While surfing the blogosphere on my Magical Flying Carpet today, I noticed quite a few of my friends have already joined SlogBite. For those of you who are not aware of SB, now is the time to join!
My friend Mel has been working really hard on this new project and I gotta say he seems to be doing pretty well so far. SlogBite will officially launch in April but membership drive has been going on since sometime last year. I see more and more new features being added to SB and everything is looking well on its way to success.
The thing about SB is that there are so many fun and cool features for you to enjoy. I personally am waiting for the casino like games, which are also in the pipeline as I write this post. I don't know about you, but Slog Machine, Wheel of Slog and Slog Roulette sure sound mighty interesting for the game lover in me LOL!
What I find most unique about SB is that you can submit your sites for more than one category. Wishing on a Falling Star is currently participating in 5 different ones - Personal Diary, Love, Meme Creator, Malaysia and Restaurant Reviews. Based on what your blog is all about, feel free to submit as many posts (relating to the respective category of course) to SB for greater exposure of your posts and blogs.
Aside from the Daily Featured Site and Best of Member Posts features, I also love the widget that comes with SB. You know me and my widgets, just can't get enough of them LOL! I only recently installed my widget here as I had some problems logging into SB. Unlike BlogExplosion, who are still leaving me in the dark despite my angry post last month, SB was extremely helpful and speedy in helping me resolve my problem. Mel immediately rectified my login issues and personally guided me on how to install the widget here and at MPG. Thanks Mel! :)
I am excited to see what SB has in store for us so if you want to get in on some of the action, you know what to do. If you fancy enjoying increased exposure, traffic, readership along with a whole lot of fun and games in an increasingly influential community, join me at SB! Get your sites listed before the official launch and don't forget to let Mel know Mariuca sent you, hurry! :)
Posted at 5.20 PM

8-) 8-) 8-)
Yihaaa.. wah lucky I woke up already...lol!!
I've seen this one a lot everywhere but not sure what is was about and since I have so many widgets already.. i did not take a second look.. let me check it out again ok ;)
Arrgh... beat me by a second!!!
8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: A New Header for LJL
:* :* :*
This must be your lucky day LJ! 2 in a row, will we see a hattrick? *DONT_KNOW* ;) :-D
Sure LJ, SB ni interesting gak and I think it will be big later after the official launch, better to join now than to be ketinggalan he he! :-D :-$ :-$ :) ;)
Sandman! U missed it again LOL! I am still waiting to feature your cute avatar here, come on Sandman! :* :*
Looks like it's GG's turn here now LJ yay! :*
am at a wedding again heheh - sneaking out for just a bit to drop some comment love this valentine season :) Hope you are having a great weekend :) I love SB a lot too but I have to hold back on the widgets for now huhuhu Still trying to tweak my site so that it doesnt take so long to load :) once I get to achieve that magic trick I'll be able to load up a little more multimedia content for you all ;) till the next time marzie xoxo. Hi to the kitties too from Mr Tiger he'll have another special coming up soon :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday on Empty Streets: Featuring Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Yeah, let's do the Slogbite :-D
Recent blog post: My New Project Site
Bintang, I saw ur widget at ur blog YAY, ada geng kat SB! :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Give It Up (KC & The Sunshine Band) *
Metz, another wedding? Wow business must be booming for you and I really think u do such a terrific job at all ur wedding assignments so far!
Metz, I know what u mean abt the widget overdose at our blogs ha ha! Had to get rid some of my older ones, to make room for the new SB widget yeeha!
Looking forward to some meow stories from Mr. Tiger, love and hugs and happy weekend! 8-) :* :-D :-P :-$
Recent blog post: Happy Birthday Jean! *
hi Mariuca! I'm back ;)
& I miss u so much!!!! :-P
MONICA!!!! Missed u sweetie!! Welcome back! :)
you're here! :-D
oh how did u manage to switch to JS? I oso want la
I am I am! Missed u la Mon, so happy you’re back!!!! HUGS!
I can't wait to read your blog u know.. :*
Welcome back Monica!!! We all missed you!!
Monica, long story he he but anyway, try installing it again! It works okay for WOAFS now and at Ane’s too, can’t wait to have smileys at ur site LOL! :)
really? wow! Ok, I'll try, again!
Really Monica? That is the sweetest thing ever!!! Love you la! I’ve been dropping EC daily at your site, must keep it fresh and clean during ur absence lol! :)
Ah faster faster ha ha ha! Good luck Mon, I’m sure it will be successful this time! ;)
Thanks dear :* :* :*
hello LJ!!!! I miss u, too! :*
alright hun, I'm going to do it NOW :-D
Yay LJ is here too! :)
hehhehe... yeah.. waiting for you MM...lol!
OK, buzz me later if it works! :)
Waiting it seems LJ he he he he! ;)
Mariuca! come & check it out!!! :-D
Oh yay! Cominover now Mon ha ha ha!
btw, do I have to tick "Allow TrackBack/PingBack"?
Mine is ticked Mon! Cool right, u answering by email is it? :)
I'm replying @ my blog
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
oh no I've to click "approve message" @ http://js-kit.com/moderate/ everytime huh?
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
Cool Mon! Looks like u didn have any problems installing JS, goof for u! YAY! :)
thanks to u & LJ!! :*
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
No need Mon, can auto approve right?
Mon, and to LJ’s bf too he he he! Jgn mare LJ! ;)
hahah.. tak marah... suka!! lol!! hehheeh..
Mon.. you have to make sure it's on post-moderate dearie.. I can't remember
the exact code coz not at home lah.. am at office right now..
He he he lucky thing LJ suka LOL! What code for post moderate la LJ???? Oh kat opis rupanya he he!
that was for Monica lah...LOL lagi....LOL!!!
LJ, mine is on Post-moderation
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
I know for Mon, but what code la? I didn insert any code oso? Anyway nemind, no need to fix what’s not broken he he! I donno how my TC weekly widget works la, it resets kea pa ni? See u number 5 only.
Yay! LJ's bf rocks! =-X
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
hmm.. then you won't need to moderate dearie.. although it still appear on
the moderation page of your dashboard.... hm.. I'm not receiving any
comments from your blog yet.. have you start replyiing??
Mariuca, I think your TC weekly widget is not working right?
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
hahha... what did i type actually eh..nanti i go and check.. number 5?
aiks.. wait ah I got to your blog!
hahahhaha Monica!
ohh.. code as in what to exactly say to Monica so she understands what I'm saying lah... hehhe..
Recent blog post: MM - Up Where We Belong (Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes) *
do I need to approve all the comments that appeared on the moderation page of my dashboard?
I've replied some comments aldy
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
I dunno la Mon, fed up oredi with my widgets LOL! Nemind, will wait for LJ to check it out for me he he!
oh no.. now not even number 5... aiyah.. not sure what is wrong with it.. I think it's still a bit screwy coz not everyone has commented using JS yet lah GP!!
Recent blog post: MM - Up Where We Belong (Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes) *
No need Monica.. that one is only for your easy access only
GP!! I noticed your TC widget also still linking to blogger profile.. not sure if that is good or bad..hehhe
Recent blog post: MM - Up Where We Belong (Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes) *
LOL GP!! Me too ... fed up already..
Dats why la, but u notice here my TC points to blogger profile and not comments? Good oso la yeah?
Dats why feel like removing TCW widget now. Sigh!
Yeap i noticed that.. like i say.. not sure if that is good or bad.. but
the figures change kan?? so if it change.. means it's picking up the
comments made lah.. which is GOOD in that case!
Baru je cakap. Actually I think link to profile better kut, cause commenters dapat link back. ;)
LJ, there is a moderate button next to the reply button, is it suppose to be like that?
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
heheh... tulah frust gitu tengok kan.. coz it's IMPOSSIBLE I'm not one of
your TOP 5 for the weekly one!
yeap.. definitely.. perhaps I should steal this widget.. but this one is for
1500 comments kan?? eh the widget move or not??
Ha ha same exact question I asked LJ last time Mon!!! LOL!
Yeap.. that one is if you need to moderate - meaning to change or delete or
anything offensive.. but that's all..
it's impossible I'm not one of your TOP 5, too..LOL!
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
Yeah this one for 1500 comments, but the one u recently gave me for MPG is for 1000 comments remember? I see u are not on my TCW at all now LJ. I suspect dia reset but sometime mid week, dunno la!
And yes the widget is moving. Earlier today it was 212 for u, now 217.
Mon ur still on my TC, just not the weekly! Neverending widget problem he he!
Oh still impossible lah.. I comment daily mah...tak boleh terima ni!!
Wah... like that i want lah.. can email me the code?? i see if it works for
me... why not just use it for MPG as well... 1500 pun 1500 lah!!
LOL! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
but I don't see the moderate button at Mariuca's site
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
Abaden, I lagi la konpius with the widget! Don make me remove it lol!
Mon.. you don't coz you can't moderate other people site lah... hehehe..
only yours!!
GP!! Don't publish yet.. .I'm going home...
LJ, which one u wan, this one here for 1500 or the one at MPG for 1000 comments? Wah increase to 1500 for MPG? Maybe I should cause this widget seems to be the only flawless one so far kan?
Eh I'm going home lah.. don't publish anything tau!!! lol!!!...
Just email me the code ok.. i will see if it works for me :)
Ha ha ha hah a, Mon sounds like me la masa baru install JS! LJ, I’ll let u answer her. :)
LJ don worry, song pun blm ada lagi ha ha, so cute!
oh ya what a silly ques..LOL!!! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
Hmmm okay, I email u both la! Will do so shortly yeah? Drive home safely.
song? is not monday yet :-P
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
LOL!!! cos I don't like to see so many buttons there la :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Fun-filled journey
Mon, it’s early MM this week ha ha! Music Sat! ;)
hi mariuca! dropped on your blog again. have been a bit busy offline so yeah.. hehe
SB! i see you really like casino stuff. hehe.
will check it out. i might like it there..
have a nice day! ;)
Yup, and that widget currently display your badge at the top :-P
Recent blog post: Photohunt: Bridge(s)
Eh Bintang, now Bokjae is on top la he he! But the widget doesn’t link to the blog’s url kan?
Hi Blanne, of coz! I just love casino games LOL! Check out SB, would be great to see you there sweetie! :)
Ha ha me too la Monica! I don like too many things there also, but used to the buttons oredi lol!
Ok dearie, let me know how it works out for you, the TC code that is. I will try and settle mine tonight too. ;)
LOL Mon!! LJ, if only ur bf can see our conversasi here, blush blush! ;)
hahahha....I'm sure he would blush too..!!!
LOL! LJ, actually ur bf ni kat mana? US izit?
haha.. i also don't know..lol!!!!
LOL, LJ got not so secret bf from obersea he he he! ;)
I am in! I am sure SB will be a huge success. I am currently exploring everything in there and I find it so great! Would love to join as many categories as I can
How's your weekend, Marzie? Hope you are doing just great. Thanks for your comments. Yeah, SAYANG means love too in Malay. My sayang knows a little Bahasa and he taught me just some simple phrases...
Recent blog post: MM- Insensitive- Jann Arden
Hi Marzie,
Great post......Thank you so much. John has joined and tells me that he loves being part of SB. I gave you referral credit.
Recent blog post: Textile Art / Quilting
The code tak work lah for me.. but it's ok.. penat gak figuring out these
widgets.. .lol
Thanks for code anyway ya :)
Yeay.. GG rocks!! lol!!
hahahahha.... shhhh!!
I don't know much about SlogBite. Interesting...
Thanks for posting about it, Marzie!! I've learned so much from the likes of you & LJ. :)
Congrats to LJ for being FC!
Congrats to LJ for being FC!
Wierd...that posted twice!! ;)
Hope you had a great weekend, Marzie!! Sending Hugs your way!!
I already joined Slogbite and put you as my referrer. Thanks Mariuca!
Sent ut the TCM code, hope that one works LJ!
marzie, this looks interesting lar. I think i might join this when i hv more free time later! :)
Jean, this is very the interesting and u can promote your posts sekali, of coz u gotta join sweetie! :)
Hi Badudets! Thanks for joining SB, good to have more familiar faces there woo hoo! :)
Hey Mel, thank you for coming by! Yeah John has joined SB, am so glad and I hope we will see more great names at SB soon. Thanks for the referral credit too yay! :)
Hi sweetie! I am excited abt SB too, am sure there will be more new features soon. Mel is doing a great job so far! :)
Ohhhhh your sayang knows a little bahasa? That is so cool! And it’s so nice of him to teach u those important simple words like Sayang he he! ;)
Hi Marzie,
FYI, you are tied for 4th place, with 2 others, in SB's referral awards with 4 referred new members. First place has 7 referrals. The awards will be given out on 4/2/09, still plenty of time.
Recent blog post: Textile Art / Quilting
Oh I dropped by yesterday Mel and saw my name there woo hoo! Hope to get more referrals then, maybe I’ll do another post at my perfume blog later he he! ;)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!