><
Argh!!! >:o >:o >:o the messages wasn't taken yesterday eh?? :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Marvelous March
fuyooo.. 6am baru comments came through eh?
anyway.. Happy Thursday dearie :)
Recent blog post: Marvelous March
Hi LadyJava! How are you today? How's momma?
Happy belated anniversary, LJ! Woohoo! Got or not romantic2 yesterday lol!
Aaarghhhhhh :-(
I haven't had peppered steak in a long time. That picture made me hungry and it's almost 2 am here haha.
Recent blog post: Hot Lemonade for Colds?
:* :* Recel!
Recent blog post: MM - Everything by Lifehouse *
Yummy indeed Recel, hope u enjoyed ur dinner here! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MM - Everything by Lifehouse *
He he he so u know then Lunatic? Yums right???? :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MM - Everything by Lifehouse *
I like the black pepper chic chop also Lunatic, but the steak is my first choice of coz! =-X :-[ 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: MM - Everything by Lifehouse *
Hi Shemah! Aiya tensi la dgn JS last night!!! Actually all comments yest hilang cause JS outage amendeeeeee ntah! :( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: MM - Everything by Lifehouse *
My first 2 FCs were LJ and Ane, but all their comments are missing now! Of coz la me angers when got missing comment syndrome! I oso wan to cry la now! >:o >:o >:o >:o :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Hmmmmm wait lemme refresh again, nanti missing lagi comments, more tensi! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Apalagas Shemah? Go la tonight lol!!! Dah la that day J don wan to buy the rojak, now better buy SC lol! Happy eating! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MM - Everything by Lifehouse *
Yeah Cashmere? Then u should have one tonight! Satisfy ur steak craving he he! ;) ;)
Recent blog post: MM - Everything by Lifehouse *
Morning Debbs! Mmg delish pun, have u tried it before sweetie? Kalau blm, gi berdating dgn C makan steak okay? :* :* :-[ *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: MM - Everything by Lifehouse *
Good for u Debbs, u've been sleeping early last few days eh? I slept early oso (for my standard) but woke up late, how la like dat? =-X =-X :-[ :-[ 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Weekend Getaway!
Hahahaha bawa J for non-vegetarian?? Hmmm. good luck ME! LOL!
Alaalaaa.. that's what I suspected when I dropped by this morning. why
lahhh.. aiyooo
Anyways, Congrats tu LJ and Ane!!
Tu la tensi smlm!!! Ane, LJ oso affected, their blogs pun cannot rec comments. Anyway, I hope it won happen again, yest outage!
Hi TH, have some steak! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Two Occasions by Babyface *
It is yummy indeed Rocks, thanks for drooling he he! ;) :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Tweet with Mariuca! *
Hola Flo! Thanks for stopping by, hope u enjoyed your lunch here today! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Tweet with Mariuca! *
Wah Shemah and Debbs mmg early birds today! Before 9am dah bangun? Syabas!! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :) :)
Recent blog post: Tweet with Mariuca! *
Dah lama C tak masak something like that..yum!! :P
:* :* Hola Bill! I'll remember to save some for u the next time I visit kay? Happy eating Bill! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Tweet with Mariuca! *
When la you sleep early? Lol!!
Oh oh baru ingat, punya buruk OIAM top 8, except for Amylea and Esther, GP!
That's why la Jean! Make me angers only today see my comments gone, and then now I cannot receive comments in my email, but at least can sign in to JS! >:o >:o :'( :'( :-D
Recent blog post: MPG Returns! **
Yesterday!!! He he he he I slept abt 5-ish!!! Instead of 9-ish he he e! Early la tu! ;)
Wow u mean C can cook steak? Can make black pepper sauce oso???? Wah wah wah!
LJ me too angers ni!!! I expected all your comments yesterday to masuk today, but nada!! Mmg konpirm missing la, but and Ane were the first to mengomen, so YAY! FC FC FC!!!! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Special MM - Happy Birthday LJ! *
LJ! And today, not all my comments masuk email inbox, tensi ni dgn JS! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
Hahahah gotta send buddy to school. school hols are over!!
Lol!!! Yalah a little earlier than usual lol! :):):)
Tu la Debbs!!!! Lucky my Amylea performed well last week, ni wan to wait for tomo. U know the theme ka?
I don laik la that Simon, bila nak tukar imej tu? And boring la dia, asyik2 main gitar pas tu nyanyi lagu. I know he has a serak2 voice whatever, but helloooooooooo buatlah something to impress me!
:* :* :* :* :* :* Hugs and love for Sandman!
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
Hey Spicy! I know that after midnight hungry feeling lol! Glad u dropped by and how abt having a steak dinner tonight? Enjoy!! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
6 am ke LJ? I dah zzzzzz then, cause tensi cannot do anything oso last night, lbh baik tidur! =-O =-X :-[ 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
Hepi Anni LJ! Dapat pressie apa ye? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Mariuca in New York!
I'd like to think that C can cook steak. Lol! He used to have a stall selling chicken and lamb chop, though. *salivating* Hehehe...
YAY for LJ and Ane!
LJ, I letak LLP here. Hope okay! :)
I know GP! I was like, who wears brown jumper on tv and sing la? Not to be mean but yeah his voice is so not versatile, sama la mcm Nine and Aweera tu. Ish!
He he tu la, then bangun lambat oso! Some more B is on leave, although he is now at the opis for a meeting! Then raining lagi, how la not to sleep in right?
Wahhhhh what flava sauce kat stall dia? I like brown sauce oso, but most places tak sedap the brown sauce. I laik SC’s black pepper sauce the best, ada rasa spicy sikit pas tu pekat! Bukan cair! :)
Ye la,...last week was so hot and humid, me no likey. Thank God for the rain. :):):)
Tu la…….. and from day 1 his dressing sama je…kalau nak win 1 million RM , kena la invest sikit in ur appearance, it’s not just the voice that counts. He has to remember dat and start looking more like a star la! Mmg Debbs! I like that he sings the more current eng songs and what not, but mcm biasa je singing….takde dynamics yg meng-impress me pun…so come on Simon…..buck up! Pas tu Paul asyik defend Simon je, every time! :(
Nine…hmmmmm… I know he’s cute and kasual and can sing, but again I feel he is not doing ENOUGH to win the million rm! Biasa je, tak outstanding, know what I mean? ;)
As for Aweera, last 2 weeks dia nyanyi dua-dua my songs!!! BUT, dua2 pun I tak rasa the connection, which just spoiled my SONGS! :(
I agree, last week panas gils eh?!
Oh school hols dah over Shemah? Maklumlah I dunno all this he he he!!!
Kalau cair, bukan sauce kan? :) Black pepper sauce, he said. He can make brown and mint sauce also.
Oh yeah…..lupa lak J vegetarian LOL!!!!!!! Ala, then drag ur sis and go enjoy kay? Btw, how’s ur BD coming along la? :)
Si Paul tu...geram myself sometimes. Ish! I cringed so many times la last night. I think Jay Jay punya komen suma tak ikhlas lol!
Nine punya suara tak best la. So mellow and tak power. Boring. Yawn. Yawn. Yawn. Lol!!
Tu la, kalau cair tak yah la berangan nak jual steak ye!!!
Wowie, good la C can cook away! Make la this weekend. He can make yummy tartar sauce or not? The real one, not just mayo pas tu cakap tartar sauce!! ;)
Oh Aweera tu muda sangat, pastu mcm mana la 80s rock nak compete with current music? So tak versatile. Mmg spoil the songs jer lol!
Eh last week ke yg Paul angers ngan Syafinaz? Ke the week before….ah yes the week before yg Paul defend Nine…S was just saying that Nine’s voice kasar sikit, not that it wasn’t good and then P got angers semacam! What la he! Jay2…malas nak cakap la pasal guest judge!!! :(
I agree Debbs, mmg tak power pas tu dia cuba jadikan power. I mean some songs yes he can sing, but he is oso not my fave! I am sticking with AMylea and Esther, although I oso like Rizu. But his performance last week mmg average! I liked his performance 2 weeks back, that was impressive yg dia nyanyi dat slow song tu!
Tartar sauce? Not sure la hehe...ahaha...mmg cannot la I wanna BD, dahla these few days feeling F semacam. :'(
Btw Debbs, u are currently my number 1 TCO, enjoy ur glory and thanks so much for all ur comments this month!
1. Phatelara (489)
2. Monica (413)
3. Jean (355)
4. Shemah (350)
5. LadyJava (349)
6. Ane (343)
7. gagay (233)
8. emila (204)
9. Twinks (113)
10. Janice Ng (36)
Tu la Aweera….kelakar la dia masa baru2 start. Screaming away at the top of his voice! Masa I dgr dia nak sing that sofaz song, I was like wow! Then come dat day, ouch!!! Some more forgot lyrics! :(
I tak try pun to BD Debbs!!!!! :( So yes, totally get that F feeling, some more yest makan steak!!! :(
Guest judge suma poyo! Takut tgk Paul angers kan? But kalau perform bagus, Paul cakap a few words je.
Yaa.. that's why mommy dah balik kk.. I'm sooo not a morning person..
Rizu? Lagu Flop Poppy kan yg slow tu? Rizu doesn't make me feel menyampah, so ok la, suara pun sedap. :) Oh Esther's performance was superb! C cakap kan, mesti Paul imagine Tina Turner. Mmg betul pun he mentioned Tina Turner lol! C cakap Tina Turner muda2 dulu camtu lol!!
Woohoo! I have a feeling that LJ will somehow kejar, but that's okay. Woohoo!! Thanks for having me, Marzie.
Aweera! Masa dia nyanyi Gemilang, THAT was nice. Lepas tu pancit dah lol!
I haven't talked to C about BD lol! Rasa cam nak vegetarian balik. Skip red meat suma. Hmmm...
Well.. I am happy to inform you that I haven't eaten rice for two days..
instead mommy gave me a protein drink to take for overall health and it
makes me full! :-) :-)
Last week I mandi at 2 am almost every day. it was sooo hot.. have to feel
cool before going to sleep.. nasib baik mommy doesn't know.. if she know.
habis lah me. LOL!
Yes! Mcm Amylea, cakap la lagi sikit, inspire la the voters to vote for Amylea!!!! Sekejap je cakap, Amylea is back! Dats it!
Who is a morning person here except for LJ sekarang ni, cause her mom is around LOL! ;)
Nyum nyum!! So when are we having a party at your place debbs??? hahahaha
Maybe time of the month debbs?? I always feel F smcm when it's time for the
crimson wave! LOL!
OMG Debbs!!! B oso mensi-ed Tina Turner masa Esther’s performance and see2 Paul cakap sama ha ha ahhahaha!!!! Yeah, I forgot la what song Rizu sang last week, but the slow song tu yg dia nyanyi 2 weeks back….aiyooooo I dunno the song but when he sang it, I was like WOW bestnye lagu ni! Go Rizu Go! :)
LJ busy la this month Debbs, I don think she got taim to kejar u, so YAY kalau jadi my new TCO! Pestaim to topple LJ from TCO! :)
I agree!!!!! Gemilang was his best performace to date, then sakit la itu la ini la and last week hancus!
Alamak u too going vege on me Debbs? Susah la to avoid meat altogether!
WOW Shemah!!! So u dah SW ke? Am sure u know what’s SW lol!
I kenot la mandi at 2am Shemah, unless it’s absolutely necessary! Latest pun before midnight lol!
Me too feel EXTRA F during the crimson wave Shemah!
Tu la si Paul ni nak kena ketuk sikit lol! Takpe, I feel inspired to write about OIAM on HC ni wahahahaha...
Hahaha Shem, nanti if C and I dah convert jadi vegetarian baru boleh. Kang makan steak, I kena marah J lol!!
Supposedly la Shem..but takde pun crimson wave melanda hehehe...
C cakap Esther mcm Tina Turner sbb shake2 booty. Cute la si Esther, I love it when she speaks Malay with her Sabahan accent yg pekat! :)
Congrats debbs!! Hopefully dapat bertahan for TCO! :-) :-)
Mariuca!!!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Give me the green light!
When moms are around, I guess we tend to be morning people.. heheeheh..
Oh I TERtopple jer, bukan menopple lol! :):) Yay!!
I'm at McD now...heavy rain here!
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Give me the green light!
the mamak at Uptown Damansara is it?
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Give me the green light!
Ye lah mmg hancus. Aweera better watch out, but C predicts that Simon kena buang.
I love steak but not black pepper.. :-P
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Give me the green light!
Hmm...tak jugak susah la Marzie, going vege. ;) Boring la eat chicken all the time. Takut oso ni.
ahhh no wonder la...last night I couldn't leave comments at Ane's blog and also MPG!!! >:o >:o
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Give me the green light!
TQ Shem! :):) Hopefully lah!
Hi Monica! :)
Macam bloated gila!! LOL! But I feel a bit slimmer when the crimson wave dah
berlalu!! Like now.. heheheheh
hello Debbs! ;)
Hahahaha very far from SW Marzie.. I don't really wanna be very SW anyway.
fleshy fleshy a bit nevermind. he heeeeee
I couldn't even sign in to JS last night! >:o >:o
I think paul wants to be simon cowell soooo bad that he susah want to give
credit even when credit is due..
It is very difficult to turn away from meat altogether.. and then susah
sangat lah nak ajak orang go out for dinner when they're vegetarian.. but
you know.. hahahaha.. masa birthday J hari tu, we went to victoria's
station.. he ordered leg of lamb steak! LOL! I was shocked beyond words..
I'd rather eat meat than chicken nowadays. I beli prepacked chicken hari
tu.. skali I nak masak.. foooohh.. bau smcm!! Iyerrr..
Aik?? Lain bunyinya tu.. supposed to tapi tak?? He heeee!!!
Shem! J makan steak hari tu???
Go for fish lah all the way! Yay!!
Oh no scary mary la Shem! I penah kena prego scare. Tension gils sampai beli Clear Blue! oopss too much info! Lol!!
Debbs, u 're a vegetarian is it?
Iyaaa debbs!! After all he is a vegetarian due to health reasons and not
sangat pasal dia tu like tree hugger or anything.. his weakness is lamb
though.. so there you go.. LOL! J eating lamb for his birthday! Macam dalam
twilight tu lah.. soy only keeps you strong but you'll never really be
satisfied.. hhahaahahaha..
I loooove fish!! :-) :-) don't like the fishy smell though.. hehehe
I love fish, too!!!
No I'm not, but I have tried being a vegetarian before, Mon. :)
Really debbs?? Scary mary!! Aiyoo.. mesti lega bukan main after that! LOL!
But ok lah tu kan Shem, who can resist good lamb? Yums! Some more masa bday dia, takkan makan tofu kot lol!
oh ic... I haven't tried being a vegetarian before but I don't think I
Oh yes, lega sangat! Lol!! But this month slow sbb stress la kot. And irregular sleeping pattern.
i really envy rozie.. it's so easy for her to make that transition to go
vegetarian.. not even fish. aiyoo.. susah oh for me..
I don't think I sanggup tak makan fish. I love fish! :)
Hahahaha me debbs, I'm so irregular it's ridiculous.. macam recently dah 2
mths I din get the crimson wave.. dah makan supplements semua, within 2 days
dia muncul!! LOL! So both times I got preggers, I didn't even know.. LOL!
I still can't see my comments from last night Marzie! =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Blog=Money
How come? Where did it all go? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Blog=Money
me also crying now cause can't see my comments Marzie! :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Blog=Money
Ola Ane!! I knew something was up this morning when I read marzie's post..
anyhoo.. it's okay Ane 'coz we know that you and LJ were FC.. but those
valuable comments. :'( :'( :'(
I know Shemah, those comments just disappeared! :'(
Wah 2 FCs! So good!
I don't eat meat, but I must say that that looks soooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOD! Hehehehe
Need to get me a soy steak lah like this! Hehehehe
Rozie!! How can you not be tempted? Hahaahah.. so susahhh lah~ aiyooo..
Mariuca, EC server outage is it?
Yoi!!! Soy steak?? Hahahaha..
hey Shemah, you on TF?
I'm in between TF, my email and oprah! LOL! Why ane? What's up?? You want to
know whether I'll be stalking debbs from 9.30pm to 10pm?? hahahaa
hahahaha yeah, you answered it for me... you psychic now Shemah? lol!
Actually, I'm not stalking ane.. I'm watching a dvd.. :-) :-) but now it's
paused for toilet break.. hahahaha.. good luck!! :-) :-)
missin' everythin here GP!
Recent blog post: Stalkers WANTED!!!
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Stalkers WANTED!!!
No service charge and tax? I don't see fried egg served with the steak in Singapore.
Recent blog post: Do dreams come true? HP Pavilion dv2 launch
im so sorry, Ane! it was bad for me too at AGP. All my replies were gone too. The worst thing is I've delted the email once i've replied to them. So now i have to go post by post to see which comments i havent reply. ><
And Jean, sometimes when we go to the box oso, still the comments won appear! :(
That's okay Jean, hugs for us! :*
*HUGZ* Ane!
Hi Jean and Ane!! :) Jean, did you win your botb earlier?
I won my botb Debbs! He he menyampuk sat! I think I want to join another one, vote for me kay? Kalau u tak tidur lagi la! :)
I didn't know pun you joined, Marzie! If join, holler2 la. I'll surely vote kalau blm tdo hehe. :)
YAY, tenkiu Debbs! Nanti I holler kalau ada takers! :)
hello debbs!! yes, i did!! thanks , debss! :)
marzie!!! i still havent got the chance to vote for u lar! buzz me wen u're on, k! :)
yums! dekat pandah indah (not far from my place) got steven corne's also; me and z suka order sotong goreng and telur ikan goreng!!!
Jean! Am joining BOTB for MPG, will buzz u when got taker yeah? :)
I would say it's cheap! Not just reasonable but cheap! 8-)
Recent blog post: 36-question tag
ok, marzie!! i cant wait to vote for u!! :)
Hi Jean my battle ended oredi and I lost huhuhuhuhu! It’s okay, thanks sweetie. Watching OIAM now, see ya!
ok, dear! enjoy yr OIAM! i'll see u later!! :)
:-( :-( sorry you lost BOTB.. I did put in a vote for you, though. :* :*
Takpe Shemah, will join another one later, still on a losing streak la me! :’(
I’m back Jean, done with OIAM! :)
welcome back, marzie! how's tomok today?
Tomok was the most entertaining la Jean so fella won immunity again! Now twice oredi and confirmed he’s in the Top 6 aldy! :)
Indeed JL, very cheap for steak right? And more importantly YUMMY too!
Emila, I oso laik telur ikan goreng u know!!
Hi Marzie! :-D
Yummy!!! Nak pegi Steven's Corner jugak... for RM13, it's worth it! Oso nak try the telur ikan goreng... hah, semua pun I nak try la :-[
Recent blog post: Mood Swings!
Ha ha ha try jgn tak try Nessa! Enjoy urself at Steven’s and memang best! Can also have black pepper chic if u laik, but I suka the steak! YUM! :)
Hi Rozie, can’t wait to hear abt ur trip, cepat la! :)
OMG.. I can't believe I have this backdated comment still not answered..
sorry ah!!
Thanks for the Anni wish dearie..pressie? haha.. rahasia.. lol!
Wah C used to have a stall selling chicken and lamb chop? What happened..
must be good business Debbs?
Ok LLP is good :-)
Shemah.. my mom pun marah kalau I mandi that hour.. she always.. say.. jaga
badan.nanti dah tua sakit!!
Now also LJ morning person.. sebab moving.. lol!
So sad.. LJ dah lama tak TCO dah.
Me.. extra blotting lah crimson wave time!
I can NEVER be a vegetarian. I die first I think.. hahaha
Oohh sedaps eh Emila kat stevens corner tu??
Hahaha LJ! me too! i don't think I can be a vegetarian, I'd die first too!
LJ, ni post lama ni he he, thanks for replying sweetie! Oh me too sad la no see LJ on TCO top 3!
Morning LJ!
Lama tul anni wish tu ha ha, hope u had a good one dearie. :)
Hahahha. I still have 12k comments to go GP..hahahah..
Yeap..i had a great one!! Yihaa!!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!