Hola! I am reposting the Big Bang Meme to this current date. This is the complete list of participants for this meme so far. We've almost reached our goal of reaching 1,000 sites so for those of you who have yet to update your list, you can do so off my updated list here and repost your previous Big Bang post to a current date like what I 've done here. Happy Wednesday!
Hello to all wonderful Mariucans and my faithful readers out there! I know I just posted a meme recently, but I have to get this one out immediately simply because it's too good to wait! I'd like to see just how far this meme will go and if it can really achieve the 1,000 links it is aiming for! I know all of you are just as excited as me to join in the fun, and you can do so right now! Let's join hands and make this meme a success through and through! Oh and have fun while you're at it ok? Have a great weekend everyone! :)
"Let’s face it; one of the main goals of joining a meme is to increase links. So, let’s call a spade a spade and see how “Big” of a “Bang” we can get. The goal is to exceed 1,000 sites. Can it be done? With your help we will leave all the other memes in our dust! Just follow the instructions. No thought necessary." Memes R Us
*Start Copy Here*
1-Attitude, the Ultimate Power 2-Juliana's Site 3-Rusin Roundup 4-Grow Rich Along With Me 5-Comedy Plus 6-lynda's loft 7-Amel's Realm 8-MAX 9-Speedcat Hollydale 10-Mariuca 11-Complain Complain Complain 12-Mariuca's Perfume Gallery 13-Life Is A Roller Coaster 14-Sugar Queen's Dream 15-First Time Dad 16-Life 17-My Life 18-The Painted Veil 19-My Thoughts 20-DatCurious.com 21-Little Aussie Cynic 22-A Nice Place in the Sun 23-DatMoney.com 24-The Down Side OF Up 25-Ladyjava's Lounge 26-Cat Tales 27-moms.....check nyo 28-Colorado Baby 29-It's a Woman's World 30-ENLIGHTENED BITS 31-My View of "It" 32-My Reviews and Finds Along the Way 33-Our Hep Chat 34-Rantings of a Woman 35-The Callalily Space 36-Mom Knows Everything 37-Hazel 38-Chronicles and Tales Unlimited (RED) 39-From the Mouth of Jabber Jaws 40-Sunny Side Up Foodie & Lifestyle 41-Carmel Corn 42-Daily Stock Picks 43-The Whole New World 44-Wifespeak 45-Slavery Bliss 46-Rooms of My Heart 47-Unpredictable Life 48-My Life, My World 49-At Your Service 50-All About Ebay 51-Everything Amazon 52-Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out 53-My So-Called Site 54-New Wife Blog 55-Tendre Poison 323 56-Nick's Bytes 57-My Scratch Pad 58-Choc Mint Girl 59-Life Is Just Around the Corner... 60-Amori, poseia, art... virtuali by Hanna 61-Maryannaville 62-monaco - monaco's 63-Nyumix's Blog 64-read my mind - my keyboard monologues 65-Shower You Children With Love - The Right Way 66-Secret Agent Mama 67-Pinaymama's Diary 68-Answers to the Questions 69-Work of the Poet 70-A Total Blog 71-My life, my hope, my future 72-NORTE 73-A Window to Our World 74-Life as a Mom 75-FIELD OF DREAMS 76-lisgold 77-See Me for What You 78-Caught in The Stream 79-Pinay Mommy Online - My Home 80-foster me up 81-CRUEL VIRGIN 82-Garden of Moments in Blog 83-So Cute 84-Love Everlasting 85-WeLcOmE To My CriB 86-WELCOM TO PINAYSMILE'S JOURNEY 87-Ice's Icelog 88-Jenny's Wandering Thoughts 89-Hobbies and Such 90-Sweet Paradise 91-Mommy's Gibble Gabbles 92-Rusin Review's 93-My Small World 94-Little Peanut 95-Online Ramblings 96-My Mood My Feeling 97-BLOG it with ALLEN 98-Entertainment World 99-Let's Go Singapore 100-Firelynx 101-Catsy Carpe Diem 102-Every Beat Of My Heart 103-Always Da Fresh Princess 104-Listening.. Learning..Living 105-All About Mars 106-Syii From Afar 107-Some Thoughts I Have 108-From Here and Beyond 109-My Paid To Blog 110-Scholarship Corner 111-Cell Phone Review 112-"Apples of the Eyes" 113-It's All About Play 114-The Luttrull Journey 115-RennyBA's Terella 116-Unchained Melody 117-Out of the Blue 118-The Lure Of the Unknown 119-Maricel's 120-my blog 121-Spiff, the Spaceman 122-Living Well 123-The Dog Log 124-Catnip Corner 125-A Piece of Idea 126-Observations From the Back 40 127-Poetry by The Redneck Gypsy 128-Odd Facts 129-Juliana's Lair 130-My life is murphy's law 131-lisgoldsmemoirs 132-My memories, as time goes by 133-Somewhere over the rainbow 134-Blogging by Sandee 135-Our Journey to this so called life 136-Idaho Daily Photo 137-Memories that Never Fades.. 138-Anything goes 139-Your Caring Angels 140-Little Paces 141-Laketrees 142-PoeARTica 143-fracas 144-Just FraCas 145-Archies Archive 146-Growing Up Together 147-A Woman's Diary 148-Mother's Got A Dot Com 149-Close To You 150-Hot Shit Form Here 151-Astro Galaxy 152-Detector 153-Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 154-My Life is Peachy 155-The Down Side of Up 156-Magical Milestones 157-In Search of Life 158-RebelationsdotNet 159-Jen Jen's Place 160-Mimi Writes... 161-Strange but true 162-Depois de minha viagem 163-Your Perfect Wedding: 164-Make Money Online 165-Primitive Ornies and Bowl Fillers 166-Vegetarian Diet Lifestyle 167-Looking Out For You 168-BENOLSATUEM 169-OtherSide 170-Hacko's Site 171-where was I 172-Making Money Resources 173-text's Site 174-Movie Corner 175-Rahasia Bisnis Internet 176-Online Dating Tips 177-Beauty Kissing Tips 178-Forex Trading Tips 179-Singapore Tour Guide 180-PPC vs PTR 181-Indonesian Film 182-Adsense Success Stories 2008 183-Bali Tour 184-Paypal Indonesia 185-Review Bisnis Internet 186-Blog Daniel Scardua 187-Much of a muchness 188-Gagiers Amazing World 189-Clumsy Mommy 190-Leaotheblogger 191-PBDesigns Reading and Crochet Blog 192-Gagiers Striking Zone 193-DrowseyMonkey 194-Yesterday Today n Tomorrow 195-Auntie Dar's Life 196-Sky Windows... 197-Filippino Life Abroad 198-Leao the Blogger 199-Zoop's Rantings on Life 200-My Journey 201-A Sweet Taste of Life 202-This is a Miracle 203-Lavanderia Virtual 204-Nancies's Web - Family Life 205-Dating Profile of the Day 206-my wooden robot 207-My World 208-urban : trendy : lifestyle 209-Lucel Juliana's Library 210-Cooking Momster - My Life Journal 211-Anggie & Jeremy boy Online Journal 212-'Doc Doc Doc' 213-Transforming My Life 214-Gratitude Journal 215-Simplydunn.net 216-emila's illustrated blog 217-AZZY'S BLOG-A-ROONIE! 218-MAMABLISS' TREASURED MOMENTS 219-The Sky's the Limit 220-PROJECT HEAVY TRAFFIC 221-just another ordinary story.. 222-Samuel Rolo 223-The end mission! 224-R S S Submissions 225-Laice's Pics 226-Health and Fitness 227-Brainybimbo 228-Journey with WaterLearner 229-Zoop's Rantings on Life (at Blogspot) 230-Dear Me (Ivan) 231-Tour the Tabon Caves 232-Book Calendar 233-Love me. Hate me 234-Everyday health and beauty 235-BLOGANDO & ANDANDO 236-Memoirs.:*CRoSs mY hEARt*:. 237-The Chic Shopaholic 238-CK Go Places 239-Red Empress: Hell Flavored, Taste like Valentine 240-QUEENBEE 241-Le bric a brac de Cherie 242-jaqqq in the blogs 243-Bijoux & Banter 244-When Silence Speaks 245-MadTomatoe's Blogging Tools and Widgets 246-Conceptis addict 247-Madamoiselle 248-My Wooden Robot Blog 249-A Simple Life 250-It's a dog's life 251-A Technocrat's Blog 252-Misty's Words 253-My Dogs Keep Me Sane 254-New England Lighthouse Treasures 255-NoDirectOn (not: NoDirection) 256-Additional BlogLOve 257-I am DZOI 258-Caroland's Breathtaking Adventure 259-Blur Ting 260-Rojoy's Daily Update 261-Down River Drivel 262-Momhood Moments 263-Real World Mom 264-REALWORLDMOMUNPLUGGED'S WEBLOG 265-Lucca D Jiwa 266-AngrianiWorld 267-Marketing•Review 268-sejuk sesangat 269-Everything and then Some..... 270-Gbex...reachingOut 271-Heart of Rachel 272-The working mom / Finding balance... 273-Madamoiselle ver.2 274-Latest Keyword 275-Tanny's Blog 276-Pay to Review 277-Happy Life 278-Pet Haven 279-Teratak Nurani 280-A Melhor Novela de Todos os Tempos do Último Verão 281-TYNIE World 282-Wanmus's Blog-get cheapest web hosting 283-mokkikunta 284-BLOGHIT, POLIBLOG, TOP TOPICS 285-none of your business 286-Expat Travels 287-The Poor Mouth 288-GIRLIEGEEK.ORG 289-Tau Tau 290-Points of View 291-kimf3's Blog 292-Bing-My Treasures 293-Everything Green 294-The Pipeline Fixation 295-~Menempuh Arus Masa-Life-Photography~ 296-Pea in a Pod 297-{Me and Mine} 298-Beblan Anak Tukang Jahit 299-How Bourgeois 300-Julie's Blog 301-Emphbone 302-Simply the Best 303-Euroangel Graffiti 304-My Daily Nourishment 305-the worldwideweb addict 306-(¯`•._.• PalavraS ArticuladaS •._.•´¯) 307-The Big Life 308-Wild Borneo 309-Failure is the Key to Success 310-The muxic box's memories 311-What Goes Under the Sun 312-Cronaca di Gatteo 313-Angelika's other blog 314-So Real 315-Jaque 18 316-Overtime 317-When Life Becomes a Book 318-On the Bricks 319-Central Perk New York 320-The Simple Life of a Baghag 321-BlogBlast For Peace: The Official Site 322-Miss Cellania 323-Miss C Recommends 324-homeschooling.teacherjulie.com 325-belolats.com 326-The Original Blue Ribbon Bloggers 327-No nonsense Internet Tips 328-Its Not a Weekend; Its a Lifestyle 329-myfavehangout.com (Rich Valla) 330-Blog District 331-Official Travel Guide 332-EMJEI SAYS 333-www dot project rasso dot org 334-Work At Home Opportunities 335-VirusHead 336-Gracie de Guzman 337-Jollyjo 338-Jollyjo.tv 339-Ev Nucci's THE CAREER STRATEGIST 340-Ev Nucci's Resource Economics..Grease your brain 341-MARKETING MYSELF 342-NORTE 343-ACROSS THIS BRIDGE 344-STRUGGLING PARENTS 345-Read Between the Lines 346-Internet Lifestyle 347-THE SLEEPING TURTLE ART GALLERY 348-HIDUP BIAR SEDAP 349-BLOG ABOUT RICH 350-7101 Islands 351-Binding Ink III by Ndp the Poetress 352-mutiara hati 353-GreenBucks 354-Istilo Pinoy 355-Sweet and Complex Living 356-Angelika 357-my thoughts in writing 358-sharingplatform 359-Just the way it is... 360-LUCID CREATIVITY (Nelle-MyVirtualWorld) 361-TEACHERJULIE.COM 362-Bits and Pieces 363-Confessions Of A Breathing Tote Bag 364-My Joys 365-Fiction Earth 366-... My Precious ... 367-MY VIEWS ON MY SO CALLED LIFE 368-A Reality Bite 369-Cobb Community 370-Angelea's Blog 371-Janeth Vicy's Life Journey 372-NinaRepublic 373-Peaceful Mind 374-ME, MYSELF + 2 375-Mommy Jane and Little Sophia's Fasion misADVENTURES 376-ONKNEES - ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK..... 377-SHEENISM 378-SAILIN' THRU LIFE (ASecretPlace) 379-Project Management Tutorial 380-Labindalawang Piraso ng Kokomban 381-Gorgeous Traveller 382-Sharing Gifts and Ideas 383-MUMBLINGS 384-Because Life Is Fun 385-PsychPatient MD 386-Everything Is Free 387-BRAINY MOMMY 388-Simply Unique 389-precious moments 390-Pearly Scripts 391-LIGHTNING AND THUNDER 392-Rayani Friends 393-WORK CULTURE 394-Psychology 395-Gold News 396-Applied Psychology 397-Scientific Psychology 398-Backwoods Drifter 399-New Beginning 400-Life in General 401-Life Is Like That (That's Life) 402-Life With Roxxymetal 403-SEXY MOMMA 404-The Z Files 405-I'll Never Forget the Day I Read a Book! 406-DOODLE PAGE 407-Escape Hatch 408-The Official Afterslaughter Weblog 409-Mommy's Little Corner 410-MALTED MONKEY 411-MOM AND THE CITY 412-Life with the Two Crazy Dogs 413-the joys (and pains) of being a woman (My Untamed World) 414-Making Cents-Sense of Technology 415-USER GAME REVIEWS 416-Write Shy 417-DOMANTYS.net 418-ZWANG 419-ANYTHING GOES! (my world, my place, my views...!) 420-Matt's blog (World of Insanity) 421-Lifestyle chronicles 422-The Alien Next Door 423-CMAQUEST 424-The Mascot 425-NARUTO ADDICT MANIA 426-Friendster Layouts 427-borneo tatoo...the original body ink 428-DOMANTIX 429-CULTURED SHOCK 430-EuWorx 431-HUBPRIME 432-STAR SURFACE 433-MY KALEIDOSCOPE WORLD 434-luckycharms 435-John's Blog - Maybe I Am Joking? 436-NEW WORDPRESS THEMES 437-WEB VIDEO HITS 438-TOP MUSIC VIDEOS 439-TEXT MESSAGES 440-Homemade Haven 441-TAGMEMEAWARD CAT 442-Coriander Dreams 443-BrainLoops 444-Soul Meets World 445-Speak The Speech 446-The Tall Poppy 447-My Day Off 448-Internet Business Promotions and Opportunities 449-Gage's World 450-PIXY ROSE 451-John's Cynical Blog 452-Poliblog 453-Techcheck 454-RoseateMarketingTips.com 455-RUSTYGANGSTER 456-Napaboaniya's Music Videos 457-EZINE PRIME 458-Prime Scrolls 459-FactMundo: World of Facts 460-CHAE 461-GOLDFINGER 462-OnlineBiz and Resources 463-ASTRO GALAXY TRAVEL 464-The Singapore Housewife 465-Climate of Our Future 466-Anorexic Queen 467-Eleanoreblog 468-Turnip of Power 469-Old Life 470-Shiphire Dustbin 471-POSTCARD HEADLINES 472-crazyblog 473-V.Col 474-Simple Life, Simply Me 475-Rasso Photoblog 476-Bagwine Ruminations 477-The Travel Bug 478-Short Stories 479-OPENGIGA TECH 480-Yogatta Dot Com 481-Net Diary of Rasal 482-WORDPRESS MEME 483-divaness 484-Thinking Tunnel 485-My decisions, my mistakes, my feelings, my LIFE 486-E-News (Gossip, Scandals, Movies, Music, etc) 487-FRAPPUCINO JOWN 488-MAYBELLE DOODLES 489-And the Legend Lives 490-In His Time - Endless Frontier 491-Travels in Time 492-Money Making Reports 493-MY HAPPY PLACE 494-The M&M Online BloG 495-Carol's Corner 496-http://individualathome.blogspot.com/ 497-Confessions of a Social Climber 498-Moderately-Confused Pinay In Deutschland 499-BLOGSILOG 500-DigiScrapz: Captured Memories 501-Cherry’s Comfort Zone 502-Thinking Out Loud 503-Wishing and Hoping 504-Jobs for Davao 505-Jobs for Abroad 506-PRC Exam Results 507-Wish Washy 508-Captains bridge 509 Colourrain 510 Modus Vivendi 511-Our Hep Chat 512-I forgot where I was going with this... 513-MRS FANCYPANTS LIVE 514-Real Estate News and Tips 515-MY.........STORIES 516-Garaphernalia 5.0 517-Everything Everywhere Travel Blog 518-lane of memories 519-Avee's Adeventures 520-Celebrating Life 521-Me and the World 522-Paul, Toni and Lance ----- Bridging The Distance 523-Paul and Toni 524-This is My New Chapter of Life 525-Online Competitions 526-posh lifestyle 527-Creative In Me 528-Life's Lessons 529-KERSLYN'S COMFORT ZONE 530-Piece of Mine 531-One World One Dream 532-HUMBLE HOME OF OURS 533-Life Is Beautiful; Life Is Love 534-Journey of Two 535-Tutiger's Blog 536-JORDAN CREEK 537-NEURO PATCH 538-Tour and Travel 539-Musings of a Daydreamer 540-DELICIOUS YOUNG BOI 541-SugarMagnolias 542-Heart and Style Woman 543-SURREAL-GEORGIA 544-Girls Do It All 545-OgenDicht/EyesClosed 546-Christy DeKoning; Travels in Watercolor 547-living life to the fullest 548-Holy Cuteness 549-FILIPINOLIFEABROA 550-Filipina Love stories 551-Interracial Marriages 552-SWEETHEART ALLEN 553-Living laughing and loving 554-A Day to Savor and Relish 555-Catsy's Pet Blog 556-SimplyCatsy's BLogs 557-Catsy's Out of the Blue 558-Mohanitguy 559-ItBuddy 560-alanzain 561-3 Sides of Crazy 562-Life abroad wifey 563-My Life's Rollercoaster Ride 564-ONLINE ENTREPRENEUR 565-Verb 566-Laptop Tip 567-US GIRLS 568-Our Journey as a Family 569-Let's talk....everything... in one space 570-http://oscar-vg.blogspot.com/ 571-BENOLSATUEM 572-blockbuster movie trailers 573-Bodybuilding & Fitness 574-Lemon Iced Tea and Me 575-GoboGeek's bmx blog 576-butterfly chewables 577-The SuperStar John Blog 578-CultCase 579-Allen's-collections 580-lyrics 581-fil-amstories 582-allen-library 583-Ad Hoc Doctor 584-In The Life Of...Mne 585-The Social Network Blog 586-T-CRIB 587-The iSurfer 588-Review dan informasi bisnis internet 589-A Place of Being 590-Medicinet 591-Make Money Blogging 592-LONG TERM STOCK PICKS 593-Pet Monologues 594-fingers dot crossed 595-Simple Life 596-Small Business Guru 597-Life's a journey, not a destination 598-Blog Portfolio 599-Nurse's Dose 600-ONE STOP GAMES 601-DianeCA's Metamorphoses 602-Sultana's Blog 603-Joze's Crap 604-landscaping 605-Geng's Journal - Wonderful Thoughts On line 606-ananda 607-Moneyonlinemasterz 608-Pamp's Blog Corner 609-Photography & Morphology of SheenaEdillie 610-Almanac Queen 611-G0c3nG Dot Com 612-World News Dotcom 613-Berbagi Tips Hidup dan Kehidupan 614-Windows App Warez 615-Most Keyword 616-Music Download 617-eBooks & Tutorials 618-Web Developments 619-Non-Windows Warez 620-Hackers Lounge 621-Movie Download 622-Day Tippers 623-Alamak Oi Oi 624-PEACE GLOBE GALLERY 625-Dona Nobis Pacem: The Peace Globe Posts 626-Fertility Challenged 627-A new kid in town...Japanese fastfood 628-The Cafe at the End of the Universe 629-The Manic Bookworm's Ballroom 630-All World Insurance 631-WTIT Tape Radio: The Blog 632-Mama Pajama 633-bobbarama dot com 634-Polliwog's Pond 635-Six4Paula 636-Beth & Cory's Mom 637-Luz de Luma, yes party! 638-The Rising Blogger 639-Saturday 9 640-haekal-bloger 641-The World Through My Eyes 642-Blog Income Project 643-Nelle - EmpressReviews 644-home for business 645-Kaleidoscope 646-Intrepid Ideas 647-Life in the United States 648-Napaboaniya APAD 649-Solo-Flight 650-BlackNickel 651-Anything Under The Sun 652-Buy Blog Review 653-Are You Grateful? 654-ezvancouver.com 655-Vancouver Sky 656-Bodybuilding, Health, and Human Growth Hormone 657-5 minute foods for you 658-LUNA.LUNA.LUNATIC 659-..just ME being RANDOM 660-Cebu Lands and Homes 661-Skylle's D' Limit 662-iqbal blog 663-Tech 5.0 664-Saje Jek 665-Sehening Kalbu 666-Di Sini Berhenti 667-LADYJAVA LIFE'S PAGES 668-Shopping Fashion Style 669-Nonsense 670-Pinaywifespeaks 671-Pinaywifeatbp 672-Daily Tipper 673-I said what You Thought 674-Adventure Journey World 675-Candid Yammering 676-Prove Me Wrong 677-Torra Mirror 678-Memoirs on a Rainy Day 679-Affiliate Crunch 680-Feel Free To Express Yourself 681-Hugoscafe 682-Sri Kebakat 683-justmeNus 684-Gregorio Art Studio 685-REFERENSI BISNIS INTERNET FREE JOIN 686-Heaven's Garden 687-Bangkingaroo 688-PinayJade's Life is Beautiful 689-Comunique by Ivanhoe 690-Reviews 691-The Mind, The Heart, The Lines 692-anna's cofeenchocolate 693-Submit Feed 694-Genelle 695-Scholarship For You 696-Take Care Baby 697-The Popular Gadget Info & Review 698-Indonesian Automotive Information 699-The Road to Semarang Jawa Tengah Indonesia 700-Wanita dan Dunianya 701-Earn Cash From Reviews 702-World Football On The Net 703-Tech 100 704-Caboodle 705-mikefolan.com 706-REFERENSI BISNIS INTERNET FREE JOIN 707-Greatest Reviews 708-Mad Blog 709-One Stop Shopping 710-Tacky Me 711-Down Home Kitchen 712-Rajesh Rana Dot Net 713-Self Discovery 714-Jasmin's Heart 715- Veerublog 716-Sacred Matrix 717-COllective Hacks 718-Do Bato 719-Complete Guide for SSB 720-Ultimate way of surfing 721-Life @ Army Institute 722-The Chosen One 723-Here I am, 724-Ibeati 725-REALITI KEHIDUPAN 726-Best Friend Blogs 727-Photography on the Move 728-Mirage as usual 729-Message In Bottle 730-the course of the black hacker 731-Bonsai Art 732-Kitchen Maus 733-AJN 734-Our Life & Our World 735-Carver's Sight or is it That Site 736-Attached at the Hip 737-Snapshots 738-Penang & Malaysia 739-Photoshoot 740-A Yard Full 741-Family Matters 742-In My Kitchen 743-Vienna Daily Photography 744-Grateful Heart 745-maremagnum 746-Stagelife 747-MAX PWNAGE 748-Free Blogging Tips 749-The Last Whale 750-Voice Of The Spirit 751-Best Cuisine Recipes 752-World of Tennis 753-Men’s Health and Tips 754-Luxurious Retreats 755-Philippine Job Search 756-Views from the corner 757-BUZZY ME 758-eltentwelve 759-pinay mommy's love blog 760-Pinay Mommy's Digi Scrap 761-Lourdes' Mia 762-Scappynhappy 763-BaReFooTeD Me 764-DeCaFFeiNaTeD 765-You Been Blinded 766-Most Searches 767-All World Insurance 768-BALITANG KALYE 769-Extraordinary Things 770-You me and the World 771-Personal Development Home Business 772-trcoach.com 773-Keyword Discovery 774-Wakela's World 775-Sprit of Bonoriau 776-Sketches 777-Miss MoneypennyCPU 778-Shop's Base Not For Rent 779-The Journey SEO 780-Wilstop 781-The Solitary Bird 782-Dare to Blog 783-Life Realities 784-PlotDog Press 785-Perpustakaan 786-EarthWorld 787-Box of Chocolates 788-Neo Horizons 789-Buster Machine 790-Pamps' How To Guide 791-Online Marketing 792-Popular Wealth 793-Shannon's Introspections 794-BlogTips.Com 795-Poetikat's Invisible Keepsakes 796-Everything Has A Reason 797-Hello World 798-Let's Travel Philippines 799-Blogosphere 800-Real Money Making Blog 801-My Drift 802-WebGeek Journal 803-Poetikat's Parlour of Poetry 804-Catholic Me (I am blessed) 805-The Other Side of Emila 806-I'm Addicted to You..... 807-Everything Kimchi 808-All Keyword on The Net 809-NIZHAMA2 810-clajoira(E-NEWS) 811-easysolar.blogspot.com 812-Pappeluna 813-Tsimis 814-Sports Haven Racing 815-SEO CONSULTANT INDIA 816-Hello... My Name is Lisa 817-Beauty Banquet 818-My Wanderings 819-Picture Clusters 820-Maiylah’s Snippets 821-peterjanet 822-expressions and thoughts 823-My Sweet Escape 824-MOMEMO 825-Vision, Adventure, Dream, Life 826-Asian Mutt International 827-The Journey 828-Sigh 829-Say Cheese 830-See it. Draw it. Share it. 831-paid-ad-clicks 832-rueManueelbis 833-Filipino in Canada 834-Softwares - The M&M Online 835-Of Colors and Styles 836-Artsy Creatures 837-Gandalf the Green 838-Devils View~ ~Study 839-Simply Tagged 840-A Nice Thought 841-DouDy Sketche 842-Lyric Popular Today 843-Game WareZ 844-DOT BLOGGER 845-Lilyruths "This and that friendly cottage" 846-Life Quest 847-Blogging Resources 848-Being Woman 849-Make Money Online ~ with LadyJava 850-Bulgaria Property 851-Advancing Health, Redefining Freedom 852-My Inspiration Sharing Land 853-aNgRiAniWoRLd Dot Com 854-Nita's Random Thoughts 855-Nita's Corner 856-My Wandering Thoughts 857-Nita's Ramblings 858-Filipino Online Community 859-Island Paradise Of Bohol 860-Famous Lyrics Collections 861-Thomas Digital Services 862-Make Money Online 863-Thomas Recipe Collections 864-Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts 865-Great Finds and Deals 866-Thomas Web Links 867-Thomas Travel Tales 868-PRC Board Exam Results 869-Click Here To Forward 870-Daily Motivation 871-Artscapes 872-Melissa Khalinsky 873-La Scatola Dei Colori 874-seconds thoughT 875-Travel Puerto Princesa City and Palawan 876-KEITH'S REVIEW 877-CJ NICHOLS PHOTOGRAPHY 878-dibujandoarte 879-Felinesophy 880-Save Time Online 881-Techyplus 882-Day Break 883-Day to Day 884-Making sense...(somehow) 885-sherry rambling 886-Paintingart's Weblog 887-BIG-TIME 888-the course of the black hacker 889-My Life as a NOMAD 890-Optimizing for Search Engines 891-Make Money Online 892-Filipino love stories 893-A mom's note 894-Tasteful voyage 895-WitchBoop's Keeper 896-The good things in life 897-Pinay Heart Wanderings and Musings 898-Me, the islands and the world 899-Just Life 900-Asawa's Love Book 901-A Mother's Journal 902-Jackie's Everyday Life, Jackie Simply Pinay 903-Pinay In States 904-Stick It To The Man 905-Movie Reviews!! 906-MAKE MONEY ONLINE 907-Gadgets World 908-Crazy Blog 909-Ultimate Star AJITH Gallery 910-Blogger Design Tips 911-A Mother's Simple Thought's 912-Stupid Wise 913-Watchamacallit! 914-NELLYPIE'S CHATTERBOX 915-ENTRANCE TO MY WORLD 916-This Is What's Cool 917-SHARZ-Pangit's Journey in the States 918-The Lion's Den 919-kapamilya corner 920-BudgetCents.net 921-Blame The Vain 922-ButtonWood Project 923-HayWire Farm 924-John Boy Multimedia 925-Mosquitos In Paradise 926-RJ Paulsen 927-Snookies 928-SpykerMan 929-Test Land 930-VT Griffin 931-Smith $ amp ; Co. Weblog 932-Honigimmo - Travel & Real Estate Blog 933-Mommy May 934-Sandy Alderson 935-[Vegetarians Without Borders] 936-Wolfgang Puck 937-BB Pro* 938-Hello World! How have you been?... 939-PM WATSON 940-Richdale Newburyport 941-Vadis E-Zine 942-Maguire Clan Blog 943-CIE-SL 944-Green Bytes945-Lisa Santana 946-Austinites 947-Ekekek948-the grey lady 949-The Green Fairy Godmothers 950-Swiss Pilates 951-Pilates Fitness Club 952-Peripheral Vision 953-My Big World Of Crap 954-Little Secret 955-Photography by KML 956-Lets Jump Together 957-Jasa 958-Sports Freakzz.. 959-Straight from the heart 960-Robin Neudorfer 961-Breakfast at Tiffany's 962-Read and Release 963-How To Have a Baby 964-*Seeking*Serenity* 965-ArtyAllsorts 966-Rants and Ramblings 967-Jcelyn's Journal 968 -Everyday Life 969-In The Lance's Mind 970-Letters To Heaven 971-See. Draw. Share 972-Show Me Your Interest 973-Proud Mommy 974-Thata's Daily Blog 975-Life Is Wonderful To Know Everyday 976-Big Boys Have Toys Too 977-madelainejordan.com 978-Pinay dot US 979-My Life... My Journey!980-Energy Efficient Home Tips 981-What About Brazil 982-Aeirin's Collections 983-Dezz Spices In Life 984-Deranged Insanity 985-Green Mallows 986-ReachTogether 987-a little of entrep and more 988-Daily Free Software 989-Day To Day Miracles 990-Lalaine's World 991-From Asia and Beyond 992-Dexie-All About and Around Me 993-Crash Test Dummy 994-Can of Thoughts 995-Designs by Vhiel 996-Anything and Everything in Between 997-Vhiel's Corner 998-BlogScope 999-Info Techo 1,000-Precious Moments 1,001-Blessings and Beyond 1,002-infra 1,003-blueteeth 1,004-Chic Things Galleria 1,005-Confessions of A Supermodel Wannabe 1,006-Dogcents 1,007-Melinda Zook 1,008-Zook Lite 1,009-All Kinds of Me Stuff 1,010-iAM MAi 1,011-Blog Maguire Nation 1,012-Electronically Brighter 1,013- Minatea 1,014-Bibe 1,015-Brazos Cowgirl 1,016-Big Money List 1,017-The Daisy Experiment 1,018-SnapShot 1.019-The Traveler's Domain 1,020-Love Defies All 1,021-expressions and thoughts2 1,022-Blog Fixes 1.023- Creaky Easel 1,024-The Beauty of Simplicity 1,025-Daily Information 1,026-Emo Life (HU) 1,027-Emo Life (ENG) 1,028-Shopping Blog 1,029-I LUV Contests 1,030-Prime Writings 1,031-Jewel Garden 1,032-As the World Turns 1,033-Rambling round the water cooler 1,034-TechnoBabe's Adventures 1,035-Kalijudan 1,036-Useful Information for Cash Noobs 1,037-Can't Afford Life 1,038-All the BS 1,039-HD Movie Library 1,040-untouchable EARTH 1,041-ajithgallery.com 1,042-Plokmaster Is Talking Dollars 1.043-Rockstar Template 1,044-Pot Pourri 1,045-Tech Pills 1,046-My Life 1,047-SKETCH SOUNDS OFF 1,048-Shierylssi"s Blog 1,049-AnotherMMOblog 1,050-Stay at Home Mom & Military Wife 1,051-Novel Bloggers 1,052-Paula's Playground 1,053- Cityscape Calcutta 1,054-All about United 1,055-Biz-N-Honey 1,056-WannaSmile 1,057-Ivory Tasks 1,058-Best Pinay Mom 1,059-Webby Contest 1,060-Brown Pinay 1,061-TECHTOD 1,062-Outside The Box 1,063-Myself Being Fond Of Footwear 1,064-i play MOM 1,065-pexlinks triple love 1,066-Entertainment News and Beyond 1,067-Arts and Entertainment Center 1,068-Camelia de Pedra 1,069-INSERT YOURSELF HERE
*End Copy Here*

You do not have to be tagged to play along. This game is simple and so are the rules.
- Copy from *Start Copy Here* through *End Copy Here*
- Add your site(s) to the list. Just be sure to post at each site you add.
- Tag or don’t tag, your choice, however, the more tags you create the bigger the list will grow.
- Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list. (If you would like the scroll box code, leave me your email address and I will email it to you.)
- Come back and copy the master list back to your site, often. This process will allow late-comers to get as much link benefit as the first ones in.
*End Copy Here*

For this meme, I'd like to tag the following friends:
NAFASg, Emila, Bobby, Nessa, Spiff, Crystal, Uncle Sam, Jesse, LJ, Melody and Erisha! Let's do this peeps!

GP! I've done the meme already at LJL and CT!.. thanks for tagging me!
You want me to artificially "game" the system and temporarily pump up my Technorati rating for 180 days? Okay...I'll do it...hahahahahaha:)
LJ! As usual my first commenter. For that u deserve a special GP hug!!
Will add u in asap dearie, thanks for participating! :):):)
Bobby, that is exactly what I want you to do and thanks for doing it ha ha ha ha!!! :):):)
Yeayyy first commenter again...heheh..Hugs to you too GP!!!
eh have you leave a comment at the master list?
whoaaa.. 1000 links? that's something to look out for.. :)
LJ! I just left a comment for Mel, thanks for reminding me.. you think of everything LJ! :):):)
Syura! Come join us and we'll get even closer to achieving our target! :):):)
No probs GP! I also left a message for Mel as well, right after you...heheh
Yay! Mel will be happy to see ur participation for sure! Thanks for joining all our memes so far LJ, you totally rock woman! :):):)
very nice thanks
penis büyütücüler
Blush blush! eheheh:$
LJ blush lagi la cute lolz... :):):)
Thanks for visiting Mariuca's blog erkanbs! :):):)
Wow this is huge! Mel is such an enthusiastic blogger to come up with this. Thanks for tagging us again and we'll put this up soon! =)
Great NAFA! Hurry up so I can quickly add u in k! :):):)
Hi GP, Thanks for the Tag. I will do it soon. :)
Hey Sandy, that's right! I'll add you in here, thanks for dropping by! :):):)
Yay! Hurry up Uncle Sam, I'll be waiting... ;)
All the Very Best!
Thanks Raghav, feel free to join this meme if u like! :):):)
Hi Mariuca - I'd love to exchange links. You are in my sidebar under Link Exchange. Have a great day. :)
ok,let me get it up...i will let you know when I have done so! I guess we can all use a few good links :) Thank you,Miss MARZIE
Yay! Thanks Sandee, I'll add u in right away. Love and hugs for u! :):):)
That's the spirit Miss J, looking forward to adding you here, have a great day Jesse! :):):)
don't forget me the nxt time!!!!!!!!!
Sure Raghav, this meme is open to everybody, you can still join if u choose to! :)
I'm through with the tag! thanks marzie, it was fun
Great Mel! I'll add u to my list now, thanks for joining! :):):)
Hey Marzie, my tag is up ... :D Thanx for the coding though ...
Thanks Spiff, don't forget to leave ur url at the master list as well! :):):)
Hi Mariuca!
I'm in...
Take care from italy
Ciao bella! Thanks for dropping by Hanna, I'll add u in asap! :):):)
Hey, Girl! I have awards for you. ;)
More Special Awards
Many thanks Crystal, will be there as soon as I can! :):):)
hi Gp.. wow.. ur kitty is so cute.. how i wish i could also bought that kind of cat breed u have on ur pic.. mine is only an ordinary cat here in the phil.Lol.. but i have 14 cats... whew! anyways, mine is up on this big bang meme.. i'm on 100th..hope u could also visit my blog.. :-)
Hey Catsy, welcome to Mariuca's blog! :)
Wow! 14 cats??? I have to see this! Thanks for dropping by and I'll definitely come by your blog! :):):)
Marzie! Thanks for the tag! Mine is up, please add me! Thanks dear!
Sorry about that. I forgot to add it to them. Here they are:
Everything Amazon - http://everything-amazon.blogspot.com/
All About Ebay - http://sandys-all-about-ebay.blogspot.com/
~Sandy G.
No worries Sandy, got the other 2 covered now! Thanks for the update! :):):)
Good to see you on board and thanks for the Link Love says: #115 :-)
I'll update mine later on tonight too.
Btw: Hello from Norway - you really have a great blog!
Hola Renny, thanks for dropping by! It's great to get a visitor all the way from Norway, I hope u had a pleasant stay at Mariuca's blog! :):):)
This is my first time participating in Big Bang. I'm making the rounds to say hello! :-)
Hello Stacey, nice of u to drop by! I'll be making my way over to ur blog soon, have a great day! :):):)
Hi again - I really did had a pleasant stay here - so much so I faved you at Technorati too.
Wishing you a great end to you week :-)
Renny, it's great to see u here again and thanks so much for faving me at Techno! I've reached my 200 limit for Techno but I'll definitely be visiting u more, have a great weekend! :):):)
Hi, I see you are another Malaysian Blogger! I'm No. 238-CK Go Places :)
Hola CK! Calvin Klein is one of my fave brands lolz... Great to meet another Malaysian blogger, thanks for coming by! :):):)
Kindly please add me to your big bang list as well!
Hola Marie, I'll add u in, thanks for dropping by! :):):)
Hi Marzie!
I've already put this up. Appreciate if you could add me in your list. Thanks :D
Nessa! I already added u to both my blogs last night dear, see number 374, in caps some more he he he... :):):)
Mabuhay from the Philippines! Hopping from the Big Bang List. I'm No. 499-506! ;) Hope you can add me on your list. :)
Hola Chikai! Sure, thanks for letting me know, I'll be by ur blog tonight. Happy Valentine's Day! :):):)
GP!! This reminds me that I have to put up my repost too. I really hope we can hit a thousand! Apart from our Genie Ride, this was one of the best, ya?
Cheers GP!!
LOL GK!! I quickly reposted mine today in case Mel does his spot check here he he!! Anyway, I totally agree with you on this, aside from MFC (which will of course remain as my fave!), this is def one of the best! :)
Ah, I see that you tagged Spiff. I think the bum has already done this but I'll get him to update the list. And the only reason I'm commenting instead of Spiff is so I can be in the running for top commenter ... muahahahaha ... (yeah, I can be as Evil as Spiff at times :D)
Hola Nick! Actually, this was my old post, so that's why u see Spiff being tagged here, so you're right...Spiff has been a very good alien and has done this meme ages ago. This list here is the most recent, so u can update ur list using mine here!
Woo hoo another comment for Nick...I must say that GK is catching up pretty fast LOL! :)
Err... I'm blurr la. Didn't we just put this up? Do I have to repost or just update my Big Bang Meme?
He he, no need to be blur Nessa...the best is to update ur list and repost it to a current date, like what I did here, simple right? :)
GP! I think I lost my comment again! Anyway just wanted to say that it was a great idea to repost this meme.. and thanks for the reminder.. I need to update mine and probably add LLP to the list as well.. :)
No u didn't LJ, got ur comment! :)
Yeah, Mel reminded me to repost this meme last week but I only got around to doing so today he he...better late than never right?
PS. Don't forget to get LLP on the master list, let me know once u're done and I'll quickly add u in here he he!! :)
GP! I've added LLP to the list and I've let Mel know as well :)
Add me to the list ok.. thanks dearie...:)
Hi Marzie, my techno is a bit unstable... it starts to drop again :(
LJ, got LLP covered, now u can sit back and enjoy ur holiday tomo! :)
Hi Janice! Oh my techno is dropping too, don't forget that the links expire every 6 months (I think) so this meme is actually a good way to "refresh" ur links! Hope to see ur updated BB meme soon dear! :)
Thanks dearie... happy holidays!!
hey Mariuca, I still can't understand the purpose of this thing.. never see it before..
gesh! i haven't updated mine. thanks for reposting, it really did reminded me about this. thanks!
how are you by the way? hope your doing fine. God bless.
Marzie! The only thing is that I just don't want to go to all these blogs to have them add me onto theirs. I know less than half of them will and most people probably aren't updting their list. Convince me oh great Genie Princess...haha! I'm on the edge:)
Hi LJ! Happy hols to u too! :)
Hola Faizal! Thanks for coming by. Basically, this meme will help get you some links back to ur blog, eventually increasing ur Techno ranking. The goal of this meme is to try and get 1,000 blogs on the list! Anyway, u can read the instructions in the box for clearer understanding okay? :)
Bobby! That was why I tagged u very early on in the game, so u can be certain your blog gets linked to by all the rest here!
Anyway, it's still not too late to join. Mel has been doing a terrific job reminding everyone to continue updating their list, and if most bloggers play by the rules, you should be okay if u join this meme! Still not convinced huh Bobby? ;)
Hola Ruby, I'm okay here, hope u are doing well too! :)
Yeah, hurry up and update ur list and repost ur BB list too! :)
thanks for this post. you just reminded me to update my big bang list now! :)
Everytime I come I see this and I still haven't done mine yet...I better hurry before Mel cracks the whip! LOL
LOL GK! You can copy my list, and have the post reposted in a jiffy, hurry up slowpoke he he :)
No worries Farah, just trying to get closer to that 1,000 mark! Feel free to repost your updated BB list too. :)
Hoi who you calling slowpoke!! LOL I already did it lah hehe But only just...had trouble with the scrolling thingy so its a long long long post lah! :(
OK, I've just updated my post (Big Bang Meme).
You're right about the top commenter widget. It updated the numbers :)
I got one for ya:
That one should be fun.
He he upset it seems GK! Hey, did u try to copy and paste the list from my post? I think you can get the scroll bar to work ok that way, instead of having one long post, I'll come see urs now! :)
Yay for the Top Commenters widget and thanks for updating ur BB list. Happy weekend Nessa! :)
Hi Jenny, thanks for stopping by. I'll check out the link, have a good day! :)
Hello Mariuca,
Dropped by in a BE surf today. =) Have a great weekend!
Hey Debbie, thanks for stopping by, and for the tag! :)
Thanks for the tag! Or rather, the re-tag! Haha. We remember u tagged us on this one. But we're still trying to find a real good way to present this meme on our post.
Really hope to get this up soon. =)
NAFA! You still haven't done this BB meme yet?! Hurry up peeps, find ur really good way soon he he! :)
hi there Mariuca.. I just try the Bing Bang Meme.. sorry, quite late to do it.. so what will happen next with that thing of Bing Bang Meme?
Yay, Faizal is finally on board! I'll come see ur meme, thanks for joining the BB meme! :)
wonderful to see 1000 links.
Not quite there yet Raghav! Come and join us! :)
some time soon it will cross 1000!
Thanks for ur vote of confidence Raghav, I hope we'll get there soon too! :)
Salaam boss. Sori can;t help it kat blog e-picworld tuu hehe. But i just can join here my fren http://perpustakaan.blogspot.com/2008/04/big-bang-world-record-meme-from-mariuca.html
All the best :)
He he, mcm tu la, jgn ketinggalan! Ok I'll come see ur post now Forumer! :)
Online and Offline projects
Hi Karthika, thanks for stopping by Mariuca's blog! :)
this one is sure a very big bang! now it's over 1000!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!