My talented buddy Emila, tagged me with the very interesting Dream Gadgets Meme. I like the sound of this meme as I get to imagine owning all the lovely gadgets that I'm losing sleep over, but won't be getting any time soon thanks to their high prices. I only have two dream gadgets that I really, really want right now, so here they are!
What do you guys think of this red hot Nokia N76? Recommended retail price is RM1,999, which is why it's on my dream gadget list! I'm currently using a Nokia 7370, which is great, but I LOVE this N76 so this will probably the next phone I switch to when the time comes.

Next is this really cool lime green Sony VAIO laptop! I'm currently using a Dell PC, which is still in relatively good condition, so if I ever get this gadget, it will solely be for the purpose of blogging and playing my PC games. I'm not even sure of the specs, but I'm just totally in love with the color!

Wow, that was fun, imagining owning these cool gadgets! Now, if anybody feels like giving me a pressie, either one would be perfect. :) For this meme, I'd like to see what gadgets are on the minds of Nick, Eric, Bokjae, GK, Bobby, Raghav, Elaine, Rolando, Erisha, Bobo, NAFASg, Uncle Sam, Sandee & Crystal. Share your dream gadgets with me! :)

I love your choices! That lappie is cool in green!
Hola GP!! I'm actually thinking of getting a laptop now. I know I just got a new pc but this would be for my classes!! DOH I like the Dell XPS which is so slim and lightweight....mmmm
As for a phone well I like my new phone which is the Nokia 5610. I like the motorola flips and it was a toss up but I like slide phones a little more!! :)
Cheers GP...and am I the first commenter? :)
nice to hear abt u'r liking....... & dream gadgets...
but wht don't u look at sony or samsung cell phones. sony is a better option as nokia are now a days not good in quality & there is lot of problem with the hand sets...
sony vaio laptop is a good choice. i too like it a lot...
also think of apple i mac is even slimmer than sony & priced at around the same price tag!
all the very.hope u get u'r dream gadgets at the earliest...
All the very best.
Okay, I'll play along. It will be a few days though. Going out of town today. Have a great weekend. :)
I love your choices! now i am using same lap with Blazing Red thats very nice lap
GP! My dream phone would be the Sony Ericsson P1i, it's a pda cum phone so great for blogging lahh...hehehe...I already got my dream laptop so am a contented girl..hehehhe...
I really like the sony vaio lime green too... cantiks!! Hope you get all that you dream off soon dearie!!
Hi GP, Thanks for the meme. This one sound interesting. Your choices are similar as mine. Great mind think alike. :)
I am using N76 now. Very good phone but the latest N82 with GPS worth considering.
I am also a fan of Sony Vaio but the pricing are on the high side. I have been using Acer and Compaq. :)
hello genie princess! the red cp is way very cool. you have a good choice. by the way, can we do exlinks? i would really loved if the genie could visit my blog. thanks.
Thanks for tagging me Emila, I like la this laptop!! How to buy, so expense mah! ;)
He he sorry GK, u are my 2nd commenter lol... Oh I totally understand abt wanting a new laptop even though u just got a new PC he he he, I say go for it if u have the extra cash! I'm not a Motorola fan, still prefer my Nokia, hope I can get the phone at least..soon! ;)
Hi Raghav! I'm a Nokia girl la he he he...don't really like Samsung or Sony phones, this one here is my dream phone for now!
Oh and I love the Vaio laptop, just wish it wasn't so expensive! :):):)
Hola Sandee! Sure, no worries dear, have fun this weekend! :):):)
Hola KMF, welcome to Mariuca's blog! Oh I'm so jealous that u actually have a Vaio!!! And the red one is pretty hot too, I like!! :):):)
Hey LJ! I wonder if a PDA phone would be cool for me too, but somehow am not so used to PDAs, still prefer my Nokia, they're my fave brand! :)
Lovely right my dream lappy?? Aiya, but so expensive wonder when I'll ever get one! :):):)
He he, we have something in common then Uncle Sam! Oh yeah, I remember u are using this phone right? The one u got free or something right? How lucky!!!
The only laptop I've used is Compaq, so this new one would make a fantastic change! I wish I could get this green Vaio NOW but it is very expensive mah!! ;)
Alakazam Mommy Ruby!! Thanks so much for visiting and GP will gladly return the favour, wait for her arrival! Lolz... :):):)
red and green! the lime green looks totally inviting. i love the colour too, and there was some time back, i wanted a silk baju kurung in that colour, i was hunting for it like anything!!! :) btw GP, even DELL laptop comes with pretty colours no..great spec and not as costly as vaio. i guess vaio sells for its brand, nothing great abt the specs comparable to other brands.
thanks for visiting. i added you already. well, actually, i added genie princess to my blogroll. hehehe....i like her there...
hope too link with you soon. thanks!!
Hola Farah, I love this color, had a suit in this color during my office days, now I miss wearing it! ;) I checked out Dell's range, but it doesn't seem to have this shade of green! :):):)
Yay, thanks Ruby! GP is very happy to be flying around at ur blogroll! :):):)
Yelah GP! Vaio very expensive.. but if you want it badly, I'm sure you'll find excuses to get it! lolzz
LJ! Lolz.... you are so right! Am already thinking of excuses. specially now that my PC is acting up! ;)
hehehehee GP! and what a good excuse it is :)
Yes LJ, am not know how I've been complaining abt it lately...he he..till today still got that hanging problem u know? Very valid la my reason! :):):)
GP! You can get a great laptop at a fraction of what vaio cost.. then get one of those laptop skin that cost like RM39 or something and you'll get your own personalised pc...whaddaya think??
Of course that sounds more sensible LJ, but the vaio is still bugging me la lolz.... second option Dell I guess, the pink laptop is kinda neat too. ;)
hehehehe GP! Vaio is beautiful...hehhe. so is dell.. Farah got her at quite a reasonable price you know...
Farah got Dell is it? I like Dell also, and it's much cheaper...janji it's lime green! ;)
Yeap Farah got the Flamingo Pink Dell laptop and I think she paid like RM2800 or something like much is the vaio huh?
LJ, I think the Viao is about 7k, how like that?? Heartpain la like this, u got ur dream laptop, Farah too... it's bugging me even more now! ;)
Wow! 7K!!! OMG!!! how many paid post is that?? lolzz.. consider alternative lah GP.. sometimes I feel it's the brand that's costing so much.. anyway..just my two cents sweetie...
I think so la it's abt 7k, I saw it on display several months back at the curve. Maybe dah turun? But anyway, that's why la it will remain my DREAM gadget only, so expense how to afford?! :(
Yelah.. very expensive lah 7K. can go holiday woman...:)
Of coz... vakasi also I wan! Tamaknya! lolz...
lolss GP!
Ha ha ha, nothing wrong to dream right, even if in a tamak way lolz!! :):):)
of course nothing wrong... what are we without out dreams right... let's dream together... you with your with my pda.. sigh...he he
He he, hope u get ur PDA soon, I guess that will be on ur dream gadget list! :)
oh yeah... what a sweet dream gadget list....
Will be looking forward to ur meme then! :)
Woah those gadgets u want are so cool, especially Nokia N76. We'll let u know the gadget that we have in mind. Thanks for the tag! It's one high-tech meme u have there. =)
They are cool aren't they NAFA? I want!! Looking forward to seeing ur gadget picks, have fun! :):):)
Woohoo so cool, chic and pricey eh your dream gadgets... I also want hi hi hi... Thanks for the tag, dear!! ;D
Crystal! I bet u have some pretty cool gadgets on ur mind too right now, have fun! ;)
Wow.. we have the same taste!! I want that Nokia N76 too!!! So cantik kann!!
Good Cat's!! I want the same things :) I can think of a few more too ... a post in my future?? Well sure. Thanks for the tag Mariuca. hmmm, now to think of my own wish list.
Happy week to you,
Syura!!! It's divine I tell you, some more red is my fave colour woo hoo!!! But a bit pricey right? Must earn some more xtra $$ before splurging on one. :):):)
Hola Eric, have fun thinking of ur dream items, remember they're DREAM gadgets, so think big he he he! :):):)
Hey Mariuca, I like your picks. I hope you get them :) I just posted my dream machines. Thanks for the tag!
Hola Rolando, I love my picks too lolz!! I'll come see your dream gadgets, hope u had fun with this meme! ;)
My post is finally up. Thanks again for the tag. Here's the link:
Dream Gadgets Meme...
Have a great day. :)
Hey Sandee, back from ur lil' trip? Great, I can't wait to see ur picks, thanks for playing! :):):)
Hey Marzie, sorry for the late reply. Been a little busy with work. You know how it is in Advertising, right?
Oh and I love that green colour too. Besides green is really my favourite colour anyway.
Will get this meme up soon, I kinda like it even though it looks pretty hard. Anything that requires a little work is always hard for me ... LOL!
Great day to you.
Yoohoo... The tag is up. :)
You love this shade of green too Nick? I don't usually favour green, but I love this one! :)
Have fun at work, I'm a bit busy too myself. This meme easy lah, just have to find the stuff u love! ;)
Yo Crystal! Thanks, be right over! :)
I guess you'd know what my dream gadget is right now, I don't have to mention here! LOL
Ooh, bright red! Definitely not for me :) I'm looking for LG's or Motorola even Samsung. Nokia's are too expensive.
He he he, and it's abt time too Nessa!
I love the colour of this phone la, red is my fave! I'm not so into Motorolla, Samsung is okay, some of the models are really cool! :)
Hey Marzie, just got your meme done. Sori for the lateness in getting it done.
Finally Nick he he...wonder what's ur dream gadget! :)
I tried for a dell and my experience was bad, really bad.
Hola Dell! Sorry to hear that, I'm currently using a Dell PC, which has been serving me well, until these past few months! :)
Lucky you! Must find a new tag for you now! :P
Btw, me likes Sony Vaio too! It's my second choice after Apple. Hehehe
Ha ha ha, but this was an easy and fun one to do kan? Okies...tag away, I'll be waiting lol!
Oh another Vaio fan, cool gila kan? :):):)
i love the green vaio! the color is so fresh!
now we can say a vaio a day keeps the doctor at bay!
It is Emila!! Dell ada Spring Green but tak lawa mcm this VAIO! ;)
yes aa? so kalau ada duit lebih nak beli vaio lah!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!