Happy Birthday to our Sultan of Selangor! Thanks to this auspicious occasion, I get to enjoy a nice public holiday with B being at home and not in the office! I bet my friends who are working in Selangor are equally pleased knowing they can sleep in late today instead of waking up early to brave through the traffic just to make it to work on time!
The first thing I did this morning was to happily order Mc Donald’s breakfast for me and B. That way, when he finally wakes up later today, breakfast will already be waiting for him. I know it is no Nasi Lemak or anything home cooked, but we both like the Mc D's breakfast set, so it will do just fine.
While B is still sleeping, I took the liberty to plan our day. First, I’m going to suggest we get a nice massage, which will definitely put him in a good mood. A massage would be good for me too since I was working throughout the night and am in dire need of a little R&R. Then, I need to go back to the “cheap” game store I visited last week to enquire about my new SimCity Societies game, which apparently isn’t working for some reason. We also have some shopping to do so that will occupy most of our afternoon. For dinner, I’m going to suggest we go some place nice. It is a holiday after all, which means I get to take a break from cooking too! Right now, I’m thinking of TGIF. It’s been a while since we dined there and I’m suddenly in the mood for some yummy buffalo wings!
Looks like it’s going to be a great day for me and since I’m in such a good mood, I would like to invite everyone to share our yummy breakfast this morning. After all, it is not often I serve breakfast here, so come and get it while it’s hot! Have a great day everyone and I’ll see you later!

Gd Morning GP and B!... Yey holiday today but you know what I did not even know till hubby told me yesterday.. shows you how often i look at the local calendar eh... hehhehe.. anyway thanks for breakfast.. burp!...yummy...
Have a good day with B ya and Daulat Tuanku!
So nice Selangor got holiday! KL is not. I have to work.. boring..
Have a nice day !
Hi Dear!
Happy to hear tht u got a holiday today! :):):)
Have a gr8 time today......with Mr.B.
though Mc.Donald's break fast is no where near to your Nasi Lemak!
but it will be fun to have the mc donald's BF!
Get u'r self a good Massage to boost up u'r energy!;) hope u know why?????/ to reply me back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm also searching for Simcity game here at india, & i'm not able to get it? wht is tht game all abt??????????
Take care!
njoy u'r premium time with Mr.B
Regards & Best Wishes,
Hello again Marzie listen I had to let you know that you have a Best Friends Award waiitn for you at my site? since you always have stopped by to visit and stuff theres no way I could for get you dear friend. Altho I know the lovely people who sent it to me also gave it to you already Smile but still I just wanted you to know that Your thought of and I also awarded you a Best Freinds award. You be good and keep stopping by when you can I love when you visit. HUGS I love the music you playing on your site its great.
Hi want to see you are a sharp observer? Check out at http://jangbokjae.blogspot.com/2007/12/are-you-good-detective.html
Wow another yummy breakfast! Thank u so much. Oh and Nafadog enjoyed your cookies too! Looks like u really treated us with loads of yummy stuff ah? Thank u very very much dearie. *hugs*
And on behalf of the entire Singapore population, we would like to wish the Sultan of Selangor a big Happy Birthday!! =)
Mc. Donald! :-) nyam...nyam..nyam... is that harsh brown potato?
LJ! Actually I also didn't know abt the holiday until B told me abt it he he he... How was ur day? I finally got around to visiting the hair salon but not too happy with how they handled my hair! It's hard to find a good hair salon nowadays la, this one will not get a repeat performance from me, that's for sure. Other than that, I had a good time with B today. Hope ur holiday was just as fun! :):):)
Helllloooo Cheerful day! Thanks and welcome to my blog. Oh poor thing had to work today lol.... nevermind, Christmas is coming soon and Raya Haji too, so you'll get to enjoy those days at home! :):):)
Hi Raghav, thanks for coming by. I had a good day with B today! Also managed to get my Sim City Societies game to work, but so far I'm not really liking it. You can check out my post on Sim City Societies to see what the game is about. Have a good day! :):):)
Hey Lily! Oh thanks so much for the award! I will most definitely come by to collect it, and yay to liking my music here. I just updated my playlist recently! Have a great day Lily and I'll visit u soon! :):):)
Bokjae! This must be a new article cause when I visted u last night, I didn't notice the post. I'll come by and check it out, thanks for the heads up! :):):)
yay... i was first commenter eh... wow... my telescope very good eh GK...hehehehe...
alamak...bad hair salon?? I'm sure it'll look better after a hair wash.. mine always does.. can never trust this hairstylist.. sometimes they see what they want to see without thinking how it will look on us :(...
my holiday oklah.. but spend time at office, cleaning up.. 2mrw got gov official coming to see my hub's company paperwork lahh... so got to see and make sure all is alright!
Yay NAFA is here! You guys always cheer me up with ur lovely comments, thanks for coming by today too.
I'm glad Nafa Dog liked the cookies he he he... he's such a good doggie! It's my pleasure to serve yummy delights to u since you are equally nice to me and my kitties too! GP loves NAFA!! :):):)
Trin!! Glad u enjoyed the breakfast lol... and yes, that's hash brown u see. It's actually my favourite part of the Mc D's set, yum yum! :):):)
Yes LJ, you are my first commenter, so loyal la u, love LJ!!!
LJ, actually I just asked them to wash and blow... that also cannot do properly. It doesn't look like I got my hair done at the salon, looks more like I did it myself!! And the head massage also very sekejap and they didn't do a thorough shampoo, you know la my hair is so thick, so only some salons know how to handle it he he he... But never mind.. I'm going to try the one near my house pulak!
Good luck with the visit tomo yeah. Hopefully everything is in order.
Marzie - it's 12.05 in the morning and I'm looking at your food pix and my tummy is growling and I'm going to wake wifey up and ask her to go for supper and if she screams at me, it's all your fault, k? LOL!
I'm on a mission... a mission to be first commenter....lolzz...alamak wash and blow also cannot do properly... tsk3..
at last all is in order at the office.. and ready for the inspection 2mrw..insyAllah.. all will be good!
Yay! It's public holiday! Thanks for reminding me of the Sultan's birthday, I forgot la! Glad you spent quality time with B!
Oh dear! I hope wifey agreed to go for supper, but it's okay...cause still early.. so what did u guys have la? Roti canai is it? Ooooh, now it's 3.48am and I feel like having roti canai too! :):):)
That's why la LJ, some more can ask me to come back for treatment...apahal?!! Good thing the wash was only RM25!
Yay! Emila is back! Hey, actually Boy told me on Mon morning abt the holiday..or not me too lupa la! But it's always nice to have a public holiday! :):):)
WOW!!! That looks yummy to my Tummy :)
So cool to have a public holiday that you both get to have some rest. This looks like an ideal way to spend it with a nice yummy Mcd breakfast. I just ordered one for my family last Sun for lunch cos helper was off & its was pouring heavily outside. It din turn out a good meal cos we waited for quite a while when the food did not came complete.... sigh...
Btw, how come you din order hot drinks for breakfast? What drink is that in the pic? I love the Sausage Egg McMuffin. I usually will order that for breakfast.
So cool to have a massage to relax your body. I wonder where the "cheap" store is... keke...
Muacks :)
Hey Stace! That rhymed pretty well, cool! :):):)
Janice! How come ur order wasn't complete, did u throw a tantrum? I would've he he he...
I like the sausage egg mcmuffin too! I usually order coffee but today felt like orange juice mah!
The "cheap" stores are everywhere, you just have to know where to look! ;)
yosh...i am having my holiday too..but too bad i slept whole day because i am not feeling well,fever,sorethroat,coughing..aiks...luckily now is feeling better..back to work..sigh..
Hi Marzie, nice Christmas tree! Left you a present...hehe!
Are you serious? Breakfast is on you?
Poor Kim Fei! Sick on a holiday huh? And then now have to go back to work...tsk tsk tsk... nevermind, got more pub hols comin up soon! Then u can visit ur gf! :):):)
MT! Thanks for the Christmas pressie yipee!! But it hasn't appeared under my tree yet, maybe later! And of course breakfast is on me, Mc D's only mah... ;)
Hi Marzie,
Hope you and B had a wonderful day on Tuesday :)
Now, just for a change...I have a tag for you.....
Have a great day
Love and Hugs to you,
Hi Colin! Oh yeah, we had a nice relaxing day, no rush no fuss!
A new tag for me? Okies, will be right over! Love and hugs for my special guy! :):):)
sorry it took me a long time to get back at you...would you rather just exchange links instead? Let me know!
yeah...i am going back Melaka this weekend to meet my gf..such a long time didnt see her d.,.hehe
Hey, Marzie. You've been tagged!!! ;D
Cartoon Character
Hey Jen! Thanks for dropping by, I'll come visit ur blog, have a good day! :):):)
Kim Fei!!! The other day only u celebrated ur gf's bday what! Ha ha ha...miss her oredi huh? Have a great weekend with gf k! :):):)
Hey Crystal, another tag for me? Ok!!! On my way, thanks dear! ;)
Oh my! The burger is really making my hungry! Thanks! The hashbrown is warm and crispy too.
@mariuca,haha..around 3 weeks time d lor...consider long for me that everyday also will meet my gf for the pass 4 years..LOL
Hey Karen, the hash brown is the best part of the meal, love it! Enjoy ur breakfast! ;)
Kim Fei, so nice to see you loyal to ur gf like this, you're so sweet! Tell gf I said that! ;)
I actually ate at McDonald's yesterday for the first time in quite a while...haha:)
The "cheap" game store? Sounds like the kind of place I buy all my games and movies from:):):)hehe:)
Do you want to have high extra-incomes from your home?
Don't waste your time, contact me!
Hey Bobby, long time no see!! :):):)
I enjoy the Mc D's breakfast, one of my fave fast food meals, yum! ;)
wah long time have not had McDonalds!
I've never tried McD's breakfast set tau! hehehe..
i dulu masa prego everyday came late because I had to take McD's breakfast! took my own sweet time la! hehee
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!